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Posts posted by Peetee

  1. "I still haven't a clue how to actually hit a rabbit with a stone"
    That is not as hard. Pick some stones, let's say 5. Just so that you don't have to look for more when you miss couple of times. Find rabbits. It is safe to get near them to some distance - you will find it out. Then crouch and slowly approach rabbit to get even closer. Sometimes they make it easier for you and they stop hopping around. Hold right click to aim and left click to throw the stone. If you miss, just wait until rabbits return, or move in their direction so that you meet them again sooner. I haven't studied rock trajectory, but I am sure you figure it out. When you hit, quickly go to the rabbit, point at it and pick it up, or else it will wake up again. Later when you let some guts cure, you will be able to construct rabbit traps, so there will be no need to throw stones, you will just collect caught rabbits and reset traps. Advandage is that for hunting with stones, you need to wait days until rabbits respawn, while in case of traps you can put several in the same spot again and again and half of them or more will catch a rabbit each time.

    "supply cache behind the church in Milton"
    It is there. I am not sure but I think it appears only after you read a clue pointing to it. Then you find it easily if you look at the map.

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  2. I waited one day for blizzard to stop. Then I assumed that it won't stop and that it is final test of your survival skills and map knowledge, so I drank hot coffee and set for Signal Hill. I rested and restored warmth at barn, made another coffee and found the way to Signal Hill, though I had one encounter with wolfpack and had to make fire just covered by rocks to regain warmth.

    The blizzard continued after Signal Hill scene. I had to fight two more wolfpacks. On the way back to church I made only one stop at fishing cabin. Normally you want to carry food and water for a mission, but for this part you want to have some wood with you - you don't want to pick up branches during blizzard. Plus coffee is great.

    The blizzard went on even after sleeping for 8 hours at church, so I went to mines also in harsh weather. This time I met only one big group of wolves.

  3. The same issue. However I was able to get past it. There are in fact 2 problems:

    1. mouse works only for category selection,  but not for items selection -> use WASD keys to select and Enter to move the item
    2. the direction of transfer cannot be switched like with other containers -> little trick will help:
      a) initially the transfer direction (TD) is into cabinet, so you can put some items in
      b) when you open the cabinet next time, TD is into inventory, however when you move all items in selected category into your inventory, TD switches and you can again add items to the cabinet - those you took to empty category, as well as other items from other categories
      c) so basically I put in signal pistol from tools category (but not ammo for it), plus some food and bandages. Next time I wanted to add more fuel and other stuff to the cabinet, I just switched to tools category so that signal pistol is the only item displayed in the cabinet, then I retrieved it, which switched TD, then I put it back and switched to whatever categories needed and put items I had. This is repeatable.
      d) item counting is lagging behind so the items you put in may get counted either when you put another item in during the same opening session, or when you close and reopen the cabinet.

    I hope this helps you get past the issue.