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Posts posted by Renn

  1. While I used to use some mods, I removed mods, melonloader and everything related to it before the DLC came out. I did a search just in case, but there's nothing from MelonLoader left on my pc.

    The game did launch, it just didn't get past the disclaimer screen. Steam didn't seem to have any issues on it's side. 

    It's also been fixed since I restarted my pc 🤷‍♀️

  2. Hi! I've already made a support request, but figured I'd also make a topic here in case anyone else has run into the same issue. Since this morning I haven't been able to play TLD. I haven't played in a couple days so the issue could've started after the last patch on july 5, but I'm not sure. I can start the game, but when I try to click past the disclaimer screen, I get a message reading "Failed to load DLL (errorcode -998) game won't start". I've already tried verifying the game files and reinstalling the game on either hard drive, but neither fixed the issue.




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  3. I was just thinking, wouldn't it be possible to, instead of a big, immersion-breaking HUD warning, to do some more dialogue instead. The cougar is starting to hunt you, and your character starts saying things like "What was that?" "I feel like I'm being watched...". Of course, I know some people turn dialogue off altogether, but then what about a little dread gauge, much like your other need-gauges, but this one fills up as the chance of a cougar attack increases? 

    This might seem random or it might have been suggested before (I didn't read the whole thread nor have I encountered the cougar myself yet), but this popped into my head last night and I thought I'd add my suggestion to the pile.

    • Upvote 5
  4.   This is intentional. You can still harvest ravaged carcasses (carcasses that have been eaten by wolves) by hand once they're under 50% frozen, and if you harvest a first little bit with a tool you can then finish by hand.

    On 12/5/2023 at 5:59 PM, Admin said:



    New animations for harvesting Carcasses have been added. Note that Fresh or Frozen kills will now need to be initially dressed with an appropriate Tool. No more bare-handed Harvesting of newly killed animals.


    • Like 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, xanna said:

    Steam just added the update to my queue.
    Update for me is at 11:11pm UTC.



    You should just be able to press the download button, left of the cross, and it should update anyway. Steam's scheduling is weird, the update is live as far as I know

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Yes they do..

    Awesome! I vaguely think I remember reading about it, but I'm about to start a new run (as I always do) so I thought I'd double check. The more stuff I have to work towards, the better. Improvised down bedroll here I come!

  7. 10 hours ago, Jotunheim said:

    Has anyone seen ptarmigans on an existing custom game after the patch? 

    So far no luck.  The text changed on the map to ptarmigan nest, but no actual birds to be seen. 

    Still no luck here either (on Steam), on both an existing and a new custom save. Only on a true interloper have I found them. I do believe it's now on the Known Issues list.

    Just checked, it is:


    Ptarmigans will not spawn when playing in Custom Survival


    Presentation: Players utilizing Custom difficulty settings will find that Ptarmigans will not spawn in their games, whether fresh saves or old.

    Workaround: This issue has been addressed and is awaiting the next release to be pushed live.

    Guess we just have to wait for the next update then.

    • Like 1
  8. Don't know if this was a bug before, but I just walked through a waterfall (the one in the cave in Ash Canyon) with a lit match, the match didn't go out and is now stuck in my hand at like the last second left. While the free permanent light source is lovely at the very beginning of this Loper run, it's also prohibiting me from holding items or left-clicking the campfire or pot of water. I was able to place both shortly before, while the match was lit, but I imagine it properly bugged everything once the match was supposed to run out.

  9. 5 hours ago, rush247 said:

    "Gameplay - Fixed an issue that caused players to receive the error message “Failed to Restore the game from a previous Save” when trying to exit an interior to any Region, preventing the player from exiting."


    So does this mean people that thought their save was lost can now play it again?  Anyone care to confirm?

    Can confirm on Steam! Just loaded up my pre-patch save that was stuck inside with this bug, and walked outside with no problems!

    • Upvote 4
  10. 32 minutes ago, Mixu said:

    This update was so unnecessary. Man I finally find a game that I can play hours and hours. Then they have to make changes and make it even crash. Thank you so much!

    You know there's a Time Capsule feature right? It'll let you play previous major updates. You can keep playing for hours and hours and never get any of the new content!

  11. Here's a new one: I'm unable to pick up my cooking pot full of water. Wasn't able to when it was boiling (wanted to Pass Time until Ready), nor when it was boiled. There's a Potato on the cooking spot next to it (open campfire) and I just harvested a Scrub Bush when I noticed it. I can right-click and move it, but left-clicking it didn't work until I moved it far away from the fire.


  12. 9 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    I also worked closely with software developers for about 10 years (not video games though) and ... I mean the third scenario where it was tested, and something else later broke it, yeah I'd buy that... but once you have a release candidate, you're supposed to test that release candidate. Like, not just test the individual pieces, you test what you're about to push from RC to production. And if it doesn't don't push it to production.

    Yeah that makes sense. I guess this person was talking about just the one bug as well, not the whole myriad that came with Part 3 as one whole. Hope they'll be able to fix it soon, I'm really excited for this update and I don't want to ruin it by constantly complaining about the studio I love so much

  13. 11 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    I'm frankly astonished at the number of bugs with this release. It's unprecedented....I've never seen anything like it. I try to be positive but I'm honestly asking myself "was there any playtesting at all?"

    Edit: Of course yes there's internal playtesting, I know this, but just.. Wow. How did all these bugs slip the net? That's where I'm coming from. The ones I mentioned practically leaped down my throat. There's no avoiding them. Even the one I thought I was mistaken on, turned out to be legit. I'm just really struggling to figure out how ALL these bugs slipped the net, all at the same time. Like, in all of the playtesting, nobody ever pressed J? Really?

    Someone on a Reddit thread said this: 


    I do work in game dev, and considering the fact that the bedroll disappearing seems to happen 100% of the time, I can think of 3 possible explanations:

    • It wasn't tested at all
    • It was tested and caught, but they didn't have time to fix it
    • It was tested, caught, and fixed, but later changes removed or re-broke the functionality by accident

    Of these, I suspect #3 is what happened, but there is no real way to know. In a way it is the most 'understandable' of the 3, because it means they thought it was working when they released the patch, but they just happened to be incorrect.

    And I kinda hope they're right. Then again, we can't know what's happening behind the scenes and how they test things so who knows 🤷‍♀️ I will agree that there are some hefty bugs this time around... I don't think any of the earlier updates have affected me as much.

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