my first near death experience


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i was playing on pilgrim, so it was a little more forgiving. were it on stalker, i never woulda made it :P

but i was in desolation point, and i saw the bear a little down the road where it spawns near the broken bridge.

this was my first time to see a bear in this game. and bears are my favorite animal in real life. so. i decided to go poke it. i was curious, i wanted to see their behavior in the game. but i had no intention of dying, i had several flares and a rifle with 15 rounds. 15 rounds that i forgot to load into it.

when i tried to shoot the bear, i heard the click. the only thought that went through my head as it was charging at me was "ooooohhh ****"

it ate my legs. nothing else. had it been hungry for my upper body, probably would have died. but when i got up both my legs were bleeding and both my ankles were sprained. i was at 6 percent condition. being the health freak i am in most videogames (im so unsatisfied when my health is below 100 percent. it could be 99 percent and id still use first aid xD ) i had a decent amount of hoarded medical supplies. so i treated my wounds, put my sleeping bag down not far away, started a fire and slept for the night there out in the open.

after that i went to hibernia processing and found some food and water, decided to load my rifle, then noticed that the bear stole it. i went back for it, and the bear saw me and charged me again. this time, though, i threw a flare at it. scared it off, thankfully. got my rifle back.

i continued on for 30 days until i got stuck in a blizzard and died, my longest overall run :P

if yall have any good near death experiences, id love to hear them :)

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  • 9 months later...

About 65 days in, I'm struggling to find food and water. Then I see it. The Gas Station. "THANK GOD!" I scream, as I run towards it. I get there, get pretty much loaded down with supplies, I walk outside, and then I see IT. A wolf, no big deal, or so I thought. I had dealt with them before. I shoot it, it falls over. Then the bear came out. I manage to get into the gas station and hide, and the bear wanders away, thinking he's won. I shoot the bear to death, screaming "WHO'S THE GOD NOW, HUH?!" And THENNNNNN........................... wolf. Should not have forgotten to heal. REST IN PEPPERONIS ME.

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