Pick up snow and drop to test wind direction


Test wind direction  

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In the low wind conditions, it seems a bit difficult to judge the wind direction. A common trick while hunting is to pick up some dust or snow and drop it to judge the wind speed and direction. Some hunters carry a small squirt bottle to put a puff of water spray into the air for the same reason. Others carry various scents either as bait or to mask the human scent.

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No I usually use my lighter instead ;)


it it would require the animals to be able to scent you downwind as a game mechanic which I'm totally for, but is not the case. And in really light winds a match or lighter flame works far better than snow, sand, leaves to indicate wind. Trust me. 

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2 hours ago, Seshins said:

No I usually use my lighter instead ;)


it it would require the animals to be able to scent you downwind as a game mechanic which I'm totally for, but is not the case. And in really light winds a match or lighter flame works far better than snow, sand, leaves to indicate wind. Trust me. 


You have a definite limit for the number of matches in the game and more so, if you are in the woods with no idea if you will find any more.

My understanding is that in the game animals definitely scent you. That's the whole point of this in order to approach the quarry for hunting, or to evade predators. They especially smell you if you have raw meat or if there is bait around.

Isn't that the case @Bethany Williams?

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The wolves smell the raw meat sure but there is no indication the game animals scent you to the degree your mentioning. 


As as the beard mentioned in other posts animal AI is something they will flesh out later, and maybe your idea will have some further merit down the track if hunting becomes a fairly involved part of the game, but at this stage I think your idea just isn't too relevant. Don't confuse this with me saying its a bad idea, it's something I would like, but throwing up handfuls of snow seems like a waste of dev time at this stage for no appreciable effect. 

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Animals do detect you from a greater distance if the wind is blowing towards them. Maybe the difference it makes isn't all that much, but the mechanic has been in TLD for quite some time now.

It's possible it's broken or has been removed. I haven't tested it recently.

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