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Everything posted by tulkawen

  1. wb Eclair (your name is delicious by the way) What is your surviving record on voyager? Do you try your hand at other modes?
  2. Day 2 - In the lifted fog, I spot the wooden docks leading away from the shore that look promising. I follow the yellow brick road without the red shoes, collecting a few cattails along the way. - A few deer are peacefully grazing. Perhaps, those were their hooves last night? Wishful thinking. Whatever that was had sent creeps up my spine. Deer don't stalk adventurers. - There are a couple of upturned boats and boxes. On the next island a house is buried up to a roof that has a dresser, one drawer crooked, the rest have goodies. - The docks run deeper into the bog territory towards a barn filled with barrels. There is a fuel canister inside. - I climb onto the rocks behind the barn to get a better view. Flat and empty. There are some ruined buildings left of the forge. I don't think any of them can be entered. That's the direction that ominous sound came from last night. I'm in the middle of nowhere. - Since the wind is picking up, it's time to head back, skinning a fallen deer on the way and gaining crow feathers. Leave the guts where they are. Don't want predators on my doorstep. - The weather is turning foul close to a blizzard. The forge is fired again to cook the meat and boil the water. This thing is boards voracious! It demands to eat almost as much as I do all the time! I add more coal, letting the temperature rise gradually. Isn't it high enough to melt this muskeg already? - The inventory revision tells me I have an awesome new knife, but no hatchet. That's what I create and use the rest of the metal for the arrowheads. - Setting more water to boil in a tin can, I climb under the second storey where breaking a crate earlier had revealed a safe. The water is bubbling and threatening to boil out while I crack the lock. - 'Wow! Is this an early survivor birthday?' I have one good thought, immediately interrupted by multiple wolf howls erupting in the area. While crafting, the snow storm had subsided and the night has fallen. Night 2 - Climb to the second floor hugging a warm expedition parka and insulated boots in good condition. Woot! That's a nice safe! - Tap-tap... Tap-tap... the footsteps return. Belonging to an invisible enemy, they are more chilling than all the muskeg frost. - I snatch the boiling water off the stove and crouch, sleeve in my mouth. Something is out there... stalking... waiting... it wants me. - I have a rock and a flare. Hardly a mighty arsenal. Well... a knife too, but that's when the range fails. - Tap-tap... tap-tap... it finally leaves me be... for now - Sufficiently frightened, I drop the remaining coal along with the reclaimed wood into the forge and sleep - The wolves are howling when I wake up close to dawn - Set the water to boil and begin checking all drawers one last time, picking up my temporarily stored stuff - An interested bark right behind me, propels me upstairs! - This is when I finally spot the midnight visitor. A rusty shape is visible through the open entry into the barn. It's not going in, but it is taking keen interest in the place where I'm hiding - The water is boiling out, but I can't reach it from the second floor. The can is empty by the time the wolf moves on
  3. @jeffpeng That toolbox is sneaky! It takes a while to figure what to do with it (and it sort of looks like a lunchbox too). You'd think it has a screwdriver to pry open some locks. I don't doubt later on in the game it's useful, but the game was poking fun of me by 'here is a sharpening tool for you' but I won't give you a tool to sharpen. @BareSkin I proudly made it to two indoor places, though, they were both wicked traps too. I'm surprised those wolves didn't eat me. I almost came nose to nose with them. The road has snowdrifts along it. They jumped over the snowdrift from the other side when I jumped onto the road. I guess luckily the fog limits their vision too, not just mine. They got close enough to see those separate hair of their backs. Scaaarryyy... O_O I think they were zoned on that deer I had left behind. Never mind the matches hence I assume they do drop in game if rarely. Having no bedroll is the bigger killer. What are we, suppose to tackle the bear barehanded to make a bedroll out of him? I suppose you could find a bed for fatigue but no bedroll means you really can't go anywhere else the fatigue will kill you.
  4. Game 5 Newbie Lost - Forlorn Muskeg, Voyager Day 1 - Fog and Bog. Both unpleasant yellowish-blue entities. Dumped in the middle of the flat landscape where the ice patched by snow stretches in all directions equally, I advance randomly, aiming to find an invisible shore. - Keeping on top of the snow isles for the most part. The ice is cracking unreliably. - Nothingness. Desolation. Not even a few cattails to salvage. - Once the risk of frostbite and hypoth sets in, the bank shows up. Dim outlines of a vast barn drift into view. - It's a forge! This survivor just discovered a treasure! Finding an accelerant in one of the boxes allows me to use the stove for warmth. Then break up what can be broken as some boards require a hatchet. - There is an assortment of clothes even if most of them hold around 30% I tear up two shabby pairs of gloves for repair until warmth sets it. - Explore another barn to the right, it has an empty backpack and a bunch of reclaimed wood. I'll take that gladly. Tear up a couple of bushes too on the way. - Go back and look around the forge. There is a heavy hammer hidden in one of the metal wheels behind it. Very nice, I have a hacksaw and a heavy hammer. - The dusk is setting in. There are broken remnants of a house not far off. - Running around it, I hear a suspicious sound like an echo of my footsteps. I stop and it stops. I go and hear it again, the pitter-patter of feet. - I sprint to the forge and climb the boards to a second storey where the bed is. Crouch. - Yes. There are foreign footsteps behind the forge. They are terrifying in the dense dusk. tap-tap... tap-tap... - I cannot understand what animal this is. Maybe a wolf? I think wolves are a bit different. A moose? - Digging through self-defence items gives me a flare. Night 1 - Whatever this is, it's not in a hurry to leave... tap-tap... tap-tap... - I peek through the large gaps in the boards, but see nothing. It grows very cold when the sound finally stops. - I climb down and build another fire. Drop enough logs to last a night and then remember a metal shelf under the bed floor. I do have a hacksaw. The wolves howl mournfully in the distance. It's a cold night. - This exercise wears the last bits out of me even if I get a good amount of metal. The health is two thirds down having taking various beatings. - Must eat, drink, sleep.
  5. Hey guys! As a Canadian allow me to congratulate everyone with the first day of winter! (unless you're in Australia area) December is a Christmas month, thus, I figured it would be fun to do one of those 'open a new window each day' candy collections. I'll try to post a small fragment of my The Long Dark adventures each day. Hope this will be entertaining. For the 4th game I picked Interloper difficulty for lulz and also learned that you cannot choose a map at this level. This Survivor's name is Yolo! Presented by a complete newbie. Feel free to laugh. Game 4 Yolo!! (Interloper, Pleasant Valley) Day 1 - This pleasant valley doesn't look too unpleasant for a nice forest stroll in my underwear. I even collect some mushrooms and beards. - A brisk walk brings house structures in sight surrounded by empty corpses and green boxes. These houses are a lie. I bang at the front doors, but spiders have barricaded the doors firmly and don't want visitors. - Running around one of these ruins reveals the most wanted thing in the world right now, a toolbox. Not only am I cold, but now I'm hugging a heavy, metal object. - Grabbing some red fruit from a bush makes me see metal doors going into a basement. - What a nice basement, it has food, drink and a sock for my left foot in the washer. Must be a magical washer, they usually eat socks not give them. - The lockers require a prybar. Doesn't this super heavy toolset have a single thing that can help open the lockers? - There is also a whetstone, probably to sharpen my very useful toolbox. - Go outside again and peep off the edge of the mountain. There is a farm field below. Perhaps some farmer used to live there? Might be a house. - How to I get down there? I venture leftward to what seems like a white slope going down, but it leads me to a twigs farmsville. Dead end. - Run back to the basement and bolt inside. My hands are close to falling off and two frostbites are developing. - Maybe I could start a fire... if only I had a single match. - Who would have thought. I plane crash-landed survivor who doesn't have anything, doesn't have anything! - Got busy breaking some boxes and tearing up a couple of cardboard boxes. Sad sigh, the risk of frostbite and hypoth is not going down. - Maybe if I sleep it will get better? Try to sleep. You cannot sleep without a bedroll. Whhhaaat?? Flop on floor and stretch out on the boards. What do you mean I can't sleep! I'm lying down with my eyes closed and I'm getting tired, tiiiireeed! I demand to sleep! The temperature is wavering between white and mild red. If it drops outside I think I will freeze in here. - Stepping out again and this time choosing the right side along the ledge. There are two ropes hanging down. - Half tired, half hungry and thirsty. What could go wrong? Apparently nothing. Saw a dead deer after climbing the first rope but left it alone. Don't want to anger whoever wants it for dinner and I bet toolbox won't help me skin it either. - While I was climbing, the fog came in blue and thick. There is a road running around the field. I hit the breaks and quick reverse upon attempting to cross it. Three wolves not far to my left are also crossing. Crouch behind a snowdrift and yield the right of the way. - I'm a little snowdrift cold and stout... please don't be smelling me with your snout... - Sneak across crouching once they pass. My imitation of the snowdrift must be convincing hence I'm as freezing as one. - Speaking of freezing, one of the frostbites is almost up to my ears. Time to sprint to what looks like a house. - Bummer. It's not even a house, it's an awning for storing hay. Too bad I'm not the hay. I'd feel right at home. Why can't I sleep in the hay? Sulk. - Sprinting around the field circumference and keeping an eye on the line which I think the wolves were taking. - There is a red structure up ahead. Running around it hitting the walls. Where is the entrance? Don't tell me this barn is also taken by mice. - Finally found the blasted door, lift hand to grab the handle and hooorible feels wreck me. Yep, there is frostbite. - Whhaaaa??? Aaaaaghh!! Awghghg!!! Permanent? Health wreckage! And one step away from warmth? I should have picked up one less twig. Damn you twig! - It's almost pitch dark inside. I drink the soda and eat some dry food. Three sources of health punishment is too much. - I stumble around unable to see much, eventually running into stairs. Through a hole in the roof I see a workbench outline. 'Very nice,' I think and fall through the floor. Well, there is always a second attempt... to fall through the floor. - I don't think this place has a bed. - It's -5C! You deceptive hole! You only looked warm while subtly advancing hypoth! - I bullet outside and hypoth covers me too! The world blurs. I run around the stupid barn trying to make out any other house structure in the distance, but the fog and red health blurs the horizon. - There is a large yellow tractor in front of me. I climb inside. Perhaps another survivor who pulls this tractor door open will find my stuff useful.
  6. The thing I've learned the most so far is that as soon as you drop you have to move asap without taking time to think what to do next. Not knowing the terrain makes you move intuitively. Once you manage to hook somewhere you get the ball rolling. This game has a nomadic way. Even in safer places you cannot remain too long because you need resources and you have to take risk and travel to get them if you wish to survive long term. I'm finding voyager wolf density sufficient at present. Interloper sounds interesting since I don't know where I'm going anyway. Bad weather is only scary because I cannot see the wolves from two feet away, but such means of fading into long dark isn't as intimidating as the violent way. Blizzards are kind of nice if you manage to reach safe shelter and read while it howls. That's one of the things about Long Dark, you don't want to be caught in the open with your pants down once the night or fatigue drifts in.
  7. Bare, I hoped she wouldn't die in such a short amount of time or would wake at catching hypoth, but I guess it was too cold. I'm not sure if this one was winnable or not. I had firewood for half the night and there was a blizzard. Sleeping while I had the fire then still would have woken me at midnight with a blizzard outside - providing I could have slept. I had warmth only crouching very very close to the fire, moving even a bit away dropped temp into red. It was -13C inside the cabin, so just crouching there without a fire but not sleeping would have frozen me slowly. Venturing out into blizzard at midnight doesn't sound great either especially since I don't know which way to walk. In general, so far, I feel not knowing the terrain is the biggest challenge. I tend to die often before I reach a safe spot from which I could explore and where I could have a base for a while. I suppose I could have slept for half the night, then ventured out to grab firewood and hoped I don't lose the wagon. If lucky I'd grab more burnable stuff and come back, somehow last till morning. That would burn the matches but at least stall an immediate demise. idk Don't mind my ramblings, I always wander after each game what I could have done differently.
  8. Hey guys, I thought I'd rhyme my next adventure because why not. Still Mystery Lake Voyager. Game 3 Lost Noobie Log Forest, forest everywhere How in blazes did I get here? Hands in pockets, walking brisk Wolves or frostbite, I'm at risk. At least I have pockets. Stumps and Logs like Pyramids Wooden roof in their midst. Set of stairs and a roof, But not shelter, safe goes poof. Hello, archery book and a hatchet. Grabbing some twigs underfoot Not exactly epic loot Roof and steep path up a cliff Up run, up run, can't go stiff. Hello, frozen adventurer by a burned out fire. You have food for me in your pack. Roof and stairs, but not shelter Ruined lookout, cannot enter. Build a fire next to this friend Eat and drink, get warm, don't end. Rush as fast as possible down from the lookout as the strong wind picks up. Setting sun, a yellow dot It's a wagon, camping spot. Deer freezing on the ground. I've got hatchet, chop it down. Hello, wind rattling the thin wagon door once I grab more twigs and bolt inside. Build the fire, I can cook Stupid noob, you burned the book!! Fry the deer, what a feast Vicious wind howls like a beast. There is barely enough room for the bedroll. Drink and watch the twigs run out Absolutely can't go out. Half the night passed, fire dead Angry eye pulling to bed. It's negative 13C away from the fire. Try one hour, get some rest Doubt nagging, it's a test. Hello, death. Yep, it was not safe to sleep in freezing temperatures even in a sleeping bag inside a wagon.
  9. Thumbs up for the Simpsons reference! Newbie Log Summary
  10. You guys are reading my logs and waiting for me to run into it, aren't you. ;__; I knew it, there are bosses in all games. More paranoia for me! @jeffpeng aha! ty @BareSkin
  11. Oh! Mah! Gawd! My 15 years of experience now say that there is some kind of boss in the area. That sounds SUSPICIOUS what you just said! As if I wasn't terrified enough! D: waaahh where? x_x Wait don't tell me! I don't want to know or I'll never go there!
  12. Voyager difficulty allows you to pick a map, but Loper difficulty doesn't. I've intentionally picked the mystery lake because the description said it's for beginners. I think I'm starting to understand that area a little bit. I'm going to pick a different location for another game or try Loper for lulz. I'm so scarred of wildlife that I haven't kicked the bucket yet due to it, maybe soon, not that I'd want to! @jeffpeng aha Gocha! Me thinks I've gots the hang of this @ rifle? ty! wait wait I didn't get it! It's not red like yours?
  13. Bare Still don't know how to make tea since the stove died out on me before I could do it. I really didn't want to die during this game early because I felt like I found a good location with a rifle and a stove. Last game I found a bunch of houses but none had additional means of heat. I felt a hut that has a stove can be your house and then you can go exploring around it and return to it before night. But, this game really did tease me. Two near brinks with water and then with a bunny. I wish I had known rocks stun not kill them and moved faster to pick up. Had I grabbed the only lucky hit I had, I would have made it through another day. The first night really was terrifying. It literally was dark and impossible to navigate around the cabin and I had a feeling the character might die of thirst if I go back to sleep until it gets brighter. So I had to search it and then going out in that fog with wolf howling. I had no idea which direction he was coming from. Scary. Faux Hello! In terms of loper, while I do not mind the smaller amount of resources or colder weather, the bear factor sounds terrifying. I think there are too many howlers even on voyageur. However, I'm rather curious about the Timberwolf Mountain in terms of exploration. All my games so far are Mystery Lake. I want to try TM for diversity. Doesn't matter where you kick the bucket anyway after one day.
  14. Day 2 Newbie Survivor Log - Just when I congratulate myself on not being dead, the stomach growls unhappily, not satisfied with one can of tomato soup long ago. This prompts me to venture out again. -The fog grows thinner. Yesterday, when I was descending from the mountain I saw a dilapidated barn across the ice not far off. - I climb down a narrow path and walk across the ice, twitchy and pointing the rifle this way and that. - Intuition leads me until the faint outline appears ahead. This structure hardly has any walls left. A sad chunk of wood is inside it. I crouch and crawl into adjacent room that stands empty. There are no other barns around. After walking around it, I go back across the ice. - The snare is sad and empty when I check. Prompted by another bout of frostbite and hypoth I dive back inside. - To let the frostbite cure, I begin melting more water and discover a rusty can, which I also place on the oven next to the pot. The stomach is grumbling not pleased at all. While I check the type of kindling I have left and question what else to add to the flame, the fire goes out, leaving half boiled water inside the pot and half melted one in the can. - Grumbling at the waste, I go back outside where a stream of sunlight greets me. This raises my spirits a lot and lifts fear. It's noon. With it comes a sense of achievement. Too bad the honour badge is not made of chocolate. - I venture behind the cabin, spotting three happy rabbits skipping around unaware of my plans to eat them. There are also three stones on the ground that I pick up and begin the biggest loser stone tossing marathon in history. - Toss, toss, toss. Miss, miss, miss. Collect stones. Start again. One stone finally informed me that I've tortured it to death as it gave me the option to drop it or throw away, but not aim to throw. Most stones are falling short of the target. At least these are fearless rabbits. They sprint away after each shot, but then resume lazy hopping without running away from the area. - What am I doing wrong? Should I sneak up closer? There is one large rabbit running across my path, I crouch and stealth few more steps ahead. It's right there, right in the crescent of my free hand when I hurl the stone. - The realisation that it's a hit doesn't immediately set it. I clumsily stumble uphill towards the killed animal in disbelief. When I reach for the furry friend it leaps up and sprints away, leaving but an echo of fur at my fingertips. Was it stunned rather than killed? With a sigh, I pick up the rock instead of dinner and give it a couple of more tries with the new technique. The air is colder than the day before and my hands anew begin growing numb. I go back to the cabin to wait out the over-familiar frostbite. - When I venture out again, the light snow is blanketing earth anew. The fear of wolves is dulled by hunger. I stomp around openly what seems like my backyard clinging to my only stone. - Throw the stone, run after the stone, pick up the stone. Start anew. I'm moving slower. The hands are shaking. The stomach is a bottomless pit sucking under the ribs. The sun is climbing lower and lower. Where is that wolf that horrified me pre-dawn? I have five bullets after all. Perhaps I could eat him too. I suddenly wouldn't mind if he showed up at all. I miss and miss and miss. - Dusk is descending and the hypoth is up to my ears again. I cannot leave to wait it out. It will get dark. The rabbits will hole up in their homes. I won't survive another long, very long night without the food even in the warm cabin. - Forget preserving the bullets for self defence. I lift the rifle and aim it at one of the rabbits that seem so calm in my presence it's almost taunting. They are ignoring a huge, clumsy hooligan who stomps around their ranks causing minor mischief and public disturbance. - The aim is wavering terribly, but the rabbits are slow, unrushed targets. The trigger is pulled. There is no shot. Just a dull, empty click. Going away with no bang but a whimper. The rifle cannot be empty. I distinctly recall loading it! Just in case, I try loading again, but there are no bullets in my inventory. I stare at the rifle dumbly then lift it again, aim at another rabbit and try to fire, encountering another empty click. - A wave of dizziness forces me to drop my failed hunting spree. Everything blurs. Hypoth burns my lungs. The stomach a wasteland. I stagger and trip back to the cabin. With the last shred of desperation, I check this ever empty snare, nearly laughing at the absurdity of having a million rabbits around but none caught. - Tea! I have white tea in my inventory. It might cure the affliction. What if it has a bit of calories too to trick hunger? At least one to stump death. - The cabin is half dark in the faltering dusk. It's a messy blur when I reach the stove. The iron contraption is unforgiving. It lights up reluctantly to inform me that I must have boiled water to make tea. Wasn't the water in one of the pots half boiled? If only I could finish that action. - Life is ticking away. I flounder with the tea package trying to understand what to do with it while everything spins. I push it aside in frustration, realising the fire is about to go out. I keep slapping my palm and scraping my nails against the stove door to shove another log into it, but it won't let me. Open! Open up! - The fire goes out. There is no more paper nor bark again. The outlines of the stove become faint, close to pitch darkness as I throw away precious time to tear up another twig. The red circle spins upon fainting heartbeat. It hisses and fails. - I strike one more match. It's the last chance to light the fire. I am watching it, hopeful to the last second. There are no other sounds in the world, not even the wind moans outside, only that of the shuffling embers. - I passed on quietly in the cabin, kneeling next to the warm stove and clutching a half empty box of matches.
  15. Don't panic part is the hardest part of advice to follow. Makes me think of this:
  16. Night 1 Newbie Survivor Log - It is pitch dark when I wake up. The thirst is intense. Forever, I stagger around in complete darkness bumping into things, getting stuck at every piece of the invisible furniture, eventually feeling my way up to the stove. Perhaps that pot I have can be used to make water? There is a tiny circle of the red light as the fire hisses and fails. I try again only to realise there is no paper for another attempt. - This darkness is daunting. The frustration is growing. My staggering around is extremely slow and useless. There is a metal safe that cannot be pried open. I bump into crates and break them apart, finding no useful materials. I can't get much done in this siphoning dark. The night stretches long, so very long. - Desperately searching the inventory, I come upon a stick, harvest and triumph. The bark turns into the resource I need. More shuffling in this pitch darkness and two more attempts to light the stove. - They fail. I'm kicking myself for using a few other branches earlier as another type of resource for fire. I should have used crates. The night is endless. It's impossible to do anything in this sapping dark. Bumping into the bed, I fall asleep for another hour. - The thirst is vicious when I wake up. At least the tip of the sun rays emerge, making faint furniture silhouettes visible. The blizzard no longer howls. Perhaps, I can find a stick nearby, boil water and then make a far trip at first light to search for resources before hunger comes. It's right there at the border of nagging as well, but not as urgent as thirst. - My morale drops upon sticking my nose outside. There is no fair morning I had hoped for. A green, viscous fog is everywhere. The visibility may have been better in the blizzard. - It is scary, extremely scary stumbling across an unknown terrain brimming with dangerous wildlife that I'll never see coming. I hope I don't lose the front door after taking two steps away from it. - I risk venturing out regardless because this thirst will soon kill me. Check the empty snare and proceed uphill where the trees are. - Where are all the blasted sticks? Wouldn't the storm have torn them off? The rifle feels more like encumbrance than protection and the creepy feeling is right up my spine. If anything jumps out of the fog, I'd see it from less than a step away and won't be able to fire. It's a crude club at best. - I come upon a backpack and hold breath in anticipation. It could have a can of pop or a snack or maybe a newspaper! It's empty and I keep climbing knee deep in the snow. - There is a fallen tree all the way at the top of the hill where the mountain begins. I pick up two of the four sticks when a piercing howl nearby frightens the heck out of me. I cannot tell the exact direction, only that it comes a breath close. - Forgetting two other sticks, I practically roll downhill, only closer to the bottom determining that I've lost direction. It feels like there is a wolf snapping at my heels with every taken step. I expect to get eaten any second. - The hut is surrounded by boulders with one narrow entrance. Even up close, it's invisible in this dreary fog. I keep poking into this wall of stones, sensing a hut on the other side, but unable to find a way into it. - Mercifully, I soon run into my own footprints to backtrack to the cabin, wandering if it's possible to die of fright too. - The stove is cooperative when I light it in one go. The water melts while I drop another piece of the crate into the fire. It's possible to take a torch. I do so, wandering if I could carry it as protection from wolves, but it's impossible to put it out and it burns away wastefully. - Hovering near the stove suddenly sets in realisation that the precious water is now boiling out while the stove still has a few minutes to go. How do I get it to stop?! Finally grabbed the boiling pot and dropped it atop of the workbench. - The pot is empty! Nooooo! Has it all boiled out? The thirst is downright evil when I open the inventory wandering if I have enough resources for another try and see a white can filled with the crisp liquid. I gulp it down. Saved! - I have survived my first Long Dark night and leaned how to boil water nearly dodging thirst death.
  17. Game 2 Day 1 Newbie Survivor Log - The rail tracks are everywhere, running back and forth next to a mountainside as I come to awareness. I look both ways. Contrary to what I've been facing, I head in the opposite direction after picking up a few feathers. - To my right I spot what looks like a charred corpse that turns up empty. I keep walking towards the wagons that tower in massive and useless bulk. What were these wagons transporting? They hold no salvageable threads. - Following their broken line, I reach a tunnel and two shrubs I harvest. There is a sense of adventure in this tunnel, the pull of travelling to a different area. I have no clue how long this journey will be only that it may end up too long and deadly. - There are cold shivers running up and down my spine and I feel like pulling my unclothed head inside my shoulders as I start walking downhill, mountain range to my left. There is another frozen corpse propped up against the mountain. It holds cloth and a knife. - I don't want to end up like this person and keep moving, imagining wolves behind every tree that so densely surround me. I pick up a few sticks along the way and wish I could hide my hands in my pockets. - There are trees and trees and trees. Fresh snow gently falls from the sky. There is no end to this downward slope as the second frostbite develops along with hypothermia. It is there, grasping my throat. I think I may no longer pull my feet out of the reluctantly releasing snow when the trees part. From the top of a mountain I see a log cabin set up proud and lonely on an elevation above the lake. - This gives me the power to hurry towards it. I cannot understand the subtle rustling sounds around me. Perhaps there is someone stalking me or perhaps it's the wind. I sprint just in case and soon find the twisted way into the cabin right before hypoth and frostbites consume me. - It is warm inside and a wonderful two slot stove seems to wink in welcome. The newspaper grabbed from the shelf rustles as I make fire before exploring the cabin. - There is a rifle right on the wall like it's been waiting for me. A snare is hidden atop a shelf. Tomato soup and a can of soda go into my possession, along with a cook book. Plus what looks like a great pot for boiling water. And gloves, better this than the bare hands kind. - The afflictions cure while I dedicate some time to reading. Both thirst and hunger nag at me slightly. There is still a good portion of the day left. Perhaps I can scavenge the surrounding area before the night comes. The optimism falters when dimming light and heavy snow greet me. I will not be able to travel far. - I trail around the hut regardless and venture uphill. There are a few rabbits hopping around, happy and careless. No luck in finding any fallen adventurers that may have spare food. The need to travel away from the hut is growing stronger. - There is a subtle sound. I can't see anything regardless of turning this way and that. A sense of being followed is not leaving. The rifle feels uncomfortable in hand. With my skill I can't shoot myself in the foot, never mind a wolf. The snow is getting heavier and heavier. I go back, once more threatened by frost. - I love this hut and search for anything missed. I could keep it as my temporary home while I explore various points around it. It doesn't have much food supplies at present. They have to be found soon and a long trip is in order. I have a feeling this location is far from the others and isolated. Speaking of food, how do I use a snare? - A vicious blizzard slams into my frame as soon as I set a foot outside. Clutching the rifle, I realise I've been strutting around with a gun yet to be loaded. I can't see two steps ahead. The fear keeps me from venturing too far from the front door. I set up the snare and go back inside. - My pants don't have much durability left. I patch them up with a single piece of cloth. There is thirst nagging me when I curl up to finish reading the book, ironically about cooking while the supplies are low. It is severe when I finish. I drink my only soda and a can of tomato soup before falling asleep. Hurray! Experience? I have found shelter before I could die of cold, which really threatened me first game! btw... ima she not he
  18. Mroz Thank you! It's fun to be here, sharing the experience. I would love a parachute! I'd use it to jump right out of the wolf mouths. When one is pegging you for a frying pan, you jump off the cliff and go, 'so long sucker!' ... ahhh... I'd kick the bucket anyway. But then the wolf would have buddies waiting right under the mountain with their mouths wide open. That's called team work, something our lonely survivor cannot afford. And it is oddball isn't it that if we landed with a parachute that's nowhere around. The question remains how did I get here. I like mysteries, however, wielding good imagination. The parachute being blown away is a plausible explanation. When my survivor crash landed, I imagined one of those situations where people in the state of shock keep walking without realizing where they're going. At some point the awareness returns once they're far from the catastrophe site and then you start coming around and seeking the means to survive. Great forum guide.
  19. Cz Thanks, I can never figure out all the internet abbreviations. haha It's more like failing at hunting. I try my best to find a sustainable resource than eating found chips since those end quickly, but still end up swallowing junk food. No wander I kick the bucket so fast! Eclair Feral has explained. (Thank you Feral!) If the game offers me 3rd person, I take it, but The Long Dark does not. In this case, I approve since it would be too easy seeing wolves and bears from afar. Bare In terms of reading experienced players logs, I think in some cases rather than receiving tips I get confused since they may use various terminology and may talk about places or situations I haven't encountered yet. However, I found the youtube series called the Long Dark Year. Normally, I don't watch how other people play, but I found this one fascinating! When I'm tired in the evening I believe I'm going to watch that.
  20. Bare Thank you for answering my questions. I also saw you post what looked like a guide or a chart. Oh that's a nifty idea numbering your survivors. Given how fast I kick the bucket I'll soon be down into double digits too! So far I'm naming all my survivors Newbie because my skills as laughable. I'm also glad this game allows you to rename yourself. In terms of accomplishments, when I was checking the game out and trying to figure its purpose, it said that it offers an achievement for surviving 500 days. I guess this will be my long term plan in all the games. I suppose longer survival over 500 would make the game tedious like following the same pattern all the time. If I ever reach 500 days I won't continue playing that one to death. I know we cannot save, but I believe I can start a new game and keep this one in load the screen as proof of my endurance. While I was playing, I found there is a great need to adapt to circumstances, which keeps the game interesting. For example, I was good with food and water after a hunt and wanted to venture far out next day, but there was a blizzard and then I was low on supplies, so I had to re-schedule to a different time. I'm also very much an intuitive player, not a numbers person. Since all supplies are finite, then it's unlikely I will last long term in any games because I can't bother calculating all in advance, 500 seems like a distant goal to keep me entertained for a long time. I can do my best to preserve supplies though. Also, in all games I like traveling and crafting, so I guess my goal is to see all maps and also craft every item in the game. Hi Cz, It's nice to meet you! Thanks you for the tips. What does HUD mean? I understood all other info though. haha .... I think... I know when those stinky lines have appeared above me. This sounds like I've been made into appetizer. It's funny you've mentioned boiling water because my second story deals with that one! In terms of interface, I like the crafting menu and how the inventory works. It has enough complexity but none of that over-complicated nonsense. I understand the bare basics due to my rpg experience like you have durability equipment, you need to fix it. Almost all games have i for inventory and wasd for walking. Thanks for explaining the windbreaker, I actually thought it shows wind direction, not that I'm hiding. I am perplexed by determining wind direction though, I just try to see which way the snow if being swept. I believe a person who never played any games would be completely lost though because there was literally zero tutorial info. In terms of error and trial, I may occasionally check wiki for something specific. Like I found a bunch of cans, got excited. Then found a pot and thought I could use cans to repair pot. After biting, sniffing and jumping on those cans, I couldn't figure out what to do with them. So I went to wiki. Turns out, they're garbage you can do nothing with and I was so bummed. I thought they were metal I could use for better items.
  21. Ouch! I've already experienced a blizzard too. Can't see past my nose. 10m is a really far distance as Survivor, especially if the wolves are after you. I've noticed though that the game does give you official count in days/hours/mins after you sleep sometimes. I was just wandering from the perspective of writing if I were to describe the experience day by day and night by night hence it's possible to freeze any time. I guess to me a day passes based on the compass we have, sun goes up then sun goes down - this is day 1, then moon goes up, moon goes down - this is n1. I'm thinking maybe the game only counts by 24. As in, if you get dropped onto the map past noon, then you get 1 day only next past noon. Not sure. Kinda confused all over. Yeah, my Survivor only cares about real time complaining. Sometimes I get a notch mad at her because I just ate, but not a lot of calories. The stomach is in white, but the line is low. Then she talks about eating horses. I'm like, oh can it you endless food pit! You just ate five mins ago, you aren't starving to death! Ever heard of food preservation?
  22. Thanks Bare! I've seen you posting stories too. Those must be pro. I was looking for a completely different game when I accidentally ran into The Long Dark. I clicked on trailer and was taken by music and contemplative atmosphere. Then I used wiki to read description and found out about story mode and survival mode. I'm also Canadian. I've heard people mention something about Milton. I find that humorous because I live in a town right next to another town named Milton in real life. My Noob Survivor will need to travel to that location once I learn how to live past one day. I was actually tempted to do wintermute because I'm a very long term rpg player whose brain functions in sets of quest, fetch/defeat/travel point a to point b. To me survival for the sake of survival seemed a very difficult idea to wrap my mind around since I need to have a defined goal within existence. I'm finding this experience fascinating. I made survivors on the same map, but every single start is so extremely different so far and a new experience, which is cool. But, this game is very, VERY tuff! I tend to play 3rd view precisely because with the eagle eye enemies cannot sneak up on you. In 1st person, I'm sometimes intimidated even to turn around, what if there is a wolf standing behind me. That would be so scary. O_O Also!! Oh noes! What's going on with the wipe? Does this include wintermute or will our survivor mode progress be wiped too? What if I finally make a character that lives past day 1 and that experience will get cut off before I can find out my max. Is there a date when this wipe will occur?
  23. Thanks so much! You do not have many posts as well, are you new to the forum or to The Long Dark too? As newbies we could compare notes. I'm almost done describing my second try.
  24. haha Thank you! I suppose silly newbie things will keep the veterans amused. I've also created a new thread 'the newbie survivor log' which describes the experience in more details. I'm also polishing the details of my 2nd run. This one I had more success and even 1 day survival badge. Though this seems like the game I will be constantly bad at. What I find I like is how different both experiences are although the map is the same. In rpg you're always following the same set of quests. One thing I haven't understood is how the game counts time. It gave me a badge after 24h, but when I clicked journal it showed something like five days. Is our Survivor going bonkos from challenges where she feels like one night lasts seven that they count funny? I'm sure this thread will see more of my multiple silly deaths in the future. Also, what is the difference between like and upvote on this forum?
  25. Hi guys, It's nice to meet you all. I'm completely new to the game. I found my death humorous during my very first attempt at playing. Basically, I got dropped in at something like negative double digits and windy. My character was slowly dying of cold. The huts I found had no fireplaces and weren't offering cold protection, the fires kept getting extinguished by wind. I was just colder and colder and colder. I've spent what must have been a day searching for a warm place or clothes or a safe place for a fire. Finally I've dropped camp under a hut wall and I got the fire started, but it got blown out again. So I jumped up and decided to yolo run for it to any different location. As I did so, I accidentally stepped into what looked like burned out fire and it BURNED my character to crisp. That was just so dun goofed silly. To be dying of cold all game long, but ending up dead to fire I've sought the protection of.