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Posts posted by Usfarle

  1. I have made some similar idea of new animals which would be cool to add in TLD or TLD2. Plus some cool feature wich would come with the animals. I dont think its would be good to add a lot of animals with no particularity, it will just add too much life and/or decreasing the rate of actual animals (bear, wolves etc...).

    But i think 1 or 2 like the squirrel or the seal could fit greatly to the game.

    Let me know :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. i already made a topic about this, and people were telling me that it would not be possible in TLD because the actual ground is the snow, soo it will be really hard to remake every map without the snow.

    But maybe in tld 2 it is a possibilty, i was thinking about a quite hard summer, to keep the difficulty and the ambience of the game, maybe a warm month when every rose hips, reishi, beard etc... would respawn often (like every week for a reishi, every 3 days for a rose hips). Something to make a carrot for the player, a time when you could stay outside all day, and gather supply for the upcoming winther : Just like real life ! 

    It would actually be super cool that Hinterland add some feature like that, but I would be very interested about how they thought about a season system in the game.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Syraith said:

    I like the idea. As I was reading I was thinking of a benefit during a wolf struggle then you mention the “sure hands” benefit.

    A quiver makes sense too.

    I love the idea of new craftable items so this would be fantastic! And it makes sense. Maybe have factory made ones rarely found with better benefits? Or different at least, and the hand made their own.

    Seems like belts and holsters would be common around the island.

    I was thinking the same, but when you look at hacthet and knife, every normal person have at least one of each at home, but to balance the game, its pretty rare item. Soo i was thinkin gabout leavin realism away, and focus on balancing the game.

    For me man made item should be bether than industrial one, because if not they would be no benefits to invest time and ressource in the making of a bear skin belt, if you have already found 6 in a voyageur run. But maybe if you could just make holster and not belt, and then you should scavenge around to find a belt which would be essential for using the holster that you can craft, then it would be cool. Or we can do the opposite, like foundable ( but very rare, like 1 of each type) holster and craftable belt, it would balance the game beetween crafting and scavenging.

    I think it would be a good idea, but judging on the amount of reaction and views, it may no't be a great idea ^^

  4. I'm coming to you with a new idea of late game craftable item:

    Belt would be in a new slot just like "accesories", they would be made out of pelts or dryed leather (see the last point of the topic to see my idea about dyed leather), and would reduce the wheight of tools.  In my idea, I was thinking that you could make belt & holster out of any pelt, but you will require more rabbit skin than bear skin. Also, the type of skin that you use will change properties of the item. 

    I was thinking of :

    -4 rabbit skin = a rabbitskin belt, 10% less wheight on the 2 tools that you put at u're belt.

    -2 wolf pelt = a wolfskin belt, 15% less wheight on the 2 tools that you put at u're belt.

    -1 deer skin =a deerskin belt, 20% less wheight on the 3 tools that you put at u're belt.

    -1 moose skin = a mooseskin belt, 25% less wheight on the 3 tools that you put at u're belt. -> the industrial belt, that would be scavengable in the world, would give you 25% but on 2                                                                                                                                                                    tools, for balancing the late game but helping the early game.

    -1 bear skin = a bearskin belt, 25% less wheight on the 4 tools that you put at u're belt.

    They would be a choice to make, you could just put the heaviest tools to get the more benefits out of the belt, but the belt would also give you a bonus in wolf struggle, i was thinking that the loading bar in the bottom screen would start higher if you use a tools that is on you're belt, because its easier and quicker for you're character to reach the tool.

    Once you have the belt, you could also make and equip holsters. It would be craftable or findable, and would act the same as belt : the type of skin you use will change the properties. They would be 3 type of holster in my mind, the revolver's, the knife's and the hatchet's. ( pciture in linked files)

    I was thinking of :

    -2 rabbit skin = a rabbitskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 50% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

    -1 wolf skin = a wolfskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 60% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

    -1 deer skin = a deerskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 75% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

    -1 moose skin = a mooseskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 85% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

    -> the industrial holster for each type of tool, would be scavengable and would give you 80% wheight reduction on the tool.

    -1 bear skin = a bearskin knife holster, 100% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

    The fact to equip a tool in the holster will also give you a "sure hands" bonus with this particular tool, which would enhance the benefits that give you the tool in wolf strugle, the benefits that I was talking hicher on the topic would be tripled by the holster, the charging bar on bottom of the screen during wolf strugle would start higher depending on th type of holster you use. It will also not damage the tool, unless you're using it, but if you store the tool in you're backpack, it will slowly damage it. The holster would work for improvised tool as well. 

    I was also thinking of an unrelated craftable item = a quiver, which would be made out of skin and would allowed the free carrying of 4, 8, 12, and 20 arrow, with no additional wheight in you're backpack.


    Finally i wanna talk about dryed leather, which is not renewable ( if i'm wrong, correct me bellow). I think it would be great late game addition to have a similar machine as the ammunition workbench, but to make dry leather out of different animal skin, in an old tannery for example or in a farm somewhere dangerous.

    The process would be long, it will require a week or two after having cured you're skin. You will have to bring you're multiple skin at the workbench, and work at them for several hours, then let it cure again some times, then process it again etc..... It would be a long but rewarding process.

    If they were a way to make sustainable dryed leather, then i think it would be bether to make belt and holster out of this, and then dont get benefits out of the type of skin you're using.


    Let me know if you're seeing any downpoint to this idea, any point that would destroy RP, or that would unbalance the game etc..

    Have a great day, and survive !

    holster revolver.jpg

    porte couteau.jpg

    porte hache.jpg

    • Upvote 6
  5. 39 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    The thing is... If addictions are added to the game in the manner proposed (not optional and no option to toggle the feature off and starting with a level of addiction based on difficulty level), players who want to play without them are hooped into "imagining" their character doesn't have them.  The reliance on vice-related buffs/debuffs in games is way overdone, IMO.


    why would someoen want to imagine something which is in the game ? 

    Just play the game with the addiction like it is in the game and when you re not addicted anymore, play like you want

    If it really bother you, play in a low diffuculty lvl 

    I don"t understand what you mean

  6. 15 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    I really don't think there should be any buff or debuff associated with it.  People who opt to use them should just "imagine" in their own heads what effect it has.

    i don't like games were the player have to imagine the game, imagination is a part of the game, but the game have to push you to imagine things, for example in rdr2, smoking and drinking come with buff and debuff, and fill a "sanity" bar just like it is in green hell

  7. I really though about this idea as a challenge, maybe in story mode mackenzie coold be alcoolic and astrid tobacco addict, it could make a real change in the choice of character that you make in survival mode ( like if alcolic was easier than tobacco, i don't know just saying that ) 

  8. Smoking and drinking ( alcohol) 

    It would be cool to have cigarette spawning in world, just like alcohol ( different types but it don't mather) 

    In high difficulty level, you will start you re run with a certain lvl of addiction ( for me it would be cool to have a lvl 5 addiction to both in stalker and a lvl 10 of addiction in interloper for each.

    Addiction will give you malus, and more malus when you don't have enough cigarette or alcohol to provide you're dependence. It would be a disease just like a sprain or hemoragie, but it could be fixable over time. Thei're will be 2 way of stopping addiction : slowly, each week you decrease you're comsumption of cigarette or alcohol to came at 0. Its a way to minimize the malus over time. Or you can stop from 5 to 0, in a week of a lot of malus (like pain, fatigue, dehydration... ) you won't be addict anymore. 

    I dont know a lot of things about tobacco and alcohol addiction soo if you have things to say, its bellow ^^

    Cigarrette and alcohol could be find around the world like normal item in the game. 

    But in lower difficulty and when you're not addict anymore, conssuming cigarette or alcohol can give you bonuses ! 

    For example, when you're not addict at all, vodka or whisky can give you health, used as painkiller or antiseptic, give you a bit of calories.... But it will still dehydrate you and tired you.

    Tell me below if its a good idea for you and if it will fit in the game, for me it will add more early difficulties and more late game opportunities.

    I was also thinking about coffee addiction, but i never drinked coffee in th game or in real life soo i can't have ideas about what coffee addiction could be.  

  9. 3 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

    Crampons do not materially affect the movement of the character.  It reduces the climbing and descending cost on a rope, a very specific situation, and provides presumably better traction on weak ice which can translate into probably a few more seconds before one falls through.  The technical backpack merely adds, at no cost, to the weight capacity of the player.  Other than maybe some adjustments, there is nothing that can be done with crampons that would not be covered by existing game mechanics.

    Now for skis and sleds, the intent behind them tends to be enhanced movement and enhanced carry capacity.  At the least, various things that affect movement would have to be considered and the consequences of them.  A small discontinuity, like a small pile of snow or a railroad track or a 4 x 6 misaligned can stop the player in his tracks. Making the huge assumption that the devs allow for skiing, what happens when the player skis over such an obstacle? Into a tree? Into a rock face? Or onto rocks?  Sleds have a similar consideration except they also imply an increased carrying capacity (typically why they get suggested).  How will dragging a loaded sled affect the character? How will that stupid mound of snow that would stop the character affect the movement of the sled? 

    I have often noted that the actual devices - skis and sleds - would be the easy part of the implementation.  How they interact with the character and the environment is the tough part.  The devs could gloss over any or all of these considerations as that is their prerogative but I don't think they would. 

    I don't know anything about coding, developping a game or how tld is made. But I have in my head all what the sledd could be and how they will interact with environement. But I know it would be a tough addition. However, having the less interaction possible, like just allowing the player to take his sled on roads, or on ice, or on flat area, could be a possibility. It would be a way to balanced it, like it wont be able to go on certain game's region. Combining with the ski, it should be possible just to carry them just on specific area, like when you go on difficult landscape, you will fall of, and drop you're ski. Same as the sled, on difficult ground, you will get a sprain risk and a risk of damaging the sled. For me sled should work just as in the forest.


    Of course it would be a different skin, and would be tow and not pushed like in the forest, but the mechanics are the same, just the environement is different. th?id=OIP.NGmsTsHKrVYUgH-_HpNMiwHaCQ&pidFor me the sled should look to something like that ( but without dogs ^^ ) Also it could be a lore-friendly way to explain why do you find a sled, it would be in a sled dog husbandry, you find dozens of dogs carcass, and a damaged sled, that you need to repair to then tow it down to you're home.

    When you will encounter a tree, nothing would happen because the sled wont touch the tree, only you can because you re in front of the sled. But if you let him free to go down a dangerous slope, it will get very damaged, and bounce of a bit when it willl encounter a tree or rock (damage depending on type of block). When falling to a snow pile, it will get in the snow, and you will need like 10 minutes ( with a logging screen like when you light a fire) to get the sled out of the snow pile. 

    At the end, because you re in front of the sled, it won't be that much interaction with envrionnement. But wildlife could destroy the sledd if you put any food in it. 

    • Upvote 3
  10. th?id=OIP.EQvSE35nO1AqND9jK2RUawHaEK&pid

    My idea is simple, a rare item, not craftable but repairable in a forge. Placable anywhere, such as a snare trap, but to catch bear, deer or wolf. It would have very few usage, soo the player would have to place it as close as possible into a bear cave. WHen the bear will go back to his home, and trigger the trap, he will bleed out for very long time, or eventually sucess to get away. That way, the player could kill a bear simply, but like in real life, stressful animal make bad meat. Thats why when killed by a bear trap, the bear won't drop any gut and will have not much meat and the meat will be damaged, could give food poisoning more often. 

    But of course, if you set up you re trap and wait to get a catch to shoot arrow on his face, the quickest you are, the less malus you will get on the meat or the gut.

    To conclude it would be a way to have an easy bear hide, but mainly to kill a bear who is bothering us, it would also be a way to kill a bear more lore friendly than hide on a dock or a fallen tree. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, UTC-10 said:

    There is nothing wrong with skis and sleds.  The issue is that implementing them is much more complex from the game point of view than from the player point of view.  

    i don't understand, why would it be difficult to put another unique item in the game just like they did with the technical backback or crampon? 

  12. 1 hour ago, mfuegemann said:

    A sled would be the answer to the carrying weight problem without making the backpack too big/heavy. It should be a container and to make things not too easy, let us craft the sled from precious resources - maybe 4 maple saplings, a moose hide and mountaineer rope or so.

    I was thinking about an unique item, found in someplace very dangerous, and which would need repair with precious material like you said. It would add more challenge and won't be something you can rush to make

    • Upvote 2
  13. My ideas are in title, wouldn't it be cool, realistic and lore friendly to have a way to carry you're ski up to a mountain, do what you have to do there and then slip the descent ?

    Same as for the sled, it would be a way to carry very large amount of stuff ( maybe up to a deer or wolves carcass), wood, metal etc from a certain place with a big ammount of stuff like a mine, hydrodam or a forest, up to you're home. The sled would slow you down a big and tires you a lot but will allow the player to pull the sled from his home to the location and then with all his precious things, from the location to his home. The player could also be able to leave the sled somewhere, and then go up a cliff to collect valuables, and go down to his sled, and continues his trip. Its also a safe way to carry multiple stuff, for a role playing inuit lifestyle. Live a nomadic lifestyle, carry you're home behing you would be, for me a very good addition to the game. 

    Its also really realistic, see Mike Horn, a famous explorator, carry his sled with his ski everywhere he goes. 


    • Upvote 4
  14. 1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    If all of these are added, I fully expect that the game would start crashing incessantly on the Xbox One.  So, please Hinterland... if you are considering such sweeping additions to this game, please provide options in Custom mode to disable/increase/decrease the population of each animal type individually similar to how it is now possible to do this with the current animal varieties already in the game.  Also, I would like an option to revert the game back to the previous update on the Xbox One such that if any update causes the game to become unplayable, it would then be possible to roll back to a previous update.

    of course my rechearch were just dream, and i dont think adding that much animal into the game would be a good idea, i just wanted to share some animal idea about what could this animal would looks like if they were added. Sorry for console and low config ^^ 

  15. I come to you with a personal list of Candian animal which i hope would well suit to the TLD. For me they do. I'm french so sorry if my english or my animal's name translation is bad.

    First i will start with simple wandering animal wich could be valuable hunting prey for the player and predators


    In orange is the neutral animal, they don't attack you until you attack them.

    In blue the afraid animal, like in game rabbit and deer they would run away when you get close.

    In red the attacking animal, they would be aggresive such has in game bears and wolves.

    • Beaver = they would live in natural beaver dam, made out of wood. By killing a beaver, the player would recive meat guts and skin. The wather repllent skin could make watherproof cl290px-American_Beaver.jpgothes.




    • Squirel = I explain down what specialities could have the squirrel 
    • 290px-Gilles_Gonthier_-_Tamiasciurus_hudsonicus_(by)_(1).jpg





    • Lynx  = it will be rare and not much agressive, by killling them you woill recive guts meat and hide. 
    • 290px-Lynx-canadensis.jpg
    • Cougar = really agressive and deadly, such has a bear. It would be skinny / weak ( die in one shot ) but fast. It would give regular meat guts and hide. 
    • 290px-Puma_concolor_stanleyana_-_Texas_Park_-_Lanzarote_-PC07.jpg
    • Fox = make some burrow in the snow to sleep, the burrow could be destroyed by the player to make the fox run away, in a snare trap for example. Give meat guts and hide.
    • 100px-Vulpes_vulpes_laying_in_snow.jpg
    • Racoon = Would give pelt to upgrade the player clothes in thermes of watherproofness and temp. It would give meat, guts and the hide which can be used as a repairing material.
    • 290px-Procyon_lotor_qtl2.jpg
    • Weasel = Like rabbits, small food, small hide and 1 guts. Nothing particular execpt that they will steal in player's inventory when he sleep outside. 
    • 290px-Mustela_frenata_new.jpg
    • Marten = same as Weasel but they won't steal and thei're skin is very warm, to make very good clothes.
    • 290px-Martes_americana_Yellowstone_1.jpg
    • Otter = Wather proof skin, to make watherproof clothes. Give gut meat and hide.
    • 290px-LutraCanadensis_fullres.jpg
    • Badger =Big source of meat, gut and hide. Sleep in building soo they can be scared and catche during thei're sleep. 
    • 290px-Taxidea_taxus_(Point_Reyes,_2007).jpg
    • Seal = friendly but strong, hard to kill. Very good source of wather proof hide and meat and gut. they will provide fat wich can be used to cook or to watherproof a clothes.
    • 290px-Northfursealbull.jpg
    • Wapiti = Dangerous just like a moose, the male can be harvested to get decorative antler. Give lots of meat and gut, and hide.
    • 290px-Cervus_canadensis2006.jpg
    • Original = same as Wapiti but much smaller.
    • 290px-Alces_alces_PJC3.jpg
    • Caribou = Different antler, more meat.
    • 290px-20070818-0001-strolling_reindeer.jpg
    • Pronghorn = small antler, not much meat but lots of guts, a good hide to make a bag.
    • 290px-Pronghorn_antelope.jpg
    • Goat = horn to make new item (wich i encourage you to give ideas of what we could make out of antler and horn) lot of meat and pelt, to make new clothes, very warm290px-Mountain_Goat_USFWS.jpg.
    • Bighorn sheep = harvestable wool to upgrade interior clothes, get very warmer. Dangerous, lot of meat and hide, and gut.


    With a bit of recherch i find that they are all active in winther (of course less than in summer ) and I think thei're hide could make new clothes in the game, and thei're meat could be eaten as regular. It would only be a life adding experience to the game, making it more immersive and realistic than just 4 animal in the entire game, expectially because most player base thei're survival in therms of food on animal hunting. 

    For the following animal, i come with new fonctionnality in the game

    Mouse and rat

    They would live in barn and big human construction, if the player decide to live in a building populated with rat or mouse he will ahve trouble until he killed them all. The mouse andrat will eat stored food, eaven on the player during night. THey will also damage the stored clothes of the player. When arriving to a places populated with mouse or rat, the loot will be very thin because of this little scavenger who would have eaten most of the industrial food. 

    To prevent his food to be eaten, the player could craft mouse trap out of wood and scrap metal. This trap should be armed and fill with bait to catch somthing. The dead body of the rat and mouse can be harvest to get out meat but would give very serius food poisoning to the eater. 

    Squirrel :

    They would hide inside tree hole with a lots of nuts. They will sometimes go out and wander arround but would never come on ground, and stay in tree's leaf. 

    The player could climb tree by throwing a rope on top of the tree (wich will come with a new talent like climbing). When the player climb up to a potential squirel nest he could scared the squirel and take his nuts, or come at night and surprise the squirel to kill him just like he do on stunned rabbit, and take the nuts. The nuts would be a new food source, unrespawnable, but with infinite storage duration. I could be just like cattails but with more calories. 

    I hope you will like my idea and if you have anything to talk about animal in TLD and it would be a good addition to the game for you, talk, I'm here.

    • Upvote 4
  16. 20 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    I mean I'm for buildings slowly degrading over time making them ultimately colder than the beginning this would increase challenge I'm just not for the addition of the chainsaw maybe  instead of a chainsaw the tool would be a Carpenters hammer and instead of planks you just use nails that are made at a forge.

    Yeah of course, the idea of a carpenter skill, tools and technique could be added that way ! Like they would be books of technique, way to repair things, make seat, bed ... That would be great ! 

  17. 6 minutes ago, Derek0311 said:

    I think seasons will be part of TLD2.  If you search TLD2, you will find an article with the owner.  If you read it and read between the lines, seasons are coming, just not to TLD.  

    Many people will say,”It’s just a game.”  I think every who plays this game knows it’s just a game.  That doesn’t mean it gets a pass for not being realistic.  It depends on what experience the player is looking for.  A flight simulator is after all just a game.  However, it can’t ignore physics.  Nobody says,”Do we really need a cross wind, it’s too realistic, that’s not what this flight simulator is all about.”  Players asking for realism are the same.  The Harry Potter universe asks its viewers to believe everything.  The Long Dark is different.  It only asks us to believe in a magnetic storm.  After that it’s a survival game.  Then we might hear “That’s not The Long Dark”.  Only the owner of Hinterland or someone that’s paid by him can say that.  

    Anyway, I’m done with the soapbox if anyone else wants it.

    Realistism in video game are a important part of the game for me, expectially in survival game. Maybe its because I like survival IRL too but for me nothing is as good as the complexicity and the difficulty of the real life. However I also think that to make an artistique game, it need to be different from reality on certain point, but also similar on others, to put the player just like he was in real life survival situation 

    • Upvote 1
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  18. 1 hour ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    It isn't lore friendly, you can tell by playing the whole no power thing is the issue. the spark plug can't produce a spark as somehow the geomagnetic storm disrupts power only for it to partly be restored during the Aurora so if it's added it would behave like the flashlight useless most of the time only to function during the Aurora, which only occurs at night.

    Also even if it was lore friendly it would still be kinda useless as there isn't a reason to repair your cabin for warmth as most interior structures are already above freezing at the start of the game. 

    Yeah, i know that building are already repaired, and thats my point : there is just fine building wich are just like they were new and the others, completely destroyed. I dont dind it really realistic and having a way to fix some of the building because they will be all a bit damaged by the storm, would be a way to make a bigest "late game kinda" and an other step to survival 

  19. 2 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    I remember hinterland saying that seasons won't be added as it's a technical problem basically the whole game would have to be rebuilt to make it work I.E maps redesigned to show the seasonal changes, different ways to collect water since snow would be gone in the warmer months, different routes as during the warmer seasons some areas will become inaccessible I.E jackrabbit island etc. Hinterland is by no means a large company so this would take a lot of time and effort also The Long Dark in summer would be ultimately boring as a major challenge is removed that being the cold.

    The inevitable death is something that a majority of the community likes about the long dark. It gives survival a end more or less if you could get to a stage where you wouldn't ever die no matter what then suddenly the challenge is gone and the game would become boring. as it is now there is an end that end is death survival mode isn't survive forever it's survive for as long as you can. Long story short the long dark is ultimately built around winter it would have to be completely resigned to add seasons thus it will more in likely never be added maybe in a future hinterland survival game but not the long dark.

    Okay for the technical problem, but i'm not agree with you on the fact that they will still be challenge in summer ( it depends on how the game would be design but i was not thinking making it minecraft ) however, do you think that survive for more than 500 days in survival in wither only is really realistic ? For its really immersive-killing and having a short summer and a long wither like it is in Canada would be a way to add lots of thing to the game. 

  20. 5 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

    I disagree. This addition wouldn't make sense due to the geomagnetic storm, meaning the chainsaw would only work during an Aurora, and I don't see anyone actively going out at night during an aurora as wolves are more dangerous and it is colder. Not to mention by the time you find this "unique" item (unique implies it's rare)  you would more in likely have decent clothes, making any interior above freezing, and that's without a fire.

    I agree with you on the TLD history fact, but i don't understand why it won't be a good addition to the game, it would be a more realistic way to make the house safer and warm.I'm not very used to the lore, if you say its not lore friendly I believe you, and if its not lore-friendly it shouldn't be in the game 

  21. An item which could come with a entire system

    Repairing you're "home", or what you call that way, such has the garage, trapers house etc..

    The chainsaw could be an unique item which with it you can cut down tree's and make plank out of them. That way you could take up planks to you re home and repair it, which will increase the temperature inside when you ligh a fire. 

    • Like 1
  22. Hello, first I love you're game and i wish it the best.

    I want to share my idea for a complete new aspect of the game : a season system, it will be a way to think " oh here is winther, i can go ahead this threat, survive and in the next summer i will be able to make a whole new stock of food and it will be a more easy way to live". 

    For me a game need a carrot to push the player to go on, i can't survive forever, there is not much sustainable way to live or any late game (house/cabin making, interior creation, plantation making...) and it's destroying my motivation. If we start a new survival game in wither, as we know it is just a bad time to go over, it will push the player to want to survive, to want discover everything new in summer. 

    For this I have a couple idea, I find sad the fact that in TLD we are forced to live by killing lots of animal and by founding industrial food. I find it really realistic in wither, but we should be able to make stock of vegetables and fruits for the winter, maybe with a new way to store food, with underground cache, salt, or ice. In summer, it will be more friendly, more animal will go out thei're hibernation ( like racoon, fox, boar, birds, fish, squirrel etc... ). Predator will be less hungry and except from bear  they will not be a lot of wildlife threat, but we could still die from cold in night, hunger or thirst. 

    I really think the game need a major update with a complete new way to play the game, but i will understant the fact taht TLD is a game where the snowy and dangerous athmosphere is core to the gameplay, having a peace time like summer will be a bit out of the goal of the game. 

    I love you're game and you're communication around it, make whatever you want out of you're game and sorry for my bad english (I'm french soo its pretty common ^^)

    • Upvote 2
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