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Posts posted by StaticHolocene

  1. Title: An Interloper’s Photo Journal

    Category: Survival

    Day 38:

    7:43 AM - Today I woke up and decided to treat myself with a cup of coffee. Since I’m running low, its not every day that I’ll allow myself to have some, but after my run-in with that bear a couple of days ago, I think I deserved it.


    2:06 PM – After eating some of my left-over rabbit and mending my boots, I decided to explore a bit to get my leg moving again. Luckily the bear missed anything too important, but I know if I just stay in the cabin all day to rest, I’ll go crazy. After a hike that lasted longer than expected, I stopped at this peak to make a quick fire for some afternoon tea to prepare me for my decent.


    4:19 PM – On my way back to the cabin, I started to feel the hair on the back of my neck start to stick up. After being out here for more than a month, I was more than familiar with being stalked. Once the wolf made himself know, I had no choice but to fight, since my leg was still on the mend and I couldn't. Luckily, I was able to take him down with my trusty hunting knife without major incident. Oh well, at least I’ve got another wolf hide to put towards my jacket.


    6:27 PM – After a long day of travel and wolf fighting, I took some time to just appreciate this place. It might be inhospitable and constantly trying to break my spirits, but by golly if it isn’t beautiful. I hope I’m able to keep this perspective for however long I’m out here, wouldn’t want to end up a cynical old coot. Anyways, that’s another day in the books, time to hit the hay.


    (PS you cant tell, but it was 90 degrees where I shot this so I was absolutely drenched in sweat after like 20 minutes of taking pictures)

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