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Posts posted by JMK

  1. @James Hickok 

    "I recommend you to suck it up" is both patronizing and dismissive of my concern in a rude way, get a grip would be almost as well. I can get over it though I would like you to understand that this is not quite right. English is not my native langage either, yet I know anything beginning by "suck it" is not civil.

    This :

    On 2/1/2024 at 1:49 PM, James Hickok said:

    And im not atacking the guy just stating that hes arguments are wrong and tbh silly. "oh i want something but i dont want something, why oh why." 

    In this statement, you start claiming that you are not attacking me yet immediatly proceed to do so and portray me as a cry baby.

    We both like this game and I understood your point of view even though I don't share it, the rest (above) is out of line. 

    Anything that brings new players to TLD is a priority over giving long time players things to keep playing, as sad I can be not finding new interest in TLD through TFTFT.

    • Upvote 1
  2. @James Hickok I said it's artificial since signal void doesn't leave you some items or whatever that maybe necessary to go beyond.

    There are 3 modes, story, sandbox, challenge. TFTFT is some kind of combination of these, it,fails to brings new mechanics or long term purpose for the sandbox. You are still at the same place once you leveled 5 here and there.

    I'll just pass on Buried Echoes

    Ps: Are you really "recommending" me to "suck it up" ? You are free to discard my opinion after all, but feel free to keep it civil.

    • Upvote 2
  3. On 1/24/2024 at 6:42 PM, Admin said:


    Players no longer need to complete SIGNAL VOID in the same run as they intend to attempt BURIED ECHOES. Instead, so long as you’ve completed SIGNAL VOID in another Survival game – and obtained the Badge for completing it – you can begin BURIED ECHOES in any new or existing run.


    I tried Signal Void but didn't like it, so I never completed it. So so much for Buried Echoes, I'll never have a chance to see what's inside.

    I wouldn't care paying for maps and find it jusitified as Hinterland never stated they would give more and more maps, but I must say I am disapointed, why would you artificially force a player to go through things he don't like ? That's beyond me, I can't see the purpose of this.

  4. On 11/22/2023 at 5:06 PM, Mistral said:

    - Beachcombing ON/OFF

    - Bunkers ON/OFF

    - Indoor temperature changes ON/OFF

    - Minimum Temperature range at end game X celcius

    - Glimmer fog ON/OFF

    - Tales ON/OFF

    - Poison gas ON/OFF

    - Scurvy ON/OFF

    - Toxicity animal behaviour ON/OFF

    - Aurora animal behaviour ON/OFF

    - Aurora electricity effect ON/OFF



    - Trader ON/OFF

    - Healing repices ON/OFF

    - Torch pulling from fires ON/OFF

    - Minimum skill level for harvesting Deer (etc) 1/2/3/4/5

    - Renewable coal spawns ON/OFF

    Etc etc etc badly needed!

    A long time ago, to a guy who asked me why don't you make a software where everything is configurable (talking about ERP here (Enterprise Ressource Planning)) ... I replied "sure here it is" while showing the shelve where was all the system/programming manuals of the IBM AS/400 😉

    Nope, I don't care to somewhat design my own game by tweaking everything and I'd rather have the team focus going onward with new regions and core mechanisms

  5. 42 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    Hopefully that's a joke because that mug is enamel coated steel. It'll turn your microwave into a pretty neat light show to keep you entertained while you wait for the house fire.

    Btw, why can't we heat food in microwaves during auroras ? 😁

    • Upvote 4