Suggestion collection. Part 1 (~35)


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Hi everyone!

In this post I've collected wishes and ideas of my own and that of others I found interesting.

Clarification: I thought about most of them before I went through the forum looking if anyone else already posted this idea. Besides, writing this post took me few days. For every suggestion that was posted before I'll try to give a link.

Warning! This post is incredibly long!

Read the instructions for quick reading first!

If the spoiled block is too big, a short summary will precede it.

[bold, maroon text] is suggestion core. Paragraph containing it contains details without argumentation.

Hope this will make it easier to read this post.

Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details)::

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

Questionnaire made by Trandor.

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

1) Ice fishing:

[spoil][tab=30]It should be possible to fish at any place on Mystery lake.

[tab=30]There should be a button "Ice fishing" in the menu, it will only work on lake surface and will require a hand ice auger or a hatchet and a fishing rod (and maybe a tiny piece of food as a bait). As a result player can get some fish and access to the source of unsafe water (it'll be frozen in 36min of game time).[/spoil]Ice fishing thread started by LittleBobby68.

Few ideas... (by Lorendal27)

2) Ragged clothing and cannibalism:

[spoil][tab=30]Every time player didn't find any clothing on a corpse he should get ragged clothing.

[tab=30]It should be a pile of clothing that represents unfit or/and torn apart clothing that can be harvested for cloth. With current harvesting-weight system it should have following parameters: weight 0.75 kg, yield 1 to 3 units of cloth depending on quality percentage (100-67% -> 3 pieces, 66-33% -> 2, 33-1% -> 1);

[tab=30]The player should also be able to harvest human corpses for meat. It should be up to his morale whether do it or not.[/spoil]Survival through hunting?

Cannibalism / Morality issues and suggestions

3) Dynamo torch:

[spoil][tab=30] Would be great to have a dynamo torch in the game.

[tab=30]Dynamo torch is a mechanically powered flashlight which stores energy in a flywheel. Like this one. Should weight 0.25 kg, 1 minute of work gives 30 minutes of light (2m 30s real life time), burns calories while recharging (40 for 100% charge). I know that there was immense geomagnetic storm, but may be this simple flashlight could survive it. Especially it is possible in a dam or bunker as dam have thick walls of reinforced concrete and bunker is 3m under the surface.[/spoil]Survival Tools - Pick One

4)Thermos, liquids storing system:

[spoil][tab=30]Did you ever wonder where our character gets all those bottles to store unsafe/boiled water? He must be a bloody magician! But jokes aside: empty plastic bottles (weight: 0.1kg, capacity: 1,5-2l) must be added to the game and they should be suitable not only for water, but also for lantern fuel/kerosene. So basically player should be able to pour liquids from one container into another.

[tab=30]And moreover, thermoses must be added to the game. They should be indestructible, weight 0.5-1.25kg and store 0.75-2l, keep water hot (>45°C) ~24h. They allow player to store boiled water, drinking which (0.1l) warms him by 6.5% of cold scale. Instead of quality parameter thermos should have temperature parameter, when the temperature drops < 43°C water stops warming you up.[/spoil]Thermos (by Gouldenberg)

5) Backpack weight & stackability:

[spoil][tab=30]Weight of players backpack shouldn't influence the fatigue development during:

[tab=30]Harvesting (items/carcasses); Repairing; Cooking/Melting/Boiling; Fishing. The reason is the same for all cases: player is on the same spot for a long time and he doesn't need/can't use backpack during this time. Anyone would just put his backpack nearby.

[tab=30]Also there should be a button in the UI that allows player quickly "drop backpack". It should drop everything except hatchet, knife, rifle, lantern, 1 flare, clothes player wears. It would be useful for wood foraging and hunting.

[tab=30]Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.

[tab=30]Antiseptic and other liquids should stack like water does, but a little bit different. When player picks up any of these liquids the content of found container automatically gets poured into the container (same type) that he already has. E.g.: lantern fuel bottle has volume 0.5l; player found 3 bottles [0.33l, 0.27l, 0.1l] -> in inventory he'll see [0.5l, 0.2l, 0.0l]. The empty ones could be harvested for scrape metal (though it would need scrape metal to be dividable like liquid). It would ease the navigation through the backpack, choosing what to drop.[/spoil]Dropping Backpack

6) Backpack and buildings temperature:

[spoil][tab=30]Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.

[tab=30]In order for food to freeze in buildings (and for realism reasons) temperature inside should be lowered to -5°C. E.g. 0.6 kg raw venison should freeze during ~24 min, water (unsafe) during ~1h, boiled ~3h. Boiled water will warm player, reducing coldness by 6.5% per 0.1l, until it's its temperature won't be less than 43°C.

[tab=30]Of course there should be food and drinks that can be consumed cold. E.g. beef jerky or summit soda, but in case of drinks they will cool player by 9% of cold scale. Food shouldn't cool player because it has much lower thermal capacity than water (~8 times for chocolate), but canned food will become frozen, therefore inedible.[/spoil]

7) Fire & accelerants:

[spoil][tab=30]Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.

[tab=30]Instead they should contain (at most) 200ml of accelerant and starting a fire should take some of it (about 10ml). So 1 full flask can be used 20 times, but of course player will always find them almost empty. Also, kerosene should be usable as accelerant.

[tab=30]Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.

[tab=30]In real life, if you have gas/flare you don't need any tinder to start a fire.

[tab=30]Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.

[tab=30]Rooms of the dam are big enough for player to start a fire without risk of smoke inhalation or carbon monoxide poisoning, and the bunker has the vent + the hatch is opened.

[tab=30]Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.

[tab=30]Because they are giving protection from the wind blows. Starting a fire indoors (in stove or on the concrete floor) must always give 15% (25% in stove) chance of success bonus for the same reason.

[tab=30]"Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.

[tab=30]The fuel types should be ordered by burning time. Currently it is based on which kind of wood was found first. The "Melt snow" and "Boil" controllers (and also sleep time controller) should be replaced with scale/scrollbar type controllers. Something like that:


Also it would be nice to speed up cooking and melting/boiling a little bit.[/spoil]Vids:

[spoil][bBvideo 560,340:3g9d8lxr]


[bBvideo 560,340:3g9d8lxr]


8) Tools (degradation rates and applications):

Summary: decrease tools degradation rates; hatchet/knife should be sharpened, not repaired; knife should be used as a weapon in a fight with a wolf; rifle should be maintainable (repair only with workbench); rifle misfire from time to time; prybar shouldn't be harvestable/degradable.

[spoil][tab=30]Tools degradation rates should be tuned.

[tab=30]Right now tools are degrading even if player doesn't use them (doesn't matter if they are in inventory or just lying on the floor/at spawn point). Every 12h they loose 1% of their condition. This applies to a can opener, prybar, hatchet, hunting knife/rifle and simple tools (don't know about sewing kit - didn't have it at hand to test). The lantern and quality tools (found in bunker) don't fall under this "rule". I think they shouldn't degrade on themselves, but if they must then no more then 1% in 3 days.

[tab=30]Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use (hour).

[tab=30]Hatchet degrades by 10% per foraging hour even if you didn't find any usable wood. Instead of 10% per hour of "use" it should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (e.g. reclaimed wood/tinder plug - 1%; cedar wood/fir wood - 2%). And there shouldn't be "you haven't found any usable wood" as the result (never) - you are in the woods! At very least you can always find some pine cones or tore off some bark and use all this as a tinder.

[tab=30]Also repairing should be in fact sharpening with a whetstone (no consumption of scrape metal and wood). The handle can break (1-2% chance), in which case players must be able to do a new one using any kind of wood, but only on a workbench.

[tab=30]Knife shouldn't loose 1% each 3 kg unfrozen meat or 1 kg frozen. It should be 3 times less. As well as hatchet it should be sharpened with a whetstone.

[tab=30]But more importantly, player must be able to use it in a fight with a wolf.

[tab=30]Player won't need to build up the force of attack, just hit and wolf runs away. But if he did build it up (~20-25%) then 1 hit should be enough to kill the wolf.

[tab=30]Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot, because metals become brittle only after -30-40°C, depending on alloy. It should be 1%. Of course there isn't many ammo in game, but it still too unrealistic that a rifle can fall apart after 33 shots.

[tab=30]Moreover, rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, which means player can repair it only using a workbench, and for maintenance player need tools and some animal fat. Also the rifle should misfire once in a while and the chance of it should depend on it's quality and it's quality degradation should depend on how well maintained it is.

[tab=30]Prybar shouldn't loose 3% per use. To be honest, I don't care about prybar degradation, because there aren't so many locked lockers (hehe). But still, prybars are made of medium carbon steel, which is strong enough to serve for many years of daily usage without any maintenance. I would say that it shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it (I wonder how does he do it anyway?).

[tab=30]Can opener shouldn't loose 4%. Well this one is just ridiculous. 25 cans and it'll falls apart. Is it made of tinplate? It should be no more than 1%, especially considering the amount of cans that a player has to open during the gameplay.[/spoil]Item Decay

Opinions About Item Degradation Issue

Degradation of stuff inside the containers

Fix The Can Opener.

A more involved item durability system.

9) First aid:

Summary: 2 different kind of wounds; sewing up the laceration; stepwise first aid mechanics; antiseptic bottles should be stackable; change sprained ankle treatment; only medicine in firs aid kits; reduce pills weight; freezing causes cold.

[spoil][tab=30]There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.

[tab=30]The bite wound and the lacerated wound. If the wolf managed to deal damage less then 15% of condition (player has a knife) then player gets bite wound, if more then lacerated wound. Bite wound should be treated as it is, by applying antiseptic and bandaging. Lacerated wound should be threated by applying antiseptic (0.15l) -> sewing the laceration with sewing kit (-1%) -> making a bandaging -> taking painkillers (optional). Obviously ability to sew up the wounds using sewing kit should be implemented.

[tab=30]First aid mechanics should be stepwise.

[tab=30]Which means if player got attacked by a wolf and need to disinfect the wound and make bandaging, he must do the disinfection first and than apply a bandage. If he doesn't have antiseptic he can still bandage the wound but afterwards he'll have to redo the bandaging. Same goes for sewed up wound, if he didn't disinfect it, he'll need to take off the bandaging, take out stitches, disinfect the wound and redo sewing up and bandaging. All these actions should be available in first aid menu.

[tab=30]Antiseptic bottles should stack like water.

[tab=30]Bottle volume should be 0.1l and the antiseptic quantity needed for wound disinfection ~0.07l.

[tab=30]Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.

[tab=30]You can't heal sprained ankle by taking painkillers. It's treated by applying compression bandages, icing, rest, and elevation of the ankle higher than heart.

[tab=30]First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.

[tab=30]I ones found 2 sewing kits in one first aid kit. The other day I found 3 chocolates if I remember correctly. What would chocolate and especially sewing kit doing in a first aid kit?! Of course you should be able to sew a laceration using a sewing kit, but this is not its purpose. There are special surgical tools for that.

[tab=30]Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.

[tab=30]Right now 1 painkiller pill weight 20 gram and 1 antibiotic pill 10 gram. What?! 1 effervescent tablet of 1g of vitamin C weights 3g. Those pills are the biggest and the heaviest I know. Considering that painkiller and antibiotics pills are much smaller they should weight 1-2g each. That means that full bottle (50 pills) will weight 0.05-0.1kg.

[tab=30]Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold. Prolonged freezing causes frosbite

[tab=30]It would be cause dizziness which means increased fatigue, and after 2 days pneumonia (decreases your condition). The more time player spends freezing the more likely he'll get a cold. To treat it a new kind of medicine should be introduced. I suggest to name it 'Antiflucold' or 'Antivirus' ('Afluvir'/'Aflucold'). But if you want to stick to current naming policy by medicine category then it should be named 'Antiviral'. The treatment should also include few hours of rest.

[tab=30]If player was freezing for too long (e.g. ~15% of condition), he will get a frostbite which means a permanent reduction of his condition by ~5-7%.

[...] So if you want to introduce something from the freezing status, why not make it frostbite. where you get a permanent condition damage?

[tab=30]FYI: the cold (URTI) can't be treated by antibiotics, because it's caused by viruses. Actually common cold and other URTIs don't have any "efficient" treatment. Usually they are treated symptomatically with drugs like Theraflu. It's a mixture of [analgesic/antipyretic, antihistamine, antitussive, decongestant]. Main component is paracetamol (relieves pain and reduces fever). If you don't treat your cold well it can get complicated by bacterial infection and you'll get pneumonia.[/spoil]Surgical needles:[spoil]suture-needle-half-curved-reverse-cutting-style-102-9.gif[/spoil]

10) Thirst and resting systems:

Summary: reduce water consumption during sleep, limit sleep time, divide rest and sleep, add bottles and ability to store any liquids in them.

[spoil][tab=30]The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.

[tab=30]At this point if player will sleep 12 h he'll be dehydrated which is nonsense because during this time metabolism decreases by about 5–10% and considering that you don't do any physical activities plus that the environmental temperature is low (means no sweating) plus your own body temperature drops while you're asleep (means your exhalation contains slightly less water vapor.

[tab=30]In real life, if your body water reserve is normal, maximum you will get after 12 h of sleep in a heated room at +25°C is a moderate thirst that can be put out with 1-2 glasses (0.25-0.5l) of water (also you'll be a little bit hungry).

[tab=30]My guess is, that you just took the average daily required amount of water (2l for adults) and made a minimal thirst build up = 2/24 = 1/12 = 8.(3)% per hour. Which is wrong. Of course I understand that this is alpha version and most likely you did it like that because making this system veridical would require 3 steps:

[tab=30] 1st step should be tuning of water consumption system. The amount of time needed to fully recover after exhaustion (10h) should be taken as minimal time of sleep per day. Now if 0.5l of water would be taken as a sufficient amount to quench ones thirst after 12h of sleeping, thirst build up per hour will be ~4.1(6)[%/h]. As the minimal amount of daily water consumption is 2l and the minimal sleep time is 10h, total water consumption during wake hours (14h) should be around 1.58(3)l, which means ~11.31[%/h] thirst build up. But.

[tab=30]This opens an opportunity to cheat by sleeping as long as you can, thus reducing the water consumption. Therefore the 2nd step should be limitation of maximum daily sleep duration. I suggest 12h. 10h to restore after exhaustion +2h which give player bonus -10% of fatigue. In general player should be allowed to sleep as much as needed to sleep yourself out +2h (every extra hour gives -5% fatigue bonus), in addition he shouldn't be able to go to sleep until your fatigue will reach +10-20%. This should prevent cheating as well as add some realism: you can't sleep 2 days straight unless you're in coma, and you can't make yourself fall asleep unless you're at least a bit tired or have a slipping pills. But.

[tab=30]You'll probably say, "What if I reached my sleeping limit and got food poisoning or sprained my ankle?!". For that problem, the 3rd step is needed, to be solved: dividing resting system into 2 separate: sleep and rest.

[tab=30]What are the differences? Player can rest unlimited amount of time, "resting" reduce fatigue only by ~6-8[%/h] and the water consumption is as during "wake hours".[/spoil]

11) Carcass degradation, harvesting and more:

Summary: Much slower degradation, need in hatchet when the carcass is frozen, ability to move the carcass, more meat.

[spoil][tab=30]Carcasses shouldn't degrade this fast (~24[%/d] when frozen).

[tab=30]At this point total lifespan of a carcass is 3d 1h 40m. Until it is completely frozen it degrades at rate 1% in 12 minutes (1m of real time). Freezing speed equals 1% in 4m, which means 6h 40m until the carcass becomes frozen. During this time it looses 33% of quality (carcass has 95% just after kill), which is just ridiculous.

[tab=30]Meat bought in a store can preserve in a refrigerator (+2 - +4°C) for 2-5 days, depending on its freshness and °C. In a freezer (-12-18°C) it can be preserved for at least 2 months. Considering this it looks strange that a carcass can go bad in just 3 days when surrounding temperature fluctuates from -10 till -40°C. Btw, it's not only meat that degrades this fast, but also the hide. Why on Earth would it degrade at all!?

[tab=30]I suggest changing degradation speed and tune carcass harvesting. E.g.: the freezing time should still be around 6h 40m, but the total degradation during this time should be no more then 13%; the start quality should be at 97-98%; degradation speed when frozen should be about 4% a day; hide shouldn't degrade at all; So the carcass lifespan would be 21d 6h 40m. But.

[tab=30]Probably you would say, "There will be too many carcasses lying around for almost a month!". And you'll be partly right. Yes, there will be carcasses, but not too many (you don't have that much ammo). It will be exactly like it would be in real life: you kill a deer, you flay it, cut it up and leave what's left. In a few hours leftovers will become deep frozen, which means not only that the meat will preserve for months, but also that wolves won't eat it. So it will lie there for days and days covered by snow, waiting for you to come and take the rest. But.

[tab=30]In real life you would not be able to flay or cut up a frozen carcass using a hunting knife. Well actually you could do that, but it would require few hours of hard work (3-5h). Meanwhile, cutting up a deer (not frozen) by a professional butcher can take only 6 minutes.

[tab=30]So I think, it should take no more than 1h 40m for a player to cut up unfrozen carcass (currently it is exactly like that). But also I think that after a carcass become 67% frozen, the player must use a hatchet (causes hatchet degradation) in order to harvest some meat or leather, because outer carcass layer is completely frozen by this time.

[tab=30]What else can I suggest? Player should be able to drag the carcass. It will burn additional calories, increase fatigue and thirst. But if you do it wisely (drop your backpack, leaving only rifle/knife for defense), it will be a paying thing to do. You can drag the frozen rests to your hideout, so you won't need to go too far every time you'll need some meat.

[tab=30]Ultimately, there should be more than 10 kg of meat on a deer or a wolf. I would say it should be around 45 kg for a deer and 20-25 kg for a wolf. But in this case it will take at least 26h for a deer carcass to freeze at -15°C and and ~14h for wolf. Average North American wolf weight 36 kg, adult deer ([white-tailed]/[mule deer] stag) can weight up to [130]/[150]kg, female up to 90 kg (both species).[/spoil]Man Bones Out a Deer in 6 Minutes:[spoil][bBvideo 560,340:3g9d8lxr]

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I agree with most of this, except some of the suggestions are to expensive (in development time) to be worth it IMHO. Like not repairing the rifle, but maintaining it. That would mean a new mechanism to be implemented only for the rifle. I'm okay with just repairing the rifle and use the time saved for something more worthwhile. But overall, most of these are valid points.

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Thanks for the collection, but I think it will be hard to discuss stuff here with your summarized version. Let's see how we can facilitate this... ^^

[spoil][x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[] 01. Ice Fishing.

[] 02. Ragged clothing.

[] 03. Cannibalism.

[] 04. Dynamo torch.

[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.

[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.

[] 07. Thermos cans.

[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.

[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.

[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.

[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.

[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.

[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.

[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.

[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.

[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.

[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.

[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.

[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).

[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).

[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.

[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.

[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).

[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).

[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.

[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.

[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.

[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.

[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.

[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.

[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.

[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).

[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.

[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.

[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.

[] 36. Able to move carcasses.

[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.[/spoil]

When responding to the suggestions, please use this, that way it's more obvious to what you're agreeing and what you do not like. :)

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First, nice work compiling all the information for quick reference.

Second, I too agree with most of this except for some of the suggestions which would require a LOT of programming hours to implement. I think I would focus on the broader strokes first or those that would be the most useful to the enjoyment of playing the game. I would also steer clear of hyper-realism. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11 would be my choices to focus on because I believe the others stray into trying to be too realistic. Of the aforementioned topics, 5 (dropping backpack), 10 (thirst and resting), and 2 (cannibalism) would be my top three choices (in that order) to work on for upcoming versions.

Given the new list I would focus on: 02, 03, 09, and 34.

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[ x ] 01. Ice Fishing

[ x ] 02. Ragged clothing

[ ] 03. Cannibalism

[ x ] 04. Dynamo torch

[ ] 05. Empty plastic bottles

[ ] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another

[ x ] 07. Thermos cans

[ x ] 08. Weight of players backpack shouldn't influence fatigue development

[ ] 09. Ability to drop backpack

[ x ] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.

[ ] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.

[ x ] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.

[ x ] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.

[ ] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.

[ ] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.

[ ] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.

[ x ] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.

[ x ] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per hour.

[ x ] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit.

[ x ] 20. Repairing the hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone

[ x ] 21. Player must be able to use hatchet in a fight with a wolf

[ x ] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot

[ ] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable

[ ] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while

[ x ] 25. Prybar shouldn't loose 3% per use

[ ] 26. It shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it

[ x ] 27. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.

[ ] 28. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.

[ x ] 29. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.

[ ] 30. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.

[ x ] 31. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.

[ x ] 32. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.

[ ] 33. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold.

[ ] 34. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.

[ ] 35. Limiting total sleep time, add resting time.

[ x ] 36. Slower carcass degradation.

[ ] 37. Able to move carcasses.

[ ] 38. More meat on wolves and deer.

3. I don't like the idea of cannibalism. There's way too many corpses on the sandbox map right now, so why would I use them as a meat source?

5. Well that would certainly limit the opportunity to move around freely and clutter my inventory. Additionally they would have to break if you fill in too much water and get destroyed if your water freezes in the thing. in any case they would degrade. So: thermos, sure. Empty bottles, not so much.

6. I don't quite see the point. The only liquid like to poor is refilling lantern fuel from Jerry Cans. But other than that...

9. I still have not warmed to this idea yet, and I don't see the point.

11. Makes things unnecessary complicated imho.

14. Well you can already create fire in the dam and I for one would never dare lighting a fire in that bunker, it's way too small. There would be almost certainly a soke buildup.

15. They already gave us 50% fire starting skill. So if a stove had an additional 15%, they would have to decrease the fire lighting skill by approx. 25% to be realistic, in my opinion.

16. I agree with bringing order to the fuel sources, but there's no slider for the water melting/boiling needed.

17. As far as I know, this is already in the works. It's just a question of finding a good mix where they degrade quickly but not unreasonably fast.

23. Why shouldn't it be repairable? Maybe you'll have to adapt it somehow. But I think if you had 2 rifles you should be able to combine em into an "improved one". But your idea of maintaining a weapon kind of raises some questions. Maintaining something will decrease the degradation speed, but not improve condition. So in your scenario, a weapon will be gone forever once the condition dropped to 0.

24. Well it shouldn't, unless the weapon is in horrible condition. But the kind of rifle we are using in the game right now has extremely low misfiring rates, as far as I know.

26. Sure, in real life Prybars are pretty much indestructible. But this would make the prybar kind of overpowered. So either make it indestructible but have a limited amount of locked items, so it's not all that helpful, or leave it as is and have the player decide wether it's worth forcing that locker open.

28. I do like the idea, but I don't think I would enjoy it in the game itself, since I hardly ever manage to get a wolf off before 15% damage are taken. So this would make wolves really annoying. Also, somehow you would have to consider what people are wearing then, because if you are wearing 3 layers and leatherware, the wolf should be able to do way less damage. So nope, I don't think that's a good idea.

30. While I do agree that sprained ankles should not be curable by painkillers alone, I don't think a compression bandage is needed either. Unless you add this as another medical item that can be found and substituted for painkillers.

Maybe Painkillers can delay the sprained ankle for 4h, but you still need 4h of rest to get rid of it.

33. And what would the effect of having a cold be? Because I have had many a cold in my life, but never contracted more than the flu from it. So if you want to introduce something from the freezing status, why not make it frostbite. where you get a permanent condition damage?

34. Frankly, it has already been adapted and I'm quite content with how it is now.

35. Since I don't agree with 34, I most certainly wont agree with 35 either. :) If you have slept till you're at 0% fatigue, then "resting" will be useless anyway, since you simply want to pass time. So the only reason you're introducing this is since players could "abuse thirst". But since I don't see the point of making thirst nonlinear, this seems completely redundant to me.

37. Sure would be nice to move carcasses, pulling those meat fridges to my hut would be nice. But honestly, I'd much rather simply drag stuff around, and not the entire carcass. Btw, having a carcass near you would also have to attract predators to your location. And they should eat off those carcasses.

38. If you add more meat on the animals, then you would also have to decrease the amount of animals that you see. There would be only 1 or two wolves in the area we currently have in the alpha build and maybe 5-15 deer, with probably almost no respawn at all. So I'd rather have it remain the way it is now.

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First let me thank you for reading The Long Post and especially for making this questionnaire. I was so glad that I finally finished with the post that I forgot to make it. ;)

[spoil][ ] 03. Cannibalism

[ ] 05. Empty plastic bottles

[ ] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another

[ ] 09. Ability to drop backpack

[ ] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.

[ ] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.

[ ] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.

[ ] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.

[ ] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable

[ ] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while

[ ] 26. It shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it

[ ] 28. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.

[ ] 30. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.

[ ] 33. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold.

[ ] 34. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.

[ ] 35. Limiting total sleep time, add resting time.

[ ] 37. Able to move carcasses.

[ ] 38. More meat on wolves and deer.[/spoil]

[spoil]3. I don't like the idea of cannibalism. There's way too many corpses on the sandbox map right now, so why would I use them as a meat source?

5. Well that would certainly limit the opportunity to move around freely and clutter my inventory. Additionally they would have to break if you fill in too much water and get destroyed if your water freezes in the thing. in any case they would degrade. So: thermos, sure. Empty bottles, not so much.

6. I don't quite see the point. The only liquid like to poor is refilling lantern fuel from Jerry Cans. But other than that...

9. I still have not warmed to this idea yet, and I don't see the point.

11. Makes things unnecessary complicated imho.

14. Well you can already create fire in the dam and I for one would never dare lighting a fire in that bunker, it's way too small. There would be almost certainly a soke buildup.

15. They already gave us 50% fire starting skill. So if a stove had an additional 15%, they would have to decrease the fire lighting skill by approx. 25% to be realistic, in my opinion.

16. I agree with bringing order to the fuel sources, but there's no slider for the water melting/boiling needed.

17. As far as I know, this is already in the works. It's just a question of finding a good mix where they degrade quickly but not unreasonably fast.

23. Why shouldn't it be repairable? Maybe you'll have to adapt it somehow. But I think if you had 2 rifles you should be able to combine em into an "improved one". But your idea of maintaining a weapon kind of raises some questions. Maintaining something will decrease the degradation speed, but not improve condition. So in your scenario, a weapon will be gone forever once the condition dropped to 0.

24. Well it shouldn't, unless the weapon is in horrible condition. But the kind of rifle we are using in the game right now has extremely low misfiring rates, as far as I know.

26. Sure, in real life Prybars are pretty much indestructible. But this would make the prybar kind of overpowered. So either make it indestructible but have a limited amount of locked items, so it's not all that helpful, or leave it as is and have the player decide wether it's worth forcing that locker open.

28. I do like the idea, but I don't think I would enjoy it in the game itself, since I hardly ever manage to get a wolf off before 15% damage are taken. So this would make wolves really annoying. Also, somehow you would have to consider what people are wearing then, because if you are wearing 3 layers and leatherware, the wolf should be able to do way less damage. So nope, I don't think that's a good idea.

30. While I do agree that sprained ankles should not be curable by painkillers alone, I don't think a compression bandage is needed either. Unless you add this as another medical item that can be found and substituted for painkillers.

Maybe Painkillers can delay the sprained ankle for 4h, but you still need 4h of rest to get rid of it.

33. And what would the effect of having a cold be? Because I have had many a cold in my life, but never contracted more than the flu from it. So if you want to introduce something from the freezing status, why not make it frostbite. where you get a permanent condition damage?

34. Frankly, it has already been adapted and I'm quite content with how it is now.

35. Since I don't agree with 34, I most certainly wont agree with 35 either. :) If you have slept till you're at 0% fatigue, then "resting" will be useless anyway, since you simply want to pass time. So the only reason you're introducing this is since players could "abuse thirst". But since I don't see the point of making thirst nonlinear, this seems completely redundant to me.

37. Sure would be nice to move carcasses, pulling those meat fridges to my hut would be nice. But honestly, I'd much rather simply drag stuff around, and not the entire carcass. Btw, having a carcass near you would also have to attract predators to your location. And they should eat off those carcasses.

38. If you add more meat on the animals, then you would also have to decrease the amount of animals that you see. There would be only 1 or two wolves in the area we currently have in the alpha build and maybe 5-15 deer, with probably almost no respawn at all. So I'd rather have it remain the way it is now.[/spoil]

Now let's discuss our disagreements. But I also should say, that I didn't include all the details and arguments that I had in my mind.

Paragraphs 3-24:

[spoil]3. Why? Because you could've used them in real life (if you would dare). As for the numbers, "corpses population" can be reduced.

5. Here is how more detailed view of how I see it working:

Empty plastic bottles (coke, pepsi, schweppes e.t.c.) are very common kind of waste, so there should be garbage bins in buildings where you can find them. They also should be as common as newspapers are and you could store fuel in them. On the breaking/degrading point: they shouldn't degrade (it's plastic) and they shouldn't break in case of freezing. I think it is obvious for anyone that you should left some air in the bottle so it won't get torn apart.

6. If you picked up 4 accelerant flasks (all 3/4 empty), you could just pour everything in 1 of them and harvest the others or just throw them away (-0.3kg).

9. Well we just see it in different ways. :)

11. Yes it does, but in my opinion it should be like that, because if you "tuneup" the hatchet and other tools then it will be too easy to play. This will balance things out.

14. To start a fire in the dam you have to go too far every time. The bunker is small, but I forgot to say that you would be able to start a fire only under the opened hatch, so it will create a draft like in as it happens with chimney shaft: the lighter hot air + burn products stream goes out of the bunker and the thicker cold air streams in through the vent.

15. Well it's quite tricky question, to be honest. I have some fire starting experience, so I don't see the problem in starting a fire, especially in a stove. As for our in-game character, I think he should have fire starting skills as well, because he is a pilot :)

Here is my logic: if he is a pilot of his own small plane than most certainly he has some experience of working with plane engines. If so then he probably had had interest to the technique since his childhood, which means that he hardly was a cissy and probably went camping few times. Which means that he learned how to start a fire. So 50% skill is justified.

16. I think it's much handy and quicker to choose how much snow/water would you like to melt/boil using a slider. At this point you would have to make 6 clicks to boil 3l of water, but with a slider you would need just one quick move.

17. I know that it is in the works, I just wanted to express my view on how it should be.

23. I meant that it can by repaired only by using workbench (which is unavailable in alpha), because to repair a gun you will need tools much more complicated than a wood saw, hammer and a screwdriver (simple tools). So in alpha it should be repairable, but when the bench will be available you should be able to repair it only using the bench.

24. Well I said that misfire chance should depend on overall condition and in which maintenance stage is it now (are the mechanisms clean and greased and so on).[/spoil]Paragraphs 26-38:

[spoil]26. Overpowered?! How so? It only has one purpose: force open the lockers. And by the way, right now there is like 10 locked lockers max (up to 6 in dam and up to 4 in bunker). So even with current degradation rates it would degrade max by 30%. Moreover, there are many prybars in the game, I usually find 3-4 of them every "playthrough" (for now I play for testing, so I restart the game pretty often).

All these factors make degradation of the prybar pointless. They should be indestructible, but 1-2 of them on the entire map, and not necessary in the dam.

28. That is the point. Right now you can fight off the wolf before he will deal 50-60% damage (with bare hands...hmm), after which you simply apply antiseptic and a bandage and that's all. If you'll sleep 2 times x10h you'll have 100% condition. I don't say that it is impossible to fight off the wolf with bare hands, I'm just saying that it would cost you severe injuries. But on the other hand if you have a knife then the wolf will run away after just one hit without building up attack force (IRL and in game), which will leave you with relatively small injuries. So unless you have a knife you'll always stay away from the wolves, just like you would in real life. I didn't get how will they become more annoying than they already are? I can always spot a wolf on a distance and avoid it. You can also outrun it. When the wolf just starts going towards you, you can just run away as he won't run quick enough (I don't know why).

30.Compression bandage is not only the type of bandage but also a type of bandaging itself. And judging on its current model it is a compression bandage.

33. Sorry forgot to specify. It would be dizziness which means increased fatigue, and after 2 days pneumonia (decreases your condition). On the frostbite point: great idea! Totally it should be like that you said.

34. Well again we see it different. I'm judging by my personal experience: I have never been dehydrated after 12h of sleep, I even don't have an immediate thirst after that.

35. For me the point of making thirst nonlinear is to make game more realistic. 35 follows from 34.

37. Well maybe it would attract them, but I doubt they would eat off deep frozen carcass. You ever licked metal in winter? Same thing will happen if wolf will try to lick or bite meat frozen at -20 degrees Celsius.

38. Of course it should be decreased, but not that drastically as you say. Respawn amount should be decreased accordingly.[/spoil]

Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details):

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

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First, nice work compiling all the information for quick reference.

Second, I too agree with most of this except for some of the suggestions which would require a LOT of programming hours to implement [...] Given the new list I would focus on: 02, 03, 09, and 34.

It's nice to see that someone except me read The Long Post. ;)
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Hehe I like your answers. Good to see a serious discussion going on. :)

As a reply to your replies:

Paragraphs 3-24:

[spoil]3. Well because in real life, the meat would degrade quickly, there's not that much meat on a human that you can eat safely (about 20kg) and even then, there's the chance to get kuru disease, which always is a death sentence. So when adding this, I would like there to be some form of consequences from eating humans, more than just some kind of "moral issues". What I would highly dislike is the opportunity to simply add human meat to the list of eatables and have no consequences whatsoever.

5. This would not be a problem at all, except that so far, there has not been any waste, and I would not expect much waste in the surroundings the current sandbox is located. Also: you would have to find some container pretty soon, otherwise you simply cannot carry enough fluids to survive. Since when surviving a plane crash, empty bottles would not be high on my priority list of what I drag along. So still, I don't like the idea. :)

6. I kind of have to agree with you on this one, but I think this does not necessarily have to be done manually, but could be done the same way the water works, where it stacks in the right amount of bottles automatically.

11. Well, if you added this feature, then it would certainly make sense that you can drop your backpack near the fire, to unfreeze everything again. Still, I don't think that stuff freezing in your backpack is the proper way to go, especially if I see the alarming rates at which deer and wolves freeze.

14. Well actually I never needed to make a fire in the bunker, since there is plenty of food and you can also sleep fairly decent in there, without having a fire. :) And while I agree that the fire in the dam is far away, personally, I would not light a fire in the small rooms at the front.

15. Maybe the pilot has more firelighting skills, but how about the female lead? Why should she be able to light a fire?

16. Actually it never bothered me as things are now, but I wouldn't mind it the other way round. But since I don't mind, I don't see the point in changing it. :P

23. Then we agree on this point. The way I posted it in the other thread, I would add some way of maintaining it and also adding the option to repair it on a workbench.

24. I would not make it depend on the weapon being greased and cleaned, but simply overall condition. When you have a fairly new weapon, even when not cleaning it for 200-500 shots, there will not be any damage to it's condition. Only when a weapon is in poor condition and not maintained, I'd expect it to misfire. Or make it not dependant on the condition of the weapon at all, but make it dependant of the condition of the ammunition itself.[/spoil]

Paragraphs 26-38:

[spoil]26. True and I did not say that the prybar is not overpowered as it is in the sandbox. But I'm not only thinking of the sandbox mode, but also of the story mode or sandbox maps that are a lot larger, as the next one supposedly is going to be. Having a indestructible prybar than can open 50-80 lockers for you per map would simply be overpowered in my opinion. So either the prybar should degrade quickly, or there need to be other ways to open something that cannot be done by prybar, but another tool is needed.

28. Well, I don't know how much you played the game so far. But if you try to survive for 100 days in the sandbox, you will need to fight wolves, usually by hand, since ammo will not last you all that long. It will make the wolves more annoying, since you never get rid of a wolf before you had 15% damage. At least I never managed to, so this would mean you always need a sewing kit, since you always get lacerations. Which in turn would lead to an early death, provided you have not found a sewing kit yet when the wolf attacks you (e.g. Fluffy). And although I do not know much about fighting wolves, I would think that wearing 3 layers of clothing and maybe some extra leather protection on the arm would buffer most of the damage, meaning that not many lacerations would occur in the first place. Ergo, although I like the idea, I would not enjoy seeing this implemented.

30. Whatever bandage type it is, if you need it to heal a sprained ankle, you should get the bandage back after a certain amount of time. Otherwise there will be entirely too few bandages around. And I would most certainly keep them to stop blood loss, not sprained ankles, which would mean that once I do get a sprained ankle, I would have to walk around painstakingly slow all the time, which would annoy the hell out of me, if there was no alternate way of healing it.

33. Dizziness could also be implemented using an easier version of the effect you see when you're below 10% health. Although I would be careful with the pneumonia thing, given the probability of getting food poisoning, a lot of people would contain pneumonia pretty often in this game. And that would be really annoying. Pneumonia usually only occurs when you are constantly in cold or wet surroundings, which our main character is not, since he can go to sleep in a warm and dry place, usually at least.

34/35. I agree with you, it would be more realistic. But I imagine having to carry around 3L of water every day, since when I go outside and climb a mountain, the thirst should shoot up like crazy, meaning you have to drink 0.5L in the morning, 1.5L during the day, but additional water when walking around or going uphill. this would skyrocket the total amount of water needed. During my military service when we had to walk around in the mountains for a day, water consumption per person somtimes even exeeded 3L per day. So for the sake of keeping things simple and not unreasonable realistic, I prefer the way it is now.

37. True, but it certainly should attract predators and scare deer away. Also I was thinking if you can move deer, you should also be able to move corpses. I would drag all those corpses to my home and use them as fridges outside my building. So nope, better leave the carcasses there and be able to only get the meat.

38. I still prefer the way it is now. If you decrease overall population, players will have to search a long time to find a deer and will amost never encounter a wolf. So to make it more interesting for players running around, I prefer it the way it is now.[/spoil]

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Hehe I like your answers. Good to see a serious discussion going on. :)[spoil]3. Well because in real life, the meat would degrade quickly, there's not that much meat on a human that you can eat safely (about 20kg) and even then, there's the chance to get kuru disease, which always is a death sentence. So when adding this, I would like there to be some form of consequences from eating humans, more than just some kind of "moral issues". What I would highly dislike is the opportunity to simply add human meat to the list of eatables and have no consequences whatsoever.

5. This would not be a problem at all, except that so far, there has not been any waste, and I would not expect much waste in the surroundings the current sandbox is located. Also: you would have to find some container pretty soon, otherwise you simply cannot carry enough fluids to survive. Since when surviving a plane crash, empty bottles would not be high on my priority list of what I drag along. So still, I don't like the idea. :)

6. I kind of have to agree with you on this one, but I think this does not necessarily have to be done manually, but could be done the same way the water works, where it stacks in the right amount of bottles automatically.

11. Well, if you added this feature, then it would certainly make sense that you can drop your backpack near the fire, to unfreeze everything again. Still, I don't think that stuff freezing in your backpack is the proper way to go, especially if I see the alarming rates at which deer and wolves freeze.

14. Well actually I never needed to make a fire in the bunker, since there is plenty of food and you can also sleep fairly decent in there, without having a fire. :) And while I agree that the fire in the dam is far away, personally, I would not light a fire in the small rooms at the front.

15. Maybe the pilot has more firelighting skills, but how about the female lead? Why should she be able to light a fire?

16. Actually it never bothered me as things are now, but I wouldn't mind it the other way round. But since I don't mind, I don't see the point in changing it. :P

23. Then we agree on this point. The way I posted it in the other thread, I would add some way of maintaining it and also adding the option to repair it on a workbench.

24. I would not make it depend on the weapon being greased and cleaned, but simply overall condition. When you have a fairly new weapon, even when not cleaning it for 200-500 shots, there will not be any damage to it's condition. Only when a weapon is in poor condition and not maintained, I'd expect it to misfire. Or make it not dependant on the condition of the weapon at all, but make it dependant of the condition of the ammunition itself.[/spoil]Paragraphs 26-38:

[spoil]26. True and I did not say that the prybar is not overpowered as it is in the sandbox. But I'm not only thinking of the sandbox mode, but also of the story mode or sandbox maps that are a lot larger, as the next one supposedly is going to be. Having a indestructible prybar than can open 50-80 lockers for you per map would simply be overpowered in my opinion. So either the prybar should degrade quickly, or there need to be other ways to open something that cannot be done by prybar, but another tool is needed.

28. Well, I don't know how much you played the game so far. But if you try to survive for 100 days in the sandbox, you will need to fight wolves, usually by hand, since ammo will not last you all that long. It will make the wolves more annoying, since you never get rid of a wolf before you had 15% damage. At least I never managed to, so this would mean you always need a sewing kit, since you always get lacerations. Which in turn would lead to an early death, provided you have not found a sewing kit yet when the wolf attacks you (e.g. Fluffy). And although I do not know much about fighting wolves, I would think that wearing 3 layers of clothing and maybe some extra leather protection on the arm would buffer most of the damage, meaning that not many lacerations would occur in the first place. Ergo, although I like the idea, I would not enjoy seeing this implemented.

30. Whatever bandage type it is, if you need it to heal a sprained ankle, you should get the bandage back after a certain amount of time. Otherwise there will be entirely too few bandages around. And I would most certainly keep them to stop blood loss, not sprained ankles, which would mean that once I do get a sprained ankle, I would have to walk around painstakingly slow all the time, which would annoy the hell out of me, if there was no alternate way of healing it.

33. Dizziness could also be implemented using an easier version of the effect you see when you're below 10% health. Although I would be careful with the pneumonia thing, given the probability of getting food poisoning, a lot of people would contain pneumonia pretty often in this game. And that would be really annoying. Pneumonia usually only occurs when you are constantly in cold or wet surroundings, which our main character is not, since he can go to sleep in a warm and dry place, usually at least.

34/35. I agree with you, it would be more realistic. But I imagine having to carry around 3L of water every day, since when I go outside and climb a mountain, the thirst should shoot up like crazy, meaning you have to drink 0.5L in the morning, 1.5L during the day, but additional water when walking around or going uphill. this would skyrocket the total amount of water needed. During my military service when we had to walk around in the mountains for a day, water consumption per person somtimes even exeeded 3L per day. So for the sake of keeping things simple and not unreasonable realistic, I prefer the way it is now.

37. True, but it certainly should attract predators and scare deer away. Also I was thinking if you can move deer, you should also be able to move corpses. I would drag all those corpses to my home and use them as fridges outside my building. So nope, better leave the carcasses there and be able to only get the meat.

38. I still prefer the way it is now. If you decrease overall population, players will have to search a long time to find a deer and will amost never encounter a wolf. So to make it more interesting for players running around, I prefer it the way it is now.[/spoil]

Hehehe, I like discussing things. :D

But I wonder if anyone else reads all this.

Paragraph 3-24:[spoil]3. "Would degrade quickly"? Growth of food-poisoning bacteria occurs within certain temperature range, optimal is 26-35°C. Temperature of corpse left at -10°C will pass this range in max 10-12h if initially it has temperature of 36°C. Considering that the cause of death in most of those cases is severe hypothermia, corpse initial temperature will be ~25-28°C. So the corpse temp. will be lower than 25°C in max 4h, and will be at 15°C in ~12h. Further cooling to 5°C (refrigerator temp.) will take 16h. Rotting takes place within 24h at ~35°C. Considering all this the meat won't degrade by much, e.g. meat on hands and legs won't spoil at all: because they are thin they will cool down to 5°C in ~14-18h.

As for Kuru disease: the chance of getting it by eating someones corpse (in Europe or North America) is very small and its incubation period (no symptoms) lasts up to 20 years. So even if you get it, it won't affect the game.

5. I don't mean trash dump or piles of wastes here and there, I mean indoor trash bins. There is always a trash bin in any house/office. Even the dam control room should have one. And it is highly possible to find an empty bottle in there. Besides, why there are only soda cans in game. They can make soda bottles, when you finish it you get an empty plastic bottle.

6. Yes, of course.

When player picks up any of these liquids the content of found container automatically gets poured into the container (same type) that he already has.

11. Alright, it's your point of view.

14. Again, we have different opinions. :)

15. Your question made me search for any info about the sandbox characters. For now all I found out is that they are called survivor “persona”, which means that they don't relate to the future single player storyline. So neither male persona is a crash-landed pilot, nor is the female. But then we're left free to create their backgrounds. There are many possibilities. They both can be a forester/logger/engineer/tourist/hunter. But considering their start equipment I would say they are camping tourists from the lake cabins.

16. :D

23. Woohoo!

24. Make it dependent on the condition of the ammunition. Great thought![/spoil]Paragraph 26-38:[spoil]26. I still disagree with you on that. It is better to reduce the number of prybar in game and make them harder to find.


Player must be able to use a knife in a fight with a wolf [...] if player did build attack power up (~20-25%) 1 hit should be enough to kill the wolf.
About multiple layers of clothing: it would take some work to implement. But I like the idea. I think there will be durable leather clothes in story mode which will reduce taken damage.


30. Getting a bandage back would be nice and logical. Oh I know: actually they use gauze sponges to clean wounds and make blood stopping wound dressing, although you can use just a bandage (it will be blood-soaked afterwards). So if they would introduce gauze sponges in the game you could use the same bandage many times and not only for wounds.

33.I didn't quite get what do you mean by that:

given the probability of getting food poisoning, a lot of people would contain pneumonia pretty often
[tab=30]Other than that, our character is constantly in cold environment. Even indoors air temperature is -1°C, and what matters is how cold is the air, not how warm your clothes are. Moreover: about a month and a half ago I was in Bulgaria (warm climate) and got a cold, which I didn't treat right, so I got pneumonia in 2 weeks or so.

34/35. Our views are different in this case. I would prefer higher consumption during the day and lesser during the sleep.

37. Well, considering that indoor temperature is -1°C you can store everything inside for week at least. Besides you don't have to move them directly to your hideout. You can move it somewhere close but further away from deers (e.g. in derelict house at logging camp).

38. Different points of view.[/spoil]

Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details):

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

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But I wonder if anyone else reads all this.

There's at least one other person reading this post :)

But replying would take me way to much time because I have an opinion on most of your points and voicing them would take forever ;) And on many points I've already given my opinion in other threads, so I'll just leave it at reading this time.

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@a-z-booka: Thank you for your time and effort to make this collection!

As Trandor mentioned it's hard to discuss this stuff here, and he made a list which was a pretty good idea.

However, the best way would be a forum poll option for this kind of "opinion comparison" to see exactly how many people has the same exact opinion. As I know phpbb has a built in poll feature.

There's a lot of straightforward list items on Trandor's list where I can simply choose between "yes" or "no". But there are other, more complex ones.

I try to explain with this example:

[ ] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable

I'm a big fan of maintaining stuff. If you read "Opinions About Item Degradation Issue" you probably know that already. There are other players who also like the maintenance idea, but we're still like to be able to repair our stuff beneath a certain condition. We don't know the "ultimate" answers, but with every new idea in the tread about the topic brings us closer to an acceptable solution.

So for us, list item #23 would be:

[ ] 23. Rifle should be repairable and maintainable

So, since this list cannot updated by others, it won't fit to every players. However, it was a good idea, indeed. I will post my "results", soon. :)

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I try to explain with this example:

[ ] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable

So for us, list item #23 would be:

[ ] 23. Rifle should be repairable and maintainable

Well I meant that it shouldn't be repairable by hands and simple tools. It should be only repairable using a workbench. Also I suggested it for the future, when the bench will be available.

So, since this list cannot updated by others, it won't fit to every players.

Can you please rephrase? I don't understand what do you mean.
However, it was a good idea, indeed. I will post my "results", soon. :)
Looking forward to read it!

Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details):

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

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Well I meant that it shouldn't be repairable by hands and simple tools. It should be only repairable using a workbench. Also I suggested it for the future, when the bench will be available.

I think workbench should involved if the player like to repair a "ruined" tool. But, I like your idea, as well. It would be acceptable for me.

Can you please rephrase? I don't understand what do you mean.

I meant that this list is Tandors's list. With his own words and his own insights. If I wrote it, my #23 would be a different approach, and so on. And there's a lot of user here.

Here's the list:

[spoil][] 01. Ice Fishing – Awesome! Devs will do it, as I know. The fishing huts on Mystery Lake has the hole on their floor. Wish I can use my hatchet to break the ice. Some fishing line and a hook and I’m gone for fishing.

[] 02. Ragged clothing – Barely see any of my clothes.

[] 03. Cannibalism – I’m not interested in it, but I don’t mind if they do it. It would be too much “meat” on the map, I think.

[] 04. Dynamo torch – I don’t need more light, and I like the storm lantern. It’s pretty moody.

[] 05. Empty plastic bottles – I don’t want to mess with those. The current method is fine for me.

[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another – Not necessary. It would make sense if the jerry cans would be harvestable.

[] 07. Thermos cans – I like that. It would be a little bit of warm in freezing situations. Stove should has a “thermos” button unlocked if player found it. Melt -> Boil -> Thermos. Pine needle tea would be awesome.

[] 08. Weight of players backpack shouldn't influence fatigue development – It should.

[] 09. Ability to drop backpack – That would be nice to be able to drop all unnecessary weight with one click. However, I’m understand that would require a lot of work, and I’m used to the current system so really not necessary.

[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable. – That would make the inventory more transparent, but I’m used to the current system, so not necessary.

[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings. – Hmm, that would be life-like, but too rough. Maybe outside?

[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use. – That would make sense, because I didn’t use them much right now. I’m too greedy. :)

[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare. - Would make sense, but not necessary.

[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker. – I wouldn’t risk it in RL, without a proper stove with a chimney. Especially, not in the bunker. The dam already has a fire barrel.

[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance. – I barely start fire outdoors, so I used to the stove’s success rate. But, it would make sense.

[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups. – Don’t think there’s much things to tune up.

[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned. – Definitely.

[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per hour. – Yeah, I would like to maintain them to prevent deteriorate while they’re not in use. Read more...

[] 19. Hatchet should lose 1-2% of its quality per found unit. – I never use the hatchet while foraging, because it’s not worth it. I can forage enough wood with bare hands, so I save them for frozen carcasses. Hatchet should give much more benefits for its user.

[] 20. Repairing the hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone – No. Player should repair it to raise its condition. However, player should regularly maintain it(sharpening and/or use animal’s fat for rust prevention) to prevent deteriorate while the item are not in use. Read more...

[] 21. Player must be able to use hatchet in a fight with a wolf – Yes, definitely. I don’t want too much. If the hatchet are in the hand of the protagonist at the moment when the wolf are attack, then the fight should be someway easier.

[] 22. Rifle shouldn't lose 3% after each shot – It means 33 bullets if the rifle at 100%. It isn’t that bad. My problem is that it’s deteriorate while not in use. As I said, I would regularly maintain it to prevent deteriorate. Read more...

[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable – Rifle should repairable and maintainable, as well. You should only raise its condition by repairing it. However, you should maintain it to prevent deterioration while the item are not in use.

[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while – “Not maintained tools below e.g. 30% condition should has the chance of some kind of failure. E.g. rifle misfire, no luck foraging with hatchet, no luck repairing with simple tools, less meat with the knife as predicted, etc.” Read more...

[] 25. Prybar shouldn't lose 3% per use – They enough to open what I need, then I love to harvest them.

[] 26. It shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it – As I said: I love harvesting prybars.

[] 27. Can opener shouldn't lose 4%. – For me there were enough can opener on the map to open all the cans, all the time. So, it seems that there’s no need to make it less than 4%. I don’t like how it’s deteriorating while not in use, however.

[] 28. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight. – That would be fun!

[] 29. First aid mechanics should be stepwise. – I’m used to the current system.

[] 30. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle. – Right now I don’t do nothing when I got sprained ankle. I keep wandering, don’t even take painkillers. I just sleep at night as I do anyway. And it’s not good. Devs should do something about it, but I don’t think that compression bandage are the best idea.

[] 31. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs. – That would make sense.

[] 32. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weigh less. – Hmm, nothing is weightless. I only carry 2 and 4pcs. of each, so it’s not a problem. I would like to have a larger medicine container instead.

[] 33. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold. – That would be fun!

[] 34. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep. – Not a big fan of that, but I’m used to that.

[] 35. Limiting total sleep time, add resting time. – You hit the “Rest” button, anyhow. So, you can decide whether you’re sleeping or just resting. ;)

[] 36. Slower carcass degradation. – That would make sense. Especially, in this cold environment.

[] 37. Able to move carcasses. – I won’t do that IRL. I would dress it as fast as I can, and leave.

[] 38. More meat on wolves and deer. – I’m fine with the current amount. I don’t mind if they raise it, however.[/spoil]

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[spoil][✗] 02. Ragged clothing – Barely see any of my clothes.

[✗] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another – Not necessary. It would make sense if the jerry cans would be harvestable.

[✗] 08. Weight of players backpack shouldn't influence fatigue development – It should.

[✗] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable. – That would make the inventory more transparent, but I’m used to the current system, so not necessary.

[✗] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings. – Hmm, that would be life-like, but too rough. Maybe outside?

[✓] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use. – That would make sense, because I didn’t use them much right now. I’m too greedy.

[✗] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups. – Don’t think there’s much things to tune up.

[✗] 20. Repairing the hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone – No. Player should repair it to raise its condition. However, player should regularly maintain it(sharpening and/or use animal’s fat for rust prevention) to prevent deteriorate while the item are not in use.

[✗] 22. Rifle shouldn't lose 3% after each shot – It means 33 bullets if the rifle at 100%. It isn’t that bad. My problem is that it’s deteriorate while not in use. As I said, I would regularly maintain it to prevent deteriorate.

[✗] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable – Rifle should repairable and maintainable, as well. You should only raise its condition by repairing it. However, you should maintain it to prevent deterioration while the item are not in use.

[✗] 26. It shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it – As I said: I love harvesting prybars.

[✗] 27. Can opener shouldn't lose 4%. – For me there were enough can opener on the map to open all the cans, all the time. So, it seems that there’s no need to make it less than 4%. I don’t like how it’s deteriorating while not in use, however.

[✗] 29. First aid mechanics should be stepwise. – I’m used to the current system.

[✗] 30. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle. – Right now I don’t do nothing when I got sprained ankle. I keep wandering, don’t even take painkillers. I just sleep at night as I do anyway. And it’s not good. Devs should do something about it, but I don’t think that compression bandage are the best idea.

[✗] 32. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weigh less. – Hmm, nothing is weightless. I only carry 2 and 4pcs. of each, so it’s not a problem. I would like to have a larger medicine container instead.

[✗] 35. Limiting total sleep time, add resting time. – You hit the “Rest” button, anyhow. So, you can decide whether you’re sleeping or just resting.[/spoil]

Thanks for your respond.

I've corrected the questionnaire made by Trandor (added to my posts). It had few mistakes. I also asked him to edit his post.

Now response to your post:

Paragraphs 6-12.

[spoil]2. What do you mean?


The empty ones could be harvested for scrape metal (though it would need scrape metal to be dividable like liquid).


Weight of players backpack shouldn't influence the fatigue development during:

Harvesting (items/carcasses); Repairing; Cooking/Melting/Boiling; Fishing. The reason is the same for all cases: player is on the same spot for a long time and he doesn't need/can't use backpack during this time. Anyone would just put his backpack nearby.

10. An interesting point. You admit it would be more comfortable this way, but it is unnecessary because you used to the system. It looks like this:

A guy stands in the hall holding his Nokia 3310. Suddenly someone comes up to him and offers (for free) a smartphone with thouchscreen, but the guy rejects the offer saying that he is used to his old phone. Well, though strange, it is his choice.

11. In player backpack means in backpack indoors and outdoors, in buildings means if you left some meat in building it'll freeze.

12. I do not offer to increase the amount of accelerant in the game.

they should contain (at most) 200ml of accelerant and starting a fire should take ~10ml. So 1 full flask can be used 20 times, but of course player will always find them almost empty.
[/spoil]Paragraphs 16-35.

[spoil]16. Fuel/tinder sorting and melt/boil controllers improvement. Believe me, it will be more convenient.


repairing should be in fact sharpening with a whetstone [...] The handle can break (1-2% chance), in which case players must be able to do a new one using any kind of wood, but only on a workbench.
Making a new handle replaces repairing. Please tell me how exactly repairing of the hatched occurs in life? It is made of just 2 parts. The metal head can only get dull (=>sharpening). The wooden handle can only break or loose the wedge. If it does loose it, you have to make a new one and you can't use the axe until then, which means that the hatchet is broken during this time, not just lost some of its condition.

22. 33 bullets if rifle is at 100% isn't bad? Tell that to AK-47.

23. I meant that it can by repaired only by using workbench (which is unavailable in alpha), because to repair a gun you will need tools much more complicated than a wood saw, hammer and a screwdriver (simple tools). So in alpha it should be repairable, but when the bench will be available you should be able to repair it only using the bench.

26. It is completely unrealistic. I would like to see you "harvest" it in real life.

27. Well the point is that it doesn't degrade this fast, but there shouldn't be so many of them on the map.

29. Again "I'm used to it" kind of argument.

30. You must've confused type of bandage with type of dressing (medical). If I would've meant type of bandage I would've said elastic bandage. Btw, judging from the view model of bandages in game they all are elastic ones.

32. Right now they weight 10-20g each pill. Have you ever seen a pill like this?

35. Logic chain: reducing thirst during sleep => people can abuse it to decrease water consumption => limit total sleep time (you can sleep anytime you want) => in case of poisoning player will need additional 10h of resting => additional option for resting is needed => divide resting (normal thirst buildup) and sleeping (lower thirst buildup).[/spoil]Bonus vids:

[spoil][bBvideo 560,340:36b3y6vr]

[/bBvideo][bBvideo 560,340:36b3y6vr]
[/bBvideo][bBvideo 560,340:36b3y6vr]
Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details):

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

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Paragraph 3-24:[spoil]3. "Would degrade quickly"? Growth of food-poisoning bacteria occurs within certain temperature range, optimal is 26-35°C. Temperature of corpse left at -10°C will pass this range in max 10-12h if initially it has temperature of 36°C. Considering that the cause of death in most of those cases is severe hypothermia, corpse initial temperature will be ~25-28°C. So the corpse temp. will be lower than 25°C in max 4h, and will be at 15°C in ~12h. Further cooling to 5°C (refrigerator temp.) will take 16h. Rotting takes place within 24h at ~35°C. Considering all this the meat won't degrade by much, e.g. meat on hands and legs won't spoil at all: because they are thin they will cool down to 5°C in ~14-18h.

As for Kuru disease: the chance of getting it by eating someones corpse (in Europe or North America) is very small and its incubation period (no symptoms) lasts up to 20 years. So even if you get it, it won't affect the game.

5. I don't mean trash dump or piles of wastes here and there, I mean indoor trash bins. There is always a trash bin in any house/office. Even the dam control room should have one. And it is highly possible to find an empty bottle in there. Besides, why there are only soda cans in game. They can make soda bottles, when you finish it you get an empty plastic bottle.

6. Yes, of course.

When player picks up any of these liquids the content of found container automatically gets poured into the container (same type) that he already has.

11. Alright, it's your point of view.

14. Again, we have different opinions. :)

15. Your question made me search for any info about the sandbox characters. For now all I found out is that they are called survivor “persona”, which means that they don't relate to the future single player storyline. So neither male persona is a crash-landed pilot, nor is the female. But then we're left free to create their backgrounds. There are many possibilities. They both can be a forester/logger/engineer/tourist/hunter. But considering their start equipment I would say they are camping tourists from the lake cabins.

16. :D

23. Woohoo!

24. Make it dependent on the condition of the ammunition. Great thought![/spoil]Paragraph 26-38:[spoil]26. I still disagree with you on that. It is better to reduce the number of prybar in game and make them harder to find.


Player must be able to use a knife in a fight with a wolf [...] if player did build attack power up (~20-25%) 1 hit should be enough to kill the wolf.
About multiple layers of clothing: it would take some work to implement. But I like the idea. I think there will be durable leather clothes in story mode which will reduce taken damage.


30. Getting a bandage back would be nice and logical. Oh I know: actually they use gauze sponges to clean wounds and make blood stopping wound dressing, although you can use just a bandage (it will be blood-soaked afterwards). So if they would introduce gauze sponges in the game you could use the same bandage many times and not only for wounds.

33.I didn't quite get what do you mean by that:

given the probability of getting food poisoning, a lot of people would contain pneumonia pretty often
[tab=30]Other than that, our character is constantly in cold environment. Even indoors air temperature is -1°C, and what matters is how cold is the air, not how warm your clothes are. Moreover: about a month and a half ago I was in Bulgaria (warm climate) and got a cold, which I didn't treat right, so I got pneumonia in 2 weeks or so.

34/35. Our views are different in this case. I would prefer higher consumption during the day and lesser during the sleep.

37. Well, considering that indoor temperature is -1°C you can store everything inside for week at least. Besides you don't have to move them directly to your hideout. You can move it somewhere close but further away from deers (e.g. in derelict house at logging camp).

38. Different points of view.[/spoil]

And here goes round 2. Actually we've managed to finish quite a few points on our discussion list already. :)

[spoil]3. Prions are already in every one of us, eating human meat would affect you with an increasing likelyhood, the more you eat it and the more of the dangerous stuff you eat (especially the brain, where most prions can be found). Hands and feet are mostly composed of ligaments and cartilage. A japanese man served his own genetalia, according to the eaters, it was not very enjoyable. I wouldn't eat anything of these. Internal organs would be rendered uneatable, since the gut will probably decompose itself and then spoil most of the other organs, not that you would want to eat anything beside the heart, since eating the liver will kill you, there's not much to lungs, kidneys you could eat, but they will probably be spoilt by the gut and also have many toxins in them. So this will leave you with some meat on the back, the but, the thighs and the arms. Sure. Given the scaling of the game, where a 36kg wolf gives 6kg of meat and a 80-120kg deer will give you 8kg of meat, you should be expecting to find how much meat on a human? 3-4kg?

5. Well there would only be trash cans if there are people around. Given the lake cabins are a tourist attraction and only used in summer, then there wouldn't be any trash to be found at all. I do apreciate the idea, but I really see neither a good opportunity nor a good way to implement this into the current game. :)

15. Well probably we will just have to wait and see, maybe they just fixed the fire starting skill at 50% for the sandbox, but you will start at 15-20% in the story mode.

[spoil]26. Well true, but I'd rather have a prybar that I can harvest and turn into something useful via recipes than an indestructible prybar that does me no good whatsoever once I opened all lockers.


Oh I know: actually they use gauze sponges to clean wounds and make blood stopping wound dressing, although you can use just a bandage
That's exactly what I was looking for. :)


Even indoors air temperature is -1°C, and what matters is how cold is the air, not how warm your clothes are. Moreover: about a month and a half ago I was in Bulgaria (warm climate) and got a cold, which I didn't treat right, so I got pneumonia in 2 weeks or so.
That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I've eaten a lot of dubious stuff in my lifetime, but never contained food poisoning. I have eaten quite decent stuff in TLD ans still gotten food poisoning. By that rationale, a normal person would get pneumonia in these conditions after 2 weeks, which means that our main character would probably get it like what, twice a day? :D

34/35. I understand, but I think it's too realistic. Now people are complaining about thirst being too high after sleeping, but if they made you more thirsty during the day, people would start complaining about having to drink all the time. So you would simply trade one problem for another. I say, leave it as things are now.[/spoil]

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And here goes round 2. Actually we've managed to finish quite a few points on our discussion list already. :)

[spoil]3. Prions are already in every one of us, eating human meat would affect you with an increasing likelyhood, the more you eat it and the more of the dangerous stuff you eat (especially the brain, where most prions can be found). Hands and feet are mostly composed of ligaments and cartilage. A japanese man served his own genetalia, according to the eaters, it was not very enjoyable. I wouldn't eat anything of these. Internal organs would be rendered uneatable, since the gut will probably decompose itself and then spoil most of the other organs, not that you would want to eat anything beside the heart, since eating the liver will kill you, there's not much to lungs, kidneys you could eat, but they will probably be spoilt by the gut and also have many toxins in them. So this will leave you with some meat on the back, the but, the thighs and the arms. Sure. Given the scaling of the game, where a 36kg wolf gives 6kg of meat and a 80-120kg deer will give you 8kg of meat, you should be expecting to find how much meat on a human? 3-4kg?

5. Well there would only be trash cans if there are people around. Given the lake cabins are a tourist attraction and only used in summer, then there wouldn't be any trash to be found at all. I do apreciate the idea, but I really see neither a good opportunity nor a good way to implement this into the current game. :)

15. Well probably we will just have to wait and see, maybe they just fixed the fire starting skill at 50% for the sandbox, but you will start at 15-20% in the story mode.

[spoil]26. Well true, but I'd rather have a prybar that I can harvest and turn into something useful via recipes than an indestructible prybar that does me no good whatsoever once I opened all lockers.


Oh I know: actually they use gauze sponges to clean wounds and make blood stopping wound dressing, although you can use just a bandage
That's exactly what I was looking for. :)


Even indoors air temperature is -1°C, and what matters is how cold is the air, not how warm your clothes are. Moreover: about a month and a half ago I was in Bulgaria (warm climate) and got a cold, which I didn't treat right, so I got pneumonia in 2 weeks or so.
That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I've eaten a lot of dubious stuff in my lifetime, but never contained food poisoning. I have eaten quite decent stuff in TLD ans still gotten food poisoning. By that rationale, a normal person would get pneumonia in these conditions after 2 weeks, which means that our main character would probably get it like what, twice a day? :D

34/35. I understand, but I think it's too realistic. Now people are complaining about thirst being too high after sleeping, but if they made you more thirsty during the day, people would start complaining about having to drink all the time. So you would simply trade one problem for another. I say, leave it as things are now.[/spoil]

Discussion, discussion, discussion! 8-)[spoil]3. Yes, I know that we have them. But the one we have is a useful prion protein PrPc, which can be converted by its infectious isoform PrPSc into another infectious PrPSc. So you can only get the Kuru disease or any other prion disease by consuming flesh of a person that had a prion disease, if you have a gene mutation or if your body will accidentally produce PrPSc (sporadic form). Sporadic form accountable for 85% of all cases and occurs throughout the world at the rate of about 1 per million. So the chances to find a corpse of a man that had CJD are very very slim. More about it here (CJD) and here (vCJD).
Hands and feets are mostly composed of ligaments and cartilage.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

No they do not. Tell that to the bodybuilders. Ligaments and cartilage connect bones. They don't weigh much. Maybe you meant tendons? But even so ratio muscles/tendons is much more than 3 (75%/25%). Unless we are talking about prisoners of Auschwitz. The ratio depends on how well ones muscles are developed (bodybuilder/prisoner of Auschwitz).

since eating the liver will kill you

Liver is commonly eaten as food by humans. Search this page by keyword liver.


Given the lake cabins are a tourist attraction and only used in summer, then there wouldn't be any trash to be found at all.
Tell me then why is there a corpse with backpack near the 3 middle cabins and a back pack inside. And also you can find a corpse in the camp office sometimes. Plus quality winter coat and working boots in those cabins (and also food and newspapers).

Moreover, why there can't be trash bins in logging trailers? Or in forester lookout? Trapper's homestand? Dam? People produce incredible amount of trash, there should be some place to "store" it.

15. Agree, I also think they just did it for alpha.

30. ;)

33. Well, I suppose, the probability of getting a disease/poisoning should be reduced. But in return amount of antibiotics needed to heal should be higher and should be taken daily, e.g. 2-3 days x 2 pills. (MOAR REALISM! :twisted:)

34/35. I would say it's a matter of taste. On the other hand, people will complain in any case, but at least with nonlinear system it'll be more realistic.[/spoil]

Before responding please carefully read the 1st post, I update it from time to time. Use this questionnaire for replies (only as a reference as it doesn't contain all the details):

[x] or [+] for yes; [ ] or [-] for no; [/] or [...] for your suggestions; [?] for requesting details;

[x]/[+] yes; [ ]/[-] no; [/]/[...] your suggestions; [?] requesting details;
[] 01. Ice Fishing.
[] 02. Ragged clothing.
[] 03. Cannibalism.
[] 04. Dynamo torch.
[] 05. Empty plastic bottles.
[] 06. Able to pour liquids from one container to another.
[] 07. Thermos cans.
[] 08. Weight of backpack shouldn't increase fatigue development while cooking/fishing/repairing.
[] 09. Ability to drop backpack.
[] 10. Bandages, flares, antiseptic bottles, jerry cans, lantern fuel and accelerant flasks should be stackable.
[] 11. Meat, water and other food should freeze in player backpack and buildings.
[] 12. Accelerant flasks shouldn't be single-use.
[] 13. Player must be able to start a fire without any tinder if he has accelerant/kerosene/flare.
[] 14. Player must be able to start a fire inside concrete buildings like dam or bunker.
[] 15. Stoves must provide 15% bonus to success chance.
[] 16. "Start fire" and "Fire" screens tune ups.
[] 17. Tools degradation rates should be tuned.
[] 18. Hatchet, can opener, prybar, knife and rifle shouldn't degrade by this much per use.
[] 19. Hatchet should loose 1-2% of it's quality per found unit (not 10% per hour).
[] 20. Hatchet should be sharpening with a whetstone, repair only if handle breaks (small chance).
[] 21. Player must be able to use knife in a fight with a wolf.
[] 22. Rifle shouldn't loose 3% after each shot.
[] 23. Rifle shouldn't be "repairable" it should be maintainable, repairing should involve workbench (no in alpha).
[] 24. Rifle should misfire once in a while (in bad condition).
[] 25. Prybar shouldn't degrade at all, but in return player shouldn't be able to harvest it.
[] 26. Can opener shouldn't loose 4%.
[] 27. There should be 2 kinds of wounds as a result of a wolf fight.
[] 28. First aid mechanics should be stepwise.
[] 29. Compression bandage and rest should be the treatment for sprained ankle.
[] 30. First aid kits should contain only medicine and energy bars/MRE packs.
[] 31. Painkillers and Antibiotics should weight less.
[] 32. Freezing should have a chance of causing a cold (dizziness, increased fatigue).
[] 33. The thirst shouldn't build up this fast during the sleep.
[] 34. Limiting total sleep time, make it possible to rest without sleep.
[] 35. Slower carcass degradation.
[] 36. Able to move carcasses.
[] 37. More meat on wolves and deer.

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