Screenshot Pilgrim

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Posts posted by Screenshot Pilgrim

  1. 16 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

    I mean, no matter what region you want to talk about, it's pretty easy to avoid wolves if the player is paying attention to their surroundings and travels cautiously

    True.  The real wolf death trap is impatience.  Happens to me when I'm set on getting somewhere in a hurry or just get complacent.  Not death necessarily, but wolf struggles, which wear you down.   A place I still get caught out is the rail line through Mystery Lake.   Also, I sometimes choose the struggle if my guy is in good condition and close to shelter, which is a pattern of behavior that can lead to being less cautious in general I suppose.

  2. On 8/17/2020 at 11:35 AM, Danielviomusic said:

    Personally, I like to play in default settings for each difficulty, since I believe it's the way the game is meant to be played. But that doesn't mean I can't think a particular feature doesn't work well.

     Each to their own of course, but the existence of Custom Settings opens up a wider array of ways the game can unfold.  I would encourage players who haven't yet to try it.   With sprains off, I'm definitely more bold with climbing and have more falls, so it's not necessarily just about avoiding an annoyance.   

    On 8/17/2020 at 11:35 AM, Danielviomusic said:

    how does it sound if the food condition was substituted by a yellow danger sign when it's below 50%

    I've gotten food poisoning from 60% venison, so whatever the warning/information system is, there's going to be unforeseen mishaps (which is good).  I would be fine with what you hypothetically suggest, since it's actually more representative of incomplete knowledge of food condition.  At least until we get smell-o-vision. 😄

    On 8/17/2020 at 11:35 AM, Danielviomusic said:

    and you just randomly got food poisoning out of nowhere?

    If there's a warning, you wouldn't be getting something randomly out of nowhere.  It would be cause and effect based on probability.

  3. There might be worse places, but I'd say Skeeter's Ridge in Pleasant Valley.  It's a shame because I like the northern area, but Skeeter's has almost nothing, and now there's a gruesome plane crash nearby.  Good for looting clothes and food, but otherwise disturbing. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, codfish107 said:

    Haven't done much in HRV yet. It and BI are going to be the last two regions i map on my long term stalker game and I've only done two independent spawns in it.

    Well, there will no doubt be many wolves there on stalker.  Even on other settings they are widespread.  I like how the forests in HRV tend to be denser than other regions.  Wolves can surprise you sometimes, but it goes both ways.  I've been able to get more than a few wolves as they hunt deer and rabbits, which are also plentiful.   

    ps.  That's interesting about the southern part of the Muskeg.  Hadn't really thought about staying there long, but the openness, especially on clear days, is intriguing.  It's also quite worth it to learn the safe paths across the middle.  The fog and the bears can often make that a fun time.

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  5. 19 hours ago, Gracia_WolfSlayer said:

    I'm a big fan of HRV as well. It might not have been my longest stay in a spot, but there was a cave in NW edge of the map that I spent a long time in while I mapped the entire valley. Never made a camp in the Ice caves though, I enjoyed the thrill of still being out in the elements a bit, worried about the bear and wolves! This is a great game ❤️

    Indeed it is.  🙂:coffee:

    I like to think of HRV as a big reserve of provisions. That's why I like north MT so much.  North PV has a similarly abundant region adjacent to it, but less in the way of useful structures.   A walk up from Thomson's Crossing with a rest at the base of the rope climb isn't too bad tho.  Or a more cross country route from the Barn can be fun. 

  6. I'll be the guy who (annoyingly 🙃) points out that you can turn off sprains in Custom Settings.  Get all your Feats and several dozen sprains playing a preset difficulty, then you can be considered to have the training and boot building skills to hike around Great Bear without getting hurt in that way.  I always have sprains off and I like it much better, although during the Winter's Embrace event, I just made room for bandages and pain pills and kept going.  It was a necessary adaptation to speed up the search for all the maple syrups I didn't find.  😄

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  7. If I'm in the mood for homesteading I like the northern area of Mountain Town, using the Church as a central hub.  Indoor campfire is nice plus there's a bed.  Good hunting in all directions with big stoves in the Milton House and the Farmhouse.  Also lots of car trunks around for meat lockers.  The north Trailer has a workbench and beds and is the jump off point for hunting trips to HRV.   No fishing, which is a problem for lamp oil supplies, but I like to take trips anyway, so Coastal Highway here I come! 😀  🐟🐟🐟  Back in a few weeks...

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  8. 2 hours ago, Vince 49 said:

    You should not need to find a hacksaw before you go.  In about a dozen playthroughs, I've always found a hacksaw in the Mountaineer's Hut next to Crystal Lake.

    It's true.  More important to remember simple tools and a few scrap metal for repairing the saw.  If you have the space that is.  A whetstone, a few extra cloth, and a few fishing tackle are always good.

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