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Posts posted by Fishcat

  1. Played two rounds, first was until the toxic fog, second one hour thirty.

    1. Toxic fog is the real threat. The darkwalker is fairly easy to deal with and you get lots of glyph spray cans with four uses each.
    2. Toxic fog isn't much fun. It murders your visibility several minutes out from doing damage and kills you real fast (two minutes?). The visibility loss might be the biggest problem as well as time management being difficult to tell in this games huge zones with limited exits.
    3. The Darkwalker is way too loud. The footsteps would be enough and more intimidating, you can hear them from any distance why does it need to make a constant racket until you get 300-400M away? Start the "spooky" audio around 100M.
    4. The screen FX for being near the darkwalker are kinda cheesy
    5. Having two different measures of time, realtime and ingame time is strange
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