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Posts posted by Timotheous23

  1. On 5/28/2020 at 9:38 AM, älg said:

    I've tried the going to every region and mapping again thing but that didn't solve it. Hinterland messaged me back and said it's a bug and they're aware of and working on it.

    Good to know. I had also ran around and updated all to no avail. I'll just save that sandbox until they get it patched, and have a go at some more challenges for now.

  2. Playing on console (Xbox1S), and I have every icon and location trigger done from the list, and all maps are no more than a week or two in-game days since last updated, yet still no achievement given.

    Did the Fearless Navigator update make changes to that list? Or is the new mapping abilities messing with the achievement being awarded? I did notice after the update that a couple locations "re-posted" on my maps as I was walking around, so now they are written over the original on the map.