Rap Turner

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Everything posted by Rap Turner

  1. Yeah, I was thinking about wolverines until a friend pointed out that would spell shoa for all other animals in a pretty short in-game time
  2. Two words: More construction. More words: hut repairing (existing destroyed buildings), hut building (from scratch), smoker, dryer. That's all the words I have on this.
  3. OK, first off, to get that out the way - I won't be requesting a wolverine, seeing that all other animals would be dead within an in-game week, unless you'd nerf the wolverine until it's no longer a wolverine. OK, got that out the way. But, what about more food production, specifically beef jerky production? Now, this would require addtl. stuff to be harvested from animals, specifically fat. That's why it should be limited to either bear or moose, or both. So, if you could harvest fat from these animals you should then be able to produce beef jerky with all other meat types. That would be my wish list. For today.
  4. Whenever I encounter a wolf I either sing "Let's dance" by Bowie or "Let's dance to the Drummer's Beat" by Herman Kelly
  5. Bought TLD on a Steam sale b/c Steam recommended it, now I'm addicted.