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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. He was working for the evil stepmother all along.
  2. Day 98 - hello morning. where in blazes am I? a lake overlook? wow! i can see the cabin from here except there is a mountain slope between us - no wolves hanging around the lake maybe i hurt their feelings by shooting their buddy and now they're like we're not going to play with you anymore - bunnies doing hippedy hop and a dead deer i can skin - i'm not taking those two ropes again - the snow slope doesn't look too bad... eventually wound my way to the cabin without encountering anything with lots of teeth - the house is emptier than i remember... some food stashed in the drawers... a few items here and there... it has an uninhabited look to it - dropped deer stuff and went across the ice in the direction of the fishing cabins where it got foggy - more cattails. i have a stack of 54. i think i can leave them here in case i go this way again since they don't spoil - i'm not going to walk around the ice where i saw 3 wolves and a bear in the fog, back to the house - repaired my earmuffs, crafted rosehips which i'll also leave here, tore junk clothes - mystery lake is uncomfy right now, some shoddy weather - i am not feeling like this is my base... actually timberwolf mountain feels like a hole where i'd want to entrench for a while - hmm turns out i don't have matches stashed either in this cabin. i have 4 left and mag glass. i'm going to sleep here, take the expiring food and leave tomorrow Day 99 - have i checked the area around the lake? it may have another book on fishing. i'd love to collect more books - ewww this wind is evil. best cook a piece of deer meat and make coffee - weather got a bit better in the afternoon so off i go across the ice to check the fishing cabins - nuuuuh who stole the door off the fishing hut nearest to the house? finding a few items and leaving wood along with prybar at the huts - yep there most certainly are 3 wolves guarding the lake - curved around the island to check the fishing cabin and a house nearest to the bear cave. i don't think the bear is in the area - while i made this circle the wolves patrolled away from the central fishing hut. it might have something good - oh nuts one of the pack changed his mind and is heading for the same hut i am. he gives a bark when i'm entering it - no wander they're guarding this. a fishing book and a box of ammo. i see an adventurer on the island as well - the wolf barks again and goes after me as soon as i leave the hut... one disadvantage of walking backwards with the gun out is that you can't see where you're going - reached the docks and the grass that's along the bank but ended up backing past the house - the wolf ends up standing right in front of the door... ufff his buddies are hanging around the other cabins - tried to shoot him and missed... he doesn't get scared and jumps me - nasty fight he takes a lot of my health but at least he finally runs off. hope the hatchet killed him - got inside the house to treat injuries. used two hooks and lines i found to combine them into two fishing rods - found some canned food in the condition that needs to be eaten soon and nommed it before rest Day 100 - owwie i haven't healed to a hundred after teeth. it's fine, health high anyway - this fog is not fun. read wilderness kitchen and finished it - a pack of crows, this looks like the wolf that got me - first since his buddies are gone i'll check that guy on the island - skinned the wolf and carried him to one of the cabins. fog got really bad again - fir logs around the cabins and a fire log inside. built a big fire for a lot of water and cooked every wolf piece 5.8kg in meat - read a bit and tore up a few clothing items before sundown - going to eat dogfood not wolf meat for dinner due to spoils. the meat will be fine outside
  3. He chokepointed more than the bridge. He got me under the bridge when I was checking the truck. If I ever spawn at DP on Loper, no way hose am I going near that truck within rifle shot. Forget the possible prybar spawn, I'm not getting my ribs in a twist. Interesting statistic. It seems the temp is coldest between 6 and 8 am. I'd have thought it would be during the night around 3am. Edit: Actually, he didn't kill me. Just reduced my health to 40% during the first hour of my game and then I froze limping to Hibernia.
  4. @cullam I'm giving the mukluks a try, they're pretty good. I think the game in general values them more than other boots. So far out of various boots I found Mukluks just once during one of my runs. I found ski and insulated in various games. Day 97 - windy and not nice. there is a river running under a bridge that's next to the dam - went along it picking cattails. there are so many. - i don't know this spot at all. mountain banks. wolves begin howling - eventually i spot a rope. the fatigue is not great, i believe i can manage. i'm going to eat something and drink before climbing - eep! there is a second rope! um... that's not good my fatigue is now reducing the weight a bit - dropped the bedroll right there and slept 1h - the blizzard is coming the blizzard is coming in two mins... it's -5C - began climbing the second rope and stopped at the ledge... the ledge has a windbreak in positive temp. the fatigue dropped my weight limit again - ate and drank then whelp i have to try sleeping 2h - eesh the wind direction changed during sleep but i still have half of my warmth bar, not for long it's -13C - i have half of the rope left and still too much weight... dropped a fuel book oh good i can climb go go go! - this is definitely a yucky blizzard... phew! lucky me! there is a cave right there on my right as soon as i get off the rope - it's a good cave. an adventurer has a small book 4h worth of reading and a cedar log - this is cool, a coat i haven't seen. an old working parka. it's actually a good coat. my expedition parka is better but that one would be very welcome any mode too - hello friendly fire... wow my hat and earmuffs are in the frozen zone, the rest is close to frozen - still daytime... eat and read 2h... why am i made of stupid... i just made that mistake recently... the fire went out while i was reading... i have to be careful - at least my clothes are almost fully dry - it's night. i believe the cave is warm enough with the fire so i'm going to sleep
  5. Day 94 - took sweet time going through the lower dam and found all sorts of items. wilderness cooking book is a very good find. i want more books to read - found a work bench too and used it to craft a fishing line and an arrow. funny how i found an arrow shaft while i had feathers and one tip. and then found a line while i had 1 hook from the frozen pond - ski boots? i have to stop to tear them apart. i'm already carrying insane 50kg - eventually found two doors to exit the dam. one of them goes to the upper level and the other outside - crawled along the ledge again back to the deer. i have grabbed a fuel book since you can fail 3 times on an 80% stick - wooho! i can use magnifying glass! at least some compensation - the mountains are gorgeous pink and the wolf makes an appearance skidding over the ice - read another hour until the stars appeared - this is a very nice night and i feel like predators won't attack me up here - slept 3h three times under the stars and woke up fully rested Day 95 - drank one soda and finished reading advanced guns book. - woohoo!! penitent scholar achievement! - level 3 firearms ding! - the weather is grand. stay outside and shred all clothes over 0.10kg weight until moderate snow begins falling - still super heavy... crawled to the hatch where an adventurer has two broken arrows to enter the upper dam - i have been here before but i'll double check to be sure and i guess i'll tear up the cloth items such as rugs - i missed a very well hidden firestriker and a box of ammo the last time. taking the fuel books too - getting dark again. drink 3 sodas since i'm out of water and sleep Day 96 - not the friendliest morning, snow curtain against black sky - made a fire on the doorstep to boil water. 80 rosehips. i'll craft meanwhile. - it got lighter. i can drop more wood into the fire and set more water to boil while i make a quick run to the trailer to drop off loot items - i also remember making a stash in one of the trailers - ooooof! got hit by a blizzard as soon as i walked down the steps. the trailer is near so i'll fight the wind to get to it without sprint - this one isn't the stash trailer. it has an empty blue box. i fill it to the brim with stuff before running next door in the blizzard - not bad at all. one choc bar spoiled but many items are still good - i also have a pair of mukluks at 27% in the locker - since i have 48 cloths and enough leather i can repair them to 100% - the locker also has a book on shooting with 1/4h - they are a less windproof and not as warm as the ski boots, but they are only 1.5kg vs 4kg which is a huge bonus and 10% more waterproof - i'll give them a chance due to recommendations - peeked outside, it's still kinda nasty - i can run to the dam to grab water and the pot - the water boiled out - picked mushrooms near the trailer and slept
  6. I tend to use the rifle as a glorified cracker. 90% when it's an 'effective' shot it means I scared the wolf off with the bang. Have you given up on crafting the bearskin bedroll? I thought it would help tremendously since you can take the can and another item.
  7. Happy Valentines Day everyone! Day 92 - left the guts at the cave - following the highway for the longest time with some steep wind and snow - warmth bar is slowly dropping at -5C it's half down when i reach a bridge and a rambling waterfall with an empty cave by its side - useless cave so keep going until i spot a frozen guy on a ledge. the ledge is tricky to get onto and when i do there is a connecting cave to the hydro dam - followed the tunnel unhurriedly to pick up coal and warm up - picked up some food and cloth from adventurer - an exit glimmers ahead and there is a roof collapse... a deer has fallen into the cave - doesn't have much meat on it, ignore and keep going - uuff! it's blizzard out. go back in and take the hide with guts. still blizzard. read 2h still blizzard - i guess i'll start a fire and cook 0.8kg of meat, maybe read some more then sleep Day 93 - traveling along the winding river and collecting as i walk - the river sends me over a hill and continues on the other side where i discover a cave up the bank - an empty blue box and some jerky are waiting for me - i keep hearing wolf howls as i travel the upper path until i spot a deer by a campfire - 2kg of meat is a tempting offer. i take all plus a fir log and go back to the cave to hide from the windy, unfriendly weather - ate a choc bar and read 2h while cooking - noooo! i forgot to add one miserly twig, the fire was for 1:47 min ... awww... the second meat piece did not finish cooking and has to be started over - 3 fails on restarting the fire ahh! 5 matches over my foolishness! this better be the king's dinner! - the strong wind outside might be blowing into the cave thus the fire attempts failed - one stinky lines on me due to carrying 3 chunks of meat. that patrol wolf is so going to smell me - wolf? wolfy? lots of bunnies frolicking over the ice. i better grab all harvest food before he comes - the hydro dam gates really are impressive, remind me of mordor or something lord of the rings scale - the path runs up to scale the hydro dam wall and lets me tiptoe over most narrow ledge. sit on the wall and enjoy the view of the world - found a fishing hook in a green box... - there is also a deer on the other side... i wander how it got here and what took it down - i have enough weight and food, so i let it be - path? path? path? the snow covered door won't let me in. clicked the wall and fell into the dam - is that a broken window i flopped though? heh i can't reach it back to exit - this dam is not for my bunny nerves... the howls and creaks make me feel eaten just by listening - managed to search very well the first room before night fell
  8. Day 90 - steady steady this shortcut down is making me do some scary leaps - rolled to some kind of cave that doesn't inspire trust. checked it with the rifle out - later discovered another cave by the river, much friendlier. a frozen friend by the fire had a knife and a bullet and some ruined food - the waterfall splashes soundly, cattails and birch saplings grow nearby - buildings and tractor ahead - bark!! eep! i have no idea where he is, i just sprint across the road with loud growls right on my heels. it's an antsy doggo - this is a big house with a bed. searched the living room. i wander where the wolf was. made exit through another door - entered a house next door. it's a storage shed. reclaimed wood, sardines and tools - careful sticking my head out the door. a fire barrel doesn't have anything. crossed the road and ran around two ruined houses - searched a tractor and a red car - barky bark! hide in the truck. i can see the wolf through the window - should i read 1h for him to go away? nah... crafted 15mins and ran for the big house - more barking. he sure doesn't want visitors - searched the rest of the house. dropped off a lot of food at the fridge. then stored all extra items in the living room - i can do three hours worth of reading before sleep Day 91 - sounds windy out. eat a choc bar... too dark to read? boo! - tear up clothes until the wind stops howling. i hope i don't get eaten by barky - take toilet water and run for the bridge - i'm going to leave the gas station for worse weather to explore. exploring an area behind it instead - a wolf is chasing rabbits among the trees. let's not interrupt - another cave and a deer next to it. i can take everything off and drop it at the cave. - it's still very early so i go exploring and hope to come back here for supper - wow this road has the banks as tall as the mountains... crawl along it until there is a gap to cross - two picnic tables ahead... pff they've eaten everything without me - a wolf is hanging around in the distance... went around a hill to block him off and found a forest cave. just a cedar long - an adventurer not far off has a hoodie and jerky - ack a wolf is trying to sneak this way in between the boulders... time to head in the opposite direction - frozen pond, frozen pond you've got choc bar and soda - dropped the cedar log next to the stove in the fishing hut maybe i'll come back in the future - i should head back to my deer supper cave... i thiiiink the road is behind the hut? - two sprains later, limped to the cave and cooked deer - i missed a niche at the back. bedroll and food, also ruined peaches - dropped my bedroll in this niche and curled up tummy filled with yummy food
  9. You can do it and reach the Ball!
  10. Day 89 - the blizzard raged all night. it's -1C even in the cave. a bit chilly - got two sprains as soon as i set my foot outside... aww... i don't want to sleep them off... used painkillers to go back to the highway and the car i passed by yesterday - haven't seen a car in a while i've been living away from civilization on a wolf mountain. also forgot why i used to carry the prybar around... locked trunks - got a soda and 1 cloth anyway, spent 15mins crafting in the car to warm up. though the warmth bar went down a little - what are those crows cawing at? empty guy and 4 rosehip bushes around him - i passed those houses yesterday... i'm going back to the highway - it's the end of the road! it's says so. ruined soda and candy bar next to a guy. scoooore!! hello timely prybar! - gloves in the car trunk. nice - back at the rest cave. drop sticks just in case and keep going along the road. ooh more munchrooms! - where did the road go? climbing some steep mountain path and getting another sprain but the view is amazing - oooh! i know where this is. this is the mine to coastal and my stash - nothing that deteriorates fast here. another prybar - past noon and so windy. drink soda and read. wait can't read due to sprain. food waste. more scenery then and rest at least it's 2h Night 89 - try reading some more 14/25h what's letting me read past dark? - OHH!! OHH!! look at the sky and the aurora majesty! - the mine lights are blinking! i've never seen this before! this is super duper awesome! - ran around the corridors in wavering light. discovered a tunnel i haven't been to before. very useful too quality tools and ammo box - came back with my prizes perfectly satisfied. soda and finish off mre pack before sleeping soundly
  11. Day 88 - 1h of morning reading until it warms up - i didn't know i could chop picnic tables for reclaimed wood - nothing at the waterfall itself. the river looks good to follow until i spot a bridge and do my best to scramble on top of a steep bank - a snow road behind the bridge leads me to a cave that doesn't look too trustworthy. i stop regardless to pry everything off a deer - i don't want to stay in the cave and i'm not feeling threatened so i'll carry the stinky meat and guts - two ruined buildings on the road. an adventurer is one has painkillers and matches - a wolf howls. now i do feel a bit threatened - crossed another highway. keeping to the mountainside in search of a cave and find one - 2% soda no thanks - i can build the fire to cook meat. i have a piece of reclaimed wood from those two houses and 2 coal pieces in the cave. i need a stick to start - i can just spend 10mins tearing up this braaaa...nch... ahh! blizzard! - this cave isn't cozy. it has a flat entry so the wind blows in snow that curls around the floor - started a fire and began cooking - oddball the guts i dropped aren't curing. oh i need to move them deeper into the cave - reading more of guns guns guns maybe if i read enough my rifle will get trained to shoot without my assistance in which case i'll have a chance to hit something - deer meat for supper and well earned rest
  12. Day 84 - the salty crackers in the cave container are in worse condition than the ones i got from the summit - went to that container and picked them all up along with one choc bar since it spoils fast - ski jacket and maple hat left in this container still - went back to the cave to sort out a huge clothes pile: i'll repair fisherman sweater as emergency extra. will keep balaclava and red undies for the same purpose. then two expedition parkas and snow pants. going to take this pile to the lake cabin tomorrow - tore up shoes and all clothes which are in yellow state - my last can of pork and beans. will start on other food tomorrow Day 85 - wanted to stop by the containers at the bottom of the snow path but there is a wolf and he chased me to the rope - stopped on the ledge and waited and climbed back up. he didn't leave and he's really close hanging around the rope meh him - climbed down to the lake where i got chased by another wolf - had to run around the entire lake to give him a slip. when sprint ran out turned and pulled out the gun walking backwards. when i got sprint ran again. the wolf during the second sprint got distracted by bunnies. good old fluffsters saving my bacon again - got to tearing the clothes at the cabin too. it frees the space a lot - refuelled one of the lanterns to the brim and sharpened my hatchet to 99% - drank two summit sodas and bit a chunk off mre then slept Day 86 - i want condensed milk from that container - the lake wolf is eating another bunny and ignoring me. good for him - i have a million cans. made a big arrow out of them pointing to the rope because i keep walking past it - the wolf is away. the adventurer next to the containers has more feathers - i'm going to have to try to remember that this container has can openers and many sewing kits although i've taken all food from it. it also has 3.5L of water left - grabbed four pairs of mittens as well and a vest. the container also has a few more clothing items left - spotted a niche nearby. soooo that's where i was hiding from the blizzard when my game crashed. the wolf kept coming to the niche because it's right next to the containers he guards - back to the cabin to craft and tear more junk - drink my last soda and eat condensed milk. i want an expedition tomorrow Day 87 - not the friendliest weather, not the worst, enough to eat all my condensed milk till my stomach is full and head on - picked up two cattails on the way - what in blazes happened to my hatchet??? it was 99% why is it 89% wait a minute have i been using my hatchet for stinken can opening??? are you joking? i can use my hands without losing calories! and i have like ten can openers. i stopped carrying the openers due to weight even since i got skilled up. are you telling me i've been busting my hatchets on this poop? why am i not given a choice what to use?? - gurr and climb down the rope to the submarine - one of the submarine lockers has a whetstone. used it to sharpen my hatchet and then slept 1h to wait for my clothes to dry - it is so windy and snowy... this weather says don't travel in me. i will anyway. this transition spot between the mountain and valley is highly quarrelsome. blizzard 70% of the day and night - i believe i came from the right when i got here, so i'm going left. maple sapling here - snow hill snow hill a very steep hill down to a river. that's what i'll follow - slow going. i keep pressing to the steep canyon walls but i get no windbreak. the wind must be hitting me right in the face - eventually reached a charming area called misty falls and a picnic area next to it - this was worth it! a box of ammo. two sodas in good condition in a backpack. many many mushrooms all around - a cave to explore. epic! i love caves! - a green box. sardines, choc bar. a bedroll next to it. i am thinking... i want to check this spot on Loper. this cave looks good to hide a bedroll in. area hard to get to and a cave - plenty of coal of course and logs too - found an 89% hatchet very very decent. a sweater 4% perfect ninja time. i can save it for cloth, a bit of lantern oil appreciated since i have burned up a lot of it - matches, firestriker and advanced guns book. 25h worth of reading nice! - blizzard outside. tore up those extra clothes and began reading. got thirst interrupt after 2h. drank more and got another hour before darkness - a chance to get poisoned by 20% sardines. nope. still alive. sleep
  13. Day 83 - i haven't fully explored the echo canyon. it is a curiosity - picked up two lanterns because the cave is so very long and off i went - i need to sneak past the containers wolf to get into the other echo canyon passage. this wolf better mind his manners. i have a grudge and three bullets - the chasm cave has two more crow feathers. how did they get inside the cave. this frozen guy has a laptop. hey let me recharge the battery, i want to play the long dark - keep going until the area broadens... cave ahead and two mushroom stumps on each side... two hefty bone piles in the cave... i was just kding about knocking on the bear door... i'll be going - there is a path up behind the cave hopefully bearless. hurray i got to the top. - east echo peak? pfff one cedar log and one fir log that's my epic loot for climbing so high up - ummm... cliff cliff cliff.... erm how did i get up here? i can't find a path down... crouch and follow a very steep snow slope... i don't think i'm suppose to go this way... careful - i'm in a narrow passage. no climb cliffs all around me. looking up reveals a tree bridge. isn't that the bridge you cross where i had those guts - ouch this looks painful a frozen guy fell off the mountain. he has a scarf and undies, jerky in the backpack and a hatchet. very nice - two logs in a wind shielded niche... wouldn't be my first choice to spend the night but i'd take it as shelter in a blizzard - that's the end so go back the way i came. stomped back to an intersection. i think that way is to the bear. turn the other way - oh a broken tree standing up like an arch... i bet it points to something good - i'm climbing steeps paths all day. west echo peak? the view is rather nice - this one is a bit richer. a frozen guy has a candy bar for me and there is one bullet and one flare shell in his pockets - grabbing rosehips before heading back. at least this path is easier to find. walk walk walk hi chasm cave - i can't carry 30kg anymore but the fatigue is still manageable - had to make an entire circle around the area to get past the wolf - once at the cave entrance tore up the scarf and undies and crafted - the moon is out. i'd prefer to sleep when it's fully up or you wake too early and then it sucks because it's too dark to do stuff - lit the lantern and followed the cave system to the side where my loot is. safer this way too because i've taken very little water with me - hi i'm back. eat pork and beans. have 12h nap
  14. If you have extra cloth, you can practice mending as well. You should still be able to find non-ruined clothes by day 90 and good mending would help repairing those. Glad you're finding many tasks to occupy yourself during the first 30 days.
  15. Day 82 - house maintenance. the floor is 40kg full again, so is the medkit and the table drawer - repaired an extra pair of earmuffs found at the condensed milk container - this fog is boo worthy waited 2h - the wolf is busy stuffing his face with a deer oh good - this rope is too well hidden. i know where it is and keep walking past it every single time - the clouds are an interesting green hue - goofed around by setting the glowing lanterns to float over a stump as taught by @Czhilli - pork and beans for dinner
  16. Day 79 - i don't trust this weather snow and wind - that area where i left the guts has many predators and i want good conditions when i travel - drank the last soda and read 2h - yep i was right not to trust the forecast. blizzard - spent an entire day eating tomato soups and reading. finished off the 10h book Day 80 - snowy morning. i'll take it. i don't want the guts to ruin - the bear once more is heading towards the containers area - discovered an airplane wing. used hacksaw on one container. it has medicine and lantern oil along with flares - the second container must have had food which got spoiled. there is one can of pork and beans at 28% in one door. and 4 sodas in the second door. i'll take them all - tried returning to the second container but the bear is way too close now - decided to give the area a wide sweep... there is a wolf hanging around far enough - four birch saplings and one maple, after a while noticed the bear walking away and pulled everything out of the container - the loot is slightly under 30kg which is great, got a wrist sprain anyway - i still need to get back to that cave where i left the guts - the weather became good i could make it back to the cabin but i'll stay the night at the cave - since it's clear used magnifying glass to boil 2L of water - this spot is already harvested. satisfied with making a small stash of sticks for the night. there is also 1 piece of coal for emergency, got an ankle sprain too - i'll eat these pork and beans. the container had 18 anti poison pills just in case. so i'm all good and i need to sleep 10h anyway - yeah i'm ok sleep Day 81 - that wind is out to murder a bear or two. played cards until past afternoon - still snowing. i don't have much to do. i'm leaving - since i've eaten the food last night the backpack after picking up my stash including the 2nd bedroll is a bit under 29kg... picked up one stick along the way and dropped it because that went over 30kg - followed along the mountain past the containers and found a forest cave with mushrooms around it and more maple - maybe i should stay at the cave... i thought shallow caves counted outdoor but my indoor count went up - while gathering made a wide circle around the birch forest and ended up on the other side - the forest has good visibility.... two wolves and a bear are hanging around - that bear is a busy buddy he tends to travel at a distance from me when i'm around this area. it's like you're going to the containers? i'm with you. going back? i'll just follow. maybe he wants to play cards with me... i should try knocking on his cave one day and inviting once i get lonely enough - meh that cave since i got past the predators i'll just keep going to the crystal lake cabin especially since the snow stopped... if that sleep counted as outside i'd have cave stayed - the mountains turn pale green-blue shade - got another sprain close to the cabin. a wolf is going in the opposite direction on the other bank - kept limping and then turned to scout.. er... is that wolf following me now at a distance? he seems curious - the cabin isn't far now - set up the fire on the doorstep. it's all nice and cozy. the lake ice is pink gradually deepening into dark purple - one thing Timberwolf doesn't lack are the picturesque views. Up here you're closer to the stars. The sky is like a roof, right on top of you. - repaired stinky socks under the stars (how romantic) and crafted while the water boiled. heated tomato soup and made tea before sleep
  17. @stratvox I think in the mariner's coat I am seduced the most by waterproof. I haven't thought about the armour. I really like how in this game the top level gear has choices in favour of one balance or another. Day 73 - i am going to visit the submarine in pleasant valley. i don't remember what i left but it will probably spoil - i don't know what to do with so many hammers. they're good for breaking furniture and forging, neither of which exists at timberwolf - since they take up space, i will grab 4 and take them down the mountain - picking the tricky line between the lake wolf and a moose. i am spotting the trees which have their bark rubbed off, the moose must be around - on the way found a bunch of cattails at the edge of the lake and grabbed them - picked up a couple of sticks too since i'm at 28kg - down the rope i go. maybe i'll spend the day at the submarine - walked around the ruined hut which has a stove. turns out there are 2 cedar logs at the toilet hut next to it. dropped my sticks at the stove too. organised space around it - found one birch sapling - straightened the pots on top, then placed cans and coal into a green box next to the stove - the submarine has no food. i did leave clothes. also two books to be researched. - i have no water. unpleasant weather. i'll boil lots of water then - it's been a while since i failed at starting fire. i'll use a fuel book for 100% since the stove doesn't want to play nice - while the water boiled tore up a pile of shoes and clothes then repaired my undies - since it's getting dark grabbed a torch and went submarine - accidentally drank a cup of coffee then ate two cattails before sleep Day 74 - that sounds real nasty outside. it is. - repaired my parka and got a sewing better - ate more cattails and finished reading the hunting book. i'll drop it later as fuel book at that green box by the stove. left 1 accelerant there as well - left about 25 cattails, 4 cups of reishi tea and 4L of water at the submarine as a stash. i think this stuff doesn't spoil - no more blizzard though the wind is nasty. going to climb back to timberwolf. taking the book with me for reading. it's a big one 10h - found more cattails on the way back. i don't feel like climbing anything else - i'll just walk around my hut and check what's behind it - giant mountain and a long hill that's what behind it... spotted saplings on the hill beside but i don't feel like climbing that too - made some kind of very long track around a big big hill behind the hut. also unproductive. there aren't even mushrooms growing there - got a sprain on the way back. at least they pop up when the hut is in sight - dropped my 12 sticks loot by the fireplace - maybe i can free the floor space by tearing up clothes. taking away 6kg worth of hammers was also helpful - ended up with about 30kg space occupied - dusty dog food for dinner and a can. that will do. nap 11h Day 75 - it's a good thing i have a book. the fog is thick. - 3h later the fog lifts and the wolf takes down the deer for lunch letting me sneak around him on the way to the cave - chopped up two cedar limbs and tore up branches - want to check where the bear is if you're looking down from the cliff at the frozen river - he's not exactly at the rope. i see him not far from the ridge. maybe i'm standing on top of his cave - i loaded 3 shots into my rifle. if i wait long enough maybe i can take a shot at him from the cliff - not today though. it's getting late and the bear is walking away. he's too far - came back tired with enough firewood, ate pork and beans, and slept 12h Day 76 - went back to the cliff to check how the bear is doing. can't see much due to fog - played cards for 3h and saw him somewhat far off - built a fire at the cave entrance and boiled a lot of water - finished reading the sewing primer. i wish i had a lot more books - ate pork and beans and slept Day 77 - i want to check what's hidden inside two large cargo containers at the bottom of the snow path - the wolf wasn't there for which i am grateful - soooo this is where all the sewing kits were hiding - 4 summit sodas and a lot of water - here is the hacksaw at 0% which i dropped. it can be harvested for 2 metal funzie - another container has condensed milk and tomato soup. left the milk because it's at 67% but grabbed 7 soups at 34% this needs to be eaten soon - clothes in the last compartment. i'm glad i didn't repair mariners coat. there is one at 80% and my parka is better in term of warmth and weight, while mariner's is well waterproof - left most of the clothes in the container. only want the ones in poor condition - i'm still carrying too much weight. harvested one of the jackets for cloth to make the load right - so.... where are the wolves? both are at the lake... one of them is eating another deer at the riverbed - two tomato soups for dinner and sleep Day 78 - i might go back to the cave and recover the guts, hopefully they are dry - set out at moderate snowfall and wind. soon spotted a bear. of course the bear wants to go the same way i am going - there is a wolf far in the distance. i believe that birch forest may have containers too - maybe i should check the area behind the hut but further down - ended up walking a circle and running into those two maple saplings i haven't collected earlier - a wolf suddenly appears not that far off and chases down a rabbit. i'll have to be careful he wasn't there the last time - i am not liking this weather at all. a storm is brewing i can sense it - since i went a circle i begin heading for the cabin and blizzard really does set in - sprinted the last few meters to the cabin and got a sprain. oh well i can sleep it off during the storm - it got better when i woke up 4h later past afternoon. the wolves aren't hanging around the lake - crossed the lake and harvested many cattails. followed the beginning of the river too for food - came back to the cabin and crafted harvestables for the rest of the evening - drank 3 summit sodas before they spoil and slept
  18. Day 72 - the morning is grey, snowy and fairly late when i wake up after boiling water for half of the night - both guts are cured. i want to take them along with all these hides to the crystal lake cabin for crafting some fishing rods. - i don't need fish right now but i want to use them for sewing instead of the kit - there is a blind hill before the lake bank. eternal risk of running into a wolf or a bear behind it - woof! woof! speaking of pests... mildly risked making a leap off the boulders... he's sprinting at me from my left - used sprint as much as possible then turned and pulled out the rifle walking backwards - he's in a bad bad mood... slowed to a walking speed but keeps making these jerks like he's about to sprint and keeps growling. did the bear steal his deer? - he follows me all the way to the doorstep and i slam the door in his face - at the hut i craft four lines and 3 fishing rods - the saplings and deer hides i had on the floor are cured - opened the door and peeked out. the wolf is still on my bank walking away very much unwillingly and gives me a stink eye - oh great there are two of them now on my lake. booo... - closed the door and crafted 3 arrow shafts from a birch sapling. then made 1 arrow since i have the tip from the broken one - the floor hatch is filled to the brim 40kg - tore up an old vest for cloth and repaired undies
  19. Day 71 - more stuff to drag down the mountain.... at the ledge had to stop and wait while the new patrol wolf that appeared around the lake went away - he has a wide sweep, an odd pattern sometimes he only walks back and forth in front of the rope - i've had enough of the wolf clothes shredders for a while... gave him the slip and reached the cabin - found a whetstone right on top of the stone fence that's in front of the house. it's grey and tricky against the grey stones, still how did i miss that - i have so much stuff. the floor storage compartment is huge for 40kg. it's 30kg full and i have a lot of stuff left - wanted to return to the cave but both the wolf and the bear are patrolling my route to the rope - got a sprain sneaking around the lake circumference and seeking a path in between them - slept off the sprain, the way is clear, i still have daylight left - no water. i'm going to start a fire at the cave entrance - picked up a cup of reishi tea but didn't drink it, i'll keep an eye on how the health is dropping. taking hacksaw - removed the earmuffs. apparently a wolf can tear them from 80% to zero, stinker - the snow is painted lime and the sky glows amber in majesty... heading to that container on my level. i'm curious what's inside - the wolf is on vacation but vigilance since he can hide behind any hill. if i flew an airplane this way don't see why can't he drop in from the sky - i had already opened these containers, wasn't sure, but never checked what's inside - 3 mariner coats. these are 75% waterproof which is super but very heavy and not likely as warm as parka. need to unfreeze first. four mittens at 43 taking them for cloth right away - WOOHOO!!! one pair of earmuffs! I am SO lucky!! yay yay yay!!! happy tap dance - the other compartment is filled with 41% crackers and decent candy bars. left them all in the 'fridge' - while i was gone the can water boiled out but the pot one is still ok. drank and began cooking teas and coffees - repaired earmuffs once they unfroze, they were 100% frozen, and hid both pairs in the cave - failed on long jones repair - i want to repair one mariner's coat but this curiosity will cost minimum 6 cloth. idk 2kg vs 1.5 parka and not as warm - i can repair the bedroll without a sewing kit. grand! - a very juicy chunk of deer meat and sleep 8h
  20. Day 67 - nice, all this stuff is within 30kg limit. i can take it all - the wolf is nearby munching on a deer, gave them a wide berth and headed for the rope nearer to me, not the one i dropped, the deer downstairs is closer to it anyway - wanted to start a fire right by the deer and cook it but turns out i don't have a single stick - found a broken arrow and crow feathers too - picked up everything and began walking. of course all sticks hide from me instantly until i reach a cave entrance which has coal and sticks and such - this is my old stash, it has a bedroll and mittens and a knife; i've been running around with a hatchet only - cooked the deer, went outside to scout the area while the water boiled and spotted a pack of crows - the crows were around another deer. it's only 30mins with a knife for the hide and 10 per gut - came back to the cave with another deer while the fire was still burning - crafted mushrooms while waiting for meat, the fatigue is high, i should stay the night - chopped a fir limb outside for 4 logs, that's good - came back to the cave to sharpen the knife and my hatchet that's when the weather really spoiled and turned into a blizzard - ate a juicy chunk of deer meat 920 cal and slept 5h while the fire went on - woke to the sound of a blizzard, it might get cold in the cave if the fire goes out and my fatigue bar is still half way - dropped 2 coal into the fire since i'm out of wood and had a very nice and toasty sleep until morning Day 68 - i'm going to leave the guts at the cave to cure. the meat is making me stinky enough - it is windy today -3C since i'm trying to find a way i'm not going to harvest while i'm travelling because i don't want to freeze - entered a birch forest and saw a wolf travelling parallel to me - went around the hill to put it between me and the wolf and saw a bear - both wolf and bear are travelling in the same direction. i'm between them and they're narrowing the angle somewhat - sprinted to get out of this triangle before either saw me or smelled me - yesss! here's the lake! of course i'll get two sprains going downhill to this lake - 4h to sleep off he injuries. it is past noon and snowing but i can take the risk travelling - there is a wolf taking a stroll on the other side of the lake. he is also inconveniently between me and the rope - i go around him towards the point where the frozen river connects to the lake and consider following the river when the wolf sprints into the middle of the lake to take down a deer, this clears my way to the nearer rope - i do miss the rope and end up at the edge of a cliff, then backtrack along the wall and find it - reached the cave when the sun began setting, finished repairing the fisherman sweater. it really is the best. now i'm wearing two of these and two parkas. it is helpful. the mountain is cold - finished off my last piece of wolf meat and bit a chunk off deer meat then slept Day 69 - it's still dark and snowing when i set downhill to carry more stuff to the hut - made it without meeting any predators, on the way back sprained an ankle - slept it off at the cave and picked up one of the fuller lanterns. i want to return to that spot near the echo canyon where i saw cargo containers - snuck around the guard wolf and began sawing off the doors. six fire accelerants, lots of matches and a billion sweaters - the wolf is uncomfortably close. went back to the cave to drop off the weight and headed back to attempt ninjaing the other container - that worked out badly. the wolf was too close to this container to sneak past it. i didn't even get a chance to fire the rifle when he leapt onto my back - gave me some bruising and a sprain and clothes damage - when he ran i fixed the sprain on the spot and unlocked the container. chocolate bars and salty crackers inside. then broke a green crate next to the container but it only gave me wood - the wolf is limping around when i leaft the area and checked what he's done - son of a wolf destroyed the hat and insulated boots.... both of these are replaceable. a set of yellow earmuffs is NOT - tore up a bunch of sweaters gotten from that container and began repairing. the snow pants are down to 15% - it's a good thing i stopped by the fishing hut and picked up a hook for sewing - the gloves need repair. the parka needs repair - ate two candy bars and slept Day 70 - all right where is that tooth paste flea bag. i want his hide in exchange for my earmuffs. very bitter about those. - he's missing! i circled around the entire area several times and then checked both roads. not there - the sky is empty of crows as well. i can't even eat him or take his stuff after he grabbed an important item from me! grrr.... - the wind is getting bad it looks like a blizzard is brewing. the sun is already at noon point... booo... gave up on looking for him. i'm sure he died since he was badly hurt after chewing me up - back at the cave counted my gains and losses and carried the entire pile through the cave system to my current spot - picked up one of the maple hats from the summit. it's at 14%. repaired it to substitute for my lost one - put on my ski boots again since i was walking around in my socks... i'll remember that wolf with a grudge... my earmuffs harvested into a miserable piece of cloth - eat a small leftover deer piece and a candy bar before sleeping
  21. That's true. If one of the maps was harder I'd have assigned the Ravine to it, but they're equally easy. I guess the Ravine will function the same way as transition mines and the rule of if you touchie anything it's yours for the map you're currently on. Keep in mind though if for ex. you are on Coastal and want to go to ML next through the Ravine, you'll have to run through the ravine without stuff on because stuff gets left behind before you click on the transition circle, not inside the new map.
  22. In that case, do you propose attaching it to one of the other maps?
  23. Absolutely and this should be applicable at least to the Ravine (or which other zones considered 'transitional?) as well. You do not need to pay for it with zero items either. I want you to succeed in this challenge and keep us entertained. p.s. Yes, you CAN. hardy har har I made a pun.
  24. I've given the Interloper another shot. These short runs tend to interrupt and add spice to this very long voyager run I'm currently doing. It's nice to be reminded that when you're always freezing it's nice to have expedition parkas. Game 7 Interloper, Pleasant Valley Day 1 - Here I am! Crash landed next to some lovely waterfall which I don't have time to admire. - As I run starkers along the frozen river, the biggest question I have is where are my pants? I was not piloting the airplane in my underwear. Unless I made a parachute out of my pants and then they got blown away by the wind, along with the jacket... my nice hat... a pair of sunglasses, Superman comic books... I miss my comic books. I wish I could fly like Superman so the hungry things wouldn't get me. - Not seeing hungry things yet, but I do see something which resembles a house. - I can't say the weather treats me shabbily, it's actually tropical with only -6C early evening - it's a ruined barn in the forest; a frozen adventurer got nothing for me, neither does his backpack, however, I am starting a new tradition, there is a toolbox in the snow - can't be too picky, grab and run, i'm seeing another shack and a wolf sharking around it, not worth getting my head chomped off - running across the forest completely lost and hoping for the best; the sun scrapes the horizon, it's -12C now - it seems Happy New Year is with me; stumbled by accident onto a wide road and a vast field to the left where I see a big house with a silo next to it, plus a barn - i have a good feeling about this! hop hop hop over the snowdrifts! and hop inside! - woohoo! +4C even if i'm wearing nothing! what a grand farmhouse! lucky me! - fleece mittens in the lobby, a cup of herbal tea is set on the table in the dining room, the bathroom has wool socks and a sewing kit, a vest in the living room - the kitchen is a treasure chest of its own: it has a can opener and a can of dog food tucked behind an empty fridge, salty crackers, a fire accelerant in a crate, two pots, plus a recycled can, four charcoal in the stove and a note from some adventurer - once I warmed up, went out again to check a red car next to the farmhouse, can't open the trunk and the rest was empty - a bear and three wolves hang out at moderate distance - nothing next to the silo or in the barn - a fire barrel is outside - it's pitch dark once i go back in - after much cursing and hours of stumbling blindly i find the bed Night 1 - woke up at midnight fully rested and thirsty, why haven't i grabbed toilet water - tried finding my way in pitch dark to the bathroom, failed but found a summit soda, perhaps not much but it tricked thirst for the time being - bumped into curtains and ripped them apart hence nothing to do, the clothes require repair which can't be done at present - bump into door; how's the weather? ewww -30C plus the bear - i'll waste time playing cards inside until i can see something Day 2 - raided the second floor for an assortment of clothes: a t-shirt, wool scarf, sport socks and a brown hat - two bathrooms, upstairs and downstairs, seems i've got something to drink, still no matches - stepped out marvelling at how many entrances this farmhouse has and verandas, plus a well stocked cellar behind it - more clothes are always welcome, a decent sweatshirt and a worn dress shirt - a whetstone, one scrap of metal, quality tools and a heavy hammer make some fine finds - all right, a fishing book! i can catch them fishes for my fish soup and use these water purification tablets - twelve matches perched on the lower shelf... and... i almost miss it, it's tucked into a broken metal drawer vertically... bum bum bum magnifying glass! - i think it was fairly clear, stepped out to check if i could use the glass, nope - went back in and since its warm enough broke a green crate, i haven't noticed firewood at the farmhouse doorstep - went out and discovered that it got even brighter, i can use the glass - the bear is eyeballing me over the nearest snowdrift while i set two good pots for max 2L each to melt and then dropped 4 purification into them saving on firewood which i don't have much of at present - it's -9C even crouching close enough to hug the fire barrel, hypoth subtly sneaking up and nibbling at my health, set 50ml more to boil, fire out with 5mins left, go ambers go! calm weather went in my favour, hurray another good day - went inside to warm up and repaired blue hoodie, it's actually not much better than what i have - dropped firewood and extra cans at the kitchen, dropped tools on the floor to get rid of weight and went out while the day is clear - ran across the field taking the outer rim to dodge the bear and the pack of wolves, the sprint is plentiful due to carrying almost nothing - closer to the river encountered a frozen adventurer that has a red scarf and one crow feather, the scarf is a bit better than my brown hat - collected beards and crossed the river, found a cave with lots of bones uh oh - harvested seven cattails along the river, there is a single birch sapling on the bank i can't take - my health is really low and i'm freezing again, this is pretty dangerous - made it back home when the moon began peeking out and hurried upstairs before it got too dark to see - drank a cup of herbal tea to recover health better and ate a can of dog food - slept 10h Day 3 - well this is a bummer with all those bonuses i've recovered very little, woke up completely dehydrated too, i was a hundred percent hydrated before zzz, have i taken a hit due to thirst? - i can hear mean wind outside; about half health this is so lousy, i'm not swimming in food here, ate one more cattail with a sigh - repaired my mittens and scarf sighing at a few fails and went out maybe it's not as mean as it sounds - ewww if you're in a hurry to catch your death that's a perfect time to go out - repaired my boots, luckily at once since i only had one piece of leather, repaired my vest too, nothing is in yellow anymore hurray - oh a blue box i missed, empty - nominated a closet by the front door for clothes, i have three items to put inside - fridge for food, but there is only water in it, at least i have 6L - arranged all fuel books on the shelves next to the stove, i have three cans and two pots - went upstairs and nominated a closet in my bedroom for all other misc items, dropped quality tools and simple tools in there, along with the feather and metal scrap, plus the fishing book - hunger isn't a friend, forced to step out, no more blizzard just moderate snow in grey light and obviously freezing - ate a cattail for the road and off i sprint in the same direction to the river - here is that teddy bear whose cave i've seen yesterday, crouched low and grabbed more cattails growing along the bank, i have 14 now - followed the river to a waterfall and looked around, some empty cave where it's +1 and an empty dead guy, warmed up just a bit - sprinted back to the farmstead oiii is my health no good, on the way passed a barn which i've visited before - since there is some time before dark went to the basement and broke a crate for six reclaimed wood - hey a green box on the porch i haven't seen before, empty - went to the bedroom and ate a couple of cattails before reading for two hours - munched on the salty crackers, the only remaining food, cattails aside and slept for 8h Night 3 - woke with the thirst bar still in white, which means i could have slept longer, nom more tails and zzz 2h - crafted beard and made four bandages since i had none - tried resting another hour Day 4 - began reading an hour and got interrupted due to hunger, you're kding i had 100 calories - how's weather? -36!! aaggh! even a bear would freeze! repaired my vest and peeked out again -19C ugh still bad but i need dinner - back to my river but this time along the other side of the road running around the farm field... hmm.. is that the same bear or another one? - oh this is just terrible dropped back to -35 as i reach the river and gather noms - snowfalls gets heavier and heavier as i head back - rush before i become popsicle and get into basement to break another green crate in vain hope for goodies, none of course - i have to keep eating to prevent more health hits, this is not good - ate cattails and set sleep at 9h Night 4 - it seems 9h is the max safe for water because i wake close to thirst - health lingers lazily at half, ended up playing cards, everything takes calories i badly don't have Day 5 - son of a murdersome weather, blizzard and -47C? that's unholy! - played cards, ate last cattail and slept 2h then played cards more - the health is hunger melting, ugh -17 and heavy snowfall but at least there is some visibility - no sense in staying here, since i've been to that river i'll be going into a different direction - i don't see any wolves anywhere, i wander if they kicked the bucket due to this weather - sprinting who knows where leads me to some kind of a cave and mushrooms growing at its entrance, nope not going near it, this looks like another bear hole - there are rosehips next to a rope, gathered them and climbed - followed along the cliff edge eventually spotting a radio tower and hurried to it - reached a fenced territory called the signal hill with rosehips at the entrance, there is a hole in the fence leading to a house - this appears to be some kind of communication center with lots of computers, two locked but four lockers i can open - found sardines and peaches on a low shelf. i'm saved! also two boxes of salty crackers and chips - combat pants are under the double bunk bed, excellent! along with the driving gloves, wool socks (almost typed wolf socks) and ragged work boots - i do have some water but not too much firewood, will have to content with that for the night - oh yes! 12 more matches! who has 24 now? accelerant, firewood, one bandage and two cloth, 3 reclaimed wood, scrap of metal - a flare, one sewing kit and another box of quality tools, lantern oil if only I had a lantern - nom sardines and peaches and sleep well Day 6 - like always lucky me if i'm at half health - repaired the combat pants - around minus twenty, but it's clear and i have hopes for warmer weather since it's early morning - the hills and forest mix, along with the boulders is fairly similar, a wolf silhouette passes in the mild fog closer to the mountain range - away from there, reached a boulder where glimmers a cave entrance, backpack and a box of salt crackers - its very dark and fairly warm, if i build a fire the temp might climb over zero - i almost have no water, set it to boil and grabbed a torch to check the rest of the cave. there are no other goodies, it is warm indeed - stumbled over some protrusion and hit the fire... aggghhh!!! ow!!! that burns!! - i have a bandage but i don't have enough water for rosehips tea, must wait for water to boil then for the tea to boil while taking damage - red line over health, i hope that's not permanent as it's deep - finally got my curing tea... phew... - since i'm under the warmth effect and the ailment is cured, went out to collect mushrooms - there are four stumps filled with them and a deer with a frozen adventurer next to it, found six crow feathers - spotted the hunters blind and frozen adventurer, empty, hurried back to the cave because the effect expired - the fire will be out soon, boiled a cup of coffee and a cup of mushroom tea - almost crying about my health, how uselessly i've ruined it, everything was fine if you consider living with thirty percent daily is fine, it's almost scraping into red now - i have to run back to the signal hill and try to recover, gulped down a cup of coffee for warmth before running - another bear and he's heading for the same narrow road that leads to the radio tower - the bear makes a very annoyed sound, i don't check if he's trying to catch me and run for it - flew inside and slept as much as this survivor was able to - my stomach doesn't much care that my health hardly recovered, out to hunt food i go - gave some wolf a slip and eventually reached the mountainside with another empty cave, at least there are mushrooms growing on the stumps around it - ate crackers upon return and crafted all mushroom stacks - ate the last pack of crackers and slept Day 7 - i'll be taking this cedar log for the farmhouse fire barrel - the absence of food sure makes one inclined travelling to the new places - the bear is hanging around with his buddy wolf, curved around them taking left and heading for the mountains in case of more caves and noms - there is in fact a new one with a frozen adventurer at the platform, it's a notch tricky climbing to the elevation - leave the valley? i suppose i should... too big and too much cold exposure - semi-dark but enough visibility to move without a light source, it's warm to take my time and collect twigs - a lonely plank leads to a set of wooden stairs and a campsite with a backpack, not that i gain much aside from firewood - another frozen adventurer who must have fallen through a hole, a fir log near - light glimmers, an exit to a winding river, river means two cattails and run back inside because cold - maybe i should explore this tunnel more, backtracked and checked the missed tunnel turns, they are dead ends, one has coal, since the health is so bad ate both cattails during the track - returned to the winding river, followed the stream to a dead end and few more cattails - on the way back stepped inside the warm tunnel again and started a fire, boiled water along with two cups of coffee and five reishi teas - drank coffee and tea, grabbed a torch before leaving - hurrying another way along the stream sometimes grabbing harvestables and sometimes not - another dead end but there is a path leading uphill and to another section of the frozen river - crossed and climbed to another bank, the path upwards leads to a great cave, beans and another pack of matches, wow this is a great find - the cave is +1 but i'm getting tired so i can't wait hours to warm up slowly, great the tea is still hot, drank another cup - following the ledge above the river, a deer and another adventurer that offers one cedar log, can't be picky, i have no hatchet, thus finding long lasting fuel is good - the path ends and the slope leads to the ice - wwwwoooowwww!!! that's a BIG hydro dam! can't admire too long, a wolf is hanging around the ice - sprinted to the big wall while he turned his back... um knock knock? anyone there? where is the entrance? my tea effect is out, freezing my butt off here again - when the wolf walked back, crouched and hid behind the mountainside protrusion, i think there is another path on the opposite bank - inch and crouch slowly once he turns his back again, my back scraping along the boulders - inch inch inch sprint he doesn't see me run up the path - i do believe that metal fence surrounds the upper part of the dam, fascinating, can i get inside? - nooo! not this! world don't go blurry! ugh! - i think i can inch along this ledge, hope i don't fall off due to this blurry vision - a snowdrift covered door and flat wall; can't click on the door; is there no entry? - another ledge along the wall? maybe i should go there? - one step and darkness. you have fallen
  25. It seems the issue is that it's not possible and he will not be doing a second attempt. Personally, I am most inclined towards the can + any choice item and 15 instead of 30 days on the small maps. He said he'll go experiment on another survivor, so, I'd like to see those results too.