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Posts posted by MarrowStone

  1. Do you think polls on this forum accurately show what the community wants in the game? Or is it possible users of this forum might have completely different expectations of the game than the general audience that just play and don't get involved? 

    Being a community informed project, have polls generated by users ever been exceptionally useful?


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  2. Which card game does Will play when he passes time?

    Does he stick to the basic Pyramid Solitaire or take on the fittingly named Klondike Solitaire?

    Or, does he just play Poker with the wolves much like that one Steam Sale banner?

    What form of entertainment does he miss in a post-digital age?

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  3. @FireCraft78, I agree. It's turning into a wishlist forum. 

    Here's a fun question: 

    Do you have what it takes to survive the Quiet Apocalypse? What kind of survivor would you be? How far would you go to survive?

    Im imagining those of us who know the game might have an initial feeling of "Woah! It's just like TLD! Cool!" before we realise we can't play TLD ever again....

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  4. What I think Is done right:

    #1 The Art/Atmosphere/World/Music

    This is number one because the devs have hit it spot on with how they want their game to feel and what the world should be like. What draws me back to TLD the most is the quality of the game world and how easy it is to immerse myself into it. The desire to learn more about the world and be part of it attracts me.

    #2 Meaningful game choices---> Emergent Gameplay and Permadeath

    While plenty of games have dialogue choices that lead to branching campaigns with, (usually) very similar endings, a survivor's story in TLD are crafted by every action you make instead, (but all have the same ending...). Stopping to darn your socks could save your life, or it could *darn* you! Permadeath forces you to learn from your mistakes, and makes death something to be feared. As a result, TLD gives me thrills almost akin to a horror game. However, death never feels too harsh, because in The Quiet Apocalypse, death is inevitable anyways and I learn from it. Not to mention feats and keep a feeling of progress as well.

    after 4 years I still can't get over how beautiful this game is...

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  5. What were the most enjoyable/fun things to work on in TLD? Sound design? Field research? 

    How well documented is the development process? Will a bug reel or any "behind the scenes" footage be released to the public or perhaps unlockable in-game as some reward?

    Any chance we could meet the team again? Perhaps we could hear what they have to say, like in one of those earlier YouTube videos.

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  6. Wellbeing lockets: implemented

    Not being able to craft or read in the dark is in, reading with low statuses is denied, use of weapons with sprains is prevented, climbing while encumbered or sprained is blocked, these actually fit into well-being lockets in my books.

    Injuries and Hinderences kinda count to me. 

    Improved infections and sprains have been implemented

    But don't forget this roadmap was called aspirational, which means nothing was promised to us. They stuck to the plan pretty well though!

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  7. 12 hours ago, Fuarian said:

    Except here's the thing, knowledge IS a resource. The game relies around it. Without knowledge of the surrounding areas, survival and other things like the potential wherabouts of Astrid, the story can't advance. Sure there are other ways to accomplish this other than fetch quests. Maybe if fetch quests were reliant on the actual resources to help the NPC asking for them rather than fetching an unimportant item *lockbox* or fetching items that won't benefit you or the NPC *survival school*. 

    My wording was terrible, Apologies, for clarification i wasnt saying we shouldnt talk to Grey Mother and get supplies for her for information. I found that it was justified. I wasnt dissing fetch quests or getting information from the two npcs. I totally agree with your reply.

    The only quest i didnt think needed to be required was survival school. However, even in that case, Will needed to know what plants were medicinal or not and how to use them as a characyer development and survival tool. But the story could progress without that knowlege further down the line unless it acts as a story element where Will nurses the doctor back to health or in an ironic twist. If that were to happen or similar, then survival school would totally make sense being a "required" quest.

    I didnt think the story was boring at all, quotations were around it earlier to imply thats what some of the community thought about it. Fix my rifle quest was a fetch quest, but it worked fine,  the reason is due to story relevance, and meaningful action. One could say Will also "fetched" the bear's ear, or medical supplies for jeremiah, but theyre not complained about.

    Again, sorry about the bad wording, i tend to play devil's advocate a lot and challege my own points and it can lead to an unfocused statement that can be interpreted different ways. 

  8. Appreciate the news! The moose sound pretty unforgiving, I doubt a single arrow or rifle round would drop them either. 

    As for the story, it was good, the most interesting parts were the fix my rifle quest,  the first 5 days, discovering milton, the bear part, lake gunshots, and moving through the hydro dam. Plenty of exciting missions but they were spaced out with "boring" fillers where you go out and fetch x amount of some material just to get the npc to release a bit more information, i think thats what most players complained about. The part with grey mother worked fine because the player was still "learning", but by episode two, survival school should be optional. 



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  9. Great quote, @selfless, technically with the current game, everything thats not in real time would be a super long loading bar until someone else did an action as well, (kinda like that one mobile game called Blockheads). Harvesting, sleeping, waiting, forging, crafting, cooking, and repairing all would turn the game into a loading screen simulation.

    I do like the suggestion of showing gloves on your character and your current coat's sleeves. And maybe when the rifle is equiped it has to play an animation of the player taking his right hand's mitten off or pulling off the part the covers the fingers if its one of those cool hybrid gloves. It doesnt really bother me too much however.

    Also, welcome to the forums @XAlaskan_420X!




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  10. Honestly trading in that dusty roadmap for a more frequent devblog was a very good idea in my opinion. Roadmaps, build expectations, expectations that are unrealistic even if you plaster "aspirational" all over the list, and give a false sense of "tansparency".

    Devblogs, allow us to hear about current workings and more short term goals being accomplished. It may ruin the surprise of new features being implemented, but it wont leave us looking too far forward either.

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  11. 22 minutes ago, AlexandraRussia said:

    Hello Rafael, I do not know if you see any comments, but please do not have multiplayer, your game is so special, and multiplayer will destroy absolutely everything. Thank you

    The way time works in the game would make multiplayer impossible or really weird.

     Whoever wanted to harvest a fir log or accelerate time in any way would have to wait the full game time instead, or accelerate everyone else's time.

    I hope that helps. I agree that this game is best meant as a singleplayer experience. It makes being immersed much easier as well.

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  12. For some reason the text on this is completely blank and only shows up when i select it like im going to copy paste, im viewing this on mobile. 

    As for the diary:

    Really well laid out and written as always, I'm glad you've been keeping us in the loop with things and everything here sounds like a pretty good plan! 

    4 days of night on a different branch was a very good decision. While I didnt mind it, i can see where people who just bought the game or are working on a specific achievement dont want to wait until the event is over to continue. 

    Im looking forward to December and as always, its always good to hear from you and your team. Thanks for this amazing game. Appreciated!

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