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Everything posted by MarrowStone

  1. Wow! Well now I gotta make sure tothank Janus for the quality of life feature every time. :3
  2. How did I ever miss this thread!? Ill have to update my tastes when ai get proper pc internet.
  3. They probably got the culling distance inverted or something, lol.
  4. Im imagining little bags of kibble instead of peanuts as the airline food, hehe.
  5. I think the warning is a good addition! But.. It seriously should be skippable, all disclaimers should be. After the first dozen or so times most people would be sufficiently warned don't you think? 10 seconds may not seem like a lot, but in the case of repeated booting, it can add up and also be a barrier to people even wanting to start playing! What OP is suggesting here isn't trying to disregard players with sensitivities, but simply suggesting a quality of life option for players who already have been sufficiently warned. I don't understand the comments arguing against it. It wouldnt remove the warning and hinterland should be safe.
  6. I think one clang that immediately triggers and scares the threat away and clobbers it mid pounce like a baseball would just be hilarious. But I dont see the character being able to use it beyond that initial pounce. Once youre on your back it'd be game over and back to using fists. Theoretically it'd make the skillet the best item to use if your luck follows through, but also the least forgiving! And if repairing the skillet is the same as the cooking pot, itd be the most renewable option o.0
  7. Sooo excited! Honestly this one adds quite a bit of character to the overall expansion. Prepping a nice fancy meal just for the hell of it, or the boost, might encourage a varied diet for survivors too! I'm a bit concerned about tip-ups, but we'll see how they're balanced. ^^.
  8. Idk if i want achievments locked behind a paywall for DLC tbh. Tbh I felt miffed when they replaced the 200 days survived with that 500 days survived achiement. I had already deleted the save and 500 days isnt difficult by any means, but is REALLY time consuming to purposely get. Especially when i couldve been almost halfway there!
  9. Lol, the most feared chef in all of Great Bear. They are hard to swing tho and prone to being knocked out of your hands. Id see it ranked as just barely better than "desperation" where it provides an initial potential immediate scare and then gets knocked away and resumes in desperation mode. So like, potentially you'll land a hit and it goes *CLANG!" (chance tied to cooking skill.) causing the predator to run away immediately and leaving you without a scratch. Or it gets knocked away and is the same as desperation.
  10. Geeze thats a blast from the past! I'm definitely still on board with the idea! .aybe it should still be considered "rare", like aurora rare or even more? But maybe it occurs during big blizzards? Or a potential warning that one is approaching? Or just at random to make players curious/scared. xP. Would be cool to have it tied in with the "whiteout" challenge and have the thunder get more frequent as the days run out.
  11. This. Wolf attacks are most for me. But little mistakes that dont seem important at first add up and often force you into risky situations you KNOW are dangerous. (which often leads to to animal attacks)
  12. Thank you for the update! While I'm a little disappointed the updates won't fit the cadence that generated the old early access buzz, I totally understand the need to make your paid product feel more polished and higher quality! I havent had the opportunity to update my game since its release but Im absolutely stoked to try out all the new things! I appreciate the accountability taken for mistakes but its a little heartbreaking to hear so many apologies from you guys! Yes, your fans are a passionate bunch but I'd like to think most of us are pretty patient and forgiving too. All that matters in the end is that ya'll "make it right", and you often do! As always, it's good to hear from the team and I hope that incredible pressure you all have been feeling is relieved.
  13. Id imagine blizzards might make more drop? Renewable coffee would make straight to the heart feat much better. Im kinda hoping it is too but really scarce still, like 30 day respawn cause renewable coffee is a big deal!
  14. This, its like Pleasent Valley, theres space for things. Makes it easier to navigate during high visibility, and a death sentence at low visibility. One problem tho is its not balanced for how our meters are balanced and time acceleration. But it's part of the challenge!
  15. The bunkers definitely win in my book. But to be honest, I never found beachcombing fun or worthwhile, maybe this'll change my mind! Fire hardened arrows will be top tier when they add the Ptarmigan. I wonder if a shotgun is secretly in order too! Acorns will be awesome, vegan challenge, anyone? xP
  16. How much do you recommend Darkwalker? Ig it has its advantages for exploring auroras actually. Do you recommend it for general play however?
  17. He ate a legume that prevented his body from absorbing nutrients. Theres a lot of debate on what exactly he ate and why it killed him but my favorite theory is that the specific plant he ate WAS edible yes, but in his already malnourished state it was toxic. Some foods we consider safe can be dangerous to people who already have imbalanced electrolytes and malnutrition.
  18. Thats one of the final quotes from Chris Mcandless's journal. He hitchiked accross America and starved to death alone inside an abandoned bus in Alaska.
  19. I think they might be useful for roleplay or maybe modding. Could start as a pilot, or a hockey player. They probably didnt want to make clothing items in Tales feel p2w? Also the pilot hat and jacket will be the only manmade hat and outer layer repairable by leather I suppose. Also maybe one of the regions will have a hockey rink? Lol, imagine getting ice skates and increased speed on frozen ice but increased sprains while off of it. pfft.
  20. Rose hips are actually packed with vitamin C, like 10 to 20 times the density per gram than an orange.
  21. It also adds a short timegate to areas of "safety and loot" or allows shortcuts to open up with the necessary work required to implement them. Great for late game progression or risky early game acts of desperation!
  22. Im all for these ideas. I've always wanted a shovel and doors with snow drifts in the way!
  23. Yeah, theres a lot of ramifications for adding this skill/item. I would be against this idea in earlier versions of the game but as the world gets larger and rope climbs more common and varied. It feels like Mountaineering is a much more central mechanic of the game now. It used to be something you planned to tackle and go out of your way for, like a climb up TWM. But nowadays a rope climb could be a daily obstacle or barrier. An collection of seperate items rewards exploration, while a skill rewards work. Both seem equally valued by the devs and could go either way. I just think the skills need reworked first rather than new ones implemented. And I really like all these unique items with benefits in recent updates. Like crampons, otem variations, satchel etc.
  24. Could mean horses are on their way. Also a travois for transporting an injured survivor in episode 4.