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Everything posted by FormalBear

  1. You'll take no bear. But what about the hides you'll need to repair your bearskin bedroll? I am dismayed at how quickly it decays - and that's not only condition, it's also bed warmth bonus.
  2. Nice shot! The only time I shot a bear with an arrow and actually got it to retreat, I never found the carcass. (I only know it died by looking at my stats. I assume it took hours and hours to bleed out.)
  3. Interesting that your and my current survivors were both on TWM at "age" 165. (Mine still is.) Big difference, though: Yours has been everywhere! My guy has lingered in CH, ML, PV, and (now) TWM. When he finally gets to the other regions, he'll probably find a lot of the spoils have spoiled. But he'll survive.
  4. Save your whetstones for your best hunting knife. Use it only in wolf struggles ("Puncture"; hit the button like mad till it's over!). Sharpen it to 90+ condition after every encounter. (Don't forget! Have I occasionally forgotten? Yes!) Disclaimer: Anecdotal evidence, merely. ("Hey - it works for me!") Your mileage may vary.