Native Remedies...


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I am wondering how far you will be going to introduce medical remedies in your game?

The use of roots, bark, and other essential items to help counter what we will get into such as rabbit starvation (protein poisoning), and other ailments which is, and are very common during harsh winter months in North America.

A large portion of what we see in today's medicine is heavily influenced by Native American (and other) cultures.

Anyway, just wondering.

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If that ever gets implemented - I hope it'll include the risks of eating similar but different plants, and that it takes as long in game to get the results as it does in real life (so that we wouldn't have any insta-heals, instead slowly heal you from the effects over a span of in-game hours / days with effects starting to appear after some time (obviously effects vary depending on what you use - eg. eating some poisons mushrooms results in relatively quick symptoms) ).

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I'd love to see this come in future "seasons" of TLD.

Unfortunately. most herbal remedies are inaccessible / dormant in a winter survival scenario (something I have some expertise in.)

A large portion of what we see in today's medicine is heavily influenced by Native American (and other) cultures.

Gonna have to disagree with you there. For the last 1/2 century, medicine is heavily based on chemically created pharmaceuticals that are nothing close to nature.

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