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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. thanks for posting, but on this thread we only post pics of corpses who are sitting. Hence the name, The Sitting Dead...
  2. ...she pressed her life alert button in vain. the last words she uttered were Help, I've fallen and I can't get up...
  3. brrr... so so so colddd.... I wonder if those pills helped him or not
  4. So, did that weird Schrodinger's bear issue get fixed or is that still ongoing? Just curious...
  5. Now that the rope climb has been in place in Raven's Ravine since Bleak Inlet region was added, how about removing the instakill walls? Now that players can reach the bottom of the ravine via the rope climb, why do the instakill walls still need to be active. Back in the day, there was no reason to go down the ravine as it was a dead end, but now that you can escape the ravine by transiting to BI, why bother still blocking the area will walls of death?
  6. It was happening in the hanger at Forsaken Airfield.
  7. Just noticed a peculiar glitch. Seems I can break down items, like cloth, cardboard boxes and pallets but the items don't disappear when I break them down. Basically I am getting unlimited resources from those items, but on the other hand, those same items keep me from reaching other items. For example, I can see a box of ammo on the floor but my path is blocked by a pallet and a cardboard box sitting side by side. After breaking down the items, they are still there, no matter how many times I "harvest" those items. Is this happening to anyone else?
  8. Can't wait to set my table with a peach pie hot outta the oven!
  9. nope but there are some new ones that you might wanna check out!
  10. ...saddened to hear that Episode 5 won't be finished this year. saddened but not surprised. I'd pay extra just to get that part done sooner than later. But that's just me...
  11. piddy3825


    ...they drank it all... but it you want to have that in your game now, there is a mod that will introduce beer, wine and vodka into your game. Then there is the alcohol mod that mimics the effects of drinking so you can actually get drunk and stumble around! Both mods are very well done and definitely add some fun to the game. You should check them out.
  12. No bug. Based on the release trailers and notes it was the decision of the dev team, something about staying true to the genre but allowing for the thrill of discovery but nothing more. So yes, intentionally empty, not even a bag of chips...
  13. lol, you might be on to something there!
  14. Right? I'm constantly changing outfits now just to see how stylish I look when I load my revolver!
  15. How devious of them. They must have been built and administered by Vault-Tec Corporation...
  16. Honestly, I hope to be completely surprised by what Hinterland delivers. I'm hoping that they take inspiration from the fine work put forth by the modding community and really deliver the goods, 'cause like you said, "wouldn't make sense" for them not to. We shall see...
  17. Couple of things I noticed as I explored and looted the signal void bunkers that I found odd and was curious if anyone else has made these observations? One is that that none of the bunkers have any light switches in any of the rooms. Not in the foyer, nor in any of the corridors or any of the rooms, yet all those spaces have electric lighting. Are we to assume these bunkers are/were all hard wired and the lights were never turned off, basically remaining on 24/7 until their power was terminated? Second, is that although plenty of food items are present in these bunkers, there are no hotplates, cookstoves or microwaves in any location so how exactly did the occupants of those bunkers heat their meals? Were all the workers/researchers just eating cold food from a can? On top of that, not even a refrigerator to be found in any location either. I presume everyone must have been drinking room temperature beverages. Oh, and not one coffee pot or coffee maker either! I can't imagine any government facility that didn't have a coffee maker in it. No wonder the workers were going nuts down there...
  18. I'd have to agree with you there. I'm sure that what ever improvements that are made to "Base Customization," I fear it will be a minor improvement that when compared to what the modding community's content will provide.
  19. hmmm, what have we here? \ What ever this tank holds, it appear to be half full! I'm intrigued...
  20. you should get the mod DIY by Santana v2.2 it's a restored mod that's back up on Xpazeman that allows the character to recover nails from pallets which then can be used to fashion furniture like tables, chairs and many items. It really does allow your character to use those creative woodworking skills to build nice comfortable accommodations that really can make your gameplay more immersive.
  21. lol, sweeping the trash under the rug... That's typically what you get when you hire a cheap cleaning service!
  22. Turns out the third bunker was in the muskeg.