#2946 - v.280 No metal From Harvested Pot


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Pretty sure this has happened to me twice now, this oven I harvest the Pot that was on top of the stove, after doing so I get not metal. looked everywhere for it on the floor, in the oven etc but nothing. maybe you can test to see whats going on - thanks.

Here is a screenshot below, its on coastal highway.


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Yes, I had the same thing happen on Coastal Highway. I believe what's happening is the scrap metal is spawning inside the stove/countertop so that the player cursor cannot see it. The reason why I think that is I harvested some metal off of a countertop (also in CH) and the scrap metal spawned inside the countertop, but with an edge of it just barely sticking out so that I could see it. Because part of it was sticking out, I was able to pick it up. Unfortunately I didn't take a screenshot, but I'll try to remember to do so if I see that happening again. Anyway, with the pot on the stove, I think it consistently spawns completely inside the stove so that it's completely impossible to access.

Hopefully it's fixed in the future.

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