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Everything posted by wizard03

  1. As an xbox dude, my left thumb begs for an auto walk feature!
  2. I think its because they have something else up their sleeve....something about the drill press has me pondering what else are they cooking up? May not be much now, but later....
  3. Not been there yet. Iv found stump remover, sulfur, and something else in the barn in PV. Am working my way in that direction tho.
  4. Currently the timber wolves are a bit over powered in my opinion, but they only spawn on bleak inlet region. How they attack is first you get a moral bar at the bottom of your screen. Maybe you can hear them coming if you have headphones on. Next they wait till more than one is on your character before they attack. When they attack you can either choose to try and scare them off or kill one......running does not work, fires do not work {unconfirmed}, takes multiple shots if you use a gun unless you can kill one, hiding does not work, regular flares/torches do not work, {although technically it does not work with regular wolves right now either. this may be fixed later} Pretty much the only thing you can do when you encounter timber wolves is shoot, throw stones {unconfirmed}, use the blue flares {throwing the blue flare will scare them away a bit, as well as deter their morale meter}, use bow and arrow {unconfirmed, but plausible}, and try to get into an enclosure with a bed and sleep them away. . As for them trying to attack you, for the most part they do "drive by" tactics....Sometimes its torn clothing, sometimes its a sprained ankle, and of course possible bleed out wounding. Every so often, its a typical "wolf attack"...They jump on top of you, you struggle, smash the button repeatedly, maybe you live, maybe you die. If you stab one in self defense, their moral meter only goes down a bit. Unless the animal dies, then the moral meter disappears and the wolves run away. The best bet in this scenario is to use a gun and try to kill one. If your on interloper, blue flares, bow and arrow, flare gun, and maybe stones....maybe. . So in conclusion, timber wolves is NOT fight or flight. Its fight!
  5. This could still be possible....IRL you need "DRY" wood. Well stuff that's already on the ground is usually good to go, however there is still an opportunity that you can come across a still standing "dead" tree, that is already dry. Maybe they can put in a new tree unit and this one can be chopped down using a heavy axe, and it will respawn after 20 days in game. Kind of like the birch and maple saplings, it will be its own unit specific to be harvested.
  6. I like what you got going here, but Id like to pick a couple that really shine. Ok the drag sled is an absolute must.....Once I got the clothing to "tank out" the weather, its like Im just barely able to carry things I also need...Storm lantern, prybar, rifle…..I consider some of the tools an ABSOLUTE must have no matter where I go and once I got it all together, well....The well fed perk and a moose satchel gives me just enough room to think about taking food, firewood, or something and then I will find a heavy item like a hammer or couple pieces of fir firewood. x.x With that said, if this was introduced, Id suspect we would need a balance....maybe forge some rivets, a hammer, and fir wood pieces to craft? Snow shoes is also a big got to have here. Increased mobility is number one of my must have's. Maybe cured Birch bark, gut, and a tool kit/sewing kit? Slingshot sounds like a great idea, might actually WANT to use the reclaimed wood instead of just burning it Just made a post about adding more veggies myself in the wish department. I agree with the prone rifle position, as it is right now, I find the revolver much more useful in hunting. Granted it does not have the power of the rifle, but multiple shots and continuous ADS is much more important to me. The loss of ADS when your stamina bar goes to zero has cost me a couple times. Maybe this will offer longer ADS time at the cost of being able to run away? Love a tundra zone, but its got to have a lot of something to make it worth while....maybe a ship grave yard? And the polar bear is a great idea, IF it didn't come off as something offensive.....might be tricky...
  7. Probably an unpopular idea, but possibly add more vegetables to the game? Right now other than cat tails, the only things you can eat is a form of medical supplement. Rishi tea, Rose hips, Birch bark....All of it requires prep work, water, and a fire that will cook it long enough. That whole ordeal causes the calorie intake they offer to be less than what you must put into them and you would have less calories than what you started off with. While Im not exactly asking for easy to find food supply that may ruin interloper mode, maybe it can be something that is hard to find and will give a bigger boost to calories than just the cat tails. Maybe down the road, its also something you can cook with and will offer supplement calories to a meat source. . Next idea is very simple, salt. Salt could be harvested from dinner tables, kitchens, and maybe even the ocean. {Sea water that is purposefully boiled entirely leaving the salt behind?} After it is collected, it can be cooked with in order to preserve meats longer.
  8. I would start going to sleep at daytime and staying awake at night.
  9. I say dang, balaclava? Deer skin boots?? BEARBEDROLL??!?! Yeah, that interloper run is easier than pilgrim.
  10. I do know there is a hunting blind over by the forlone muskeg region, it had about 5 revolver cases......as for the bullet mold, it does not need an aroura as far as I know, the aroura is for the drill press to clean the gun *Just noticed you said keypad, I didn't even think that needed electricity. x.x sorry about that
  11. Accidentally found it before the crossroads elegy update. To have thought of all the times I was looking for some food and walked right by it 😖
  12. Had something similar happen to me, didn't record it or anything, but it was a case of I actually got inside, and shut the door and you could hear him barking up a storm and still running right outside. Sometimes his nose would poke through the wall. I slept and woke up, no wolfy…..As crazy as it sounds, I actually think it was the same building as yours. o.o
  13. So yeah, I just had a wolf spawn UNDER the ground and attack me https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/wizardo3/video/83810983 Yeah, games got some bugs going on here...
  14. A deer spawned inside an ice shack on costal highway, as I was blindly searching the path to one of the islands, kept hearing a noise and was freaked the entire time. Decided to investigate and the deer tries to take off running, antlers sticking out the wall. XD
  15. I find this crazy as I actually found revolver ammo all over PV but no gun once....I was worried it might have been a bug, but now it sounds like I should have kept trucking in hopes of finding the revolver!
  16. Best place I get one is in the basement of the broken down house on skeeters ridge. Seems to allways be there for me.
  17. I tend to go with the bearskin myself. Main reason why is it seems I am allways dealing with cabin fever right after crafting....No joke, Ill go in to craft arrow heads or knives, or maybe cook up a moose satchel, and BOOM, cabin fever. 30%. Get out of the house before you go crazy...And 9 times out of 10, a blizzard is hitting. x.x
  18. Hey guys. Was hoping my first post was going to be "best game ever, love this, the last update was great" but instead Im dealing with a super nasty nose dive in FPS. It all started with the crossroads elegy update....I thought it would have been caught and worked on, but sadly with the errant pilgrim update, its gotten worse. Here is a prime example of the problem while reading a book near the ice shack on Timberwolf mountain: https://www.twitch.tv/wizardo3/clip/RelievedAlertKaleTwitchRaid Now here it is on bleak inlet with the Timberwolves getting involved: https://www.twitch.tv/wizardo3/clip/FineNeighborlyHeronKappaClaus . Im on a xbox x, with a 950GB SanDisk ultra 2 SSD connected to load the game faster, and Im hard wired to the internet. But its not the only problem either. There is levitating wolves, they ignore decoys, and Iv had a couple of items just come up missing as well. One was a hammer that I swore I stored into my main camp in paradise valley, but just up and went missing. Only video I have to confirm the levitating wolf problem: https://www.twitch.tv/wizardo3/clip/SpeedyBitterRamenVoteNay As for the missing equipment and ignoring of bait, it is in the entire length stream, but I can't remember at which point. Will there be a update to attempt to fix all this? Right now Im both super anxious to get into interloper and see if I can find a revolver, and scared to loose anything that is extremely difficult to find. Ontop of that, with all the FPS issues, and crazy animal behavior, it seems to be somewhat suicidal. So for now, Im more for just checking things out in a safer mode. Please, a heads up on anything! I love this game, but there are some serious issues suddenly. I want to hear that there is some hope on the way!