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Everything posted by KingFuzz

  1. Today I finally accomplished something big and I wanted to share it with you all. All my skills are leveled up to max! And I’ve survived for 335 days, far longer than my PB. Maxing mending out was the worst! lol
  2. I see what you did there. Hilarious
  3. Oh nice! I had no idea. Thank you!
  4. Something to add to the snow shelter, (this is a last resort option) if you’re just shy of being able to warm up but you have torches or flares on you, pop one and sleep for an hour. You can keep doing this until you run out of a heat source. It’s still risky but it can be just enough to stave off hypothermia in a life or death situation. This is not exclusive to snow shelters but thought I’d mention it nonetheless.
  5. Please don’t remove this bug!
  6. I went there earlier today, walked around a couple hours and when I came back it was there.
  7. Um… what the heck is this? It’s at the Camp Office in ML. I’ve been to this location several times this play through and this is the first I’m seeing it.
  8. @Ansible friggin bears. Still, 135 days on your first Stalker run is pretty good!
  9. I wish I shared your optimism, but it’s turning out to be more of a hindrance for me. That said, I may be using it inappropriately going from one region to the next. Pros: -no smell when carrying meat in the travois! -you can carry an extra 100+ lbs without sacrificing walking speed. Not running while lugging it around makes sense and therefore really isn’t an inconvenience. Cons: -it’s resource heavy. 4 maple saplings is kind of ridiculous. -it’s extremely limited in what terrain it can go over. I get not going uphill with 100+ lbs of weight but the ability to go downhill with what is essentially a sled shouldn’t be a problem, and it’s unfortunate that it is. BTW if you try going downhill and it turns out to be too steep your travois is now stuck and you now have the lovely task of unloading ALL your gear, walking it to level ground, dropping it, going back, getting more gear and the travois, taking that to level ground, and loading the travois back up. This is a needlessly frustrating task. Simple solution: enable downhill travel. -you can’t go through a cave with it. So traveling from one region to the next via cave is completely out of the question. -as you mentioned, durability is kind of a joke given how resource heavy it is. I hope no one tasks this as being unfair to Hinterlad. The concept is very cool and ultimately I’m sure I’ll find better use for it but for now I’m finding it more frustrating than it’s worth.
  10. I just found one on my stalker run. Came to the forum to figure it out. It was in the bunker in Mountain Town.
  11. update: After several attempts I managed to beat my former interloper record of 15 days. This time I died at 20 days. This one wasn’t entirely my fault (at least I don’t think so). I was trying to light a fire with mag lens in broad daylight and kept getting 0% chance. I moved around a little to reposition the location to no avail. While I was fixated on figuring out why it wasn’t working I was attacked by a wolf. Realizing I had meat on me (dumb) I dropped it all, bandaged up, and then was immediately attacked again. Died from blood loss. not sure why I couldn’t start this fire with the mag lens. Lesson learned: build the fire that’s available and don’t get caught up on the “why not’s” location: Mountain Town
  12. I also thought this for a while. Not just you.
  13. This exact scenario just happened to me on interloper. I remembered that grass usually means path and followed until I found the road. Eventually that led to the yellow sign with a truck on it. Kept following road until I reached logging camp. Ducked inside. Slept. When morning came I went to the stove outside and made peaches and birch bark tea. edit: this was during a blizzard
  14. Oof! That’s pretty bad 😂
  15. Made it 128 days on Stalker. I had just killed several wolves and headshot a bear with my bow. I cooked up the meat and then it was time to hit the sack. Ambient temperature was in the 40’s. Think I’ll be good for an 8 hour nap in my ptarmigan bed roll. What could go wrong? Faded into the long dark… My main goal for this run was to max out all my skills. This is where I got: - carcass harvesting 5 - cooking 5 - fire starting 4 - ice fishing 2 - rifle firearm 4 - archery 5 - mending 3 - revolver firearm 4 - gunsmithing 4 Lesson learned: don’t be impatient. Sleep in smaller increments to gauge the ambient temp. This run helped me become more confident with the bow and I think I’m ready to start an interloper run. I tried before and made it 15 days. Any suggestions? What’s your dumbest death?
  16. I don’t know if this was covered yet but sprains and pain will remedy themselves fairly quickly. (At least in stalker. Not much experience in loper) That being the case try using your rose hips for the warmth bonus instead of for healing pain/sprains.
  17. No need to apologize 😉 I don’t feel picked on in the slightest.
  18. This is a really good point. Sometimes I the confusion comes down to using words to describe something when those words can mean different things. Some games are intentionally difficult to play from a skill perspective. Others are difficult because they are poorly made. Same word; different meaning. Which is why HL (and I imagine every game developer) wants us to be constructive in our feedback. I don’t know. What do you think?
  19. True. And perhaps I should give more thought to the way I expressed myself. I don’t have anything wrong with modding the game more to your liking. I choose not to myself but to each their own. However, to me, the game being difficult is implied in it being a survival game. In fact, the quote you made of the disclaimer screen suggests as much by saying it isn’t necessarily safe to do this stuff in real life. However, maybe this could all be chalked up to a difference of opinion/interpretation. I respect others rights to play the game how they want. It isn’t my place to tell you how to enjoy a work of art. I was more disappointed with the antagonistic tone of the original posters comments. But this is their thread and I’m choosing to comment on it myself so that really is on me in the end. Thank you for your input. Keep surviving!