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Everything posted by JujuBear

  1. One of the dumbest things I've done that I can't forgive myself for until now is failing to check if I was near enough the campfire I made to actually be getting the warmth. This was in Forlorn Muskeg, the campfire was was literally about a foot away but apparently I was probably a few inches short of actually being warmed by it and went to sleep for 8 hours. Froze to death and lost a long and resource-stable run. Since then I learned to: 1. Pay attention and triple check if I was actually getting warmth by campfires 2. Sleep in short intervals BIG forehead slap that day, I still feel it when I think about this moment xD
  2. Ok thanks, maybe I missed it, will check later. I was just surprised and I wasn't aware of this update.
  3. Oh I see. And these boxes will be in random locations per region? Eitherway, thanks for pointing that out.
  4. Hi there everyone, I'm back from a long break from TLD and I'm surprised that loading back into my saved game in Survival Mode that I'm missing a lot of my items. Specifically items that I've placed outside of containers such as shelves, tables, floor etc. Some of the items oddly remained but the most are just simply gone. Is anyone else experiencing this? If there's already an existing discussion about this maybe someone could link it to me?
  5. This. A simple trade-off. And some wounds might need an extra bandage or two instead of the usual single application. For example with blood loss: usually it only takes a single bandage but with a lower medical skill it might need at least two. Since the formula for failure with cooking or fire starting are sort of the same in that the lower the skill, the higher chance to fail. or this too ^
  6. Never underestimate the use of Snow Shelters! It takes only x5 cloth, x15 sticks (which you can easily pick up around), little time and a bit of calorie consumption to Build. Snow Shelters have an amount of uses that you can take advantage of. One of the most important uses is taking cover from a snow storm. If you find yourself suddenly stuck in a snow storm and unable to find a place to safely light a campfire, the Snow Shelter is a sure way to keep warm. Even when not caught in a blizzard, the Snow Shelter can provide temporary cover if you find youself needing to rest but there are no nearby houses or caves. Overtime, the Snow Shelter's condition deteriorates. But this shouldn't be a problem because you can actually restore its condition by selecting the option to Repair it (this requires a few sticks to repair and the amount depends on the shelter's condition). Once inside, you can still engage in activities like read books, sharpen tools, repair clothes and even shoot wildlife from it! But beware, while it protects you from the cold, you are still vulrenable from wildlife attacks, so avoid building one in bear paths for example. It is suggested to light a campfire (if not in the middle of a blizzard) to at least fend off incoming wolves. but generally you will want to build it in a safe spot so you don't have much to worry. One doesn't need a bedroll when using a shelter but using one gives warmth bonus. To check how much sticks you have look for the icon in your inventory and the icon to check your amount of cloth. The Snow Shelter can be built from the radial menu by selecting and clicking the shelter. Dismantling it gives you back only x2 cloth and x10 sticks, so use your materials wisely!
  7. One of my memorable moments playing the game. Was able to reach the summit for the first time. I got there just in time to catch this spectacular view! Just soaked it all in the entire night before I looted the cargo plane in the morning.

    - Day 249, Tail Section (Voyageur)



    Finally reaching the mountain's peak just in time for the night lights. The motherload, all for the taking under the breathtaking aurora - it was well worth the effort!

  9. Hello! Fairly new to the forums so please bear with me if the question's been asked already. That said, I'd like to ask 3 questions if you don't mind: 1) I'm curious about your creative process in constantly improving the game. How much of the community's feedback and your own as developers influence in designing levels and adding in feature's? 2) Related to the first question: What is your team's work-flow usually then when applying these changes/updates? 3) What made you decide to replace the brandishing option (specifically with the torch) with having the player be able to throw them instead? Cheers!
  10. I like this idea! And it's actually very realstic and adds to the challenge. However I still think we should retain some kind of auditory cues to find their location. Ravens should have some kind vocalization in some way like crows while they try to consume corpses. And as @Pillock mentioned, the brandishing mechanic could be brought back to chase them off - brandishing in general makes much more sense attempting to scare of animals than throwing and effectively wasting your torches.
  11. Spectacular scenenery.

    - Day 205, Desolation Point (Voyageur)


    Nothing like a rewarding morning view after sicking it through an abysmally dark night.

    A pleasant mornin' to all. Stay warm, stay safe.

    1. JujuBear


      *Scenery. Doh! What a way to ruin the mood 😧

  12. This one. During my stay at the Pleasant Valley Farmstead. A clean bear kill with a rifle under the aurora. Don't know about you guys, but bear spoils near your base and a nice view? Lucky!
  13. My room is studio-in-the-making so I have this little MIDI/Electric piano by my side often (along with my other instruments). When I have a bit of downtime in-game I like staring at the scenery and allowing it's beauty inspire me into composing a little melody. Super stress relieving. and fun..well, until you realize that a bear's been creeping up on ya.


    100+ days in from a play-through I started some time ago and I finally found the revolver after brushing through each area I have previously looted. In my case, I had a strong hunch at the Desolation Point area and indeed found my first revolver there by the church. Loads of rounds too on this area. Found some at the Lighthouse, trailer houses by the Hibernia Processing Plant and the Hibernia itself. So these could be possible spawn points.

    So for those wondering if you need a fresh game to find the revolver since the update, the answer is no, apparently not. Try visiting areas you've previously looted and there's a chance that they have spawned there. ML, PV Farmstead are other areas you might want to look but I can't guarantee.

    For anyone curious, I'm playing at Voyageur difficulty.