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Posts posted by Renn

  1. 21 minutes ago, xanna said:

    but because the Tale is affected by a single custom option

    The problem is that the "single custom option" does not just affect the Tale. It affects ALL the available loot. I've done this, and found so many non-loper items without even looking for them I was all decked out in 3 in game days and stopped. Insulated Boots (no need to hunt deer), a Hunting Knife (skip the forge), a Mariner's Pea Coat (Blizzards be damned), Peanut Butter and Condensed Milk (goodbye scavenging)

    Specifically saying without looking because I wouldn't mind finding an op gear or food item as a reward on the Tale.


    I guess I'm just going to be playing The Last of Us until Hinterlands comes out with some kind of communication on the matter, or modders fix it for them. Sucks that this update is basically worthless for me, especially after waiting much longer than was promised already, something I overlooked because the updates used to be so exciting. Now I'm all of a sudden going to have to pray I didn't waste my €20 on this altogether.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 minute ago, ChillPlayer said:

    Personally it doesn't bother me at all that it is not in Interloper. If anything I'm glad that it's missing because although I play loper with a survival mind, reducing aurora trips to a bear minimum, I know myself well enough that I'd try. And then my 500 days run gets eaten by a wolf and I'd go to the forum complaining about who in their right mind decided to add Tales to Interloper :D


    But are you being forced to do the Tale? As someone said before, give me the choice to opt out, rather being denied it alltogether. 

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  3. To everyone saying that us "hardcore" interloper fans can just create a Stalker game and experience the Tale all the same, or just make a custom game, I have to ask:

    What if it was the other way around? What if, in the update video yesterday (and not any time before that) they announced that the Tale would only be available in Interloper, because they felt the lower difficulties didn't need extra loot and incentives. Would you be responding the same way you are now? Would you be like "Well, we'll just create a completely new run on Interloper for one time to experience the Tale! It's no big deal!"

    Or would you be upset that you didn't get to experience the Tale the way you wanted to?


    Or, let me guess, it's "not the same".

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  4. 11 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    Personal annoyance and clinical depression are not equivalent... 
    I did not suggest they were and said nothing of the kind.

    I have a feeling you choose to dislike me the moment I dared not agree with you.  :D 

    We don't agree, and that's okay. 
    No need to try and make it personal. :D 

    Oh my friend...

    I didn't say they were equivalent either, I just said you seem like the person who would say that (unrelated to this).

    You never actually disagreed with me directly, so no I didn't dislike you the moment you dared not agree with me. No, I dislike you for your constantly forcing a faux-positive comment on people who are complaining about something related to the game, as if trying to tell people they're not allowed to complain or have negative opinions about the game and have to force a smile on their face and just accept it with a positive attitude. How dare we choose to run out of things to do after 500 in-game days and get bored am I right?

    That and your incessant use of the most cringy emoji's.


    But thanks to the moderators for warning me. Now I know what your standards of "respectful" are. Considering I was already being quite respectful by my own standards I will try to do better in the future.

    • Upvote 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

    I play on Stalker typically unless I’m feeling saucy and then I’ll play interloper.  
    But, I also play narrative tales for the storyline, not the difficulty setting.  
    So for me, I don’t naturally understand.  

    Can baseline resource be reduced lower? (Again, I haven’t messed with Custom since it removes “feats”)

    It can only be reduced down to Low, which is the Interloper setting, so the Tale would definitely not be active then.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

    If we don't get updates ..people complain .if we get updates. ..people complain...   How about we all just play the game and worry about real things happening in our lives,,, 

    As much as I love Hinterland... I do feel they keep doing this to themselves. They promised updates every 8-10 weeks this year, but we had to wait much longer to even get news on Part 2, which means people complain there's no updates.

    And they didn't state anywhere in their roadmap, DLC announcement or even the announcement for Part 2 that Tales would not be available on Interloper, that came completely out of left field today. As someone else said earlier, that would've been a key selling point for people, some of which only play Interloper, who could've then chosen to not buy or buy later. Of course there's going to be backlash with an unexpected announcement like that.

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

    Funny (not really) how there’s always complaints.  

    Question 2: Is the table available in Custom? If so, why is interloper necessary? Just make the game ridiculously hard in custom. Or is it simply “I want what I want and nothing is ever good enough unless I get what I want because I represent the majority of the player base?”

    There's no separate setting in custom. I'm currently trying a custom run with all setting set to interloper except for "Baseline Resource Availability" which is set to medium (Stalker level resources). Haven't been to Forsaken Airfield yet but so far I do seem to have found items related to the tale. However, I've also found "better" items, like Hunting Knife, Mariners Pea Coat, Insulated Boots, Peanut Butter and Condensed Milk, which diminishes the difficulty and the feel of Interloper by a lot to be honest. So even if the Tale does work like this, it's not the same.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Nitzy said:

    I'm sorry, but the fact that the Tales portion is not available to interloper players is BS. I paid for the DLC but because I enjoy a more difficult setting I won't be able to access the main draw of the DLC unless I go down a difficulty??

    I understand that loot should be adjusted for interloper but there's no reason to lock us out of the story aspects of the Tales. For the first time since I started playing and supporting this game I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated. If anything, interloper NEEDS Tales. It's difficult to survive which would make earning those story points that much more rewarding.

    Very disappointed. I hope the Dev team changes their minds about this.

    Couldn't agree more honestly, I find I have LESS incentive to go out and explore the world when I play interloper, because it's risky. I need more incentive to go out and explore in interloper than any of the other difficulties. I'd absolutely understand if you'd need to adjust the loot so it won't be too much of a must-do or the rewards won't make it too easy, but yeah even an ear wrap, a jar of peanut butter, hell a pack of tea or other clothing or food that isn't the best of the best, but not available anywhere else in interloper. I'm sure you can make it work... Pretty please...

    • Upvote 11
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  9. It's currently 07:24 Pacific Time, which means they have another 4 hours and 36 minutes to release the update within the time they're aiming for (note they're specifically saying they're not making any guarantees).

  10. I'm in the Netherlands and very rarely does a game or update actually launch at midnight on the launch day. Usually it's 6/7/8p.m. Overwatch always updates at 8p.m. Hogwarts Legacy launched at 7p.m. TLD updates usually at 6 or 7p.m. Never have I even considered complaining that I had to wait. For me it's only logical that game devs would want a global release, and do that at a time when devs are actually in the office to monitor, which obviously is dependent on their timezone. 

    • Upvote 9
  11. Update: Started a new Archivist game, bug in Mystery Lake persists. In addition to that, the same bug occurs in Pleasant Valley's General Store. I'm abandoning my run for now, since it's no use continuing, so I won't know if any of the other locations are bug.


    Second picture is the view from behind the 'screen'.



  12. Guess I'm gonna have to wait a bit before I complete Archivist huh


    (Bug-relevant info: Mystery lake Camp Office buffer memory seems miscplaced. Screen is floating with no laptop. There's a laptop on the other table that isn't "on" so to speak (pic included). Neither are interactible. Aurora is on. Archivist challenge run started yesterday, so after Winter's Embrace and the hotfix. Restarting game and leaving and reentering Camp Office don't fix it.)



  13. 5 hours ago, Stalk & Lope said:

    Also, does anyone know if marine flares exist as loot outside the new region? I haven't found any yet on stalker, and only one in the plateau area which I used already getting out of there. It'd be really nice if there was, I have like 40 regular flares stored at my base and not one marine flare. I think at least the other coastal regions should also have them, it only makes sense they would.

    I think they only spawn in the new region, with the Timber Wolves, since they were implemented specifically as defense against them.


    Edit: Wait no, I just found one in Coastal Highway

  14. Honestly, I feel the same. What little hard-earned-luckily-found protection (aka torches) I had from wolves (not even bears or Timber wolves) is now gone. Yeah it seems that we now have revolvers in Interloper, but I've yet to find bullets, which I imagine are crafted only. This'll just make me play custom games with at least wolf fear and struggle turned up to max, which is obviously a fine workaround but locks me out of achievements. 

    Oh well, just because I don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be added I guess. I'll just stick to custom. I do wish they would give us more detailed patch notes instead of having us guess at wether something is a bug or not (e.g. suddenly being able to add coal immidiately)

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  15. 1 minute ago, stay puft said:

    well great screen shot :)

    but I feared they would add the timber wolf meter into survival and I'm not sure I like it...

    They already revealed it in their November Dev Diary. It's only in the new region for now :)