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Posts posted by tulkawen

  1. Hey guys,

    I bought this game yesterday. Since I like writing, I figured I'll share my first two attempts at this game.

    Experience: This is my first survival game. I've never played this genre before. I've never been good with the first person games either due to my geographical tardiness. Those wolves from 1st person view sound terrifying. 

    I have about fifteen years of experience with mmorpg and also moderate experience with Civilization 3 and 4.


    I picked Survival Mode, Voyageur for both games. I haven't read the forums for tips before playing.


    Game 1 Day 1 The Real Stupid Noobie Log


    - Mysteriously crash-landed at some Mystery Lake. If I had crash-landed where is my plane wreckage? Some burning metal would be better than this freezing enclosure.

    - There is a corpse in the snow nearby. I wander if that was Lenny the other plane occupant. Can't seem to recognise, but can't guarantee my head is perfect or remembering after going splat against the ground during Armageddon. Once again, why is this Armageddon so freezing?

    - Picked up a knife next to the maybe x-friend person. Poked at its body and backpack. Nothing. I start walking.

    - The snow crunches loud under my feet. The wind picks up as soon as I enter the forest. It's making these scary noises that most assuredly sound like wolves or bears or sybertooth chipmunks. Picked up a couple of twigs on the way. Wolves fear my twigs! um... Please?

    -  Both temperatures are flashing red. Is this forest going to end? Teeth chattering from being popsicle cold and this extremely chicken feeling about running into some wildlife. Why can't I hold the knife impressively in front of me?

    - The forest parts. A frozen lake glitters ahead with three houses down the bank. Hurray! Now I'll get warmer!

    - The wind is even stronger in the open. I sprint a bit in places to get to the first house. Bah! Is this a flat board with the door drawn atop of it? Skipping along to the next house. Hyposomethingy or other is tickling my toes. I click on the next house door. Nothing. Click again. Nothing. Ooooh! Need to click and hold.

    - Kick stupid self as I finally break into first house. I guess I haven't searched Lenny's corpse and backpack at all. Maybe she had a nice hat or jacket. Bummer. The house is cramped, half taken up by bed but no fireplace. The freezing progress halts uncertainly, but risk isn't decreasing either. There are boots in the corner exactly like mine. Wish those were socks instead; can't feel my ankles.

    - Skipping along to the next house that also turns out a one roomer. It has food and pop and newspapers. Woot? Not hungry. Very, very cold. Maybe if I build a fire the risk of contracting some nasty snot thingy will go away?

    - Fire won't start in the hut. Booo! Go outside around the hut and attempt setting up logs next to the wall also crossing legs instead of unbending fingers so the wind won't blow it out. Fail anyway and spot more houses along the bank.

    - Running to those houses, wandering if any wolves are around. Wolves like houses too right? Wolfs know that wolf snacks are walking around the houses yes? The day is clear, but the wind lifts snow and makes sure to stuff it into my nose and eyes.

    - Smash into the next couple of houses that gift me with a hat that has even more holes than my pants and a thin cotton shirt most likely chewed on by one of those Armageddon horses. Why do I have a mountain of matches and newspapers but can't build a fire?

    - It's too cold to stay even inside the houses that have no stoves. Not sure the risk won't start rising closer to night even if I stay in the cabin. Numbness spreading. There are toilet-like structures in the middle of the lake. The wind is hungrier than all wolves as I slide across. The toilet has a black heater indeed! The clunky thingy wakes up most reluctantly after a couple of kicks and curses. I stuff more sticks into it, but before I blink, the fire is out in like two minutes and hyposcoundrel climbs again, not that it went down while I tried pressing my frozen butt to this heater.

    - Pretty sure this spot without a door is no good for the declining day. Run back across the lake with the hyperannoance now taking effect. Think I see a black wolfy dot across the flat landscape though it might be my chicken imagination.

    - Can't see a new hut to try the luck in. Plop down by the wall of the previous hut to try another fire. Closer to the door in case the wolfy comes.

    - Lit the campfire after more profanities. Crouch next to it, search backpack for anything else that might warm me up. Fire kicks the bucket again while I'm distracted.

    - Poke fire? Fire no give heat? Crouch lower? No good. Health dropping. Is this fire still burning? Doesn't look it.

    - Jump up! Must run blindly anywhere! Everywhere! Staying here is death! One panicked step ahead AND...

    - I guess here's my middle finger, Mr effy cold. You have not taken me. I have BURNED to death in a seemingly extinguished fire.  

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