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Posts posted by Avelyan

  1. Yes it is.

    So I’m playing on Voyageur.  I didn’t think you could customize setting on the preset levels.  If you can, I can’t find where.  I’ll just have to look harder for a rifle I guess.  🤬

  2. So I must be the unluckiest player in this game at the moment.  I had to restart because I fell into a crevasse between to very large rocks and can’t get out (I’ve tried for hours and hours to no avail).  Now on day 154 in the new game and here is what has happened.

    Mystery Lake - no rifle

    Pleasant Valley - no rifle

    Timberwolf Mountain - no rifle

    Ash Canyon - no rifle

    Forlorn Muskeg - no rifle

    Either I’m missing it because it’s leaning against a tree in the middle of the forest, or there’s a glitch in the game.  If it’s neither of those, I’m just completely unlucky.

    still having fun, but frustrated just a bit.

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  3. Just out of curiosity, is there a way to tell if you have the purchased version or the free update?  Steam did the free update, then i bought the expansion pass and got a second download.  Not sure if it took or not, so I'm checking to see if there is a version code or anything I can check....please advise.

  4. I started a similar thread a couple of years ago, siting that the ice will hold a several hundred pound bear, but will crack under the weight of a man and equipment.  The Devs responded saying that they were aware of the inconsistency and would look at potentially changing this particular game mechanic if it wouldn't be too problematic.  The fact that it is still the same tells me that the change would be too great a pain for the reward.  Unfortunately it looks like we will just have to live with the occasional out-of-reach kill.

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