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About Ansible

  • Birthday 07/14/1980

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  1. Love love love Viva La Dirt League!!!
  2. NOOOOOOO!!!! If I do, they might take away what I've started to affectionately call "Jennifer Forever" (named after Jennifer Hale, the voice actress that voices Astrid/Female Survivor).
  3. Fascinating update - I was making use of my new immortality to explore the DLC and complete all the Tales in relative safety. Along the way, I'd acquired multiple instances of Frostbite, and then one time I actually managed to DIE while sleeping outside... the screen didn't tell me what I'd died from. I was shocked. I didn't want to lose this awesome save where I don't lose condition, so I tried one of my "three lives" for the first time. Had a few adventures, finished Tales 1 and 2. During which time I noticed that due to my resurrection, I had "lost some permanent condition". I'm in the middle of Tales 3, and the temporary affliction from resurrecting just disappeared - somehow taking with it not ONLY my condition loss from THAT condition, but also somehow ALL of my Frostbite with it! Nuts, and weird, right? Check my condition bar. Where there was half gone towards the red due to Frostbite - no more red! And indeed, no more Frostbite or serious conditions at all! Not sure if this is a second bug beyond my "immortality" bug, or somehow related to that bug, or is expected behavior when you survive the "rez" penalty - but I'll take it! All fit and new, yay!
  4. I'm not talking the Improvised DOWN Bedroll, I'm talking that we should be able to make our OWN Improvised bed roll, using enough cloth and sewing kits/fishing lures. Make it some ridiculous amount of cloth and like two whole sewing kits to balance it or something. I just feel like most of the "essential" elements of the game should be totally craft-able from replenish-able ingredients found around the game world, so that "theoretically" you should be able to live "forever" if you're crafty enough. Pun intended. Like, I'd call a crowbar essential myself, it'd be cool if we could jimmy together our own crowbar, from like 5 or 10 pieces of scrap metal. I mean, if we can take random scrap metal and somehow make that PERFECTLY shaped coil for the transmitters, we sure as hell should be able to craft a long straight rod from a bunch of random metal!
  5. This is an interesting and curious turn of events. I had started a new survival run, to go through the Tales stories. That's when I got stuck in the hole I reported earlier. Well, ever since I got the modified "Sandbox" file back from Hinterland and put it into my directory, I've been... eternal. Now, to clarify, I'm NOT invincible. I can still get afflictions. However, aside from the force changing of my condition bar from white to red via Frostbite, I seem to never lose any condition... EVER. I can't die. I've tried to give myself terminal dehydration - no go I've tried to starve myself - still kicking I've tried sleeping right outside in -19 degree weather - I sleep like a baby (though I did get a bit of Frostbite that changed the color of parts of my bar, meh no big deal)! I've tried falling from a high cliff, where I should normally die, but if I made it to the bottom I wasn't going to be stuck anywhere - I survived, not a scratch (though all of my clothes are shredded to heck) I've tried intentionally getting MAULED BY A BEAR - MULTIPLE TIMES... I'd get back up and run right back into it again... not a single budge of my condition bar. I frankly find this hilarious, and awesome. I can now play the game in a whole different way than I played it before. I can explore anywhere where I won't fall into another hole/pit I can't get out of (I'm afraid of ending this run by getting myself stuck in a hole, and I don't want Hinterland to take my file and modify it any further!). I can do anything I want with zero fear. It's like The Long Light, because aside from tiredness slowing me down (I still have to sleep so that I can run everywhere instead of a slow painful walk). I still have encumberance, so I can't carry anything I want... but aside from that? I can go almost anywhere, and do almost anything I want, without fear, without danger. It's almost like the opposite of The Long Dark. I feel like this should be another optional game mode... is there a setting in the Custom Game options to let this happen? I'm curious now. Anyways, some screenshots below... it's been fun! Freshly mauled by a bear and getting up: Harvesting all of that wonderful bear guts as long as I can in subzero weather with no fear of death: Ooooo lots of fun things to look at, but it don't hurt me none! Let's go nuts and do anything we want! 😁
  6. I like to tell people "my autism is an explanation, but NOT an excuse". I am responsible for the messages that I send out, and trying to make sure that they are received accurately. Thank you everyone for working with me on this.
  7. Thank you. That is better phrasing, and I can see why. I never intended my statement to mean that "my" issues should be fixed first. What I see is the devs putting a ton of work into fantastic new zones, mechanics, systems, and objects. Which is great. I just don't want them to forget about things in the "old" zones that seem incomplete, inconsistent, or unpolished. That can easily happen in pursuit of the new shiny that might draw more eyeballs towards the game. Thank you. I did misspeak when I said the "player experience". I guess what I really meant is "the character's experience". We're seeing through a character's eyes, and through those character's eyes I can see details clearly to a much farther distance than you can even map. Yet I cannot map, at all. This confuses me. And I get upset when something about the world feels illogical, or I can't explain it. I've spent the last 20 years since I was diagnosed well into adulthood, fighting a daily struggle with understanding neurotypicals (what you called "normies"), and helping them to understand me. It never gets any easier. Every person is like a brand new puzzle to solve, because each one comes with unique experiences, DNA, learned behaviors, and tendencies. I can't stop making hyperboles, they are just to good and useful a tool to do so, but I will try to state it beforehand next time so that there is less confusion.
  8. Whoa, I feel like reading a whole lot more into what I'm saying than there is. I'm not intending to be rude. Please quote what you perceive as rude and explain why it is rude to you, so that I may learn. Because that is unintentional.
  9. Oh, ABSOLUTELY. And nowhere do I suggest that any such changes would be easy. I'm actually a programmer myself by trade, people pay me to write code, so I know how something that MAY seem easy to a layperson can take hours for a programmer to accomplish. I'll never state otherwise. I have to deal with "DLL Hell" at least a few times a year. I used to play a game called City of Heroes, and they had what they called a "Standard Code Rant" in their community. I'll share it with you here. Oh absolutely not, I'm not assuming anything about the team. I know that they are a small team, an independent team without a AAA publisher backing them. That's precisely why I'm bringing these "little things" up, to point them out, so that they can get fixed. That's all. There's no malice assumed or stated.
  10. That is kind of why I used the phrase. I see it as a major problem that the devs appear to be focusing so much time on new zones, entirely new systems and gameplay mechanics, when some of what I would call the most "basic" stuff in the older zones have been... "neglected" for the lack of a better word. I get that new zones and new mechanics, the "new shinies" if you will are more exciting for people. I just want to make sure that all of these "little things" have have collected over time that make the game seem "unpolished" should be addressed, and I'd like to see them get on the plate. Are they bugs though? To me, a bug is something that seems unintentional and game breaking, like holes in the world that make you go under the map. This seems more like things that may or may not be intentional, but we don't know whether or not they were intentional. Maybe the devs DID want this grate to be searchable, but not that identical looking grate in another zone? I really don't know until they say something about it. And that's why I'm bringing it up... for the chance for something to be said about all of these little inconsistencies that bother me. Full disclosure: I'm a high functioning autistic, so it's quite likely that all these "little things" don't bother the majority of the playerbase, and only bother me... because I notice these "little things". They are something to me that's "wrong with the world", and whenever I feel like there's something wrong with the world, I feel a compulsion to either fix it myself, or get it fixed by someone. Do you see where I'm coming from with this?
  11. I'll do some screenshots for you next time I'm in such conditions. But do you get what I'm saying?
  12. Hyperbole to emphasize the point. I can also map when my character literally can't see six feet in front of them. That's my point. The "visibility" system is inconsistent with the player experience.
  13. That's what I'm saying here, the onscreen visibility has nothing to do with the "visibility" game mechanic. Is there a mod to fix this? Because even though I can't map, I'm PRETTY sure at that level of crystal clarity, I can see the flea on the ptarmigan three miles away.
  14. The ticket was resolved within a few days. Good quality resolve, not so good speed of resolution. Interesting thing though - I wonder if they did something else, something weird, to my save file... because now I can't seem to get my condition to go DOWN. I went three days without drinking anything, zero condition loss. I think they put me in God mode. Maybe some sort of unsaid "apology" for the bug?