A few suggestions


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First, fantastic game that has already sucked an insane amount of my free time and I don't feel any guilt about it. As someone who lived in northern Ontario for many years, the wind sounds bring back many fond memories (and some not so fond).

I have a few wishes I'd love to see in this game, and since I haven't found a road map I'm not sure if they are planned.

1. Sticks - A simple walking stick could be a great tool. You have something to help walk (maybe help with fatigue), a stick to use as a weapon to fend off annoying wolves (I know this brings alot to the table in regards to programming i.e hit boxes, swing mechanics, damage, animations), when walking across frozen lakes you can use it to prevent going through the ice completely (holding it across the body prevents your upper torso from falling in) and could help keep you from freezing to death or drowning, as a crutch in case you break/hurt your ankle (making injuries more long term rather than a 4 hour and your healed), and finally wrap one end in cloth, add lantern fuel and a spark, woooosh, a nice deterrent for wolves but also a danger to any wooden house.

2. A character screen, which shows what slots you have gear on, their MAX warmth/Wind Chill factor and current numbers. Condition, and durability (which drops the more you repair it). This way a person knows if they can wear a jacket, sweater, shirt, undershirt. on torso or the heavy sweater replaces the jacket etc.

3. Bow and Arrow set, this has been requested alot, and I definitely agree with its functionality.

4. Dogs (or wolves) as pets/companions. Will help keep the baddies at bay, help with tracking, and help stave off cabin fever.

5. Psychosis - Cabin Fever for those who stay cooped up for a long period of time after they gather all the supplies they need. If you stay inside too long listening to the wind, you'll go batty. Go out and fish! Even hearing a wolf howl when its getting dark and you are outside should mess with you.

6. Injuries - breaking bones, snow blindness, frost bite, wind burn etc etc.

7. Books - much like other games, allow us to read something (diaries, manuals, fiction) to give us skill ups, or knowledge of the area.

8. Wolf adjustment - There have been numerous posts about the wolves, some liking them, some hating them. I fall under the "not a fan". The issue for me is the aggression, they seem a little too detrimental. Here is my suggestion.

Pilgrim - Wolves stay only in forests, avoid anywhere there are houses, will avoid humans at all times except in defence of their kills, if you approach them when they area eating they will growl and then attack.

Voyageur - Wolves wander everywhere, will run from humans in housed areas, but will stalk them in forests. Will always attack a human that is under 35% condition, will avoid flares and fires. Will defend their kills aggressively.

Stalker - You are the prey. They will hunt you everywhere, will stay away from flares but will not run.

Hope this tickles some ideas. Thank you again for the fantastic game and nostalgia.

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