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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. The wind in my face and how it changes direction to stay in my face. I finally got Blizzard Walker and it seems to help in that regard. In the area of trivial things that irk me there is the always ending up with charcoal in hand whenever I harvest any. If I want to use charcoal to map, I can use the radial menu to get a piece.
  2. Usually if you are in cooking mode and hit space bar with the meat on the cursor that should result in hasty cooking until done. You might review what you did for the only way I could conceive of you actually eating raw meat under the stated conditions (short of some glitch) would be if the stove's fire had gone out (so cooking is paused) and you didn't realize it (but that probably didn't happen as you would have likely posted about making a mistake rather than 'what happened'?).
  3. I stated what I did and my results. I believe that the point was that we should be able to look out the rear window of vehicles while sitting in a car seat. That's what I thought I was trying to see whether that could be done. So it would appear that the limitations of view while seated in a vehicle appears to be reasonable. If you disagree with what I think were my results, that's fine. Anyway, I would not have any issue if the developers were to put being able to look out the rear window of a vehicle into place.
  4. YMMV, but the question, which has been around awhile, did intrigue me so some time ago I sat in my car, put my back against the seat back, and tried looking left and right. I could look over my left and right shoulder but not much farther which was at best some peripheral vision. To actually extend how far towards the rear I could see I had to lean a bit forward so I could rotate my upper body or at least my shoulders. So the game limitation seemed reasonable even if limiting. Now there is nothing to prevent the devs from assuming that a player would do something similar to look more to the rear but it seems to me that they chose not to. They could have enabled the rear view mirrors for limited rearward viewing but that was likely too costly/complicated to implement for the value to the game (I assume someone probably thought about it).
  5. To expand a bit about my fire barrel and work bench point, the first was for cooking food and making water while the second was ordinary crafting. There is no means to actually forge things like improvised knives, hatchets, or arrowheads, ala Desolation Point/Forlorn Muskeg/Broken Railroad which have actual forges. Some players saw forge on the ammunition work bench and thought it was a FORGE that they could use to make those things until they tried and couldn't. There is weak ice especially (only?) in the main part of Bleak Inlet. Be aware of the possibility, be alert, and you should be fine.
  6. How much do you want to know? Excuse me if you know all this or didn't want to know. Bleak Inlet was set up as two areas that can be but are not connected by default - player action needed - that have to be accessed in order to get to the main objective of the region. There are timber wolves in both areas - one to four packs depending on which area. Food can be a problem as a moose makes up the bulk of the food/game on about half the map. There are deer, rabbits, and ice fishing huts on the other half, but they have to be found. In the other area that you have to access there are some deer and rabbits. The furnace on the ammunition work bench does not have a required temperature, like the Rikken's forge, just an active fire going so sticks will do and coal is not necessary. To make 250 bullets you'll need a lot of wood. It cannot be used for any other purpose though there are nearby fire barrels. There is also a nearby work bench so you can craft other things. Although you may find one in Bleak Inlet, you may want to bring a hacksaw and make some scrap metal when you have the chance and put that near the ammunition work bench. It will be probably be very worthwhile. I would recommend that if you have any Practical Gunsmith books that you read them (you get more from them the lower skill you have) before crafting ammunition. Also make all your bullets and gunpowder first before crafting any ammunition, if you can. If you plan to do any fishing, you may want to bring some fishing tackle or some line as you can make hooks from scrap at the work bench once you get to it. By the way, there is no other general purpose work bench in the region. Good luck.
  7. As currently structured, especially when one has Cooking Level 5, there is no limitation on consumption of ruined cooked meat and fish or of ruined modern type foods. It just takes an extra step. Since Survival mode was the test bed for mechanics for Story mode with the game-play of Story mode being a relatively constrained period of time, there was no need for any specific food preservation method or skill. It was not worth the trouble. Now if food preservation became important to episode 4 or 5, then we will see it in one form or another. With the advent of Lost and Found, which has the capacity to sweep up everything "outside" into a Lost and Found container, long-term players have found their previously abundant supply of ruined raw (because it could still be cooked) and cooked meat and fish to be mostly just tossed into the bit bucket. How that impacts a given player depends on their particular situation and circumstances. In a world of Lost and Found, a food preservation method to help long-term players would be helpful even if the capacity to consume ruined cooked meat and fish remained a viable game mechanic.
  8. The lost and found boxes do spawn inside of interior caves/mines at the entrance area. I think, in the case of Cinder Hills, that it appeared on the Coastal Highway side. That may have been because the Pleasant Valley side of Cinder Hills was changed to a more "damaged" mine entrance. Since I came in from Coastal Highway, it might be, as you speculate, that it appeared at the side where I entered the mine. I don't know if anybody has gone to the trouble to test that hypothesis.
  9. I thought I'd bring up a couple of minor points. As you near the Last Resort Cannery, there is a location that is identified as "washed out trailers" which has one trailer* that is habitable. That trailer is identified as "trailer". Continue on to the Cannery facility grounds and enter the bunk trailer there and it is identified as "Washed Out trailer". I think the two names should be switched to be more consistent. * this trailer, the only habitable one among the washed out trailers, seemed odd. The entry door is near the left end as you enter but, when you're inside, you end up offset from the door and it seems the layout of the trailer has been reversed. It does not really matter in game play but it seems inconsistent.
  10. Cups of teas and coffee far predated the implementation of New Cooking which introduced the need for a pot or recycled can to make water or brew teas and coffee. All very much a simplification of the game for the purpose of game-play, and they made quite a few simplifications, in story mode which was the original objective of the sandbox mode that became survival mode.
  11. It would be better if the game allowed for "conversion" of the open topped crates (or maybe any crate you can interact with for that matter) to a container. At that point then you could put stuff into it. Now if you wanted to break down a crate for reclaimed wood then you have to convert it back from being a container. This would allow for other possibilities, such as "clearing a table or counter", but making crates into containers would help with storage issues.
  12. Well it won't be the first time that Raphael said something and left people interpreting the meaning of his words their way not his. To me the "shortcut" served no purpose especially once people knew that there was a code or something they had to have from the radio station. Nobody was going to deploy a rope at the Lookout belaying point and then leave the area without finding whatever it was that constituted the "key" to get access to the region (area or facilities or etc.). Now a plausible twist would have been needing the code to open the security door during the aurora, that would be obvious, but also that a switch had to be thrown in the radio station during the aurora to activate the security door system. The switch could only be obvious during an aurora and would be inert at any other time. In searching for the now nonexistent shortcut in the Cannery, on my second sandbox, I specifically stayed in the radio station during the aurora to see if anything would become active. A bigger twist would include getting the code, then having to throw a switch at the Cannery during the aurora to activate the circuit the tech rigged, then having to go to the radio station because oops a fuse up there blew out and had to be replaced. A shortcut for this forced back and forth might have been appreciated. I know that this would be a lot of effort on the part of the player but, at least, it would have probably made us appreciate the "shortcut" a lot more even if it wasn't quite what we wanted as a "shortcut".
  13. I don't think the moose in Bleak Inlet is a static spawn - it seems to spawn in one of three areas in BI in my sandbox and wander around in those areas. When I first went to BI lower I encountered over a relatively short period of days three moose (not at the same time), which is why I think of there being three areas where they can spawn. I think that was a glitch that was adjusted as now in another sandbox I will see just one moose in one of those three areas. I'd have to look but I don't recall seeing many trees with rubbing marks in any of those three areas. They were just there.
  14. I think the moose "migrates" periodically. It remains in a given locale for only a matter of days then it is shifted to another region or locale. Eventually it will show up again, but there does not seem to be any schedule, at least, I haven't been able to discern one. As far as I know (which isn't much), only in Bleak Inlet does it appear that the moose will tend to be a fixture (there is not a whole lot else to hunt), in one of several areas, though once killed it will take time before it respawns. So I would guess the moose in Broken Railroad will eventually reappear for a time. When and whether that slots into your plans is another matter.
  15. I am sure others have done this. I went to the Echo One Radio Station with the intent of staying onsite until an aurora occurred. The idea was that the technician had rigged a switch in the control hut to a system in the Cannery and you had to flip that switch to get something like the crane to operate (during an aurora). Not the most logical thing to do, but this is a game and it would allow for something to be "unlocked". No dice. The aurora started. The control hut lit up. The antenna tower lit up. The perimeter lights lit up. Nothing in the control hut or, as far as I could see, around the antenna tower was something one could interact with. The technician's note also changed a bit.
  16. I have had that happen to me a couple times, at least. Once was quite a while ago, in Forlorn Muskeg, where I discovered my boots and socks were all frozen. Then recently where I found my boots and socks all 100% wet and getting mostly frozen, again in Forlorn Muskeg. I had attributed all this to a modified way of dealing with weak ice in conditions where you won't be always be completely immersed (taking a polar bear swim). I just assumed that there would be a % chance that, while you avoided a partial (I never actually tested this) or complete bath, you ended up like calf-deep in the water. You think you got away scot free then find your boots and socks are soaked. The problem for Hinterland might be that they haven't yet figured out how to change the graphic sequence to make it more obvious that you nearly took a bath so the same sequence applies to both. It would be nice if Astrid or Will would at least comment something to the effect of, "Whoa! Nearly took a swim there, better be more careful", so as to cue the player that it wasn't just a benign encounter with weak ice that something different did or may have happened.
  17. Seems doubtful. I have an older save game (>1,000 days) that never had the aurora - it was started before there was an aurora. Since I did want to see the aurora, I started another game where it does show up. The reasons why the aurora does not occur in a given save game may be simple or complex, but (imo) fixing that would likely require some kind of manipulation of the save game itself which an update would never do. My aurora-less game runs okay on the current build except no aurora. Maybe something may happen. I think I would not mind having the aurora appear in that older game (though not being electrocuted is helpful in a way), but I am not hopeful.
  18. The game does not allow landscape changes which moving the toolbox would amount to. As I understand it, that toolbox was placed there by the devs and there it will stay. Seems to be one significant limitation because most anywhere you go you can see things that you'd think "I can put that file cabinet upright and be able to use it" and you can't. Besides, the previous cannery workers decided to Super Glue or Gorilla Glue the toolbox to the floor probably because one of their co-workers kept moving it around. They didn't anticipate that it would be a problem to a post-apocalyptic survivor wanting more convenient access to it.
  19. UTC-10

    Reloading Kit

    Asking for consideration of a reloading kit that would has the dies and tools to actually reload the spent cartridges given a supply of necessary components - bullets and gunpowder. The reloading kit would tend to produce less than commercial "perfect" quality ammunition compared to what the player could produce at the ammunition work bench. The components can come from two sources - homemade at the ammunition work bench in Bleak Inlet or found in rare small packages (two to five rounds worth) of commercial components here and there. Homemade components would have a skill level decrease of -2 while commercial components would have a skill decrease of -1. Player skill can never be below level 1. If you do go back to the ammunition work bench to reload cartridges the -1 and -2 don't apply. Whether use of a reloading kit has the same credit as reloading ammunition at the workbench is up to the devs. Under this proposal there probably wouldn't be enough commercial component packs to make that much of a difference and using up commercial components at low skill level might be not desirable except for emergencies. This might be something for the future. It would add to the workload of the devs to implement so I am hopeful, but don't expect anything soon. We just got the ability to make ammo and now I suggest being able to make ammo anywhere. Reason: I achieved Level 5 Gun Smith by reading a number of Practical Gunsmithing books and making ammunition at the ammunition work bench. Not too difficult when you play in Pilgrim. As I leave Bleak Inlet, it struck me that my gunsmithing skill, even though maxed out, would be functionally completely useless because I need the ammunition work bench to make bullets, gunpowder and to even load the cartridges. As opposed to using a forge, where I didn't have to have a skill to forge items (hmmm, another possibility?), I now have a specific skill that has no real use away from the ammunition work bench. I realize that I want to be able to use my skill elsewhere in some fashion which is why I make this suggestion. I assume the devs had thought of it too. They're pretty smart folks.
  20. In general, I see four possible spots for a "shortcut". I would assume that the "shortcut" can only be "activated" by someone who has already made it to the Cannery Pier (duh). I also assume that the "shortcut" would be at the Cannery Pier or the two buildings leading to it to qualify as a "shortcut". I would also assume everyone has seen the following: 1. There is a broken stairway in the first building you enter, after crossing the pipes and trailers, that just seems to beg for something to get you one step higher to bridge the gap. There is a small post along the wall between the broken section and you can get to it and stand on it, but you cannot quite get the additional height to be able to reach the upper end of the gap. It is possible to get yourself trapped in part of the stairway structure (at ground level) which forced me to quit and reload. I tried using car batteries to try and get my "step" up and seemed tantalizingly close but no cigar. You cannot stack car batteries on top of each other and they only went on the lower section of stairs. 2. There's the crane in the second building. Move the crane and lower the hook a bit and you can stand on a post sticking up out of the snow/ground or just lower the hook to ground level. No apparent controls anywhere visible in the building. Maybe that was on one of the columns that fell when the building center collapsed meaning that the crane would have to manually controlled from the crane mechanism itself. 3. There is the ramp down to a boat dock from the Cannery Pier. Of course, everyone has looked at this and what is lacking is some kind of plank, ladder, or pallet(s) so that one can climb up from ground level to the dock. One problem would be that it would allow (technically) timberwolves to get onto the Cannery Pier unless a climb maneuver was needed. 4. If you consider the footprint of the workshop, you can see on the inland side of it that there are piers and beams that are not covered by the building. The beams may be out of reach from the ground, but it would be a place for a rope, except I went there and there is nothing to attach a rope to. There was also no way through the windows to get "into" the outer office area at the current time. We cannot move stuff that is substantial, like planks, pallets, or ladders, except car batteries, so I guess that "something" has to happen.
  21. That's interesting. I recall (a long time ago) there was some thoughts and discussion about depletion of rabbits if over hunted. I recall (back in early access I think) where I put out three snares on Jackrabbit island and took three a day for quite a while then the visible rabbits seemed to disappear and the snares started to turn up empty. I went to another zone, Desolation I think, for a month, came back and even then the rabbit population didn't seem to have recovered. That experience had always affected how many snares I would put out (only one to three and take them down after several days of snaring). I did find that throwing stones was easier to get rabbits than snaring but I am working on getting my badge. I may lay more snares now.
  22. I think that the temperatures you expect it to deal with would have some relevance to whether car seats have enough material to form an improvised bedroll. IMO, in a warm environment, the car seats may well have enough material to be comfortable bedding, while in freezing conditions that may well be utterly inadequate. The game does not allow someone to separately augment the warmth bonus from a bedroll (excepting the clothing you're wearing) so the possibility of forming a bedroll or rather a pile of things to sleep on is probably true but, in the given environmental circumstances of the game, not particularly useful.
  23. I have come to think that perhaps the "shortcut" exists but is not operational at this time. Something has to happen, like the crane has to move, and that will likely be in episode 4 or 5 update. That would probably be the triggering event for us in survival mode. I would be quite happy if someone were to prove me wrong by finding it now.
  24. @Armiora Welcome to the club. The issue of interior lighting has been going back and forth for a long time. I remember way back when it was dark as heck inside and people complained it was too dark. Then was lightened up so that the outlines of interiors could be dimly seen (as a kind of blue light) and people complained it was too lighted. Then it got darker again. Then it got lighter again. Now it is darker again. It may well lighten up in the hotfix or update until the followup where it may then darken again. There is no way to make an interior visible if the game algorithm says it is too dark to see. Running up the brightness on the monitor or even the game settings tends to not make a big difference. The screen gets brighter, turns a tint of green, and everything remains invisible in the dark. The collateral effect of changing game settings is that now when there is light, it is all very bright. Not unlike, wearing low-light goggles then entering a well lit situation. Me, I cope as best I can. In places I go to regularly - Camp Office, Farm House in Pleasant Valley, the Quonset garage in Coastal Highway, etc. - I will keep an eye on how I am oriented when I enter (when there was light to see) so that when I come in when it is dark, I can use my movement keys and move in a squared pattern not wandering around. Interior landmarks help too, even the visible windows. Despite all that I still get lost and disoriented. Light my lantern and find I am in a corner, looking up at the ceiling. Sigh.
  25. Since reloading ammunition is now a fact, if a reloading kit was introduced, as an incentive for the player to use the ammunition work bench, using the kit might always produce slightly lower condition ammunition (i.e. the game treats the kit as imposing a -1 level on your skill, with level 1 being the lowest anyway) so even level 5 gunsmithing is equivalent to level 4 when using the kit. Hmmm, Pilgrim and Voyager -1, Stalker -2, Interloper (if firearms were custom allowed) -2 or -3. Just a thought. I had not imagined that Hinterland would introduce the ammunition work bench which would incorporate bullet casting, powder manufacture, and reloading cartridge cases all in one spot. It is kind of like the forge on the Riken when Desolation Point was added.