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Everything posted by Sherri

  1. If it wasn't possible, then the game would just be 90% gathering firewood. No thanks. 🤣🔥
  2. Ooof I've had a rough go of it, it's definitely harder than I'm used to on Voyager. But I'm 6 days in & half looted ML & am finally outfitted enough that I'm not freezing indoors. Wolves *everywhere*. But I'm clinging to life!! 😁 Is this mostly on par with Stalker difficulty other than the weather?
  3. I am convinced there is some intentional code in there that predicts which direction you'll go next, and increases the odds that it will blow against you. Could even be as simple as - is the player on the east side of the map? They will probably go west next. Too many coincedences to be random. And if you build a fire on the sheltered side of a building, of course the wind eventually shifts around to get you. Heck, if I was making a punishing survival game I'd program it like that! 🤣
  4. So... I just finished making 5 trips between the PV Outbuildings barn... and Molly's farmhouse as I had changed my choice of 'base' for PV. In my opinion a sled would only make sense if it was very slow. It would not allow you to accomplish anything you couldn't do without it by repeat trips... it would only save you the repetition boredom of repeating a trip. One, very slow trip with a sled would have been less boring than 5 fast trips, even if the total time was similar. Or maybe make the trip half as fast... but crafting the sled take a huge amount of supplies & time? Really though, I doubt this will ever be added to the game.
  5. If the world gets colder & animal respawns are reduced "over time" .... is there a cap to this? Ie at a certain # of days can I assume I'm at the worst it will get? Is there a estimate like "At 100 days you are at 50% colder" or something like that?
  6. Totally agree. I find the newer Fallouts to be a bit too combat-dense.
  7. It's cool how he describes how many 'non gamers' love this game. I've been a gamer all my life, but never drawn to hyper competitive games (other than a billion hours on Goldeneye with friends as a teen).... and I also share the complete love for Fallout - mainly the exploration and not so much the combat. In most games whether it's Bioshock, Fallout, Breath of the Wild.... that feeling of not knowing what's around the next bend... of seeing something I've never seen before. Of learning about this strange world I'm in... has always been the main draw for me in games. And I'm at my happiest when a game has deep, wide-open exploration combined with some level of challenge and small goals to achieve. TLD has all those things while not having much in the way of goals/quests... however I loved doing them in Wintermute and in Survival I just give myself goals to work toward. Anyway.... wonderful game- hits a sweet spot for me. That interview was very eye-opening. I really think that the game doesn't need much in the way of more 'features'. However a pack of new regions would be great - I'd even pay for it as a paid add-on because they must be hitting a saturation point for this game in terms of new sales. And I'd be happy to pay for new content.
  8. I'm holed up in the Outbuildings Barn. Had 3 fires going and cooked up half the meat in a day while negating cabin fever. Which reminds me. I spent 3 trips moving supplies from the Community Hall to the barn, and my very first morning coming out of the barn... a BEAR! Like 10m away from me. Put one shot in him and jumped back inside. But it didn't kill him. So there's a bear out there somewhere... eep.
  9. CH. PV is tougher.
  10. OMG this game is awesome. I'm so happy.
  11. 125 days into my first Survival game... explored most regions... and finally, finally got my first moose. In Pleasant Valley. I am soooo excited for that satchel. And meat for days. Ooo yeah. I *may* have spent an absurd number of bullets sniping it from far away I was just too excited and scared it would run away, to be careful. LOL!
  12. I too would *love* a non-death ending option for Survival mode. I've loved Wintermute. And am enjoying Survival mode... just can't shake the sadness that it will all ultimately lead to death. 😥 If it was an option then people could take it or leave it.
  13. This would be awesome. I didn't sign up to play a platformer. Fun once... then tedious.
  14. Haha no different than falling down a cliff. You die & start again. Lol There could be a tear down option.
  15. Good point. I've just never bothered with that so far.
  16. Also, what is the point of the water purification tablets? Do people EVER not finish boiling their water? The toilet water should be in the dirty state- perfect use for the AquaPur tablets.
  17. It's always cracked me up that you have to boil snow but you can drink toilet water directly. That's backwards.
  18. Could also design it as a large, fenced, outdoor area with a bunch of barracks buildings - maybe several with collapsed roofs - and some guard towers. To keep it more 'outdoorsy'.
  19. I assumed those people would recover after a few days, thanks to the food & stuff we gathered. I like to head-cannon that those survivors healed up & all worked toward escaping the island.
  20. Only one moose spawns.... for the entire island, or per region??