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Posts posted by MarrowStone

  1. 4 hours ago, wizard03 said:

    Honestly I haven't had much to inspire me towards that feat....if there is a blizzard, I get out of it. Windy conditions, stick along some rocks, or snow walls.....Ontop of that, 25% isn't much of a gain against the wind. Maybe if it was more 40 -50% id go for it, but otherwise, meh.

    With that said, will probably pick up a fishing pole next time one blows through. :P

    I kind of feel like they slightly raised the base wind penalty. I've been below 15 kilos and a -13 degree celcius windchill almost stops me in my tracks.

    Anyways, this skill is much more useful when you put it in a challenge mode perspective. If you're trying to get the best time you can use Blizzard Walker to curb the RNG of wind directions slowing you down and Straight to the Heart to make your coffee and stims even more effective!

    Combine those two with Snow Walker and you'll be flying across the maps. 

  2. 42 minutes ago, reginaphalange said:

    Can you be outside but sheltered against the wind during a blizzard but still accrue time spent outside during a blizzard?

    I've had mine go up while sheltered by the wind in a little hut at Thompson's Crossing. I'm guessing Ice Fishing huts work too. I've only seen it go up during blizzards but you can be sheltered from the wind and still get it.  

  3. Cool stuff. I like the inclusion of a solar storm and eclipse on top of a 3 year winter. It makes it feel more like The Long Dark's premise. 


    500+ years later the viking age WAS actually put to an end partly because of a mini ice age making further colonization of Greenland and the Americas difficult; however, a lot of other factors play in like diminishing trade and trouble with the natives. 


  4. My favourite recent shelter is the community hall in Thompsons Crossing. 

    Lots of storage, able to find bed at night, a 200 kilo wardrobe and plenty of other containers. When it's time to craft it is just a trip to the Barn or Farmstead. 

    Bleak inlet has a really nice outdoor shelter in the cannery with lockers, fire barrel, and a strange Half-Life 2/Gmod vibe to it. 

    I just wish you could occupy the Harbinger vessel...

  5. 4 hours ago, Serenity said:

    Don't generalize from your playstyle to others. I've always done that. It makes cooking much more immersive for me. I see my meat on the ground and can just drag it across to the cooking surfaces and off of them. And don't have to mess around in the menus which I don't find fun at all

    It's fine to have a different experience with it than me. Fun is subjective so maybe i should've said specifically that it doesn't sound fun to me in particular. I didn't intend to marginalize any other opinions on it. I like to see the condition and weight of the food before I cook it so dropping them on the ground makes it take longer to gather that information, especially since condition takes a few seconds to pop up when previewing the item. 

    My perspective is I'm struggling with arbitrary menu stuff like having to drop all my bladed tools when i want to smash open a can. Or having two lanterns and pressing 1 or using the radial menu only equips the highest condition lantern even if it has no fuel left. 

    It is also in reference to having to drop all my meat every time I harvest anything from a carcass. But that was before I was taught by a community member to just press 3 a bunch of times to skip the menu. 

    In the current state of the game, carrying any meat basically hinders my ability to explore the world, when all the processed food runs out I am left with always dealing with wolves whenever I want to leave base with any buffer of food for my travels. I feel like the first scent bar could be lowered in effect slightly. 

  6. @JAFO, your 'debacle' essay was written in a very nice and non combative tone while not beating around the bush being afraid of what you think. I like it. 

    Even if you're wrong or working off of assumptions on some points it's a great example of good player feedback. 

    @Muestereate, The trigger hang time seems to be tied with the aim down sights animation and not the charging event. I've shot both the flare gun and revolver after aiming while under no threat and it is still there. 

    If this extra time is intentional they need to slow the aiming animations for both so it communicates you arent ready and wont feel so clunky or buggy. 

    One problem with this game is that a lot of features that are intentional aren't presented in a way that feels intentional or is communicated correctly. These little things add up and lead to the game feeling buggy and unpolished.

    Are hits with guns and bows chance based now? The flare gun doesn't seem to stick consistently either. 

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  7. 45 minutes ago, wizard03 said:


    I didn't even think there was a way to get around parasites, I thought it was a permanent thing and I should completely avoid bear and wolf meat.

    Yeah, parasites are the worst. 

    After level 5, bear becomes the most efficient meat/bullet ratio source of food, unless moose have changed that. 

  8. Sounds like an essay you wrote last minute explaining to your teacher why you procrastinate. Haha.

    In all seriousness, I agree with your point. TLD can have more meaning than just a survival game. For me, it can be a period of self reflection and meditation where my character is put to the test. Something about the frozen environment, hauntingly lonely songs and the sole goal of grasping for another day can resonate strongly with certain individuals and be closer to their own lives than they may think. Im not saying TLD has an entirely depressive atmosphere, but once you learn to be proactive in game and accommodate for (not master) the elements it makes our own world problems seem that much more doable. We may not have full control over our lives, much like we don't have control over nature in-game, but it is still entirely in our ability to make the most of it and see that sun rise one more day. Or maybe your story where on your own initiative you struggled to get to the abandoned lookout and prevailing with a gift of trusty matches and a smile. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, wizard03 said:

    "Frantically works on cooking skill"
    I reached about 80% cooking lvl2 once, never noticed if meat lasted longer tho. Im going to have to burn a couple more logs this next run.

    oops. I meant level 5.... It makes it so any food you eat except raw meat doesnt give you poisoning or parasites. Even granola bars and sardines 

  10. 1 hour ago, duran1137 said:

    I love playing the sandbox game for hours , perhaps on the coastal map you could boil salt water dry retrieved from a fishing hole  and (craft) salt for making  jerky  meat and fish giving long term preservation and storage possibilities.

    I just write off cooking level 3 as using salt to preserve meats since it effectively eliminates meat spoiling. 

  11. On 12/30/2019 at 8:51 AM, Dx421 said:

    I can get behind that reasoning :D

    Maybe Hinterland can just call them ''Refined Arrowheads'' some of the ones I've seen sold IRL have sections cut out of them, not sure how that helps but the survivor could do that with a milling machine 👍

    The sections cut out reduce weight if I understand this correctly. This would help our survivor because the bow they're using isn't the strongest and you get double the blades for the same weight!

    On 12/30/2019 at 8:22 PM, wizard03 said:

    A broad head has more cutting edges, three-four edges. Not so good for penetration but good for damage. Lots of damage!

    A flat cut is much easier to heal than a jagged hole, I could see the arrow produce bleeding much more effectively and at higher rates, maybe also with more definitive blood trails.

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  12. 2 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

    Misfire" is simply a more understandable word for most people. :) 

    And I totally agree, a misfire is still technically correct because the rifle didn't fire correctly in either case. 

    It would be cool to add multiple types of ammunition malfunctions and their consequences but at the end of the day I'm perfectly fine with keeping it simple. 

    But what puzzles me is why didn't they just add the normal misfire? Too similar to a jam? Or maybe they didn't want to let you get the lead back for balance reasons. 

  13. I hate to get into the specifics of ammunition malfunctions but in TLD the "misfire" seems to actually be a "squib load". A true misfire is when the primer fails to ignite and the round simply doesnt fire. These are scary because the could also be hangfires where the round goes off seconds later. 

    A squib load is when for whatever reason the round doesn't fire with the correct velocity and intensity as it should. Squib loads sometimes don't even exit the barrel and you've got a real problem on your hands if you dont clear it and fire again... I hope you have a rifle cleaning kit. 

    These seem to fit the TLD 'misfire' a lot closer. 

  14. 2 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    That is Coastal Highway.  The prominent central island is Misanthrope's Homestead, and the boxed areas are (in order from north to south) Coastal Townsite, random unmarked patch of road, and Waterfront Cottages.

    It's bleak inlet. The bridge just isn't present on the map to the central island. 


    One secret I've found is that the pork n' beans is mystery meat, possibly human. It's filled with what "looks like pork" but the ingredients list doesn't even have pork on it. 

  15. 19 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    My reasoning would be that it means that everybody is playing a different game, which makes it difficult to compare incidents that they experience with incidents that I experience.

    Thanks, but isn't that already the case with different buildings being destroyed and corpse locations and loot tables?

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