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Posts posted by Smellyfries

  1. I've had this mindset since the removal of the Cougar, that the New Region, and general content introduced with the Update, wouldn't be truly experienced without the Cougar. I mean, it's front and center in the Update's art, and the new region sounds like it would perfectly fit it for the Cougar, so I've just been waiting until the Cougar is re-introduced to actually try and explore what's been released in this Update.

    I'm wondering if anyone else shares this mindset, and are waiting for the Cougar to be re-introduced before continuing in the DLC?

    I mean, there's even a feat dedicated to hunting down multiple Cougars, so I feel as though it's best to wait until it's introduced again, and experience it along side everything else in this update (that was almost 3 full months ago, gosh time flies.)

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  2. 37 minutes ago, clonerwesker said:

    I find that with how large the sight posts are, at range or even close, it can be hard to see what you are aiming at or where your shot will land as it is unclear where the aim point is.

    I agree, I think it needs to be zoomed in a lot less when aiming down rifle sights, as the front irons really should be small, and provide a good point to determine exactly where the bullet is going. With how aiming is now, I often find myself asking "which part of the sight is my bullet going to hit? The middle, or the sides? This giant rectangle of a sight is taking up my entire center screen." Low level rifle skill where your character is constantly wobbling the gun when aiming makes the picture even worse.


    Here's how aiming used to be, zoomed out, and the front pin being just that, a near perfect pin. I'd love if they kept all of the reworks to the rifle over the years, but simply zoomed out a bit, similar to how it looks in the old photo, rather than having it look like my character is physically sticking their eye into the irons.

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  3. I use the code less for sharing my settings, and more for saving my custom settings to re-use at a later date, it's handy if the custom run ends and I want to try again, and can simply put in the code rather than tweaking the individual settings again.

    However, this is all I use the code for, I'm not keen to sharing custom codes, so I'm ok with saying No, and wouldn't be bothered if it was removed, especially if it's causing issues with development on your end.

    • Upvote 6
  4. I've never gotten sick from Salty Crackers, so if your surrounded by moldy food, and don't want to get sick, Salty Crackers could help you out. Sodas never seem to get you sick either, I've drank 0% sodas and have been fine.

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  5. Someone suggested moving them to the left of your needs and condition hud elements in a vertical configuration, that way they are a little more out of the way, and easier to link to your character's life. 

    Although I also like the alternate option like putting them in the status screen, or when loading.

    Of course, I'm not a developer and don't know how much work this'll take, I just like the idea.

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  6. Even though I rarely use Acorns, I now have an Heavy hammer in my base specifically for Acorns, but since I almost always leave my first hammer at the first forge I use, the Acorns I pick up are left unused until I find my second hammer (and presumably not leave it at another forge for convenience.)

    I always wondered why you couldn't just use a stone, if a stone is hard enough to scare a wolf off with a bop to its nose, then I'm sure it'll do the job with crushing Acorns.

    Also, if they have more ingredients that would need crushed, then why not add a Mortar and Pestle? It would be perfect for grinding down ingredients (since that's what it is literally made for), and I believe it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to add lore wise.

  7. I'm definitely disappointed with how the Cougar was implemented, I was really hoping for something along the lines of a hidden threat that stalked the player for being in a region for too long, but not along the lines of an announced event that would give plenty of warning, and ultimately result in the Cougar being a QTE. I was expecting a stealth predator that still seemed as though it was living in the environment around us, hunting rabbits, maybe even wolves, leaving behind physical evidence for the player to notice (or not) and warn them of the impending danger, whilst leaving more signs that the Cougar was turning its attention on you, like physically sound closer than normal, or maybe even physically seeing it when previously you did not. The hud element also really stretched the immersion that the rest of the game was going for.

    Guess to sum up, I really feel like the current implementation of the Couger is not for The Long Dark. 

    However, we all make mistakes, and I greatly appreciate you recognizing them, and taking the Couger out for a rework! I'll gladly wait for the Couger to be worked on, even if it means waiting a few more weeks, because I believe you'll make them a perfect addition to The Long Dark in the future!

    Additionally, thank you for all the other additions added in this update, I've been really enjoying them! I've been really enjoying coming back to The Long Dark for some more chilling adventures!

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  8. I loaded into my old save to experience the 5th Update to Tales, and immediately found a bug with items that are measured in Gallons (or GAL as referred to in game.)

    Any item that uses the Unit (GAL) appears to be measured incorrectly, with .27 gallon water bottles appearing to hold over 30 gallons, and Storm Lanterns appearing to hold enough fuel to last 12 years.

    I've found this bug to affect the following items: Water bottles, Lantern Fuel bottles, Jerry Cans, Cooking Oil, Recycled cans (when selecting amount to boil), Skillets (when boiling) and Cooking Pots (when boiling under .52 gallons) 

    After some testing however, I've found that this bug does not apply when you hold over half a gallon of water in your inventory, or when boiling .52 in the cooking pot. My guess is it only affects items that have less than half a gallon (though I haven't been able to do proper testing for this). 

    Although the amount an item holds is incorrectly listed, a .13 Gallon water bottle still only provides .13 gallons of water when filled, and provides the correct amount of hydration. This applies to everything else listed incorrectly, they all have the normal amount of uses.

    I already submitted an official bug report under support. 




    If only my storm lantern actually had that much fuel in it, I'd never have to worry about the darkness again...


    • Upvote 3
  9. 15 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

    Welcome to the Mukluk Store
    We make custom Mukluks for the weary traveler

    Considering Mukluks are my favorite boots in game, I'd visit that store very often.

    *I also spent way too long trying to determine if there was a Mukluk in the fridge*

    Anyway, I got 3 bear hides and 4 rabbit pelts in change, is that enough for one?

    That's all I got on me right now, been difficult to get more since the AHMs went out...

  10. Probably my second favorite place in Mountain Town is the workbench in the barn with the nearby fire barrel. It's a nice spot to craft whilst not dealing with Cabin Fever, and it's 1 of 2 freaking workbenches on that map. Otherwise, my first favorite area of Mountain Town is the cave leading to Mystery lake XD. 

    As for Hush, it's the complete opposite. I love the entire region of Hush River Valley, it's both challenging with its lack of human structures and workbenches (not including any dlc additions), but it's also just a really beautiful region to be in, though it feels cramped inside the winding valleys and rivers, once you get up onto the top of the valley's cliffs, its just a beautiful sight every time! I especially love how every waterfall has a name, and its fun finding them all.

    So I guess to answer the question, my favorite spot is the small waterfall and river right near the entrance/exit to Hushed, I feel it perfectly represents the kind of region Hushed is, and it just looks pretty.

  11. For me, the leap to making an account on the Forum was simply asking how rabbit snares worked. I didn't have much time during a week, but I was planning on trying to get the Rabbit Snaring Feat the upcoming weekend. I created my account just to initially ask that question, but I asked my question in one of the Milton Mailbags, which didn't get seen much by the community. Thankfully, a kind member of the forum suggested asking the question directly to the community under "How to Play," which after posting my question, really showed to me how dedicated and kind the community was on this forum, and got me to interact more with it. The community has helped me so much with the game since then, and even when its not about the game, it's always a blast to just hop onto the Forums, and just read everyone's experiences/thoughts.

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  12. My favorite food is French Fries, though I figured that the username French fries would be taken on most platforms, so I thought up of something random to put before or after "Fries" that would at least roll off the tongue well, and I believe my actual thought process for coming up with "Smellyfries" was: "Fries smell good, fries are Smelly, ah! Smellyfries!" 

    Originally I wanted to make a username with the name "Waffle" or something similar, but a group of friends had already claimed that name, and I didn't want to confuse them even more with another username with "Waffle" integrated into it, so as stated earlier, I thought of my favorite food instead. 

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  13. Everything! Honestly the whole DLC has been amazing to play, and every feature added has really improved the game in my eyes!

    Probably my favorite specific feature are the item variants. I love collecting things, and now that there are unique items placed out there in the world, it gives me a whole new reason to search every nook and Cranny in search of them! My favorite item variant is the:


    Curator's Rifle

    It's the first one I found, and really brought me excitement for the DLC and its future.

    (Item Hidden in case other survivors don't want spoilers on the item variants)


    • Upvote 3
  14. An idea I had was a portable stove for tents like your idea, where the stove is quite heavy, but can fit in a tent, and is windproof. Downsides are, an obvious weight, a slow condition lost over long days of use, but also, it can only hold a max of 5 hours of fuel. It's a small stove, smaller than the round stoves in Ice Fishing Huts, so it can't hold much fuel. So you'll have the ability to sleep anywhere with the tent and stove, but you won't be able to get full rests without the stove going out. The max of 5 hours would also limit its heat output.


    I imagine it would look similar to this stove, maybe a little more rustic to fit the situation on Great Bear.



    Thus, with the tent and stove, you'll be able to make actual camping trips out in the wilderness of Great Bear, Ice Fishing in spots without a Hut, or just in the woods that don't have easy windbreaks for campfires. Such an endeavor however would require a travois to help carry the items, or a high carry capacity, plenty of fuel, as well as repairs to the stove and tent when you are done, but, I'd love to be able to go camping with these if these were added!

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  15. Imagine if the animation for dying was simply the character falling over as Loapa suggested, so you eat some low quality beans, get food poisoning, then just collapse. I don't know why this popped in my head.

    *Finds beans*

    *Eats beans*


    "You have died from beans."

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  16. You could get Salt from holes in the ice like the Fishing Shacks, break open the ice and grab a few bottles without the risk of taking a cold swim.

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  17. Sadly, I haven't seen two bears meet each other anywhere on the map, their wandering range is definitely designed so they don't get close to one another. I would try to lure a bear to another bear, but I have this feeling that I'd get mauled.

    Though a thought I had before finishing this, it would probably be easier to lure them to another territory with a high scent, that way you can stay out of their agro range. Might need to do this on custom without wolves though, as every wolf in the area would also tag along lol.

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