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Posts posted by musrass

  1. Since I'm a bit clumsy when it comes to dealing with Timberwolves, I decided to start a new run for the last tale (Last Horizon) before doing it with my main save. However, I'm at the Weather Station now with an aurora, but the shortwave doesn't react... Is it because I neglected to repair the transmitter at Forsaken Airfield? Am I in for some serious backtracking? Hoping for a definitive answer here before I start trudging down there again ...

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  2. On 10/20/2022 at 1:15 AM, Admin said:
    • All unlocked Feats, Feats progress, and Achievements will be carried over to the Expansion Pass and updated Survival Mode. You will not lose these!
    • All previous WINTERMUTE save files and general episode unlocks will continue to work in the updated Story Mode.


    What about challenge saves – will I be able to continue an old Archivist or As the dead Sleep save?

  3. 10 hours ago, Cr41g said:

    ^^^^ This.....

    I realize it's been some time since I have been here, there used to be a lot of people who just had a love of the game and appreciated the other people who played it but the tone here has certainly changed..

    So very true! But it seems to me the negativity is mostly in the Story Mode threads. The Survival section is still a mostly positive place.

  4. On 10/12/2021 at 9:50 PM, oplli said:

    I am a the moment where i have to escape blackrock after the fire. I took the case and im trying to escape the lights. im near mathi's lights i want to go to main door and get my stuff at the same time. but i cant go inside the garage i get shot almost instantly even if the light isnt on me. i tried throwing some rocks to divert attention but is dosent work any help please?

    Firstly, I don't think getting your stuff will have any benefits gameplaywise, and I can't help you with that anyway.

    I'm not really sure exactly where you are, but if you're in the yard you have to look for this metal grating (there's an entrance in the middle of the picture):


    and then run for this hole in the wall (to the right of the tower) :


    It's very possible I misunderstood your problem, but this was my shot at helping... Good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Did you know that if you accidentially right-click with a torch in your hand you spend a match? – Don't hold unlit torches unless you plan to light it immediately!

    I guess a lot of people know what I just wrote, but I thought a thread like this could be useful. This is mostly such a friendly community, so I thought it would be nice if we could just give eachother the odd tip here and there (without getting flamed by people saying "everybody knows that!"). Hopefully we can all learn something here.

    Stay warm and safe everybody!

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  6. They said we would keep our saves (as survival saves) but the badges can't be earned anymore. I don't know if the event difficulty stays the same (colder weather) or is changed to Voyageur.

  7. I think gaiters would be an excellent addition to the (rather disappointingly small) selection of accessories in the game. I imagine them giving a small boost to mobility, maybe even warmth – but mainly mobility since no other clothing item does that. And it would be great if there was a craftable variant...

  8. Are you planning to improve the hitbox(?) on items when placing them with right-click? Sometimes it can be really annoying to get the "invalid location to place the object" when it seems like a perfectly valid location to place the object.

    But as always: thanks for a truly great and engaging game!

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, johnrocker said:

    thanks  by the way  bear on the rail way and it's surronded both side left and right by thin ice  and rifle bullet doesn't effect on bear. is there a way to beat or avoid them? man this game real a hardcore survival experience in hardest difficulty.whenever said to myself'' that's ok everything going properly''  unexpecting thing appear this time bears not one bear theye are every story mission map. now  blocked the wayback to jeremiah.

    Sounds like you'll have to take the long way around the muskeg... (I'd choose the southern shore) Guess I was lucky not to encounter the bear except for the scripted parts. One small tip: make sure you're in good health before returning to Jeremiah with the radio parts...

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  10. I've already finished the first two episodes, but was thinking of going back to episode one to get a couple of Steam achievements – if I start a new game (and don't finish), will the new save trump the old one so that I'll have to start all over again when the Redux is released?

    Thanks for answering so many questions, even the rude and hostile ones.

  11. Is there a chance in the future we can have the ability to make notes in our maps? Maybe at expense of another charcoal? After surviving for a while it would be great to leave reminders to yourself (where you left certain items for instance). I know I can write things in my log, but I think it makes sense to do that directly in the map.

    Thanks for doing the Milton Mailbag! – And for this great game!!!