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Everything posted by UTC-10

  1. I know that ruined snow shelters were in the general vicinity of three areas. I think that the sounds occurred where there were no snow shelters in the area but really can't be sure. I will be more aware of that being a factor.
  2. I had bought the DLC however since having to start all over gain I have been rebuilding the bases in several regions and have not yet gone to the Far Territories so have not started Signal Void (SV). I have noticed that as I move along in Ash Canyon, I occasionally hear an odd "rustling" sound though there is nothing visible on the snow and no interact point comes up. I get the impression I am coming across [SV] storage caches (or something) that reacts to my passage but would not be accessible. Am I right that I have come across "hidden" cache locations which detect me but since I am not engaged in Signal Void (btw, this was during the day not at night/during an aurora) there would be no further reaction? I have had this sound occur on Timberwolf and Pleasant Valley, I think. No big deal but I was wondering. Also strangely, on my Ash Canyon map, at the bottom beyond the region's nominal boundary, I see an orange graphic of a stone cache that is called "rock cache". It seems to be beyond my ability to reach that location - I had found the Ash Canyon prepper cache - and when I turn off cache location on the map the "rock cache" disappears like the other caches I have in Ash Canyon. I think it may be just an artifact but thought I'd mention it since I was posting about strange things. About done with Ash Canyon, finally.
  3. I have not noticed anything in particular with respect to the speed of clothing degradation. I play only in Pilgrim so whether that affects clothing degradation I would not know.
  4. I would think that the devs may have considered that and decided that it was more likely the bullet used would be deformed and have to be recast. Then that the yield of newly cast bullets would not be equal to the number of deformed bullets melted and... they didn't want to have to deal with working all that out as well as the ramifications of using even a slightly deformed bullet in terms of effectiveness (it would be almost certainly be the case they would not have the rifle blow up due to a bad bullet, too much trouble). But if they went to the trouble, I'd have no objections to it.
  5. Eating (or drinking) a portion of something can be done by (on a PC) by hitting ESC to interrupt the action. It was the way people used to take a "bite" from a kilo of meat generally as a mechanism to stave off starvation because any calories would reset the clock and then it would take time, once the calories were exhausted, before starvation would again loom. If one equips the revolver then one better be in complete control. It is the first weapon that come to hand with the hotkey so the situations where having it routinely equipped would be an advantage seem rather limited. If one thinks it necessary to equip the revolver then one accepts that, because the shoot on click was for the purpose of instant, instinctual, defensive action, not being sure that something appears on the cursor before clicking on "it" and having an accidental discharge (wasted shot) is the trade-off that was acceptable.
  6. As a concept idea I have no objections to a lever-action rifle. The ability to carry just one of the two ammunition and have a short-arm and a long-arm firearm that can use it has some attractions. In terms of capability, however, it won't really be much different from the hunting rifle.
  7. At least that's what the game seemed to say to me when I checked "what changed" on the Status screen. I really couldn't tell whether it made any difference at all. Maybe time and experience will make any difference a bit more noticeable assuming I have enough acorn coffee to expend at one time.
  8. I won't complain if it happened but I think in real life the temperature has to fluctuate a bit more (such as above freezing) for periods of time to get sap to flow. I don't think that as it now exists in the game that acorns would be a viable continuing food source or a good source for acorn coffee. There is just not enough of them. Although the oak trees have been denuded of leaves, though it should not be possible (being winter), acorns patches under the oak tree should regenerate (more acorns fall off the tree, like one patch every 30 days or so). I have brewed acorn coffee and am struck by how little the acorn coffee does - a fatigue boost for 30 minutes - for the scarcity of the acorns and the effort to process them and produce the acorn coffee grounds. Perhaps it should do a little bit more or maybe be a bit more available.
  9. The OP was making a suggestion that Hinterland could implement if they so chose and I think I was stating that it was not so simple as might be supposed to anyone looking in from the outside.
  10. I think the problem with the movement of the sun in the sky in any particular region compared to how the regions have been laid out on the world map would be related to past history of how those regions were originally introduced into the game map. When Hinterland started arranging them in accordance with their updated world map they found that original assumptions about the movement of the sun may not be consistent with how the region had to be oriented to fit into its assigned place. They did try to fix that but did not always succeed.
  11. First the devs would have to fundamentally restructure the character inventory system of the game to enable a separate backpack before they can think about introducing a variety of discrete backpacks. Until something like that is done, suggesting a variety of backpacks is fine (I would have no problem with them if the game was changed and these were introduced) but ultimately futile without that first big step.
  12. Checked online and the ratio appears to be 40:1. 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. 5 gallons of sap would boil down to 16 ounces (0.5 quart) of syrup. Seems the boiling takes about 1 hour per gallon of sap so the aforementioned 5 gallons would take about 5 hours to boil down to half a quart of syrup. Assuming the numbers I found were correct. Then we'd just need 🥞
  13. I recall seeing a video by someone who expended 400 fire hardened arrows on a bear. He ran out of arrows. He had a number of bows and used them up too. The bear was not injured. It was rather entertaining to watch him maneuver around the bear while pegging it with fire hardened arrows.
  14. The lantern you show was what I would have expected to be the then-kerosene fueled storm lantern not the Coleman style lantern that currently exists in the game. Lamps much like those that were in the steam tunnels of Episode 4 would be more what I would think of as lamps that would tend to be kept indoors as their design would not be as resistant to strong winds and drafts, and more subject to breakage and less wieldy when moved around or taken outside. They would also beg for some kind of splinter that could be drawn or lit from a fire to light the lamp/lantern. It would be near unthinkable for anyone to expend lots of matches, depending on the situation, just to routinely light the lamp/lantern. I would assume that the fuel use of such a lamp/lantern would mirror that of the existing storm lantern in the game. Other than those thoughts, no objections to the devs putting something like that into the game.
  15. The banging sounds inside the farmstead can get annoying because of their volume which would infer something is about to break on the house. It could be reduced in volume by half and be less of an irritant and still indicate that strong winds were present. Better to have it vary in intensity with the presumed wind conditions outside but that may be beyond the current mechanic's capacity. Maybe have the blizzard wind sounds become more prevalent than the near complete silence I have been seeing since a couple of updated ago. I keep getting amazed to hear little inside and then step onto the enclosed porch or out a door to see a raging blizzard going on.
  16. Hinterland is aware of this unfortunate event and seem to think that Lost and Found should have been triggered. That would have been better than what actually happened even if ruined items that could be lost (i.e., food) were lost. If it was a bug that impacted us that sounds like they would be looking at an update to fix that if it can be fixed by Lost and Found. I had much of what I got from the plane crash site and the Summit stashed in abandoned prepper cache along with coal and miscellaneous stuff collected from the area. If it was off the beaten track and not on the main route to Timberwolf Mountain from Pleasant Valley it would hurt but I might be able to get over it easier. If not for the lost contents, the revamped abandoned prepper cache does not look bad though why anyone would tip shelving and a file cabinet over on its side is beyond me. Just like the slightly tipped file cabinets in the farmstead which makes them unusable and nothing can be done to take them apart like shelving.
  17. Pleasant Valley has the potential for seven bear spawns. I imagine that four of these bears tend to regularly appear in the game and the other three (maybe one of the three) tend to sometimes appear in the game (at the time the game initially starts). I have seen moose in Pleasant Valley (don't recall seeing moose signs), Timberwolf, and in Desolation Point (on the bridge... once). I have yet to see a moose in Ash Canyon (I do not recall moose signs anywhere) or in Coastal Highway (no moose signs near the Coastal Townsite as I might have expected).
  18. As best I can recall, the kitchen storage cabinet in the Community Hall has always had a capacity of 200 kg. Compared to the counter cabinets which hold 15 kg, I can imagine (purely subjective estimate) that the storage cabinet could have enough space to possibly fit twelve of those counter cabinets within its dimensions which would be about 180 kg so 200 kg does not seem unreasonable. It is a rather large storage closet. Not that I care for the why. Give me as much space (weight) capacity as possible. 👍
  19. I see. When I opened the hidden tag I saw the map but not the image below it.
  20. An oak tree can have up to three patches around it that can yield acorns but some patches will be not have any and won't respond. In the image, the foreground patch would have acorns but the patch to the rear, visibly different, would not.
  21. Yes I know that Lost and Found can keep stuff from being lost especially when it is the interior of a location that has changed. I was unaware that it could be an automatic action when a [significant] location in-game was changed. I thought it was an action that had to be programmed into the update. Thank you for the response. Next time a change to an existing in-game location is planned maybe warn everyone that this or that location or locations may be changing so go save your stuff. Maybe better than depending on Lost and Found to automatically do it.
  22. That did occur to me when I shot and killed my first rabbit with a FHA and got the archery hit credit for it.
  23. I ran across some rabbit carcasses that disappeared momentarily after being picked up. I attributed that to the wolf having consumed the rabbit meat and the game did not mark the carcasses as "nothing to harvest" (NTH) so not something to interact with and when picked up the game went "oh, I forgot the carcass is NTH" and updated it right out of our hands and before our eyes. Before the December update and a long time ago I recall seeing a wolf kill a deer in Mystery Lake and the deer carcass fell beneath the snow and the wolf could still feed on it but I could not reach it. This happened several times. In a couple cases I could access the carcass because a hoof or an ear or antler was just visible.
  24. To clarify, since I didn't mention it, a distressed moose will not die on its own, it has to be shot. On another note, FYI, even in Pilgrim which I play, a bleeding wolf that is about to die, if it is within range, will try to take a "bite out of you" before expiring. It has happened a couple times to me. Surprised the heck out of me at the time. Good luck.
  25. With the March 30 update, fire hardened arrows require several (5) sticks, several (5) feathers, a knife or hatchet (improvised works too) and a fire to produce three (3) arrows. The fire hardened arrows take about twice the condition loss (about 54% for comparison purposes compared to 27% for a simple arrow on a deer) when they hit a rabbit so seem to be good for two hits. They are apparently ineffective when used on larger game.