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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Thanks, Manic, If there's anyone I trust to give me an accurate answer it's you!
  2. I was merely using those items as an example. and yes, I am one tough dude. I mostly just play naked...
  3. Been playing the game for a long time now and just recently got to thinking about whether or not the various clothing slots have any impact on my characters stats other than the way I look when I wear them? For example, I have two coats, one is a windbreaker and the other is a mackinaw jacket. Does it really matter which one is worn on the inner slot vs the outer slot? I always thought that it didn't matter but lately I've started to wonder if perhaps there is some subtle difference that I've overlooked? I dunno, am I just overthinking this or does slot selection really make a difference?
  4. lol, woulda been there sooner if I didn't need to sleep...
  5. Yeah, I'd have to agree that the new loot tables are the culprit behind these anomalies. I guess they just didn't take in to consideration the effect on the challenges when they implemented these changes in the survival part of the game. As to looking what else is wonky, like your idea of finding a rifle in the Hunted challenge seems like a novel idea and I'd like to know how it all turns out if you decide to do it! Should be interesting!
  6. Decided to replay some of the challenges. Spawned into Trappers and immediately found a distress pistol... New personal best record ever!
  7. First time this ever happened to me. Playing stalker, I'm heading up the hill towards the fire watch tower in ML carrying the bounty of my recent kill so my smell-o-meter was off the scale and as I'm getting towards the top of the stairs, the vista prompt flashed on my screen reminding me to sketch the location on my map. I get the charcoal out and as I begin sketching all of a sudden a wolf attacks me. Right there on top of the stairs. I'm momentarily stunned as I thought it was impossible for wolves to walk up the stairs, let alone all the switch backs leading upstairs! We struggle back and forth and I'm totally stabbing the beast, but not before he chomps me pretty good. I quickly retreat into the bunkroom and close the door. After patching myself up, I venture back outside on the deck to finish my sketch which had been previously interrupted to find the wolf dead down on the next landing! Definitely the weirdest thing I've experienced yet in this game. So is this wolf behavior a new thing, cause it's pretty scary awesome if the wolf AI can stalk you like this!
  8. Impressive, most impressive but your true powers are still developing!
  9. A grim reminder that life was tough on the island well before the event...
  10. Came across this unfortunate soul. His mourning was so great that he lost his will to live. In his despair he slumped off the bench and into the cool embrace of the snow that surrounded him. With only his thoughts to torment him, he quietly slipped into the long dark. I took the opportunity to say a few words and then I turned out his pockets. He had nothing...
  11. Retrieving the ballistic vest from BlackRock Prison Looks like the vest wasn't enough to save the life of this inmate. Seems at least one of the guards was the better shot...
  12. lol, some folks are just happy with vanilla. I prefer tooti fruity!
  13. yes, the gloved hands are part of a mod called Personality. Personality v0.6.0 by Waltz Let's you customize your character: replace textures and change outfit. You can check out the available mods for TLD here if you want! The Long Dark - Mod List (
  14. After many months of dormancy, my powers have once again awakened! bwahha hhaha
  15. Looks like the folks that owned this house on Coastal Highway just got this new flat screen before they bugged out. First tv I've found in game that didn't look all busted up.
  16. Found this poor wretch in the fire lookout on Coastal Highway. He appeared to be uninjured so it's difficult to say what he died of. I guessing he lost his will to live and just slunk down in the corner after he overturned the furniture in the lookout if a fit of rage or desperation after having discovered there was nothing worth looting. He could have just sat down and died comfortably but his despondence was so great he just slumped down and faded into the long dark...
  17. Cooking TLD style Wolf cutlets Smoked fish Bunker style cooking Beans and bbq
  18. Glad to hear you're enjoying this ongoing work in progress. Next time you come across some of the sitting dead, please grab a screenshot and tell their story here!
  19. My latest adventure has been astonishing me with some spectacular views of Ash Canyon. This early nightfall scene was eerily beautiful. Something about that full moon felt primal.
  20. No problem. Still plenty of sitting dead to be discovered!