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Posts posted by SammyDaBoi

  1. So basically, I want a polar bear to be added to the game. As a new predator, it functions differently from previous animals, by stalking the player. Similar to how wolves can sneak up on players after smelling them, this would function a bit differently as, after starting a new save file up, one, two, or potentially three polar bears spawn (in the whole game.) This would basically entail adding certain features, like skeletons, to previously empty caves, and then having a polar bear roam that area. After a player enters a polar bear's territory, perhaps just by entering that particular zone, it begins following them from a distance. I'd make it difficult to see, especially against the snowy background, but rather slow. Maybe a bit slower than the player, and it sleeps for a few hours each night, but otherwise it is always tracking them. After you get a polar bear on your tail, you can't attract a second one, and it could theoretically scare away wolves once it gets too close. Once it comes within a certain range (similar to the current range for the bear) it charges you, and if successful in getting to the player, it begins to maul them for 30/50/75/85% condition, depending on the difficulty. It also deals damage to clothes in a similar manner to the bear, and will then proceed to move a certain distance away after a bear "fight" scene where the player struggles in a manner similar to the bear spear fights, in trying to scare the bear away. It then gives the player a "grace" period before it begins stalking them again, and will proceed to kill them if the condition is below the point where a player would survive the attack. 
    Now, killing the bear would have to be a difficult feat, not just something you can get lucky on and 1-shot. I propose it acting in a similar manner to the moose, where it won't bleed out, but you have to deal a certain amount of damage to it. This time, however, without crits. So for instance, the bear could survive 2-3 rifle shots, 3-5 bow shots, 12-14 revolver shots, and 6-8 flare shots (depending, of course, on where you hit it.) As a reward for hunting this creature, you could harvest a single polar bear hide (taking 2 hours ingame) which could be used for multiple new clothing additions, potentially requiring multiple hides per piece of clothing (I.E, with one hide you could make a hat, with two you could make a coat and pants, etc.) which would all have a significant buff to the current warmth level, but at a higher weight (for instance, they would be 0.5-1.5 kilos more heavy than the current crafted clothing). It would also grant about 14 guts, 55-75 kilos of meat, and 20 kilos of fat, a new resource we could potentially refine into fuel, or eat (in limited amounts) to restore calories. This would require a lot of fine tuning to keep balanced, but I think it would work out. As far as spawn points for the bears go, you could have one in TWM, (the cave near the moose spawn ?) PV, CH, DP, BI, FM. I would also implement a sort of timer where you don't get polar bears in a set amount of time after the game starts, depending on the difficulty, etc. As far as respawn times go,  I think that should depend on the number of bears that exist per save (150 day respawn for 3 bears, 75 day respawn for 2 bears, 50 day respawn for one bear). I also think you shouldn't have a polar bear in every zone, since that would cause a lot of problems with other wildlife. 
    All in all, it wouldn't be game breaking, and it would coincide with real life wildlife (polar bears are in fact found in the northern parts of Canada.) I also think that they would work well with a new glacier-themed zone, but I'll save that for another post.
    Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post, I hope you have a great day! ^^

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