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Everything posted by Typoclerk1

  1. Do you own TLD Merchandise? What did you get? When? Where from? How? .. Don't be shy! Also .. Do you have any Custom-Made merch? In other words .. merch that you designed and/or made? Please show off your TLD merch or "bling" w/pics and explanations for us.
  2. Playable Zone/Food for Thought the IDEA: Natural Disasters and Global Warming have decimated Pleasant Valley. Here is the scenario ... Pleasant Valley has transformed into an arid Desert due to the super-massive eruption of Volcanoes .. at was once known as "Yellowstone National Park" in the USA. The event has triggered other Volcanoes around the World to also erupt. As a result .. Earth has become an unhospitable environment. It is virtually unsurvivable. The Sun is twice as large as it once was. Annoying crickets and locusts buzz at the dry and stagnant air. There are NO clouds and very little moisture. There aren't very many areas for shade .. Tumbleweeds, cactii, sun-burnt silica and harsh dry winds .. fill the environment. However .. due to a huge release of "Primordial Radiation" .. engineered by Scientists seeking to save mankind .. Pleasant Valley has recovered quickly and is NOW teeming with dangerous insects, poisonous reptiles, and venomous snakes .. Scorpions, Tarantulas and Armadillos too. Psychotic Armadillos. Psychotic Rabid Armadillos from Texas .. that also happen to be tasty and nutritious .. IDK .. maybe? So anyway ... An oasis fools Will MacKenzie into thinking he can survive ... And so .. discoverable items allow Will to dig a well for water ... Ok so maybe this isn't a NEW idea .. but I am NEW to the forum and really just wanted to post something to break the ice .. or maybe just melt it! Matt Lawton Typoclerk1/Typoclerk (Steam) Avid Outdoorsman & Gamer of TLD