Laika Ivanova

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Everything posted by Laika Ivanova

  1. While I don't agree with the post entirely I do understand where it comes from. There are a lot of things in the Expansion Pass that are not on the same level as past updates before. Personally, I absolutely loved the Tales (the first one's forced travel was annoying but the second one was so much better, nice to see Hinterland learning from that). But there is so much inconsisteny with the gameplay related content compared to past updates that is just annoying because it takes the immersion completely out. Handheld Shortwave and Gas Mask both not weighing anything, not being able to be dropped or moved, only to not bother the average player with weight management (that used to be a core functionality of the game). Even the Technical Backpack should have been a regular item instead of an invisible collectible. I mean, even the moose hide satchel has to be repaired and has weight. Then crampons were added and only made repairable after initial feedback, I was happy back then because I thought Hinterland learned from it, but then the Bulletproved Vest came out and now the Insulated Flasks with the same issues. And then the decision to not add Scurvy to existing saves because it might be too challenging to some players. Perhaps it should have been designed a bit differently then (although we know by now that it really is not that big of a deal and everyone could have easily dealt with it, even in their 1000 day long saves). I respect Hinterland for thinking about especially those dedicated players, but I think this was over the top. While the Travois also has a few issues, it is mostly just tweaks that it needs so I won't be going into that. Overall a great item. These things I mentioned are all of course minor, but they add up and together ruin the immersion to me and many others. I really hope Hinterland will at some point take their time and get everything in line properly. Personally I see that they do still care a lot about the game, otherwise they would just not care about making sure the second Tale is available on Interloper and very well playable on it (I finished it just hours after the update came out, it was amazing). I doubt tho that they will make themselves the time to fix all of these things because there is still one year of content they have to deliver. Whatever happens after the Expansion Pass ends, I hope they will give the game one final update with tweaks and fixes and make it the best it can be before sending it off.
  2. I know about all exact locations of it and tested it on multiple other new saves where they did spawn as intended. I just got extremely unlucky with starting a new save and having exactly that one not to spawn them. Perhaps they might have glitched underground or similar but they are definitely not where they are supposed to be.
  3. So I gave up, started a new save (as having to give up a year old save just to access new content because it was intentionally excluded from existing saves wasn't bad enough), now I come to realize that one of the custom recipes, lili's pancakes hasn't spawned in! Love it... Not gonna lie, I love the game. But the recent updates have just been so messed up compared to how it used to be 3-4 years ago. Now things don't spawn in, bug out or when they actually do work they have questionable design choices like a weightless, unrepairable gas mask just so the player doesn't have to bother about keeping it in their inventory or trade offs whatsoever. Same with the handheld shortwave. As much as I try to see the good in it, the past updates just haven't been cutting it compared to a few years ago even tho there is so much potential. Stuff like the flask or travois in this one are amazing, minus a few tweaks but that can be dealt with later. But the rest I mentioned is just...I dunno... I know Hinterland right now is busy with fixing bugs from this update, but I really hope they get everything from the past updates in line with how the game was years ago at some point.
  4. The reward is finishing it on a harder mode. Flexing rights you could say. Besides, the item you get in the end isn't the worst. It's a nice collectible in my eyes. I don't like the animations either. The animation itself I do like, but to me it's the very small FOV that gives me motion sickness.
  5. There is a rabbit grove not far from the idle houses. If you plant 10 snares there you can easily keep well fed with them. Would be a problem with Scurvy but if you play on an existing save you can still do it.
  6. I went in there with my Loper save. It's easy enough if you go in with a plan.
  7. According to some people on our server, Scurvy only does 1% condition damage per hour. If that is true it is almost laughable that it isn't part of existing saves already, especially not for long save players that clearly know how to play around these things. If it would be my own decision, I'd just implement it into every save except Pilgrim because of how minor the affliction is. But I get why Hinterland was careful with this one. Best they can do now is making it a one time opt in decision. I also don't care how others play the game, but for me a survival game has no purpose if I have to start another save to experience everything it has to offer (besides they already wiped saves once and said they wanted to avoid that in the future which now clearly isn't the case with how Scurvy was handled). Giving up a save is giving up survival in my eyes. But to each their own. It should at least be an option to get it in existent saves so one doesn't have to start over.
  8. That's actually a really good point with the save wipes...
  9. I don't think not adding a game mechanic because of lack of planning of other players justifies not adding a mechanic to existing saves. It isn't my fault other players waste resources. Besides, regarding scurvy there are enough renewable sources anyway so the whole lack of resource argument is irrelevant as is.
  10. I had similar thoughts already, some kind of a one way opt-in thing, yeah. Let's hope they consider these things.
  11. I really hope Hinterland reverts the decision of not adding Scurvy to existing saves, because the purpose of Scurvy makes this decision seem incredibly questional. Why add something that is supposed to challenge us, only to not add it in existing saves where it will affect us? I do understand them not wanting to screw us long save players over, but a one time grace period would have done the trick as well without cutting an entire mechanic from a save. I hope they change their mind on this. The rest of the update is superb tho. I said this for months now that based on what content we could expect, that this update will be great and it is. They clearly learned from the senseless walking of the first Tale and made the second one so much better (I went in asap on my Interloper save and finished it around 12 hours earlier). The map also looks amazing. Harvesting animations and visible gloves/coat is also great QoL. The flask definitely need tweaking with how fast it cools down compared to how many drinks can be inside of it, but the design choice of making it a container is interesting. Overall an amazing update, minus the big miss on Scurvy. Like I said I hope they change their mind on this one. EDit: Forgot to mention the Travois. Great tool, I went in with it when I made it in Camp Office first. Overall great too, except the decay rate feels a bit too fast.
  12. So far, everything seems to be working fine, except for a bug with meat cooking: No calory bonus based on cooking level is applied and, regardless of the size of the raw meat, it turns into a full 1kg piece causing an exploit where one can micro harvest a bear and turn it into easily 300.000 calories. Not game-breaking in a negative sense, but it should have somewhat of a priority to be fixed quickly if possible.
  13. I tested with multiple backups, you should be fine as long as you never saved the game on 2.20
  14. So this issue has already been fixed with the containers. Great work, Hinterland.
  15. Yeah. I got lucky enough having a backup from a week ago. 10 ingame days lost but oh well. Better than loosing a 190 Interloper run. Glad to know Hinterland is already on it.
  16. Thanks for the quick response. Some information that may help: - If you reload a save with missing containers that had loot in them in the older 2.19 version, the containers will be back but empty (spray paint that was on them will however be there again - Lost and Found boxes are triggering and catching some of the lost loot, but by far not all of it. I can't seem to see a pattern there really
  17. A wonderful piece I commissioned from a friend and got permission to post it here. Worth noting, he didn't know or heard anything about The Long Dark ever before and solely made this based on the input I gave him (hence the rock cache and snares
  18. I really hope Hinterland is on the null reference exceptions I discovered. I literally can't play my save anymore because of it
  19. TheLongDarkLoadingBug.mp4 I managed to get a broken interior to be able to be loaded ONCE after a couple of dozen tries... Ok, I looked at the console again and I noticed what threw a null pointer exception this time was a rock cache. Rock Cache and Ice Fishing Hole...two player placed structures... Could that be what causes this bug? Some issue with the placing mechanic of player structures?
  20. I just had the second trailer near Carter Damn break in a newly created save and I was just in it a minute ago! New saves can definitely become unloadable in certain areas as well and I literally did not do anything between it functioning and breaking!
  21. Just putting an update here. I managed to get a more proper error, I am no expert in these kind of things tho but this is what I got: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at IceFishingHole.UpdateFishing (System. After that dozens of NullReferenceException lines (Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Maybe someone who knows coding can shed some light onto this but my gut feeling suggests that you stay away from fishing for now until a hotfix arrives.
  22. I got myself a console command mod and noticed that the game is throwing A LOT of Null Reference Exceptions upon trying to load a broken are within a save file (look at my posts earlier in this thread). Does anyone here have an idea what this could mean in terms of "fixability"?
  23. I can definitely confirm that Ptarmigans do spawn in old saves, however, what I noticed was they ONLY spawned in Mystery Lake in my old save.