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Everything posted by hozz1235

  1. Somewhat recently, HL reworked the textures on meat. For me, this change made it harder to distinguish raw from cooked meat (in particular bear). I wish they would make them more apparent.
  2. This looked like a good place to start: https://www.thegamer.com/the-long-dark-best-item-locations/
  3. @Max21, if you are only interested in getting a reply from the moderator, why are you posting in the public forum vs messaging them directly?
  4. You see this and wonder where your heavy hammer is to break it down:
  5. I do remember when I was collecting all buffers (which was years ago) that you could only get 1 per aurora and that they would frequently get stuck (as you're describing) on one. Some possible solutions I found were: Try exiting/entering the building, or transition somewhere if you're outside (which sounds like you've done, but may try more times) Saving the game and reloading Exiting the game and reloading Hope that helps.
  6. hozz1235


    I was thinking of playing a cruel joke and using the dev console to spawn a bear there, but thought otherwise 🙈 😉
  7. hozz1235


    Those are attractive features; however, I don't care for AC so would probably not call it "home". -h
  8. In all my runs, I've always had an excess of prybars (even on loper). With a finite number of "pryable objects", do you think this is necessary?
  9. The survivor isn't living in the most sanitary conditions. After all, they cook meat on rocks and never wash dishes Oh, I won't mention the lack of toilet paper...
  10. I recall when SV first came out, I made a post about lack of batteries (because on my longest run, I had scrapped ALL batteries and therefore couldn't complete SV). In response, HL placed more free-placed batteries so I think this has been compensated for.
  11. Perhaps once HL formally supports mods, you will see this. There is a TON of new food items already available in mods.
  12. Spray paint. I use it to fully map the HRV ice caves. For other caves, I use X to mark dead-end tunnels.
  13. hozz1235


    I want a place where I can walk out my front door without having a predator ready to eat me.
  14. Pancakes (or waffles) - Peanut Butter & homemade apricot jam
  15. I suppose they could chew through the tin if they worked at it long enough, but you think their poor mouth would get tore to shreds with the sharp metal! 🐶😱 I did think the can opener was funny though 😆
  16. Just re-read this post since someone reacted. Regarding your comment, Jimmy - I shot the bear far from shore. Injured, he ran there, bled out and died. btw, I believe HL has fixed this now.
  17. You do know dogs can't open cans (even with an opener), right?
  18. In that in case the dog returns?
  19. Hey, you eat dog food!
  20. Run through English translater: Well, I have some ideas about things that we could enter in a game and that would become more realistic/interesting. FAXA/BANO/ANIMAL FAT CANDLES One of the most common things to do is not to play and hunt animals, and we know that most animals are not used for meat, with a nisso base, and in the need of constant light inside some bases, I think we can extract Fat two animals and make candles, a very simple way to illuminate fixed locations, it is not very busy, but it gives enough light. Remembering that fat has countless uses, it is even more interesting to see. SMOKES Even knowing that preserving meat is not a task that you should worry about very much, because just leaving it free provides infinite durability, so I would like to see some way to preserve meat through smoking. It is not a complex idea, it is fire, it works and very smokes, it would result in a dried meat, with less weight and long shelf life, ideal for longer trips. Considering balance terms, reducing the calories of dried meat may be viable (this is not realistic).
  21. Not a bad idea, but could be hard to implement (what's to stop us from being 2 feet from target and blazing away?). Could always empty the cylinder on a deer