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Posts posted by JollyMoose

  1. Their support contacted me saying they have a fix and will be in a future patch. So if anyone is experiencing this issue, then I recommend not doing the Archivist challenge and holding off until its patched :D

  2. Haha I just started playing a month or two ago and love it. I did all story and archivist was my last badge. Gee golly I must have ailed the death challenge about 18-20 times, but felt great beating it. I find the community of this game supportive and kind.


    Plus the game has a moose. I am bias to all games with moose.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Challenges are their own pre-defined experiences so Winter's Embrace shouldn't affect them. More than likely it is just a bug introduced with the Winter's Embrace patch and will get hot fixed. I can confirm that challenges can be completed, and that the temperature in those are the same as before the patch (the -10 indoors and outdoors). 


    Glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing it, really want that archivist badge. trying to get all achievements to show support for the game. :D

    • Upvote 1
  4. This challenge is currently blocked for me.  I reported the bug already but adding context here for others who may experience it:


    Details: At the Camp Office (Mystery Lake) the screen is detached from the laptop itself and is hovering away from it. Another way of describing it is the laptop screen shows as blank but is projected elsewhere (see screenshot). Neither the laptop nor the screen have the text 'computer' over it so is not interactable, even though the middle cursor goes form transparent to full white as if something should be interacted with. 

    Some notes:

    • Issue occurred 3/3 times
    • Saving then restarting does not correct the issue.
    • Attempting to restart client and starting new challenge has the same results. 
    • My badges and progress of other saves is not affected. Only badge I am missing is for this challenge.
    • Not sure if this affects all laptops like Kuula70 reported, but it is worth a look into.
    • I did not try this challenge before the latest patches so can't compare when it worked and broke.

    Screenshots of issue below. Cheers!

    screen_(6, 2, 1)_d5474126-6837-46d3-9370-7474ddb6fbdb.png

    screen_(3, 2, -1)_023cb261-d6e1-4a77-8b87-93a0e6891849.png