What do you think (Survival mode) needs the most for his next patch/dlc.


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Well, i just finish the last chapter released of the story mode and it was really good !

My experience and vision of the game.

First of all, I haven't followed the game since the beginning, so I'm not really aware of the functioning and the progress of updates or content. 
So i'm kinda new in the sphere of TLD. I bought it because I had heard good rumors and i was lacking of adventure/exploration survival game.
After having watched some gameplay, i decide to give it a try and seriously, i found TLD much closer to a true survival adventure than all the others.

I'm an old gamer, I've been playing since I was a kid, so I've experienced lots and lots of games of all genres.
And over time, survival games have become "pvp/coop" games where the principle of survival has gradually moved away.
Which I find very unfortunate but well, new public i guess. It was then, a very good/enjoyable surprise to play this game, the developers did a very good job on TLD.

What i think it's great (differents from others games) ?

The constant need to pay attention to the weather or wildlife, if there is a thunderstorm/cold or fog,  wolves/bear arround was really captivating.
Even the fact that the wolves try to avoid my shot, the bear who doesn't care at all when I shoot him and the moose...
Who want to kill me instantly, was a nice detail (I heard that they were really aggressive and sometimes attacked cars in real life)
Helping people in the need (getting food/wood/medicine), rescuing people or finding a note/safe leading to a mini-investigation, really increase the depth of the game.
Finding completely frozen bodies is nice too. it's just a pity that we can't eat them, when there is no choice well... Even if it means sacrificing your humanity to survive longer.


I was really surprised and after only a few hours of playing the survival mod,
i found out that there were a lot of details that weren't there.


What i would add in the game ? (and what you would add in the game)

After a bit of thinking and (looking at other recommendations) I conclude that the game doesn't need much to be the best of its kind.
So here's what I think, it could be good in the game :

  • (Options) Growing some plants or news plants indoors or outdoors with the need to water them
  • (Options) Having a way to craft bookshelf, box, ect for decorations and storage.
  • (Options) Having news "bench" like drying meat or having a coat hanger (to put near the firecamp), because wearing a cold/wet clothes is a perfect idea to get sick.
  • (Options/Maybe) Have the possibility of canning food, you need to have cans, the right tools and enough time to prepare them (hammer/tools or a pot)
  • (Options) Why not, the ability to craft chair, armchair, ect...

And having the possibility to interact with them (stay/sit/...)

  • (Options) Being able to build a "stove" or advanced firecamps with levels of progression/durability (books/lvl needed)
  • (Options) Being able to re/build/move utilities, like workbench, fridge, ect.

And to "balance" it, you can't build one without dismantling one before, you also have to transport the (heavy) parts and be quite talented (lvl enough)

  • (Options) Possibility to reset/respawn zone for loot or a way to craft them

Some ressources are non reneweable. It can be implement by many ways...
It can be a special northern lights who litteraly vanish the zone (and wipe the memory of everyone if there is NPCs), enough time spent (and not visited an area), etc...

  • (Events) Some news weathers, like hail storms, thunderstorms, extreme cold (storms), ...

Hail storms can hurt you if you don't go into shelter fast enough and thunderstorms who can cause fires, but gives you a chance to have fire/torches other than with matches
Extreme cold, is a tempest  where you can't see anything and you need to have enough food and wood to survive through it (for multiple day)
Perfect times to watch or study some books and maybe relax yourself into a harm place.

  • (Balancing) Storm and Windy period can break/alter the insulation of your shelter. So you will need to repair windows or wall damaged (with wood or specific material)
  • (Events) Northern lights who makes all animals aggressive even the day (for a period of 24h)
  • (Balancing) Survival shelter can only be unlock during northern lights.

And why not, being able to be opened only during this kind of (aggressive) northern lights. High reward/high risk.

  • (Events) How about NPCs or special interactions (traders, plane crashes/rescue missions or help the others in the need with woods, foods, ...)

Like it was in the story mode for the old lady or the church ? (minus the traders)

  • (Events) Using the radio/tower when the northern lights are up for a supply drop

Limited by time (can expired) and you need to find it on the right region (you dont know where it is) and you need to use the towers and boost the signal to know location

And the last, perhaps the most difficult to implement (Expansion/Big DLC)
The concept of seasons ! You will not get the same creatures to hunt, not the same crafts or constraints.

  • In winter, wolf, bear, foxes, ferrets, etc....
  • In autumn, squirrels, rabbits, hedgehogs and so on for summer and spring.

In winter, it is cold, but in summer it is much too hot. Autumn is too wet, etc.... 
You will need different kinds of clothes depending of the season and adapt yourself over time.

For example, in autumn there some animals, but they are really inconspicuous and fast.
The best option is to eat mushrooms, but you will not know if they are poisonous or not, you will need to study them, read books... 
And why not be realistic from the reality, like having a real note, description of a real mushroom but transpossed in the game.
So you can learn from the game and vice versa.


Final words
And .... that's all folks.
It was a pretty big post, i know everthing is not possible to implemente.
But i think, there is some good idea in it..

And you, what do you think about what i wrote and what it could be great to add to the game?

Edited by FailSyst3m
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  • FailSyst3m changed the title to What do you think (Survival mode) needs the most for his next patch/dlc.

After reading this, especially the thought of more varied and even severe weather events seems interesting.

Here in Norway (with nature, wildlife and climate similar to Canada and Great Bear) we startet the summer season with the most intense and lengthy hail storm I've seen, so something like that, that actually starting to hurt you (early if low head gear protection) would be nice to see in-game. And also thunderstorms that could rarely set threes on fire - which you could light torches from if you got there fast enough - would be a nice addition to the game.



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