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  1. The bug report I submitted about 8 months ago recently changed its title from "open" to "resolved," but it seems like it will take some time. I have sent a new report. We support the people of Hinterland. thank you.
  2. Thank you for your reply. I was relieved that there were other people in trouble. I'll be happy if it gets better.
  3. I haven't seen any players experience the same bug as me. If I'm the only player experiencing this bug, will it be harder to fix it? The Long Dark is my favorite game in the world. So, I'm in tears for this bug. This is because Cabinfever, which is an interesting element in The Long Dark, dies. In addition to submitting bug reports, I also tried verifying the integrity of the game and uninstalling it. However, this bug was not fixed. I want to enjoy this best game more. If anyone has any information, I would be grateful if you could reply to me. (I have little knowledge of English,so I used online translationfor this text.Please forgive me.) TheLongDark Cave Bug.mp4
  4. Cabin fever risk has developed. Enter the cave that does not lord. Go deeper into the cave,The risk that was becomes zero in an instant. This happens every time and every percent. It happened in every cave. The difficulty levelis interloper. Does anyone else experience the same phenomenon? Bug reports have already been made to Hinterland. I reported the bug before, but it was not fixed after this update. (I have little knowledge of English,so I used online translationfor this text.Please forgive me.) TheLongDark Cave Bug.mp4
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  5. I've posted on this forum before. The bug that's happening with my TheLongDark is Checking the integrity of the file and reinstalling it does not cure it. It also happens on a new PC. Also, if you look it up on the internet, you won't find any users experiencing the same symptoms. A bug report has already been filed, but if anyone else has any information about this bug, please let me know. For me, The Long Dark is my favorite game in the world. I'm rooting for everyone involved in this game. (I have little knowledge of English, so I used online translation for this text. Please forgive me) TheLongDarkCaveBug.mp4.cb699dfc35210840e2d1266a6835e414.mp4
  6. Cabin fever risk has developed. Enter the cave that does not load. Go deeper into the cave, The risk that was becomes zero in an instant. This happens every time and every percent. It happened in every cave. The difficulty level is Interloper. Does anyone else experience the same phenomenon? Bug reports have already been made to Hinterland. (I have little knowledge of English, so I used online translation for this text. Please forgive me) TheLongDark Cave Bug.mp4