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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. That would be simpler and a reasonable fix. I often overthink things.
  2. So I may find those things when I finally depart from Desolation Point. Nice. I expect to spend a long time getting back to a semblance of my pre-update/DLC condition.
  3. Although it has been a long time since old man's beard wound dressings included a bandage perhaps it should be revisited. In early access, old man's beard wound dressings were THE way to use bandages until, as it happened, someone got burned and old man's beard wound dressings were found to not be bandages. A big problem for those of us who did not know that some injuries required a bandage not a wound dressing. Currently old man's beard wound dressing is one of the few crafted items that get heavier when crafted from three old man's beard lichens (0.03 -> 0.10 kg). It might be enough to include in the crafting of old man beard wound dressing to a warning about what it cannot be used for such as burns and maybe sprains otherwise make it work just like a bandage and the antiseptic effect just gets lost. A player can make a choice that they may come to regret. Alternately maybe dispense with old man beard wound dressings and just have the character have old man's beard lichen in inventory (save the extra weight) and using three has the same effect as antiseptic treatment. By extension, using less than three, i.e., one or two, can have a chance of not working. Maybe using less than needed number of ingredients for things like reishi and rose hip tea (slightly different names like weak reishi tea, weak rose hip tea) might have a similar danger of not working but better than no chance because one does not have enough to begin with.
  4. I do not know how many, if any, other Keyboard shortcuts exist in TLD, but a portion of the key assignment screen might be devoted to all such keyboard shortcuts even if not subject to player-assignment (though the key assigned to that shortcut might change if it was assigned to an assignable function). I discovered quite a while ago that "K" brought up the crafting menu. I had no idea that it existed and had been thinking, "Darn if only there was a key to bring up crafting rather than delve down through menus" and there it was. With my luck that was probably the only keyboard shortcut that there was. I just didn't know about it. Sigh. 😓 Maybe the unassignable (because locked) function keys might be "assignable" to other additional alternate shortcuts. At least have the option I guess.
  5. In case a player does not know, the old style campfire (OSCF) looked like the current campfire (new style campfire, NSCF) without the rock perimeter. The NSCF allowed for multi-tasking since cooking and water making became separate actions not something the player had to do in the HUD which allowed the player to do other things while letting food burn and water to boil away. What is proposed here is to rework the OSCF into primarily a source of warmth. The collateral effects would include thawing and drying clothing and warming appropriate beverages and (opened) canned food by placement near or within the area of effect of the OSCF. Because the OSCF does not have player specific tasks - it only provides warmth and collateral area effects - the repurposed OSCF would not tie the player down to watching the fire as before. It would be possible to place an OSCF next to a frozen carcass to thaw it or keep the character warm while harvesting the carcass. An OSCF could be placed in more "difficult" locations (within limits) than a NSCF because of its simpler function. The OSCF could become an associated benefit to fire starting skill. Although more complicated to add to the existing fire starting skill, one way would be to have OSCF be a "separate" skill that has to be leveled up and when it matches the fire starting skill would then merge with it and then advance as fire starting skill advanced. The separate leveling up of OSCF would likely be easier than leveling up fire starting skill but if the two merge then the more difficult thing should probably control. Benefits would include (level dependent? also at dev discretion in implementation): Placing an OSCF on steeper slopes or more constricted spaces than a NSCF. An OSCF can be used for warmth, thawing carcasses, thawing and drying clothing, and warming certain beverages and foods (but not cook or brew them). At higher levels, starting level 4 or at 5, an OSCF can be "constructed" into a "small pit" (on snow or soil) as a mostly but not completely "wind protected" fire. This can be also associated as a separately constructed add-on to a snow shelter to provide warmth to the occupant. The OSCF is perishable. It will automatically go away once it burns out and enough time has passed, say the second dawn or 48 hours, after it was last used.
  6. If I am about to charcoal a location to map it, the game will tell me that I cannot due to low visibility when I try. The game won't let me waste the charcoal and time. The game will tell me, before I spray, if a particular mark would not show up on the map, for instance arrows or if it was indoors, so how about telling me about marks that would normally show up [on the map] but not in the current "low visibility" conditions which can be quite ambiguous to my eye - I can pretty clearly see the high rock formations along Desolation Point near Hibernia, light snowfall, no fog, I could craft as there was enough light to see to craft or use tools, and the gate truck cannot be marked because it is "low visibility" which the game tells me AFTER I spray. Tell me when I pull out the spray can so at least I know that, at that point in time, I can or cannot make a mark. It should be my decision that I can still proceed to spray the mark but now know that it won't show up on a map though I will be able to see it if I walk by that spot again. We tend to have lots of spray paint but having the effort negated by something I, sometimes, cannot perceive is really annoying. At the very least, have the mark appear on the map even if no other "mapping" information would be included. That has some negative aspects, but better than the dumb message after I do the action.
  7. Not really, I was thinking more like a rock-lined fire pit (RLFP) that the character can craft/construct taking a significant amount of time to "collect materials, dig the fire pit, and construct the rock lining". It requires no materials (I guess) but a lot of time on the character's part. This would be something similar in concept to the snow shelter - a character-constructed item that fits, so to speak, on the ground. Some limitations would be that it cannot be "built" on ice or rock. It has to be on snow and a decently thick snow layer (if soil becomes a possibility then it could be on soil). It also requires a certain amount of space (as set out by the graphic footprint). The outcome of this many hours long effort would be a wind-proof "fire barrel" that has two cooking surfaces by default and pretty much the other effects of fire barrels like certain drinks placed nearby get heated up. The RLFP is wind proof, prevents accidental stepping into an active fire, but does not constitute a barrier to predators (so cannot be used to block a predator path). It might be a barrier -can't walk through a fire barrel so cannot walk through the RLFP- to the character so be careful. A possible accessory would be a crafted/forged grill that for the RLFP only doubles the number of cooking surfaces to four. The grill would be pretty heavy (surrogate for being unwieldly) so not something to be routinely carried except on purpose. A possible variation of the grill might be that instead of two more cooking surfaces, it allows for two can-sized cooking surfaces so while cooking, water can be made. The idea here is for a semi-permanent fixture so a character might then have a wind-safe cooking place if willing to put out the time and effort. For instance at a place like the house on Jack Rabbit Island in Coastal Highway, it would be nice and probably quite OP. It may require maintenance and breaking one down does not provide any advantage to building the next one. Given the lengthy time to craft/construct the task should retain the previous progress, more or less, but the RLFP won't be functional until the task is completed.
  8. I don't think that the game has much precision as far as weapon performance (i.e. damage, recoil, etc.) goes. New skins would work but, in the end, the revolver will work as effectively or in-effectively as the user may perceive. More ammunition types means greater probability of getting ammo that is not compatible with whatever weapon one actually has or finds, so would be unlikely. Given the way the game's animal model treatment, more oomf means nothing for any practical purpose but as long as that is understood having a bigger muzzle flash/blast, etc., might be effective for player perception.
  9. Never played in time capsule and now have been updating to TftFT etc. I have a rough idea of how to get into time capsule play but never played it so my question would be: To move between regular game play and switch over to time capsule play and back again, is that a trivial process that can be done quickly (time-wise) or will it be a case where moving to time capsule or from time capsule, would take an appreciable amount of time? I think the latter but thought I would ask especially for how long appreciable would likely be. Thanks.
  10. I got the Blackrock Prison machine room open which was the main objective I had for Blackrock. I wanted to get that done before TftFT put those games of mine into Time Capsule. Now I will be continuing in Blackrock until the END. Still got bullets to cast, gunpowder to mix, cartridge cases to load, and try to find the prepper cache in the region besides exploring the area.
  11. Not much point for weak ice only affects characters not animals. Besides, if the ice around the hole chopped or drilled into the ice turns into weak ice what would keep the character from falling in? Since the addition of Blackrock Mountain introduced open, flowing water, those locations should have some fishing potential. The two open water breaks in the ice in Keeper's Pass South (even though it has an ice fishing hut) could have been a possible fishing location. The river in Blackrock seems a bit swift for fishing but locations of eddies and such would give opportunities to test out an alternative to ice fishing. Given the semi arbitrary nature of these breaks the effective skill at fishing might be stepped down a level or two (as the price for using these kinds of locations).
  12. Heading for the Lost Mine (Last Prospect?) in Blackrock. Want to get the machine room in Blackrock Prison open before that save game gets relegated to the Time Capsule. Getting the ballistic vest is secondary at this point. My base at the Blackrock Prison is in fine shape (playing Pilgrim) though I doubt I would complete exploration of the entirety of Blackrock before the end.
  13. The 'fresh' ruined leather should cure and once cured can be used like any other cured leather and (iirc) will combine with unruined cured leather so that stack would increase by one. Kind of the same thing with some ruined (0% condition) items like antibiotics, pain killers, unbrewed herbal tea, and unbrewed coffee. For the latter cases, I found that if one had 100% antibiotics and 50% antibiotics when one picked up a vial of 0% antibiotics into inventory, the vial of 0% stuff will combine and take on the condition of the 50% antibiotics. So if one finds one with that situation, drop the 50% stuff before picking up the 0% stuff and get more 100% stuff (i.e., the highest condition of that item). So 0% things that can combine will use the lowest condition item to combine with. Of course that has its limitations depending on difficulty level.
  14. To heal a bleeding animal, go inside a building (pass through a transition), then wait longer than a game hour then come out. If the animal has not bled out by the time one exits the building, it spawns as uninjured. If it had bled out during that time period, then it spawns and dies. I suspect that originally, as programmed, the game did not make that second check for when the character comes out so bleeding animals, such as a bear which can take a long time to bleed out, would regularly turn up healed. To make sense of the OP's experience, I speculate that the bear, which had bled for 4 hours, was likely going to keep bleeding for another 2 to 4 hours (I think 8 hours is the max) but the aurora caused the bear to despawn which then froze or suspended its bleed timer. The OP went to shelter and, as can happen, the aurora lasted all night until dawn, so when the OP came out the next day, even though maybe eight hours or more had passed from the time the bleeding bear had despawned, as far as the game was concerned, the bear had not yet bled out, because of the frozen or suspended bleed timer due to the aurora despawning the bear, so spawned it uninjured. If that is true then it probably is a bug much like the previous go inside, sleep, and heal the bear problem that was mostly fixed.
  15. As an experiment, in Blackrock, I went around and "touched" several branches and a stick near a ravaged deer carcass then went on my way. Every time I passed by the spot, which is 50 feet from the road, and checked I see that those branches and that stick remain in their spots (as best as I can tell). By "touched" I could have harvested each branch but didn't and could have taken the stick but didn't. I suspect that by "touching" the item, be it branch or stick, that gets it marked as an item the character actually has taken possession of it, even if left in place, and now needs to be tracked as opposed to it being a random spawn that can appear or disappear depending on how the game does its thing. Certain items like stones and cedar/fir limbs and crates seem to be stable in the landscape and don't just randomly appear or disappear, but I could be wrong.
  16. I would assume that someone will work out a conversion program to revise the old save system to the new save system. It may well be clunky, have issues with the outcome, and not be really reliable but this might be one time when converting my four Pilgrim games to the new format would be worth the risk. I would have nothing to lose as I would still keep backup copies for Time capsule play if the conversion does not work at least for a while. I expect to start a new game in TftFT so maybe it won't hurt so much to lose the older ones. For myself, I really just want to get the old save games to the End of the Current Game (Perseverance Mills region) though, I know, I know, that's what I say NOW but if it can be done I am willing to try a conversion. I do expect that the chances of a reversion of save game format from TftFT update back to the older format to be non-existent. That would be like going through the Legacy Save Game Massacre, losing all legacy save games, then having Hinterland say "oops, we're going back to the old format". We'll see.
  17. If one is being electrocuted, chewed on by a wolf, mauled by a bear, or stomped by a moose I do not think that ESC does anything until the animation is done and the game proceeds to save. To stop that it is necessary to kill the game by any means necessary (my computer has a reset button). That might throw the save game into a grave if the action is taken too late i.e., the game has started to save, or pesky bad luck but that's the price that may be paid to try not have the outcome saved. Good luck.
  18. Darn, it seems the game IS out to get you.
  19. Probably a legacy of the earlier days when RAM (address space) was much more limited (than RAM itself) and had to be managed more strictly. If a scene was not needed because it was "out of sight" then it gets unloaded from RAM because there were other uses for that RAM. Head back to the spot and the game recreates the scene with required landscape features and then added optional items like branches and sticks. I have encountered similar things and this would be my explanation/rationalization. Not a bug, but likely a legacy artifact and the game is WAI.
  20. I will ask the question: Will the Time Capsule version of the current survival game (once TftFT becomes operative) allow for the addition of Episode 5 areas, such as Perseverance Mills or will the (Time Capsule version of the) game as it currently exists be the end of the road? I really would like to get my existing games to Perseverance Mills as that was one of my main objectives in survival play. Would players who embarked on TftFT expansion be able to get to Perseverance Mills? I am prepared to be disappointed at the answer.
  21. Not me. My long-term goal had been that each of my [Pilgrim] games would make it to Perseverance Mills which I expected to be the end of the line (at the time) for the game. I figured on exploring Mountain Town (Milton) and Hushed River Valley, which I have not entered at all, once that was accomplished assuming I was still motivated to play the game. It is possible that the expansion and the resulting new game, which I would expect to start, will pull me away from my previous goal because of the probable changes in game mechanics, etc., but I will keep the old ones with the intention of playing in Time Capsule. Maybe, because of the nature of the Time Capsule, I won't be able to get to Perseverance Mills as in the survival game world won't expanded to include it, in which case, I would be forced to give them up because the intended goal would become futile.
  22. At least the announcement has answered one question I had: What will happen to legacy save games? I expected, but hoped otherwise, that legacy save games would not continue in the "main" line of the game (Legacy Save Game Massacre II) but being able to use the time capsule should mitigate that impact. I had wanted to get my various same games (all Pilgrim) to the end of road in Perseverance Mills and if I can do that then I can make do. Since the update will impact the game no matter what, I will get the full expansion set. I will see how this works out. I can start from square one yet again and continue to adventure on Great Bear Island... you sure it is ONLY an ISLAND? Wait a minute... will the recipes allow for 🥞?
  23. I can't believe that I wrote that instead of "I would eat snow if the hypothermia wouldn't kill me". 😅
  24. I leave character speech on, almost all the time, though I do have occasions when I get so mad I turn off the voice for awhile. In those cases, like when I get the rather rare sprain, and am in a bad mood, I also turn on camera damping effect so I don't sway while limping along. In large part I tolerate the character commentary because I understand that a lot of it were audio cues related to things like burden being carried, energy levels, hunger, thirst, how cold he got. Not super necessary things to know, but occasionally I'll get the "I did each snow if the hypothermia won't kill me" and realize I really should give him a drink. Everyone has their own feelings on the matter.