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Posts posted by TheRealNFK

  1. On 7/1/2019 at 8:11 PM, piddy3825 said:

    I would have to agree that it isn't a .44 Magnum, and I too am inclined to think it's a .357, but it could very possibly be a .40 as well imho.  At any rate, at closer ranges, this handgun does better than fair when it comes to putting down wolves.  if you crouch down and take deliberate aim on a charging wolf and take the shot before they pounce you are almost guaranteed a kill shot.  When sneaking up on grazing deer, a close range shot can drop them in their tracks.  A gut shot or flank shot and the animal may bolt but so far each hit of my trusty sidearm has resulted in the animal bleeding out.  I have taken two bears, each with a single shot, both resulting in mortal wounds which have led to the bear bleeding out over the course of an entire day.  Not so with the moose.  I shot the moose in the head from close range and that merely pissed him off...

    I can't speak to the performance aspect, but the visual model of the revolver looks similar to a Smith & Wesson Model 29 , although the grip is a bit more stretched out and less vertical. The S&W Model 29, using the .44 Magnum cartridge, became crazy famous in the seventies after the Clint Eastwood movie Dirty Harry. The one in the game uses one of the shorter barrels, I think.

    Anyways, I'm not saying it IS this specific revolver, I'm just saying the visual model looks very similar, and the Model 29 is the likely inspiration.



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  2. It seems fine to me. The challenge feels designed as a grand tour to show new players a variety of locations across different maps. If you already know all the locations well, or use external maps during play, then it's obviously not that difficult. I think Pillock has the right idea about loot, though. Nomad is mostly about scavenging, there's really no need to get into any of the crafting to make it through the challenge. I think all I crafted were old man bandages.

    As far as boredom while waiting inside a location, I either perform an activity (cooking, harvesting, mending, sharpening, cleaning) or use the pass time function on the radial menu. If there was no way to accelerate time then yes, it would be boring to sit inside waiting to sleep, but that's not the case.

    • Upvote 5
  3. On 9/28/2016 at 3:44 PM, thinair said:

    Celcius :) I just had a storm of -75c :)


    On 9/29/2016 at 8:22 PM, EternityTide said:

    dude, that's well past the point when Carbon Dioxide starts solidifying out of the air. Inhaling air at that temperature would very likely be lethal, or at least give your lungs severe frostbite.


    2 hours ago, cekivi said:

    Close but not quite. The melting point of Carbon Dioxide is -78C. The "feels like" includes wind chill so we're not quite at the point where the component parts of air begin separating.


    1 hour ago, ungoliant said:

    day 40 morning blizzard in interloper gave me a -121F blizzard, which is -85C.  I'll screenshot the next one.


    1 hour ago, Patrick Carlson said:


    This is certainly interesting. Important to always take out the wind chill, as cekivi mentions, but a fascinating topic. :coffee:

    And happy to see some of your extreme weather screenshots/measurements! It's always nice to see what Mother Nature is capable of. 

    All this talk of low temperature made me curious, so I looked up the coldest recorded temperature on Earth (as measured by ground personnel, not satellite measurements). Turns out it's −89.2 °C, from Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983. There's also a tradition called the 300 club among scientists at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. They wait for a day when the temperature drops to −100°F (-73°C), then they first warm up in the sauna to 200°F, and then run outside naked to the geographic south pole marker, thus enduring a temperature change of 300°F.

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  4. First off, amazing job with the sandbox. The sandbox content alone has been more than worth the price of admission.

    Secondly, that content preview video: Sweet! I loved all the new details, the cracks in the lake ice filled with new snow, all the new interior details and objects, and then...

    That aurora! With a pan to the burning power line! Carrington event turned up to eleven, a beautiful sky that ends civilization.

    But really, the best part wasn't in the video, it was this statement in the announcement: "Instead, the majority of Episodes One and Two take place in brand new regions that will launch for the first time with Story Mode, so nobody will have seen them before."

    Thank you so much for all new maps to go with story mode, it will definitely be worth the wait. Besides, I still have all this sand left to play with.

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