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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. It got a little dark on the Island today after I was journeying across Costal Highway in the aftermath of the recent big event. Apparently the changes were a bit too much for this survivor so either in a fit of rage, anger or frustration this unfortunate player choose to fade into the long dark...
  2. @Revelation_jeff, right on mark with my sentiments as well. Besides that, I wanted to give you a heads up that you can rest assured the admin team is aware of your feelings and has read thru this thread 'cause earlier when I logged in, I was checking the user stats and it indicated admin was logged in as well and just so happened to be reviewing these posts! So that's a good thing, right?
  3. Same experience here on a new voyager game I launched the other day as well. also wanted to note that animal and human corpses seem to also be in different areas, kinda nice for a change although it feels that feather drops around those corpses aren't typically in three's any more. Often finding just one, sometimes two instead of the typical 3 feather yield. About the only other thing that I would care to mention that I would have liked to see differently at least as it pertains to CH, is maybe change up the burned out houses some as well. Same old houses standing as it has been for many years of gameplay now. I'd like to see Hinterland put the ole RNG algorythm to work and actually make those all the buildings subject to either being intact or destroyed. Gets kinda old seeing the same old layout time after time after time.
  4. piddy3825


    lol, isn't this basically what we called a "trainer" back in the days of dial up on-line gaming. I remember using something similar when Blizzard rolled out Diablo 1 for online multiplayer. Everybody was cheating using god mode and unlimited item duplication all sorts of silly little cheats... I sure wish I had some Godly Plate of Whale and a Heavenly Sword of Titans right now so I could vanquish that foul pack of wolves that has been hounding me all week thru the glimmer fog...
  5. oh, don't let the glimmer fog put you off. It's kinda an interesting ailment to introduce into the game and so far in my gameplay, I've contracted it three times now since arriving at the airfield. I've even already discovered a work around, by accident of course! When I got insomnia the second time around, I also just happened to eat a questionably low condition can of sardines which promptly gave me food poisoning! Oh no, I thought to myself as 10 hours of sleep is required to cure food poisoning in addition of course to antibotics and a liter of water. I thought to myself, this is it. Here's where I am gonna die, wide awake, fatigued and puking my guts out... Fortunately the food poisoning algorythm takes precedence over the insomnia affliction and I was able to medicate, sleep and cure both maladies in a single night! Hurray! Anyways, hopefully by the time the console release date arrives, all the issues that have been discovered by pc players will have been addressed and your gameplay experience will be better for it!
  6. Well, actually the prepper cache spawns in ML, PV and the recently added cache in BlackRock were all guaranteed bunker spawns. Random location, yes but also guaranteed and without failure. The ML and PV bunkers have been in the game since inception and have been an intregal part of the survival sandbox experience for thousands of players over the years and many players applauded the addition of the third bunker when BlackRock region was added to the game. The ML bunker also holds a place in story mode in the quests in Episode 2, so yeah, just dropping them without notice is kinda a big deal. I think Hinterland could use a passionate player or two with a background in public relations working closely with the dev team when it comes to communicating fundamental changes and revisions to the players/customers who buy their products...
  7. lol, I was gonna say, it might actually be a blessing in disguise, considering some of the many issues that have surfaced since the dlc release. Here's to hoping they make quick progress on the issues for the Mac users who don't happen to have a spare pc backup...
  8. appreciate the sentiment. I'm not "worked" up over it either, just a bit irritated, cause like you said, "It's a simple thing that should have been in the release notes." I guess Sito fails to see that...
  9. trust me, I "wasted" all that time for you so you didn't have too. you know I like finding a bunker, felt kinda betrayed that they would take a staple item like that outta the game without telling the players. I'd really like to know the reasoning behind that decision. I'm guessing it had something to with the loot table re-balancing and they couldn't work the kinks out, at least not yet.
  10. lol, the face on your avatar seems to sum up your feelings! got that look of slow smoldering resentment...
  11. Found this on Reddit... Hinterland Support 5 (Hinterland Studio) Dec 7, 2022, 18:16 PST Hi there Pavel, Thanks for reaching out to us. At this time almost all Prepper Caches are disabled in game by design. We'll be re-enabling them once again in the near future. I hope this clarifies why they're missing! Kind regards, Hinterland Support I'm just curious why this was necessary? Something to do with loot rebalancing? Shoulda been in the release notes if you ask me. oh well, here's to hoping they get re-enabled sooner than later, am I right? I'm kinda miffed about reading this news...
  12. was playing this evening and hiking around the airfield and everything was going fine, until the glimmer fog started setting in any my frame rate dropped from 60 down to 9 fps in a matter of minutes. It seemed to fluctuate with the movement of the undulating electrical surges in the snow, getting so low I was afraid my game would crash. anybody else experiencing any lag or fps drop when your in the glimmer fog? or is it just me? I'll admit I could use an upgrade to my GPU, but it only seems to happen in this fog...
  13. I think I miss "Remove Clutter" and "Place Anywhere" the most. come to think of it, I miss just about all the mods that I used to regularly use...
  14. I dunno, based on all the various commentary from dozens of players across a few different social media platforms, lots of players are finding that bearskin bag in the coal shute building. I'm fairly confindent, when I say it's probably gonna be a guaranteed spawn. But, if the bag ends up the same acclerated wear rate that it has had in the past, the trick is gonna be keeping it maintained. Still gonna need a fresh bearskin to repair it! 😬
  15. yeah, I did too on voyager. seems to me this probably gonna be one of the "new" guarnteed spawn points for the bearskin bag. do you think that might be likely?
  16. yeah, Mukluks which used to one of the rare items in the game are now pretty common place. I've found no less than 3 pairs since I started playing.
  17. lol, with the insomina I feel like I'm walking around like a zombie during the day, you'd think a cup of coffee might help?
  18. speaking of bows, have you noticed how your bow now seems to be a bit more powerful? I'm constantly overshooting my targets now when I aim with a little arc like I used to. I'm kinda liking the added range to the weapon, but still struggling to get dialed back in.
  19. @Shadox I'd have to agree that I the items I do find are usually candy bars, chips and jerky. Well at least now I have some bows and arrows, so I'll be doing a little hunting to augment my supply of ketchup chips!
  20. lol, I think the dev team is chuckling about the player reactions to the new loot tables. Nothing is where it used to be and believe me, I've checked. upwards of 85% of the containers, cabinets and corpses are empty, so many that I've practically just quit looking into them as it seems it has become a colosal waste of time. I started playing voyager difficulty when the dlc dropped, where I randomly spawned into mountain town. Couldn't find a gun or a hatchet anywhere and believe me I've been looking. I managed to make my way to the airfield, looting and scooting the entire way there and have yet to find any firearms, but luckily I have managed now to find a couple of hatchets as well as a couple of bows and some arrows. So at least now I'm able to get a little payback. Fortunately there were no wolves in the area while I was stumbling about the new area exploring and looking for loot, however this has dramatically been corrected by one of the 4 update tweaks that have been issued since the dlc dropped. I'm not complaining, but I think I'd like it more if the items I do find would be found in areas more likely to contain those items. Like tools in tool boxes, food in kitchen cabinets, etc. you know what I mean?
  21. glimmer fog... seemingly innocuous until it starts messing with your brain chemistry. I've succumbed do this new condition twice now since arriving at the airfield and each time I was far, far away from the hangar. And yeah, waking up every couple of hours is maddening. The only time I got a good nights sleep was when I accidently got food poisoning eating a questionable can of sardines. At least the food poisoning recovery mechanic provided a good work around to my insomnia cause I slept 10 hours straight after popping a couple of anibiotics and drinking a liter of water. Now that I'm back in the hangar, I hope to utilize the bed in the basement! yeah, insomina is quite a pain in the butt...