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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. Beachcombing with crates or containers washing up that could be opened to reveal they contain some cooking supplies that survived the ocean. A crate or container that had one or two intact bottles of cooking oil or salt or a bag or two of flour or oats, maybe even potatoes, carrots, or some new cooking ingredient, or even a skillet or pot, would be plausible. At least as much as double and single steel lockers washing up. It would also add to the variety of things that could wash up, add to our capacity to use Frontier Cooking, and not be implausible. Of course that would just add to the incentive to base near a location with reasonable yield due to beachcombing. The travois might then help make it more feasible to be based further away if one so chose.
  2. The process is probably way too far along but I think that it would have been better to have toxic meat which could be from any normal meat source which would be meat tainted by some level of poisonous toxins. The critter shows outward signs of ill health though the meat would have the title of tainted [animal] meat. Kind of like intestinal parasites, it could be consumed as the dose is the poison and could be anywhere from something like food poisoning (an acute affliction) to something more chronic (a condition loss over time like intestinal parasites except for a period of time for the toxin to be purged from the body). Treatment for the acute affliction might be to induce vomiting to get the toxin out of the body (I know that that should not always the remedy because it come back out can be just damaging IRL but the game lacks proper medical facilities to 'realistically' do otherwise) and maybe something like activated carbon or a medication (new) that happens to mitigate the effects or maybe just have to tough it out. Much more complex to be sure. Definitely needs a lot of thought and tuning if it became a reality. Just a thought.
  3. I recently ran into a similar thing in the Foreman's Clearcut trailer in Blackrock. A deer hide and two guts were ruined with their cured state at 11%. Leaving them there and doing something else to return in a day (I thought maybe my entering the trailer would trigger something) their cured state remained static at 11%. I took the hide and one gut from the trailer and dropped the gut in the cave to Timberwolf and the hide at the Bricklayer's Retreat. At Bricklayer's I had a deer hide and guts already curing and when I dropped the ruined deer hide from the trailer I soon found that it had started to cure as well. I assume the gut in the cave may have started to cure or maybe I need to drop something that to cure to get it to start curing. I don't know as I didn't check. Timberwolves got a couple of does near the trailer and, after I dropped the hides and guts in the trailer to cure, the ruined gut (I left as a control) started to cure as well. I would suggest that bringing an item that can cure into that prepper cache might kickstart the game into causing the ruined hides there to start to cure. Ruined hides can still be used for crafting though I would not put them in containers as they might disappear per the usual rule. Good luck (even though your post was several months ago).
  4. I have worked around the problem primarily by changing my graphic settings to as low as possible since I had the thought, at the time, that maybe the game was having trouble setting up the other side of the transition (KPS) and the graphic part stopped dead though it did not disable the card from being able to switch to other screens. I really didn't think it was the problem but what else was I to do. If there was an actual bit flip that prevented the transition from proceeding visually a verify the game files wouldn't pick that up so long as the bit flip fell within the allowed parameters of the game file. Anyway, the changes required me to reload the game then load the save game and surprise! it actually worked. I appeared on the KPS side of the transition. Along the way I did notice that now the character (Will) upon entering the world/passing through a transition (that caused a save) would be gasping like he had just finished running a distance though there was no indication of such on the gauges available to me. BTW, this kind of action on his part, after passing through a transition, was a pretty frequent but not always occurrence. Good. I could go to KPS, fish, cook fish, go to KPN, go to Old Substation, fix the transmitter, find supply caches, etc. The next thing that went wrong was that when I got to the Prison and entered the Steam Tunnels (to force a save so I could quit) when I looked at the date-time of the save game it was many minutes different from the user file date-time (which was current). When I reloaded the save game I found, as expected under the circumstances, that the game had not saved and I was back at Old Substation having awakened. Taking the warning that the save game function can now fail, I went to the Prison, entered the Steam Tunnels, and repeatedly did so until I saw the hatchet saving icon appear. I also made a point of checking that the date-time of the save game file and the user file were consistent with each other. I have been running into the failure to save kind of regularly but with no indication that anything was wrong other than no Saving icon. So now I check every time I go through what should be a save point whether the game did, in fact save the game. Note that the character gasping for a short while upon passing through a transition still occurred though sometimes he didn't. I could try and mess with the graphics settings again, force the game to require me to restart the main game, then set things back to "normal" and see whether that fixes things but since I don't know what is actually wrong, I am concerned about causing even more problems. I am done with Blackrock for now and going to continue the Signal Void tale by going to Milton and beyond though, in my usual fashion, that will take a while. The rope climb is a real bottleneck so I have to prepare more. But that's just me. I did notice that the hide and guts I left in the Foreman's Clearcut trailer had gone to ruined and their cured state stopped at 11%. I tried finishing what I was doing at Bricklayer's (getting the supply cache) and when I returned the cured state had stayed at 11%. I took the hide and one gut to put the gut in the cave to TWM and the hide in Bricklayers where the hide started to cure. Later the timberwolves (I am in Pilgrim) caught a couple of does and I harvested the carcasses and took them to the trailer. There the hides and guts started to cure and when I checked the ruined gut (left as a control) I found it had started to cure as well. I get the feeling that sometimes the game forgets things and sometimes has to be kicked to remember things. I got a long story about cooked fish, level 5 cooking, and how you can lose that 25% calorie bonus depending on what you do. Good luck.
  5. Antibiotics and the like won't deal with poisoning. There would have to be a treatment for it that 1) purges the toxin from the body in a day or 2) provides support to the body (stops poisoned condition loss) while the toxin is naturally purged which may take several days. That would likely involve a new medication and possibly a new naturally occurring item that can be found (this for the long-term player). None of the existing meds available fit the bill. There might even be a salve that could be introduced to deal with exposure to these toxic waste pools to speed up healing from exposure separate from toxic poisoning due to animal bites (I think it is a stretch but this is a game, the toxin would have to be pretty potent, imo, for a bite to really injure the character that way). Have to see what the devs meant.
  6. I have encountered a transition problem once again. This time from Pleasant Valley to Keepers Pass South. The transition screen appeared but (and I went 'oh oh') the animal graphic in the lower right-hand corner did not appear. I have tried a number of time (quit and reload, even quit, cold boot, and reload) to see if it was just a momentary glitch but had no success. I would get to the transition screen and there I would be. At least once, I will have to check it several times to be sure, I detected the game music starting to play and referring to my hardware monitor I could see that the graphics card was working it heart out as if I was on the other side in Keeper Pass South and it was waiting for the character to do something. I am on day 1,948+ of this run that started in December 2022 and I don't know what I will do if I can't get through to Blackrock (peripherally related to Signal Void). I will try to reduce the graphics to as low as I can to see if that makes any difference - I had thought that since the transition does not force a save that maybe the game was loading Keepers Pass South while keeping Pleasant Valley in VRAM and ran out of graphics space but did not crash just stopped unable to proceed. Something is up. The graphics card still functions as I can swap to desktop with no problem. My last backup save was six days ago and I was doing a lot so I am not contemplating having to redo all those days with any pleasure. I did report this to support but I do not have much hope that they can do anything about it. I had this happen once before on Timberwolf Mountain when I tried to go to Ash Canyon (I had been there previously so this was not a first time entry) and the result was the transition screen then nothing more. I used backups to try and go from PV to TWM then Ash but could not get to Ash. Then I found I could not come off TWM back to PV with the same non-responsive transition screen. The most notable indicator of transition failure was that the animal graphic in the lower right-hand corner of the screen would not appear. As a note, when it appears the transition would be successful. So now I watch when I transition from region to region for if I don't see that animal graphic I get very concerned.
  7. I am, finally, on Signal Void and not looking forward to going to Milton because of the rope climb. The caches would help but being me that would still mean at least a couple of climbs to get what I might consider enough essential gear and supplies to Milton from Trapper's so a long drawn out effort just to get there. Now if I could get one of those helos at Forsaken working and fly what I need to Milton, even if the helo then failed after one trip, that would be plenty. 🚁 🛍️
  8. One cannot assume that Will or Astrid have any practical knowledge or experience with the use of dynamite. Blowing up one of the steel barriers that block off passages in the mines/cave would be incredibly dangerous in the execution, and likely quite ineffective, and in the aftermath with all the damage done to the mine/cave itself. Not sure whether dynamite would work in cutting the steel barriers we see in the mines blowing up the rock more likely. Certainly the devs would not allow for random placement of an explosive charge just to see if there was anything beyond the wall or to bypass a steel barrier unless they intended that to be done. Maybe be better to have an acetylene- oxygen rig to cut through the steel barriers, at least they might know to have a welding shield when using it (part of game implementation), which would be limited and not really transportable to other locations. It would also be easier to implement though what might be found beyond the barrier would still be a significant burden on the devs. Maybe something for the devs to consider as a usable mechanism somewhere in the game.
  9. Don't know about wiki locations but in Pleasant Valley I did survey out possible New Fishing locations and found them mostly at the junctions of the main river and tributary streams and a couple spots along the river towards the Keeper's Pass transition. Then those spots became inoperative - they show up as suitable ice but always red - presumably after one of the updates. So it seems entirely possible that there were fishing locations near Milton but that they were updated out of existence. I think that the devs need to rethink the concept of "suitable ice". If the ice is suitable then we should be able to chop a hole and fish. The color of the indicator should tell us how well the fishing is likely to go. Red means bad, green means good. There can be many reasons why ice is suitable/not suitable so just make it yes you can or no you can't. How well the fishing goes would be a separate matter. The presence of suitable ice with nowhere to chop a hole and drop a line is frustrating and defeats the purpose of New Fishing.
  10. Rate of catching fish from an ice hole out on the ice as opposed to the ice hole in an ice fishing hut definitely feels slower but not radically so (I am in vanilla Pilgrim). Using a lure seems to slow the rate a bit more but the possibility of one of the new fish types seems higher. I have found that one hour sessions might get me one fish and no fish is not that surprising. Since I can I tend to settle on six hour sessions (on the ice or in an ice fishing hut) and got careless recently and barely escaped with my life when I got hypothermia and 90% condition loss in bad weather. Haven't had to use a Stim in a long time. With the exception of whitefish the use of bait does not seem to help with weight of fish caught. As a side note I was a bit disappointed to find that the amount of lamp oil was fixed for each fish type regardless of the fish weight. Means if I want lamp oil I hope for smaller versions of the fish as the greater weight means longer cooking time but no more lamp oil.
  11. One way to work around the exactness of quantity might be for the recipe to allow for less than normal amounts but not at player discretion. Require 0.10 kg of oats? The recipe would accept 0.09 kg of oats as acceptable with no other impact to the output generated. It just won't be at the discretion of the player. This would allow for the imprecision of the way the game handles numbers when it matters but not allow a player to game the system - cooking porridge nine times (at 0.09 each) to be able to stretch the oats for one additional serving (at 0.09). The problem with imprecision of numbers has been around for quite a while and it might be easier to modify the recipe algorithm slightly than to hunt down and fix the wider problem.
  12. A scrapping mechanic seems unnecessary. Most any ruined item that has no further use in the game should disappear when put into a container since that would be a deliberate act on the part of the character. If it went to ruined while in the container then it should remain which would be a change in the mechanic. Mostly applicable to foods. Anything that has actual use - ruined food for instance - should not disappear if the manner in which it was put in the container was due to GAME-related process like Lost and Found. The idea of Lost and Found being to prevent characters from losing things was ludicrous when a character's stores of often ruined food (due to the short decay time line) disappeared because Lost and Found put them into a container in an effort to prevent their loss by the character. The initial intent was good but did nobody pay attention to what would happen next? That's just me.
  13. I just get to Forsaken Airfield region and now they will spring another new region on me. 😞 Will have to see (eventually) what the new region holds in store for me. When I get there after I get through Signal Void, Part 1. 🙂 Glad to see things moving along.
  14. TBH, the instances where I end up with non-potable water would be rare and, from a possible game dev point of view, not worth working out an implementation that would bypass the fact that non-potable water was the ingredient. They might have the mindset potable water good (drinking and cooking), non-potable water not so good (useful for drinking if one is willing to risk dysentery). I would not have a problem if they did make it possible but it would almost certainly be a lowest priority thing. I do wish they let water purification tablets combine to a higher condition but I guess I can settle on some other things doing that. 😁
  15. I think that there would have to be a set of new recipes if the act of brewing for each drink would make non-potable water (as water source) into a usable drink. The expanded scope of making teas and coffee with non-potable water then bring in whether anyone would routinely carry non-potable water and if already melting snow to make non-potable water why not continue until it boils and become potable. Aside from a very minor convenience to the character, would that add to the game in any reasonable or meaningful way. A matter of the effort to implement and not get a buggy result compared to other things that have more meaning in the game. OTOH, I would like to use that teapot I see on the shelf in the Last Resort Cannery bunk trailer. Non sequitur but it would look neat on a cooking surface to make a tea or coffee. 😉
  16. The game has had a long time problem with displaying accurate numbers. They can be off by 0.01 from what they should be. I have had full lanterns that ostensibly had 0.99 liters and lantern fuel bottles that had 0.49 liter though when it came to the refilling screen the lantern would have 1.00 liters and the lantern fuel bottle would have 0.50 liters. I took a look at your posts and realize that, in this case, the discrepancy between what the inventory screen shows (i.e. 0.10 kg) and what the recipe screen shows (0.09 kg, in red) would be a more serious problem. Should be reported for it does affect actual game play (if one uses Frontier Cooking a lot).
  17. 70% is about right for intestinal parasites risk for consuming raw wolf or bear meat. Food poisoning hitting right away also sounds right as food poisoning has no time delay at the time of consuming raw meat. Level 5 cooking immunity to food poisoning and intestinal parasites applies to cooked food. Going through the radial menu, there would be a "do you want to eat this raw meat" warning message as applicable. That was added because the difference between LMB (eat/ drink it now) and RMB (begin the place it mechanic) was too narrow and even pretty careful players could easily make a mistake. It saved me a few times. Eating from inventory does not have a warning for the act is way more deliberate and if the character is not careful about what is clicked on (or double clicked) then they get the effects (and I have done this on an occasion or two).
  18. Up to the current build, it cannot be independently manufactured. Beachcombing is the only way to get more maple syrup (which I have not actually seen happen) apart from any maple syrup that is found as a drop.
  19. Sounds like a glitch in the game. It does not recognize that sleeping in a vehicle is possible without a bedroll. Since this was on an Xbox that takes remedies out of my area of any expertise. Maybe if the OP found an actual bed and slept in it that might kick the Xbox game to remember that it is possible to sleep, even without a bedroll in certain locations, and clear the problem. Good luck.
  20. Those should be can-based recipes as best I can figure. I would guess that the concept was that if someone does not have a pot or skillet that there should be can-sized versions of the "standard" recipes for them to use. Since the can, at best, is 0.5 liter (half the maximum capacity of a skillet and a quarter the maximum capacity of a pot) the intent might have been left to behind in favor of getting "full-sized" recipes of Frontier Cooking out. I think the can-based recipes should be more bare-bones than the pot and skillet-based recipes.
  21. I stand corrected. Always interested in correct information. I will have to try it out.
  22. My best guess would be that the devs treated the output from Frontier Cooking in largely the same way as "cooked" meat and fish. Once cooked it could not be heated up. An oversight, given the intro of Frontier Cooking, on the possibilities to be sure. Stews (or a simpler variety to be called a soup) should be reheatable. Pies maybe not. If you think in terms of possibilities and extensions. A basic fish or meat stew or soup for calories, hydration, and warmth (if eaten hot). Then later the devs could add ingredients like groats, potatoes, carrots, etc., for a higher level of stew or soup with maybe side benefits beyond warmth. But even if the other ingredients were not available there would still be the basic stew or soup that a character could always make from basic ingredients like meat and water (and a pot or skillet).
  23. Unless some unusual weapons like shotguns showed up*, having an armory with half a dozen rifles and revolvers and a box of ammo and cleaning kit for each would be nice but limited by the carrying capacity and determination of the player character. A nice place to go back to if your rifle and/or revolver got lost but overpowering, maybe not. * A shoulder fired tear gas projector (doubling as a distress flare projector) with very rudimentary sights might be an idea. The tear gas shells would function similar to a projected noise maker with little in the way of damage inflicted and of use in fending off bear attacks like using the distress pistol. The projector would be half the weight of a rifle and (if the devs so will it) perhaps half again or double the nominal range of the distress pistol flare. It would be "fragile" and need more maintenance than a rifle or revolver and take more damage in a bear attack, if applicable. The projector is definitely more of an area weapon so of very limited value if used like it was a rifle. The prison would be the only known source of tear gas shells. Maybe the Blackrock prison trucks might have a few.
  24. Thought about this some more. Change the way New Fishing (fishing holes) work. ANY suitable ice would allow for a fishing hole. The color of the indicator - red, yellow (new), and green - indicates the prospects for fishing. Red means poor fishing with higher chance of losing the fishing tackle (say equivalent to Level 1 ice fishing, 8% chance). Only get the first tier fish - whitefish, trout - from this hole, none of second tier - bass or salmon, none of the new "fish". Might even be a slower than normal rate for fish biting. Yellow (new) means moderately better fishing with better chance of not losing the fishing tackle (say equivalent to Level 3 ice fishing, 4%?). Can get first and second tier fish (maybe somewhat less chance), none of the new "fish". Green means ordinary fishing (fishing tackle loss at say equivalent to Level 5 ice fishing, 1% chance). All applicable fish types would be available. If the survivor has less ice fishing skill than noted for red/yellow/green the survivor's skill level would be the applicable one. Tipups, lures and bait can be used although I do not know what the use of lures and bait (other than for white fish getting consistently bigger ones) would be for (what effect they might otherwise have).
  25. At a guess, the pointer in the game that points at the hours to pass time (normal default 1 hour) got lost and is pointing at the wrong point in memory. If you tried it I don't think your character would have been born if pass time went negative 2 billion hours. What a way to go. 😲