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  1. Today
  2. Yeah, I tried holding up a bear pelt up to the roof from the inside once many years ago trying to use the curing in place glitch and the attempt proved futile. I did however use it pretty extensively hanging hides on the walls throughout my various base camps! Love the fact you have fleshed this glitch out and aired it here! Now, please figure out another way to use a frying pan to create a makeshift bridge at the cannery in Bleak Inlet!
  3. There is but is rabbits and wolfs only... you need to disguise to be able to enter.
  4. Yesterday
  5. PrincessAutumn, I commonly prowl the edge of the ice after every blizzard in CH. Two types of loot: Type 1 are items that appear on the ice singly or in groups (over a stretch of say 10 paces) that appear about every 5 days without a blizzard in essentially the same locations. On Voyageur the prized items are rifle cartridges, rifle shell casings, knives, hacksaws, quality tools, cloth, leather, saplings, flares, stims, MRE's, tooks and red longjohns You can gather prodigious quantities of loot over a 100 days or so of diligent beach combing. Type 2 are items found only after blizzards and despawn after 3-4 days. These include fishing boats, canoes, trunks, suitcases, backpacks and filing cabinets. All of these may contain valuable items including arrows, hatchets, revolver rounds, rifle rounds, sewing kits, matches, flares and various clothing items. Some Type 2 locations are perfectly safe while others are surrounded by weak ice and are sure to get you dunked. To deal with the locations where searching for loot will get you dunked I first (1) make a fire nearby, (2) get 1 or 2 teas warming up, (3) take off but do not drop clothing. Rush to the location and loot till you fall in. Once dunked in the cold water retreat to the fire, drink the teas, put back on all clothing and retreat to an area where you can sleep for 12 hours. In CH Jackrabbit Island house is ideal for recovery while the fishing hut between Jackrabbit and Misanthrope works well - the latter works best if you can make a fire in the pot belly stove. After a few dunkings it becomes routine.
  6. You could go from Blackrock to Mountain Town through keepers pass if the tunnels weren't collapsed since that's where the road goes But you have to go to pleasant valley, then mystery lake and then climb up to mountain town
  7. This is the one I meant to reply too..sorry .. I forgot about that one too.. I thought it was easier directions I gave for someone if they don't know the maps very well..
  8. I forgot about them... .. they're going to be an interesting bit of fun😁
  9. Tip-ups! Setting up a few and then cooking/crafting/sewing/harvesting/sleeping while periodically pulling in fish is so cozy. Feels much more "active" and engaging than the original/default fishing system
  10. If you don't mind spoilers, there are some great maps on the internet you can use. Oh, and there is a 2nd transition cave to AC from TWM, very close to Deer Clearing.
  11. I actually tried to use "curing in place" for this first but unfortunately it only works "indoors" and the defined indoors area for the hut is a rectangular solid that excludes the triangular roof!
  12. You never can tell, years ago in a tiny little village in Belgium I found a great Goth club.. people travelled for miles, the goths must have outnumbered the villagers!
  13. We really enjoyed the feel of the Tale, the journey to the bunkers and the strange notes you find. Cooking is great!
  14. I really liked Kona, but Kona 2 just didn’t work as well.
  15. Don't Underestimate Stones.mp4 Humans are the only animal that can throw things with such power and precision, so take advantage of it >:)
  16. I never thought of it. But in mountain town surely a small bar / tavern could run ...
  17. and this is what makes the game and the story interesting! Maybe i'll post such a moment my self with a picture. I went through the Ice in DP while trying to grab some beach comb loot Hypotermia - yeah!
  18. Nightclub needs a population able to make use of it. Seems likely that if there was one it would be in Perseverance Mills which I take to be about the only urbanized area on the island. There should be a port or ferry or barge terminal there as well to support the big trucks and tankers that presumably transport goods and fuel around the island. Of course this is a game world so not everything that might be expected would be present.
  19. That would be nice and cosy.. but I think mountain pass is going to be more like hrv,with more rocks..though I hope not lol
  20. @Looper Last time it wasn't a lack of shelter... It was me choosing to needlessly push my luck, not bring any coal to save on weight, the bad luck of a blizzard less than a day after the previous one... that blizzard hitting while I was resting on a ledge... and the gear inside of the cargo containers of being unusually low quality. If any one of those things had not been a factor... I would have tanked the blizzard just fine, even comfortably. In perfect honesty was my choices and some rotten luck that ultimately cost me that run. 🤭 However, I see the merit of a survive and thrive on the summit run... one of these days. Thank you.
  21. good find with the saw - good luck at TWM - bring materials to a snow shelter on the top this time 🤩
  22. @Looper Thank you, I'm glad folks enjoy reading along with my adventure/misadventures. This one is a Stalker [no feats] run. Also, no additional personal rules or restrictions this time. Just a survivor gearing up to eventually launch my first expedition into the Far Territory.
  23. Did I mention- Pancakes??? I know I mentioned them before, but the *one* *specific* *favorite* *thing*: 🥞🥞🥞🥞🥞 That is all.
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