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Posts posted by justyr1

  1. ...I steadied my rifle, as much as I could, fighting the figure 8 sway in the muzzle and waiting for the front and rear sites to align.


    I haven't been onto the site for a long while, and I've been meaning to post my experience of the topic for just as long or longer still. So here I am, finally. This post is mostly a tribute/love letter to Hinterland in creating an amazing game that strives to create emotion in it's player base. While for me this mostly means I am acutely aware of the musical strings and visual presentation attempt to make me feel certain things, I have never had my actions completely altered until this moment.


    My trek around Pleasant Valley had started out as anything but. Fortunately it didn't take terribly long to get my feet under me with some much needed medical attention, supplies/food, and warmer clothing. The side quest style, using the idea of "myths" and local folk tales, to engage the player into setting forth to various remote locations was great and incredibly rewarding in both loot and lore. Most of the locations weren't completely out of the way for my wonderings save for one, a fable of a ghostly stag. My mind sifted through various thoughts of the kind of loot it might bring or how it might expand upon the background of the Pleasant Valley biome and finally with all other story options exhausted, save for the main quest line, I headed out that way. Skirting around the edge of a map I finally made it to the edge of a clearing, but no legendary stag, only option seemed to be to bed down in the provided snow shelter and wait. Shortly after my character awakens, to the site of an all white stag in the meadow. It is close, dangerously close for its safety. I steadied my rifle, as much as I could, fighting the figure 8 sway in the muzzle and waiting for the front and rear sites to align. But, at that final moment, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Dozens of deer have felled to my aim in the name of of survival during my playthroughs of this game, however, there was something different with this one. Something unexplainable within my wanted to let this digital creature go. So, I holstered my rifle and sat there for a minute or two, enjoying the site of this one off animal enjoying it's existence. Eventually I retreated from the snow shelter and walked away, but not without one final look back.


    And here we are, the end of what is to me, my favored moment in the entirety of this game. Through all the hours playing it, this is the one that stands out the most for me. I apologize of the details aren't exact to what actually happens in the game, I played episode 3 when it first came out so my memory most likely isn't perfect and certain things.


    Thank you, Hinterland, for creating a game that can make me have such wonderful memories in ways I wouldn't anticipate.

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  2. One of my first plays of the game. Started out at the trappers and had a great start, even found a ski jacket. Was thinking to myself, "man, this is already going way better than my other starts. this is where I survive!". Decide to go wandering to find the lake office, but my meta was still pretty bad. Ended up what I now know as unnamed pond. Night had already set and I was getting tired, so I made a fire and went to sleep in my bedroll. "This will be fine. No wolves around!". Character woke up early. That's weird, why did he do that? I hear the sounds of huffing and panting. What's that? Doesn't sound like a wolf. Next thing I know I had a face full of bear maul. Bear started to walk off, I'm near death. I start to limp away, but there is not cover. Bear returns, deciding it liked its new squeeker toy.

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  3. So I've been curious about a backpack system for a while. I read your answer regarding something similar on one of the Mailbags, so I'm hoping this isn't completely redundant. It's understandable that the way the current system works it would be difficult to compartmentalize items in a separate bag attached to the character. What about making backpacks modifier items just like the Moose Satchel? So you start of the survival mode with no backpack which gives you a base weight of say 30~, you can find different types of backpacks that would increase your carrying weight. Maybe all the way up to a rare rigid frame expedition pack that allows you to carry in the ballpark of 70-80~. Movement speeds would be affected when you get to bigger packs. Backpacks could have their own slot in the clothing menu. Sorry if this ended up looking more like a wishlist item than a question. The question of if something like that has already been considered is the core of it. Love the game so far. It's one of my go-to's and I always seem to return to it.


    Also, you guys have mentioned wanting to work more on character presence in the first person. Has there been progress on making it so our wrists/arms and hands while playing reflect what you're wearing? Thanks for a great game, can't wait to see what happens next!

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