Hello from the Sunshine Coast!


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Hi, just another Canadian raised in Ontario in the Haliburton Highlands area and know for real what survival can be like in the great white north. We grew up learning how to respect the great outdoors in an environment that can easily lead to a real life survival situation. Around about 22 yrs old I moved to the west coast of Canada in a bid to find work and settle down. Here the climes are much more moderate on the coast, I absolutely love it here (the fishing and hunting is awesome) but often reminisce about the early years in my life and feel a little homesick. I think that's what I love the most about the game is that it brings me back to those days when there really was at times an element of survival.

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Hey there! Glad to have you join our community, and our coast =)

It's great to hear the game is a reminder of home for you. I had never heard of the Haliburton Highlands (not a native Canadian!), but it looks amazing. Growing up there must have been a uniquely fascinating experience.

Thanks for sharing with us, and we'll look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome!

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