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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. D: How do you heal then? Sleeping 10h each night is the way to save my bacon even if the healing effect is greatly reduced on Loper, otherwise, I'd be dead in two days max. The cold damage is horrendous and to get food you have to get cold.
  2. Why not just play the regular Interloper without using this bug? So Sleepwalker mode is custom mode and it's like Interloper but without the ability to do that bug thingy. Or there are other changes as well?
  3. I used to watch Duck Tales and picked up that word as a kid. It's just so blathering and perfect for describing such situations. Wow -80C on Loper? D: That's EVIL! EEEVIILLL!! It seems like my mission to do 100 days on Loper is super doomed. Do wolves at least disappear with -80C? Or they get fatter and grow furrier hides? I don't think I'll use bugs because it sounds like you just get to sit in a hole all day. That's a pretty funny way to consider the game fun - who can sit in a hole the longest. Your screenshots are very interesting. The first one with the low health is actually in the darkness, so, it feels like the long dark is coming for Cinderella and the dawn comes. Do running shoes require cloth too or just leather? Though it seems you're going to make it to day 60 with the work boots.
  4. Got it. Check. So, when people get that half red bar, they only eat for 4h and sleep 4h to keep the starvation penalty? Doesn't that limit them to sleeping 4h only then because if they sleep more then the bar will hit other bar and penalty will go away? BUT, we haven't even moved on yet to the stick figure diagrams. blatherin' blatherskite What does water have to do with this scenario? That's why I never take advantage of any bugs.
  5. So, this red fatigue line appeared because you weren't eating/drinking? Or it just randomly pops up out of the blue because it's bug? Now, you've lost me again. You said you can sleep 4h, this will remove the red bar. After red bar is removed you can sleep like with normal fatigue to the full rest. This still means you've slept 10h. How does this make sleeping endless? Or are you saying that even after you sleep 6 more hours the game will say that you are still tired and let you sleep more?
  6. I feel like when it comes to a very long voyager game it tends to get a bit tedious to read about, so, these short Loper runs make for a good intervention before returning to this voyager story. I also tend to outline very distinctly: Game# and Level headers to avoid confusion. It's sort of the first of everything I suppose. Also, I still haven't tried the story mode or stalker. I'd have to expand all over the forum to do them too.
  7. I just keep getting more confused about what you are saying. How can you sleep if your rest bar is full and you're fully rested? My character can't sleep if she's not fatigued. What are you talking about?
  8. Hey guys, I've been working on another Interloper run. Since this one turned out a bit longer than usual I'm going to write it a bit more story like and add the quotes as the game does. Game 8 Survivor: Crow A man said to the universe: “Sir, I exist!” “However,” replied the universe, “The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.” - Stephen Crane Day 1 - The mellow wavelets gloss over the ice reaching out towards my toes and retreating at the last moment the same way the apocalypse had retreated from me when I had set but one foot into infinity. - Everything is glittering white: the sea, the Little Island I stand on, the clouds drowned in the azure sky that's beautiful yet not warming in this -15C weather. - The island cliffs stand apart revealing a path to an ice encrusted ship, mast and wooden hull trapped in desolation. - I'm going past it towards Hibernia and the docks where a can of dogfood hides under one wooden support beam. - The chain of trailers fencing the main structure are woefully empty and the zero temperature is interpreted against me. - For an hour, it's tempting to find meagre warmth in the crookedly laid mattress over the iron frames, but who can waste sunshine. - Just one clothing item would help me break this threshold and make my existence inside the buildings comfortable. - I have big hopes for the big building, but I shouldn't get my hopes up, in my experience the bigger the wardrobe, the emptier it is when one's Interloping. - The plant offers a can of tomato soup and coffee. Climbing out the window along a ledge leads me to an adventurer who has salty crackers and a torch. - Reluctantly, I buckle down in bed after all for a couple of hours to remove the cold ailments. - It got two degrees warmer greatly aiding my search of a sewing primer, whetstone and a flare. Matches of course can make anyone's day. - Come now, give me a tool, any tool, hammery hammer or a hacksaw. Just a safe. - I crouch next to the safe and listen for tiny clicks until the door goes ajar offering peaches and beans in excellent condition. - I heard to the wind howl outside while searching, which seems to have died down, but now I'm thirsty. - A nifty fire barrel offers means to live. I check the second floor while the water boils and take a moment to appreciate the fire bleaks gleaming through the floorboards. - Having drank, I grab a torch and hurry to check around the building outside, concerned that the torch might go out. It will be dark when I go back inside. There are too many obstacles to find the bed in this maze at night. - All there is, is a piece of reclaimed wood on the ice, which I take and return to the fire barrel to boil coffee and water. - Broke a couple of green crates for firewood and to get tired before heading upstairs. - Except for the salty crackers in great condition, all my food is canned without an opener. In hopes of finding one and preserving the precious calories I end up eating the crackers which otherwise would have been saved for last. - I fall asleep with the thought, how did I get here? - The Desolation Point, even in name, it is a point, a period after which another sentence begins.
  9. Hmm... Providing our survivors weren't chewed on by anything recently, there are four sources from which they may take damage; two of those are thirst and cold are brutal that have to be acted on urgently. I find having the other two giving smaller penalties and a long grace period where you are aware of the issue but you can act long term to fix it without tripping over yourself balances stress in the game. I never do any numbers calculations though in any game or perform any experiments. It's always intuitive for me. Just trying to stack my sack to have something for dinner without becoming a snack myself daily. You still need to eat during the day because you need to read books or there are other reasons to eat something daytime as well. On Loper if you want to skin a deer even if you're warm by the fire when you're doing it your health takes more than 1% boot if you're hungry during 1h, so you have to eat too. But if my health is like 90% and I'm walking to some destination then I'd rather have my survivor sucking it up. I do try to preserve food though at the expense of health to have enough food for an emergency. Some players also aren't that great at hunting for their dinner so it's hard for them to be fed all the time too. I like mushrooms, they don't run from you. I have kind of constructed a few rules of surviving in The Long Dark Basic Survivor Rules 1. If it moves, run from it. 2. If it doesn't move, eat it. Advanced Survivor Rule 3. If it moves, make it not move and refer to rule #2. My philosophy to go by, especially the first two points.
  10. @stratvox Oh I see. Thank you for explaining. I think you're talking about a repeatable routine each day that takes the player to min allowed health before full heal. But, I'm also finding similarities. Isn't that how players play in general or rather do something similar because in a survival game you are trying to preserve your resources and that goes with the role playing of sucking it up in places such as not always eating? I didn't know about this tactic, but during the game I have figured out that the best use I get out of calories is by sleeping when I'm fed. So, while I'm awake I don't aim to have my stomach full all the time, but it is a big goal during the day to collect enough food to have enough for dinner to get max benefit. Of course if I get attacked or do something that hurts my health a lot then I don't want to take the beating for additional factor and eat, but otherwise I just run around with an empty stomach while looking for dinner. Those calories burn horrendously fast too if I'm sprinting. This is especially a big deal on Loper. My aim is atrocious and I can't hit rabbit with rocks, so, I'm always pressed for food and always running bush to bush and house to house freezing my butt off. Having food for dinner remains priority over eating awake. Though, on Loper I end up eating a lot more anyway since I'm always taking cold damage. I don't believe on Loper though it's only 1% per hour anymore. We don't see the health bar anymore, but the way it slides down especially if I'm doing some activity like breaking crates it really goes down a lot.
  11. Day 106 - minus one and clear, the warmth bar is going down very slowly, i'm in no hurry and scout the road - i had spotted a yellow trailer yesterday so i want to shortcut to it - i'm pretty sure the base of this path is next to the red wagons and two wolves and i'll roll right into their mouth without the shortcut - the shortcut was successful but i ended up on the wrong side of the red wagons. they're between me and the yellow one. i am next to the lake cabin however - i'm carring over 30kg. this works to drop off extra stuff and have my wolf meat - the deer hide and guts are cured - stepped out into impenetrable fog, let's play cards for a couple of hours to see if it lifts - it does moderately. i'm tempted to check on the hunters cabin. my charcoal marks say i've been to it - hi deer will you be my shield? it's a very cooperative deer, runs in front of me half of the way - on the way discovered a new cave that lets me leave ML. it seems ML is connected to many places - kept going to the cabin and checked it. i have been here before but it seems it was a brief stop - the locker and safe aren't pried open. there is an improvised hatchet and a hammer on the workbench. i'll switch to improvised until i bust it and leave my good hatchet - a couple of hours of daylight left. i'm going to re-check where that cave entrance was. i seems to have lost it. was checking the rocks on the wrong side of the barn next to the house. i'm tempted to check that area but i want to walk around ML some more - bumped into an empty but intact snare. i have completely forgotten about setting it. that was three months ago. you have failed miserably to catch me dinner, snare! reset it nearby - sprained ankle. seems it's a signal to eat dubious quality dogfood dinner and tuck in for the night Day 107 - that's not a fun weather. there is a wilderness kitchen book with 1/5 researched. ate more doggy food and finished reading the entire thing - proceeded to shred boots and clothes - finally no blizzard. very windy anyway and fairly late to go far. stood outside and repaired bedroll - this dusk is creepy, turning in for the night after nomming wolf meat Day 108 - what an unpleasant wind and -7C i don't want to camp at the house nonetheless - i keep getting confused about this zone, apparently going straight and left from the hunters cabin makes you enter the deadfall area - went past the ruined hut, saw stumps ahead and a wolf, went around the hill and bumped into deadfall again - the forests sure are good for walking in circles. eventually ended up back on the railway and reached the lake house - dropped a couple of items at the house. i'm going to climb the hill and travel parallel to the tail tracks past the red wagon - it does work. i spot a wolf from the hill that's heading over the tracks in my direction. sprinted to avoid being cut off by him - eventually got past the spot and reached the yellow wagon. it really does make flimsy shelter. got a cap - there is a logging area behind the yellow wagon. wanted to go that way but saw a wolf and headed into opposite direction towards the bridge by the hydro dam - wolfy woof!! uh oh run! this one chases me across the bridge and almost bites my leg off as i jump into the truck - i'll craft rosehips waiting for him to go away - he's still on the bridge when i come out. the trailer is really close so i get inside it - cured deer hide and guts. checked for any food to make sure nothing spoils. the other trailer has more stuff - so.... i do need to go in the direction of the camp office and that wolf is in my way. i see him hanging around under the bridge. he sees me too and hurries to eat me - hid in the trailer again. i'm going to have to go back the way i came and attempt to sneak past that other wolf in the logging area - walk walk this wind really is suckage. hello deer. could you be a deer and run ahead of me so the wolf can get busy? - the deer complies and i sneak past the wolf to the three trailers - not that much stuff inside, some food. i don't carry a knife but there are ruined bedrolls and pillows. if i badly need cloth in the future this is where to go, tore up some old junk too - ate wolf meat for supper and slept full 12h
  12. What is hibernation? Some kind of boring game tactic people do to live many days?
  13. @BareSkin Oh I see, so, when you say 'sleep is resource' you are referring to the process of healing when you sleep. If the players are good at hunting food/have lots of calories then if they get hurt they can do some activity to quickly make themselves tired and sleep off the injury. I still think of it as a function or a game mechanic. Wouldn't have named it 'resource' in my head. I'm not sure I understand though, what would be a bug then?
  14. Oh I knew about the sleep thingy. But why are you calling it a 'resource'? This statement doesn't make sense. Is this simply a special name/terminology for sleep heal? Resource is when you go mushrooms picking and find mushrooms. These are resources.
  15. I don't understand, what is rest as resource?
  16. Day 104 - i'm going to leave this fun firewood stash and climb down the rope. it falls in between this lookout's peak and the one i wish to visit - spent hours going around the mountain in circles and obtained two wrist sprains. i'm getting frustrated. i can see and can climb very near the wooden railing that leads to the road but the hill won't let me get onto it - after a lot of stumbling finally crawled over some boulders and clung to a tree to squeeze past the fence - i'll stay the night at the forestry lookout. since there is daylight stood outside and put in 3h of reading - came about to the most foul blizzard that gave my clothes a beating. two items are in the frozen stage - repaired pants and earmuffs, tore up junk clothes, harvested broken arrow, sharpened my hatchet and crafter rosehips with mushrooms - since i'm short on water, i'll eat peaches and tomato soup - i found a can opener. i will keep it in my inventory otherwise it wastes my hatchet without asking and i keep forgetting to drop the hatchet before opening food - rest Day 105 - since the big blizzard set in, i'll boil the water after all along with various teas - broke a bench and used a fuel book to start the fire, fuel books give 100% chance now - it's a good thing this stove has two slots - busted a chair then a table - finished cooking every tea in my inventory, still blizzard - repaired gloves and my hat - allowed the fire to run out and used a water purification tablet on the last batch of water - ate jerky to finished reading stay on target - half of mre for supper and sleep
  17. The Hushed River start I described two posts above. There are two dead wolves on the map. I skinned them and dragged their hides all the way to Milton. That's how you get a wolf pelt on Loper first day or so and not a bad meat dinner even though parasites keep trying to creep in. Stupid dramatic irony. That was timed so perfectly. Crowbar is a grand defensive weapon! Dies two mins later defending oneself with a crowbar.
  18. An update on my Hushed River Loper start. I thought I spent about a week at HR, but I checked log after sleeping in the cave and it said Day 5. Made it to the trailer which offered a heavy hammer and from there went for the church. There was a wolf hanging around the Church entry so I had to cross the road and go past him via left side and also get more hypoth bite because he took my chance of warming up at the Church. Got to the Milton Mansion which has a wolf welcome party hanging around. Then spent some time playing dodge ball with the wolf by running in and out of the cars and various Milton buildings. Followed the street house to house until the end of the street and reached the gas station. Good finds included combat pants. In terms of clothes I ended up pretty decent. Work boots, military and jeans, two sweaters and one vest, fleece gloves and a scarf so all was covered vs frostbite. From the gas station went across the logging area and entered the farm area where I saw a deer. Started the fire and began cooking plus skinning but didn't finish. Had cooked meat, hide and one gut when bad weather set in and I had to run in the storm to the house. Turned out the house needed a key. After searching a couple of barns found it at a yellow tractor and climbed into the cluttered house which has a really nice bed. From there I ventured down the rope into the Milton basin. I found another deer and took his meat plus hide and one gut then saw a wolf and retreated back to the ruined building with a stove. Gathered more and small deer piece got burned. Found a cave where I slept two nights while during daytime I grabbed as many cattails as I could and rosehips. The cave was fairly warm. Chanced twice sleeping 10h without fire. Once it went well. The morning a blizzard started once I woke up. I found 2 coal at the cave and had to use one to warm up. It got severely cold in the cave about -4C even with the max fire without coal. The second night lost all my healing and woke up with about 35% health because another storm dropped in. I guess still lucky due to sleeping in a cave without fire and waking before health was gone. Used my second coal to wait out this blizzard too and then moved out in the afternoon. There was a bit more food around but it was wolf patrolled one side and Moose on the other. I had left one gut at the stove and didn't go back for it because of the wolf and Moose blocking that way. Got sneaking around the river instead to the rope and escaped. Back at the farm a very sneaky wolf was waiting for me. He was really good at harassing and hiding and always very close to the farmhouse. Basically, you step out and look around. The field looks absolutely empty. The second you leave the porch he tries to jump you from cover. Once he was literally around the farmhouse wall. Searched the schoolhouse and that other Milton street then went back to the farm. I stored a piece of deer meat in the fridge instead of dropping it outside and it was down to 18%. Ate 880 cal anyway and got away with it. Had 6 anti poison pills so I was willing to take the risk. One funny quirk in this game included the lack of a single can opener on two big maps. I get why Hushed river didn't have one, but I wander what all Milton inhabitants did with theirs. I had somewhere around 10 cans of dogfood, tomato soups, peaches and kept waiting for a can opener on them. I was good with food though, I had about 50 cattails. Anyway woke up with very decent health for Loper and wandered if I should use the workbench at the farmhouse near the barn or go to the trailer. I had 3 deer skins. Had to go to the trailer anyway since I had only two hides at the farm curing. Doing very well. Bedroll, hammer, 3 hacksaws. Half of the wolf jacket (2 wolf pelts), two bunny pelts, a bunch of deer pelts. Lots of food. Decent clothes for Loper. Anyway stepped out on the porch. No wolf. Looked around. No wolf. Went down from the porch. No wolf. There is that big barn ahead where the workbench is. It has two exits. I'll sprint to it and hide behind walls to lose the wolf if he appears out of nowhere. Use one door to enter and the other to exit. Run run run. Enter the barn. Walk through the barn. POUNCE!!!! I got wolfed inside the barn by the exit. He was hiding behind the barn wall where the door is. Yep. He killed me. Right after I promoted the good of crowbars to @BareSkin too. I'm kind of bummed. I thought I had a decent chance to pry him off with 75% health and a crowbar for defense but no cigar. Wolf has my stuff now.
  19. It seems you did. I forgot about the running shoes and work gloves as well which are leather. You're good to stay 30 days then. You can craft bunny mittens and have extra warmth and extra leather too. My favourite tactic. Although, I swear sometimes these wolves purposefully hide in the rosehips bushes and also put snow atop of themselves for better cover. They appear literally out of the ground. Crowbar is also extra two metal pieces. I love your residence screenshot. It's most picturesque with aurora shining. Dangerous and romantic and nature fullfilled at the same time. Congrats on finding a maple leaf crown. A nice rabbit hat atop will make a very formidable clothing set. Cinderella's ears are safe! Pfff Only inexperienced firestarter noob needs junk like 20million dollars stuffed into a shirt. Though to be fair I almost died during my second game looking for tinder in the middle of the night because I was parched and had none. Also, it's funny but Cinderella isn't a complete fashion disaster, her stuff sort of matches in colour. Bleh, those beans and sardines too look fishy to say the least. I've eaten some pretty bad junk on voyager, but I def wouldn't eat the beans. Sardines maybe due to resource shortage, but then I'd eat the sardines asap after brewing mushrooms so they don't get any worse.
  20. It's nice that things are looking up for Cinderella. Gotto keep those boobs frostbite free. Since you won't be able to kill the wolves to make them into jackets, the shirts and jackets are best clothing finds. You can craft boots or pants since you have 3 deer. Maybe don't use your deer skins right away and simply cure plus stash safely in case either pants or boots get destroyed then you'll craft the lacking item. You may want to hit the wolves with the crowbar if you get wolfed unless you intend to throw your overabundance of matches at them if that happens. My first ever wolf encounter was when I defended myself with the crowbar and he fled after one hit, which remains the best defense fight up to date.
  21. Going for cliffhangers these days I see. Has to be the bunny if you squint enough. I don't know about bearskin bedrolls. Is +12C good or bad? That was pretty dangerous with the fire. It doesn't always offer embers. It's good you found crackers and soda. At least one night will be food provided. Then we move on to chewing sticks.
  22. Day 101 - since i'm stuck here and everything is heavy i'll drop extra junk and check one area. there is a rope i can climb - turns out the rope is behind another group of houses. i get there undisturbed - one bullet in the adventurer's pocket at the cave and logs - climbed down. i'm going to drop all firewood off at the fishing cabin nearest to the big lake house - oho... there is a wolf next to it moving with ill intent towards me, not stalking yet - backed off to the second farthest cabin and dropped the firewood - whoa this wind just evolved into a blizzard. moving intuitively to the bank where the cabin is to hide - eat something and read the fishing book. got a good 4h chunk done before the wind subsided - there is a new cave nearby... checked, absolutely bare... i have this sneaky suspicion it might be a bear cave which doesn't hang around on voyager but will at harder mode - wolf meat dinner and sleep Day 102 - finished the fishing book to carry less. still very heavy due to 7L of water and wolf meat - i found two more packs of matches in the fishing huts, i'm good there - meh this fog. grab another bite and read stay on target an hour - looks decent, let's go. i don't see the wolf patrol, which is a bother. they must be waiting in the bushes then - i knew it! that wolf that chased me off from the nearest fishing hut to the lake house was very much waiting in the cattail bushes - he sounds like the fish taunted him all morning and left without dinner - sprinted as he growled on my heels and walked backwards with him surely thinking of going for it - i am carrying 36kg so it's slow moving. dang it. sprint again. barely got away from him - dropped guts and wolf hide. then organised the shelves before stepping out and dropping the meat. i still have a chunk of deer meat too - repaired balaclava and crafted food before rest Day 103 - there are red wagons along the rail tracks, they might be worth checking out - noticed a wolf upon approach and hurried up tree into the wagon. he does notice and give a mean bark before cruising around the wagon - peeked out the wagon, holy, there is a second wolf. what are they guarding? this wagon doesn't have anything special - one attempt to leave doesn't work and i get chased back into the wagon - waited a bit longer and gave those wolfies a slip running uphill - stumbled onto a frozen river and walked along harvesting until i reached a pond - a good stack of harvest here too but the hunters blind doesn't have anything too special. another bullet is always good to have nonetheless - there is a deer but i know a wolf likes coming here and i have a lot of meat so i'm going to leave while it's safe - walking around in the snowfall leads me to an itsy bitsy house with a bed and a bit of old food - i am considering sleeping here but there is sufficient daylight left which would be a waste. i might look around and return - ended up doing a little more than a little looking around. climbed some huge hill and ended up in the middle of the road up a peak - i know this spot. this is the destroyed lookout. found another stay on target on the ground, happy with that. - the weather is fairly warm. i suppose i could make it downhill before nightfall but i want an adventure - the fallen lookout roof has windshield and provides a couple of degrees bonus. there is enough room for a bedroll and a fire underneath it - searched the entire peak for extra firewood for the night, one fuel book, 7 sticks, two cedar logs, chopped two planks and found a bit more reclaimed wood, i can also break a bench - the large firewood container has a mountain rope instead of firewood. this is interesting because this spot has a rock for dropping the rope, which is what i do - i spot an intact lookout on the neighboring hill. i see a road winding up but i can't understand its entry point - finished reading the archery book. it can also be burned. i wandered if i'd get enough light but it let me keep reading. turns out it's the aurora night - it is also a warm night. i am not cold without the fire - slept in 2 or 3h sprints. the temperature went to +3C at the lowest point at least when i checked in between sleep
  23. I'm super duper excited, though, I haven't recorded this run in detail. I wanted to start a Loper run at some unfriendly location such as Timberwolf or Hushed River to see whether I can get out of there to the friendlier territory in one piece. The game dropped me off at the Offset Falls. I found a box of matches at an open cave by following the river and then went all the way to the end where the river gets blocked and turned up the bank to an area where the traveling caves are. Those matches became crucial because I needed light to explore and find shelter (which turned out to be non-shelter). Got completely freaked out by the tunnel wolf, but managed to avoid him by carrying torches and found what every Loper wants. After dodging multiple wolves for days I managed to explore some caves and to check a few empty caves, slept in those too. The last leg of the journey had nearly killed me. I went from the exploration cave where the deer is down the rope to the hushed river. A wolf chased me on the way to the rope. I was carrying those deer guts, so, I dropped one as decoy and the wolf went for it instead of chewing me up. But, then I've taken a wrong turn at the bottom of the rope and accidentally went to the other exploration cave system. Wanted to warm up in there or even stay the night and heard the wolf growling in the darkness as soon as I entered. Bolted out like my butt was on fire. Unfortunately, it wasn't. I already had hypoth instead. Kept running until I reached that first open cave where I found my first box of matches. Made fire there to warm up during 2h of sleep, ate many ctails and drank tea for traveling warmth. At that point the evening began setting in and minor snowfall began covering the ice. I wanted to stay the night at the cave, but I didn't have enough firewood and I was afraid I might sleep and recover a bit, but then be chased out in much worse weather at mid-night since I felt the snow might get worse and blizzard convert. In any case, I continued walking all the way to the Stairsteps lake. From there I found a highly difficult to detect path. At some point it's very steep and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to climb it. The tea effect had long expired at that point and my health began drooping to the alarming levels. Followed the path, even though it doesn't give much variation I took a couple of wrong turns regardless. The snow kept getting thicker with each hour while I traveled and dusk fell with the tip of the moon already visible. When I saw the entrance the fatigue also mounted on my shoulders, the backpack was like a rock. My survivor was dragging her feet very much sluggishly and I kept watching her health bar dangerously lingering closer and closer to the red zone, while the weather rolled closer and closer to the blizzard state. I crawled to the mine that leads to Milton one step before nightfall with my health at 12%. Immediately dropped the bedroll, ate so many ctails (this is one thing hushed river is magnificent for) and dropped off into long sleep as the blizzard imploded outside. This was one of those moments where you're seeing safety, but aren't sure whether your survivor will make it, and I'm just so excited that I did it. I just feel so proud having survived a Loper start at Hushed River. More so, I came carrying away: 3 match boxes, 2 hacksaws, 1 prybar, finished reading a 5h book on wilderness survival and most importantly the bedroll.
  24. There's always a loophole to survive through. As for my notes, I dare say my advice will likely lead you to getting eaten by a wolf the very first day, thus, it might be best to rely on different ones. I'm just glad Cinderella found work slippers. If I'm not mistaken that wolf territory has those ruined houses (and a basement?) which may also have items. (Yet, told ya my advice will lead you to being eaten.) I just keep chuckling at this situation. I'm imagining an established survivor suddenly finding a newbie on their map all plane wrecked and freezing who turns out to be an utter scoundrel and steals all their stuff.